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Everything posted by Kanami

  1. I don't mind what you realize, probably best that someone realizes the footprints or theres no way of connecting Kieru missing and Talgusta together. Bullet might be alert but I'd prefer he doesn't notice Kieru leaving, and if you did, you'd watch her stealing/running off and not do anything about it. I intentionally posted all of that in one post to prevent people from waking up and stopping her. As for the soldiers, they should be heading your way. So I suppose you could notice their footsteps if that's what you meant. Overall I'm not too fussed, what you do as long as it doesn't involve catching Kieru+2 soldiers dragging her back to Talgusta. But if you want to screw even that up. You're welcome to do so But be prepared to face Kanami wrath plot wise :P
  2. Nyeh, I needed some reason to regroup the characters XD Though since I was doubtful Laterite/Ivan/Andra were stupid enough to return to Talgusta just for Kieru, I took a few documents as well. :P I'm hoping Sage will wake Shizunai up and make him go wandering/searching so that he's not around when everyone wakes up. Shizunai missing + Kieru missing = That F*cking Pedo Izu! XD But I doubt Sage will do anything to put his character in such a position :/ Ah well. Just to be clear with timing, Kieru abduction takes place a few minutes before Beatrice wakes up and commences her attack. But being further away, she'll arrive at the fort after Beatrice has stopped playing with her boys in the lavatory.
  3. Kieru watched the opened both her eyes as the last of the embers smoldered out. She'd been awake for awhile now watching the other for any sign of movement, but most seem to be snoring so loudly it reminded her of the mercenaries who'd been sleeping in the mess hall. How they managed to fall asleep was beyond her. She was tired, sure. But her eyes simply refused to sleep, every time the wind blew the tree's around her would shift a bit and it looked as if there was something in the dark watching her. They'd traveled a fair distance from Talgusta but there was no guarantee that soldiers wouldn't still be after them. As she stood up and quietly dusted herself offshe walked over to Laterite who seemed to have finally settled into slumber. How dare he toss her around like a sack of potatoes? How dare he make decisions for her without consulting her, fly on the wyvern? Who in their right mind would risk taking their two feet off the safety of the ground and fly through the air? But most importantly, how dare he treat her like a child! She was a fully grown lady, a woman. Feeling irritated she was tempted to give the sleeping man a good kick, but decided she'd make him pay another way. Quietly moving over to Laterite's bag she opened it and tried to work out what was of value in the bag. Only to find it full of papers and envelopes. Deciding that she wouldn't find anything more valuable she grabbed a few paper and stuck them in her pocket scrunching them up in the process. She looked over at the others one more time before facing Laterite and sticking her tongue out at him. This would teach him to treat her like a child, surely. With that she left the small clearing they'd set up camp in. And headed back the way they'd come. Heading to Crestia was all nice and well but she didn't enjoy the idea of being sent to another smelly outpost with more smelly men with smelly water. It was better for her to head to Granford, that's what the smarter people in her church had done, they couldn't be wrong could they? She plodded along the pathway quietly, it was still dark, but she knew the sun would be peeking over the horizon soon,but more importantly she was sleepy, tired and hungry. Why couldn't those smelly mercenaries have fed her too? Regretting not grabbing some meat earlier she decided she was far enough from the group to not be found and sat down beside a tree and curled up. Maybe leaving them and heading for Granford alone wasn't a good idea? Her vision was getting blurry and she wondered if it was a matter of fatigue, dehydration or a combination of both. Yawning loudly, she looked around at the sound of footsteps, noticing several red blurs heading her way, the armor looked familiar, but she couldn't figure out from where. It probably wasn't important anyway. Closing her eyes and drifting asleep she didn't even stir when she was picked up, nor for the entire journey back to the smoldering Fort.
