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Everything posted by Kanami

  1. Pffft, you weren't supposed to find away around the problem <_< Ah well, depends on the structure I suppose, Kamilla blames Iso/Iri for her troubles so expect anything you say to be viciously cut down unless it's bullet proof :P But yeah, I'll try to decrease my plot screwing a bit, doesn't mean I'm backing off on the insults and finger pointing though XD
  2. I don't wanna! *Starts pouting* Seriously though, I can't tell what parts of your posts are important(plans) and which parts are just RP segments, so I can't really stop messing with them without ceasing to mess with your characters completely. (And that's not something I'm willing to do, unless you find me someone else to bully) Anyway, Snowy, have you got a plan for where we're supposed to head to next? Or are you open to group vote? Since we'll be stuck chatting forever until someone decides and.... well Kelas the crazy knife nut will stab us all if we argue too much XD
  3. ^I knew, so I can't imagine it any other way, mainly cause people ruined it for me before I even knew about Star Wars. XD Nady - Messin'around = Nothing :(
  4. *Needs to find a way to get into Snowy's PM box so she can ruin all birdy's plan* But then again, I suppose I can just ruin them as they come :/
  5. ^Lies Sadly though I've only managed to upset Isotov, came dangerously close to him turning me to ash, but sadly he hasn't done any parlor tricks yet :( I lost, I'm sorry
  6. Kamilla went quiet for a few seconds, trying to work things out in her mind "Halton seems like the safest choice" she said rather quietly. "I agree with the healers reasoning, if we're going to look for the General then he'll most likely be at the capitol, though, that's like walking into a hornets nest, As for the Soria......" she paused and looked up at Kelas, "I strongly object" she stated firmly. Before Kelas could say anything she quickly added "From what I hear the Soria are savage and merciless monsters, but that is of little importance, if we rely on the Soria, we'll get them mixed into this, probably be accused of harboring criminals, and they'll have to hand us over." Again Kelas tried to interject but Kamilla was quicker "and if they don't it'll start a war between Elysimma and Soria, perhaps even the entire Nomad clans." Editted out Tessa's name since I don't think I've been told it yet
  7. @Lacuna, I was assuming something along those lines, otherwise there wouldn't be a point in a border guard. :/ I would have thought there'd be no specific border guard, since the border would change if Elysimaa invaded Vaorin in past/future, but it's plausible the wall was erected to keep the Demon Lord out 25+ years ago. There are probably other outposts/towns which are on the border, but due to Snowy's carrier pigeon, I assume they'll all be guarded too. @Phoenix And come on birdy >_< My attacks have been as focused on Irina, as they have on Isotov. I'll be sure to add a relation with both Isotov and Irina, in the near future, just need to think of the words.
  8. OoC: I've been calling you both girlfriend/boyfriend for ages now XD I still refer to Kelas as a man too XD Startled at Kelas shouting, Kamilla quietened down a bit "At least turning you in would clear the rest of our names from the wanted list, what you do alone after that is none of my business" she muttered. She glared at Irina, then faced Kelas, "So what do you propose? Since you're demanding everyone stop doing what they're doing, you obviously have a plan" she paused "And please don't tell me, we just make a run for it, for as long as we're in Elysimma, running around without a plan isn't going to do us any good"
  9. I just figured I have to mention this "I love you Phoenix" XD You're the fuel to my fire XD The others finally succeed in calming my character down, and then you fire her up all over again XD Yes I'm being whiny, she's technically a civilian who got dragged into this mess through no fault of her own, and is going to be edgy and hysterical for awhile yet at this rate XD PS: How do you people plan to backtrack? Wouldn't you need to cross the border to do that?
