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Everything posted by Kanami

  1. Isn't that exactly what I did? XD I just needed a place to start so people would get together for some random cause before I returned everything to the status quo. Being mercenaries, I don't even mind if you turn 180 and side with Granford against Crestia. Objective now is to gather everyone together and head somewhere.My plan failed >_< My plan being to bore everyone to tears before springing the Elrest incident on them so that everyone would run over there. And have the fort destroyed in their absence, guess I didn't bore people enough So now I need to think of a way to get the Elrest go'ers back to the fort, or the Fort stayers to go help the Elrest'ers. >_<
  2. An explosion was necessary considering the initial setup. Characters like Naomi and Beatrice (while possible) wouldn't fit too well into officially working for the Crestian government, and I myself wasn't too fond of the idea of being stuck in Talgusta as our home base of operations for the course of the RP. Especially since no one opted for a soldier, and we're all mercenaries/travelers. @Snowy I don't know what sort of RP's you've participated in, but I've seldom come across an RP which started with an explosion. If anything I was expecting complaints regarding the "bandits" which seemingly appeared out of nowhere. Can't get more cliche then that :/ Either way Talgusta needed to be destroyed, or the group sent away for the plot to progress, or did you think working under General (Psych) Selvaro would be an ideal path to take? Perhaps more importantly, you're forgetting I'm also Nadesico. The crazy arsonist that was in LoAF setting everything ablaze?
  3. Kieru looked sceptically at the brown haired man. He seemed well presented enough, well presented enough for someone who'd just survived the nearby explosion at least anyway. Usually she'd tell anyone that she'd be able to handle herself, but even Kieru was smart enough to know that now wasn't the right time to be clinging to her pride and sense of normality. Normality at the very least seemed to have been thrown right out the window. She nodded at the man, but didn't say anything, she didn't trust this strange man, but more importantly now wasn't the time to be chatting and socializing, she'd do plenty of that later when her nose wasn't filled with the stink of burning flesh and flaming alcohol. As she ran over to the closest body she looked down and felt sick, she was used to small cuts and bruises, not smoking flesh and dead bodies. Quickly acknowledging that the first body had died in the explosion she moved over to the next one who was missing his head. The next few were hopeless cases as well, the victims being dead for several minutes now. She wasn't sure what the brown haired man was doing but he too seemed to be only finding deceased corpses. Perhaps it'd be better to have others search, so she could conserve her energy for the act of healing. As she turned to leave a corpse nearby emitted a groan. For a second she thought the dead had come back to life, but that didn't seem to be the case. The man was covered in severe burns, his face no longer recognizable as a humans. Both legs were missing but he was somehow still breathing. She looked over at Laterite who had responded to the sound of an injured man. She raised her hands over the mans legs, uncertain whether healing him was the right choice, healing could cure wounds, but it wasn't able regrow the mans legs, return his eyesight or return his flesh to the state it was once in. Not when they were this severe. She hesitated again, should she?
  4. Chronological probably isn't the right word for me to use. I mean everyone who heard the blast probably heard it simultaneously, (Elrest possibly a few milliseconds later) But jumping back in time confuses me. I mean Kieru was with Shizunai before he left. Meaning 30 minutes has elapsed since the explosion was heard by Hubert (Example) who was near Shizunai and Bullet at the time of explosion. The two were already engaged in combat. So Even if they hurried, 30minutes would easily have elapsed after Kieru was dragged off. Overall it ties in decently with Kieru being back, so I don't mind. I guess I'll opt to let people do whatever they want and then fix time up occasionally when I think it's a good idea. (Eg Explosion was a universal event, it doesn't matter where or what timeline you were in, you're required to adjust to your timeline to the time of the explosion. Meaning everyone is back in the same timeline.)
  5. Kieru looked at the two men who were talking about something, she thought she'd been addressed by one of them, but didn't know who or how long ago that was. As her hearing finally she started to return, she could make out the groanings of dying bodies all around her. Some had apparently survived. She'd suspected a large number of soldiers to come to investigate but only a handful appeared from the other buildings. Hardly enough considering the amount of soldiers who had been around earlier that day. Looking at Laterite, she shook her head, despite not suffering any injuries. She'd been too late again, she couldn't exactly remember the last time, but she knew she'd tried to warn people about a danger before, only to be caught up in the chaos. She saw the look of concern in one of their eyes before correcting herself "Kieru's fine, bit dirty, but no blood" she muttered quietly. As the robed man started talking about survivors her mind finally started to function again. "Kieru help too! Kieru's a healer" she said less enthusiastically then usual. Boasting about her healing powers when she'd just let a whole lot of people down by coming back too late wasn't something even she couldn't force herself to do. She quickly looked around for anyone who seemed injured and rushed over, she felt like she was forgetting something important but she was a healer. Nothing could be more important then healing those in need.. could it?