  4. @Lightning The mask mainly came from Fado's armor, (the top and right side) with the mask (face) being dodgy recoloring, (coloring in some part black and leaving the rest eye area alone. Belt/headband is Fado/Hugh's head belt thing. Clothes were from Fado's armor. Overuse of Fado in that splice XD
  5. Again, I don't know how much experience you have in hacking, but if it's near zero, then going in to this thinking "how can it be difficult" is going to screw you over big time. How? I don't know. But I've yet to see a FE hacker complete a project and say they encountered very few hiccups. And those that have dedicated a good few months to the project. Do you have such dedication? That's not something I'm supposed to tell you :/ But do you know what you're doing..... well at present you have a nice idea, lets see how compromised it'll be at the end. To be completely honest, I don't like your idea, not because it's bad, not because it looks unlikely, but simply because I don't enjoy fan made sequels. It can be done well by some. But turns out crap from most. But this is just personal preference. I really hope you're not going to be stupid/immature and start telling people to "get lost" if they don't support your idea. And you haven't yet, which has upped my impression of you. (It counts for nothing though). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mugs..... Hmmm, well I disagree that their "rubbish". I however do think it's a different style from the normal GBA FE mugs. And would be appaled if you mixed in a splice with those customs. It would just look wierd. Either way I don't see an issue with your mugs as long as you can maintain that style for the whole cast you'll be introducing. A key point I'm not impressed with however is your aim to have "Most of FE10's characters will be playable." I don't know how long you plan to make this hack, but having more then 1 character introduced per chapter gets stuffy IMO. Even if you started with a large selection to start with, I'd suggest focusing on a certain character (Ike, Sothe, Mia, whoever you like) And then pulling in their relations in. There really is no point in having some characters. :/ (Having them as NPC being much more preferable)
  6. You are getting sleepy~ :P Off to Uni now, not much progress today, though it's nice to see some new interactions. *Goes off to learn loopholes in Family Violence law*
  7. Encouragement isn't always good :/ It's sometimes kinder to shoot an idea down and save them the time they'd have wasted the encouraging them to keep going. Hacks themselves aren't finished in a week, decent ones take longer then the summer holidays, requiring a fair amount of dedication over a significant period of time. I'm not concerned with the mugs at all, since they're one of the least important features of a hack, and there's plenty of spriters around willing to help/touch up or even make mugs for people. At the very least, a "new hacker" shouldn't really be aiming for ASM related stuff. Hacks have a high enough fail rate without worrying about ASM. Better to have tried then not at all = False, as the wasted time could have been better spent.
  8. Good point XD I knew it looked familiar :/ Just assumed it was a recent topic <_< Surprisingly enough I PM'ed a similar suggestion last year as well now that I think about it :/ Ah well, die thread die.
  9. ^What he said..... I seem to be saying that alot lately <_< There's no hurry, If I wanted you to end it quickly I'd ask you to rush through the conversation, or force Shizunai to sleep, Bullet to give up and decide to ask again later and force him to go to sleep. I'd prefer you get in a solid conversation with Sage, since this groups mainly been about Laterite and his friends so far. I'm sure everyone can wait, it's not like any of us are in a hurry.
  10. What else? Fort Talgusta has shown that people don't like to be in the middle of explosions, so making everything except the destination explode seems like a good idea no? And everything can be magically repaired by civillian power :/ Just waiting on everyone to head to sleep now. I was going to force you all into slumber, but it seems people wanted to keep talking. After Bullet/Shizunai wrap up their chat I'll move things along.
  11. While I personally don't see myself contributing anything, I'd suggest attaching a class to the mugs you're requesting. Since a ArmorKnight and Mage look fairly different. If you don't care :/ Well I'd suggest doing it anyway since your specifications are rather lacking, just my opinion though.
  12. Looking at the technical side of things, I'd worry about making appropriate graphics later. And focus on whether it's possible to achieve what you're aiming for. If you've got experience in hacking roms and ASM then you probably have a good idea of what you're going to do. However if this is your first attempt, it sounds way too ambitious unless you're willing to throw in a lot of hours to learning the technical rubbish. Before you say you're dedicated and going to see this through to the end, don't. I've heard people say that and give up far too often."I'm different, I really mean it" doesn't mean anything either, since there's no point in trying to convince me. Being completely honest with yourself, do you personally believe in your mind that you have the patience to make such a complicated task? If in doubt I suggest shelving this idea and going with something alot more simple. (Maybe a FE hack consisting of only 6~12 chapters) to get a feel of hacking. Though of course, if you're experienced at this, you can disregard the above :/ Crash and burn is my opinion of where this is headed. Feel free to be offended, doesn't hurt me :P
  13. Fine, catgirl :/ Though I don't see why you need more, you already have CATS. /lame pun @Crestia/Xenophobes and Racism Sooner of later characters will be forced into another nation, can't stay in Crestia defending the region forever you know. (You surely do) so I suppose I'll fiddle around with a few things and direct the plot towards the fort once again. If people don't want to follow through and want to do their own little thing, that's fine. I'm just going to have to bust out my secret weapon..... Just need to find Hubert and gain his cooperation :P
  14. Well we could part ways I suppose, I'm just not too comfortable with the numbers. Crestia group has an adequate number of people for interactions, but Granford has rn7, Cocytus and possibly Spykor. And I don't want to take control of two plots on two different fronts. :/ As for the avatar, this one suits my personality better though XD
  15. @Sage That hate vibes at LoAF, are more related to what's known as "Snowy-bias" XD And while I haven't been around recently Snowy isn't around as often as many posters there. People hating you because you participate in LoAF is no different from someone hating you for liking a game that they dislike. So you shouldn't take it seriously at all. I think the point is, the "complaints" are being directed at people who aren't reading. But you're far from the only person who's been told off for this. I made a fool of myself with the Naomi/Beatrice sword transfer. @Cocytus I can't say for certain whether we'll be visiting all nations. Izuna for one is unlikely to be visited at all, though they will play a political role if the RP continues on for long enough. Tolmaeus however we most likely will, as it's one of the main nations plot wise. The only nation which plays a really slim prospect of ever playing any role is Garius, I might consider just having them wiped out by Izuna since they really aren't important at all, and can be incorporated as a bandit/mercenary troupe. @Purg You have to be difficult XD Though who can Lat trust? The Izu? Bullet? Bandit Beatrice? Mages who seem like flimsy flip flops? Either way it seems it's Cocytus against Purg now then XD Since Mercenaries probably don't care either way, Beatrice seems flexible with promotion/invasion. And everyone else seems to have a "meh" attitude to the whole thing.