  10. "And where do you suppose the gold from the guards pockets came from? The sky? Those corrupt pigs are probably going to start terrorizing the people and start taking bribes again like when that girl gave us hell, things finally started calming down and then your wonderful girlfriend and you decide to wreak havoc again. Even if they didn't you're stupid missus still con'ed the guards and their family out of a few meals for what? Your traveling expenses? Take responsibility? If your going to take responsibility, walk yourself back to that town and turn yourself in, or are you just spouting rubbish? Instead of telling people to stop defending you, how about you stop defending the hag beside you who is just as guilty? With Kelas's comments she looked at Kelas like she was some sort of dirt. "The thing is, I didn't blast anyone, the thing is, that man burned the inn. I'm not accusing anyone, I'm stating facts, and if you're going to if me, then "If you're brother hadn't started questioning me about the crimson weapons earlier this morning I never would have had to draw my tome"
  11. "Why don't I what?" Kamilla asked defiantly? "You two clowns caused this mess" she shook her head "What idiot uses fire magic inside? A wooden building to be more specific, I mean would brushing that mans hand off killed him? Kill first, think later is clearly your policy." And even if for one reason or another it wasn't his fault and these weapons are cursed or whatever, you stole and then attacked the town guards, do you know where that money comes from? It comes from taxes, the town was already experiencing poverty, prostitution and illegal wagers without you taking a chunk of their taxes away for your own personal greed. Or what, does your weapon control you as well?" Kamilla huffed in irritation, it was bad enough that the two had the nerve to go get some "me" time amongst the current issues, and here the woman was expecting everything to be solved for her. Kamilla looked up at the mentioning of a knife wielder, she had heard rumors of a girl who wielded a pair of blood red daggers not too long ago, but she was too irritated to mention anything.
  12. Kamilla glared at Irina angrily "No, we're still trying to work out how to get out of this mess you and your boyfriend have gotten us into" she snapped. Kamilla wasn't used to pressure, and sitting around talking was slowly eating away at her, *In her mind* What if the soldiers catch up? What if someone here was a spy? What if they actually commence a bandit hunt? What if... the list went on.
  13. For supports I actually recommend doing them in PM's and then posting the entire conversation when applicable. If you look at the incest Support conversation between Irina and Isotov it's pretty long, imagine making each of those lines a separate post. Takes too much space, and there's a high chance someone else will butt into the conversation (it's not their fault, they don't know). EDIT: Also how many support points are we allowed to spend? 5? As in can we have a B support with every character? <_< Or just 2 people on B (since A and C don't really do anything)
  14. OoC: Rein, there is no way in hell you're telling me Conrad is more influential then Harold, Harold's one of the six great heroes for crying out loud XD (Swordmaster I think) I thought Conrad was a low level general anyway? I admit that the Crimson weapon would get him power, but that power is nothing compared to Lord Harold, the Crimson Weapons wouldn't even exist if it were not for him and his righteous deeds" in a battle of influence between General Jackson and Lord Harold, the general wouldn't last a second. Noticing Morgan saying similar things she decided she'd drop her case on Jacksons influence. "And despite your knowledge of the man, I can't imagine him sacrificing everything he's worked for until now for the sake of this little group. Even should the demon lord rise again there is no guarantee Crimson weapons are required to stop him, not with many of the great heroes still around at least anyway."
  15. Kamilla shook her head, "General Jackson might be influential, but his influence is nothing compared to that of Lord Harold, and if he finds out what you people have done, there's little chance of convincing him otherwise, and even if you do somehow get General Jacksons cooperation, you'll still be up against the entire Elysimmian army. I don't know how strong you people are, but unless you're immortals, there's no chance of survival there" Kamilla shot Helios a dirty look "You want to kill people and then trick people into thinking otherwise, there was a good dozen or so men watching that poor man going up in flames" Sighing, she looked up at the sky, such a wonderful day to be doing the laundry she thought to herself.
  16. But as I said, he hasn't changed? XD He's not any less arrogant or conceded now as he was when you introduced him. I doubt most people'll care, I mean, if you chose the original, then Lightning would probably shrug his shoulders and never give it a second thought, so I wouldn't hold out for a "strong" vote. @Supports Well, it depends on what bonus you want, and if you're aiming for an A/S support (really friendly) or just something which will affect your stats (B). Overall though, fighting is a very small aspect of this RP and I wouldn't focus on building a support with one person just for the measely bonus of 1.
  17. Kamilla stared at Morgan unsure of what she was thinking and not believing her ears. "I can agree with being on the move, but being on the move right into enemy hands" she asked bewildered, "You want to go and walk up to a military general and ask him to betray his country and join you?" she'd learned by now that Morgan usually had a plan when she suggested things, but her suggestion this time, just didn't seem to make any sense.
  18. Err the left one? I can't imagine any reason for Helios's appearance changing, he's still the arrogant annoying man he was in chapter 1 but since portraits don't really matter if you want to change it, I doubt there'll be any objections. Personally I like the older version due to it's higher originality.
  19. Nyahaha, Birdy fears me! I don't know if support building is working, and I'd think things'd go a bit easier if you people stopped telling people to leave, character-wise we're probably more then willing to leave, but to stay in the RP we can't. So thinking up a reason to stay isn't too easy, in my case I had to wait for Cynthia to mention the church (was going to PM her, but she kind of got here and posted before I got the chance). Also keep in mind, the Crimson weapons are probably worth alot to those who believe in them, so if you send anyone off, and they rat you out you're in trouble.... there's an idea! XD
  20. Kamilla was about to grab Kelas's offer with both hands when Morgan finally spoke dashing her hopes, even if she promised to keep quiet they probably wouldn't believe her and even if they did, Septimia had branches in Halton soil as well, she'd no doubt be interrogated and probably handed over to Elysimmian authorities eventually anyway. She looked at Kelas and tried to smile "Thank you, but it doesn't really solve anything" she said quietly, partly due to not wanting everyone looking at her again, but mainly because her throat hurt too much for her to speak normally. "So where do you people plan to go from here? I thought I heard someone say capitol before this..... event" she said trying to keep her mind off being a criminal, "Surely you're not going to head to the capitol now?" Having heard Chases comments she paused and looked over "General Jackson?" she asked, she'd heard such rumors but most if not everyone didn't take the rumor seriously. How could they? If Jackson had the axe, he'd probably be handed over to the Churches, or constantly under strict surveillance.
  21. I understand :( Whether I actually listen to that order though is another matter XD
  22. Lacuna, you may want to consider only updating the list at the end of every chapter, or ever 5 pages if you want to keep it so accurate. Changing it every few seconds is only a waste of time. Since unfixed-relations (Fixed relations would be siblings lovers etc) are probably going to change once or twice per chapter.
  23. ^^Word, except we're not too far from being villains ourselves, since we're not actually getting framed or anything, the authorities have full right to come after us XD As for your suggestion to clear our name, I could be wrong, but Harold doesn't seem the type to nod his head and forgive the crimes committed. As for getting back on track, it's actually part of what I was aiming for, since I figured feeding Kiev wasn't exactly telling me where we were headed next, or what you people planned to do about the guards+impeding army.,
  24. Kamilla raised her hand to push Tessa away, but noticing who the girl was, lowered her hand and sighed. Only to start coughing like her lungs were going to come out of her mouth. She hadn't ever raised her voice throughout her life, and doing so now hadn't been kind to her body. She nodded her head and slumped against a tree, burrying her head in her arms she closed her eyes, hoping that when she opened them, she'd be back at the inn, perhaps even getting yelled at by the innkeeper for sleeping in.
  25. XD Helios diverted my wrath :( Though I could probably provoke Iso still..... XD I won't make any efforts to start a fire then, but if someone posts something unresistable, (like casting fire in a dense forest) In can't promise you anything Snowy XD *Watches Snowy redecorate Elysimma as a barren wasteland* And for this chapter? Does that mean I can start a blazing inferno next chapter?
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