  16. @Cocytus If you're asking if I'll allow you to have a "Sending Stone." I completely support the idea. Due to this, we can probably eliminate Tolmaeus as a destination. @rn7 I'm just used to Rp'ing with people who charge at the enemies capitol city despite being wanted criminal. /Slander (I'll never get over that) Have you got specific ideas for what you want to do there? I know you three have a plot with Schmidt in the background, wouldn't mind you spawning off a few more in the RP :P @CATS I knew this was going to happen >_< Fort Talgusta went boom, Talgusta still has two forts and several towns. Land/Resources playing a factor, as well as it being a frontline territory. So it still has value, just one less fort. (I'll probably rename capitol cities from now on to prevent things like this happening again. I foresaw, yet did nothing about it >_< @Sage I don't "want" you to quit. But if you're finding this RP boring, you're welcome to do so. I don't think anyone hates you though. If you are getting "hate vibes" it's probably directed more at LoAF then at you personally. I posted regarding relationships earlier, so Kieru deciding to be wary of you is not in any way saying "GTFAway from me." I actually expected Shizunai and Bullet to get along a bit better considering how you two fought together in Elrest. If you're just feeling unmotivated you can withdraw temporarily and have your character "disappear into the night" and return at a later date, (or not at all if you decide to leave permanently) @Overall I'm finding that people want to head to Granford. I can direct Laterite (who for some reason wants to escort Kieru home) to Granford after becoming worried that Crestia = scary people who hate religious people. (Eg: Bullet's comment). If Laterite decides to go I assume the other two will follow, Bullet would probably go for "revenge" and Shizunai... can probably think of a decent reason.
  17. @Tolmaeus If there's reason to go there, I'm open to it, though I'm finding Arias's reason a bit weak, imagine heading out to observe an enemy and then coming back with "Fort blew up, war up north" and nothing else? If you're there to observe I'd suggest digging around a bit more before returning to Tolmaeus. @Crestia I'm happy with a return to Crestia, don't see any huge issues, @Granford Or more specifically Ariost/Leticia. I don't have a problem heading there either, just going to state that you have no chance of taking over anything over there since I don't want Granford being obliterated by a dozen mercenaries in the first 30 pages XD Crestia is likewise not likely to mobilize an invasion army any time soon. (Reclaim Talgusta army likely though)
  18. I don't mind the group not always being together, but I don't want one group in Granford, and the others in Crestia. Unless of course people want to direct this RP towards PvP? As a general rule, I want the group to be in the same province/area. I don't mind if Arias wants to deviate from the group and head to Tolmaeus with a friend while everyone else heads to Crestia. But I am going to say that if you split from the main group then I can't look after your plot. Meaning anything that happens is started and reacted to by yourself. I also don't want Arias in Tolmaeus arriving a day after the others arrive in Crestia. Generally, the timespan taken for inter-provincial movement is two or three days. I'd also prefer people try to stick together unless they have a reason they want to be apart. It's easier to manage and I'd prefer people to interact with a variety of people opposed to just their select group of friends. I don't want to see a LoAF support system replay. (Yes I'm slandering LoAF XD) Kieru's been mainly internal so far, but she'll be getting alot more verbal as more people make their way into the group. @rn7 That'd be great considering the "trio's" mentality on the fort. @Cocytus Read above, are you sure? Or do you want to convince others to head to Tolmaeus?
  19. >_< Okay, so you've already met up with Beatrice, but somehow got left behind and now plodding around on horseback...... :/ Hmm well, you could delete your last post and have actually followed Beatrice, the jump from "camp" to "seige" was a bit sudden I suppose, though it's a common occurence in RP's, you've seen extremes with the Talgusta->Elrest teleportations. If CATS, Purg, Fush, Cam and Sage don't have any objection I might speed up our camp fire until next morning soon, unless there's objections. The main interaction between the former three seem to have ended, and the later two don't seem to have much to say. So "They all ate meat and slept happily ever after" Poison XD works for me. To regroup all existing characters (bar Hubert who's somewhere?) I think a commotion at Talgusta is the only way to go. Bullet would probably take the attack as a chance to get revenge, Shizunai propelled by honor and whatnot. Not sure about the other three, but Kieru could wander over due to simple curiosity. Beatrice really has no reason to head to Crestia as far as I can tell so meeting up with her before leaving Talgusta would be appreciated. As an extra note, please don't dispatch troops from Crestia to Talgusta. Way too early for any troops to be arriving. If you need troops draw them in from the other forts in Talgusta province.
  20. Divulged? Not to my eyes you haven't XD Your character is a big a mystery as Snike and Cynthia's character at the moment. That said, the above is not pressure for people to start participating or encouraging people to post more. But more just a future note. Those who have not entered yet are welcome to remain on the sidelines for as long as they wish. And if you want to jump on the sidelines for a few weeks that's fine as well. It might just be my english, but is "Divulge" the right word to use there? If you meant something like dis-attached or left-out. Then there's not much I can do, as I've stated a few posts up, the best path to take is to force an encounter. You could try to be gungho and retake the fort by yourself and meet up with Beatrice/Arias, Or wonder around and stumble into Hubert, Lat/Iva/And+Co, and Naomi's still probably still heading towards a city nearby if you want to find her, she'll most likely try and hire you as a bodyguard.
  21. Obviously, "everyone" isn't meant literally. I'm sure CATS's not stupid enough to think that a random group of RP'ers that got together all skim posts. And I'm interpreting that as an exaggeration. However LoAF participants have admitted several times to not reading posts at all and just skipping them. And it's not just one or two people. It couldn't be helped when it was progressing at 100 posts a day though IMO. It's just not practical. As for skimming, I'm trying to read things properly, but my mind has a habit of wondering when faced with text XD So I usually have to read it twice before understanding the post. I don't actually cut the amount of time I spend reading posts by skimming, but I'm just that stupid >_< That aside, If everyone doesn't mind the pacing as present, it might be more ideal then what we had going for the first few days. Since I'd rather not spend the first three hours after I wake up on RPing XD The "New RP" steam has kind of disappeared so I'm expecting people to start disappearing soon. For those who are no longer interested in participating it'd be great if you could leave a note here. I won't hold it against you, and your welcome back anytime, it's just that I don't want to leave Talgusta without everyone (bar a few exceptions who want to deviate).
  22. I hate it when people apologies for no apparent reason >_< It's hard responding to someone who's just apologized for something you can't figure out. It's all the more creepy on the internet since you can't see the opponents expression. I'm sorry I entered the splice competition, I'm sorry for posting an entry, I'm sorry for existing, I'm sorry my great grandmother got wrinkles, I'm sorry I'm .... ranting XD Always better asking mom, dad's a prick or so it was when I was a wee little girl living in that awful hole. :/ Anyway........ *Throws in a bath robe Ninja* EDIT: Now that I've posted it, he looked more like a bathrobe terrorist/bankrobber :/ Ah well
  23. It's interesting how people post "Happy Birthday" to people who have slim to no chance of returning :/

  24. *Checks day* .....Nyeh? Modesty is an insult to all others who do not exceed you It's a bit rough around the edges but it's (IMO) one of the better entries this week.
  25. Just a note to those who may be feeling "left out." Due to people frowning upon their character (Camtech/Sage) or people who seem to get no interaction at all (Script). For the former it's important to note that I'm not hating on you as an RP'er. It's just the way things are flowing. Felt this needed to be said since many people find it insulting or lose motivation when they feel that their character isn't being accepted into the bigger circle of Rp'ers. What the blabber was supposed to say is that; Just cause Kieru doesn't want you anywhere near her, doesn't mean I don't want you around Kieru. I actually think it'd be funny if Bullet (who Kieru's scared of) approached her. Or the reaction people would make when Shizunai quietly approaches Kieru. A good interaction is not always a friendly interaction As for the latter while I don't actually mind Naomi and Hubert wandering around aimlessly, I imagine it'd get pretty boring pretty quickly. Might be an idea to meet up with others. Up to you though
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