  6. "Wrecked" is when we have to ignore your post because you made absolutely no sense. (Eg rn7 writing up that Naomi was hallucinating) Purgs incorporated you into his post, so nothings been ruined. And frankly, I've made bigger mistakes in this RP, you guys just aren't aware of them XD *Needs to post, but needs to think first* XD (Yes I'm procrastinating) :P
  7. Open question, do you people want me to; -"Attempt" to control time, -Let people cross over time, -Just let you all do whatever you want?:P @Cocytus Not as much as Psych XD And a good few just aren't posting :/
  8. Have to read up on the events so far, Just so Shizunai and Bullet know, they're completely outnumbered now :P So unless you plan to kill a few hundred each...... XD @CATS Hmm, that's one way to look at it I suppose, I've always tried to control the uncontrollable by trying to put everything in chronological order. Ah well, guess we'll try the no-control method then. Though the "explosion" should be universal by now. Both in the Fort and in Elrest since they've been mentioned in both locations. I can deal with meshing vague timelines, but I'd rather not see people who are in the same place at the same time (Hubert/Bullet) be in separate time frames. @Purg I suppose I can wait if that's what everyone's favorite teddy wants :/ @Stats I've decided to implement stats, but have them completely automated. Starting from now, I'm going to be clearer about the number of enemies, (How many people are fighting in Elrest is anyone's guess, I just assumed a lot XD) I'll run a trial example with Bullet and Shizunai if they decide to continue fighting (their way out?) @Arias Hmm, which policy am I supposed to be following XD Though I do guess this teleportation business is getting a bit out of hand. Though I guess we could have Kieru whining whimpering for thirty minutes. Ivan+co knocked out since they most likely didn't expect the mess hall to go boom XD (Kieru did, so did the soldier, but one was less fortunate) :P
  9. Nyeh, had to deal with morning chores.... (Shower, Breakfast etcetc) Actually here now and I'll start responding to everything shortly
  10. (Elrest) As another bandit fell to the blade wielded by Shizunai a war cry went up from the rear. Instantly killing several of the soldier. As the group who had led the charge turned around to see what the commotion was about, the captain who had been dispatched to lead the group fell to the ground. His head split into two. Mercenaries all around them were attaching red pieces of cloth to themselves and attacking anyone without the pieces of cloth. A symbol to those who had rebelled against Talgusta's army. Mercenaries who were infact not working for Crestia at all. "Kill the heretics!" one of the men yelled, shortly followed by a rush of mercenaries charging towards those who had eagerly charged themselves at the supposed bandits. The bandits leader spat on the ground unimpressed "Took ya goons long enuf" he muttered as he rallied his men against the mercenaries now pincered between the bandits and the rebels. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (Talgusta Generals Quarters) Beatrice looked around the Generals room as she finished threatening whoever was inside..... Only thing was there was no one inside. The room had already been trashed to the point it looked more like a battlefield then the top commanding officers room. It was obvious there had been a struggle, blood splattered against the wall in a fashion that made it look as if someone had been attacked slumped against the wall and then relocated. Even an idiot could tell something wasn't right. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (Kieru/Ivan) Kieru looked up hopefully as she heard the shouting of someone who seemed to disagree with the way she was being treated. Taking advantage of the surprise on the soldiers face, Kieru quickly pulled her arm away scampering over towards Ivan. "Kieru came back to tell people to run away, cause bad stuff will happen and people go splat and building go boom and really really painful for everyone and lots of people go bye bye" she blurted out, not even sure if she was making any sense. The soldier smirked as Kieru tried to hide herself from view. Soldier: "You there, stop your yapping and help me get the sister out of here. I didn't think even you mercenaries would stick around this fort after the briefing Lieutenant Helvorn gave earlier. I wouldn't have come back here myself it Celist hadn't tasked me with protecting his messenger." he said indicating Kieru. He paused and then looked around nervously. "Speaking of protecting, I suggest we get the hell out of here, don't want to be caught up in the-" *BOOM!* XD Kieru fell flat on the floor as the earth shook beneath her, bits of wood, stone and steel pelted her back as the nearby building exploded in a spectacle of destruction. She looked up briefly groaning, she was too late. What remained of the dining hall was set ablaze and while she couldn't hear the screaming and groaning being emitted from the survivors she could sense them all around her. She screamed loudly herself as a muscular leg fell beside her head, charred and still smoking. It was a strange feeling knowing that she was shouting but not being able to hear herself. Quickly pushing herself away from the leg she looked around frantically to see if there was anyone who would get her out of here. The soldier who had been trying to get her to go with him lay nearby, his head crushed by a large chunk of wood which had most likely served as a pillar only moments ago. She looked around for the other men she'd seen, the man who'd tried to help her earlier, only to find him on the ground nearby as well. It wasn't clear whether he too was dead or if he'd been sensible enough to get down as debri flew through the sky but what she could see of him seemed to look intact. She looked around with a blank expression as another building on the the other side of the fort exploded, most likely the soldiers quarters. "Kieru tried" she whispered to herself quietly.
  11. Oh, you'll get involved XD Don't you worry. *Needs to make her post before going to sleep* As for getting involved, usually I'd be glad to comply, but I'm not too pleased with you interacting with Kieru this late. A key issue I've found with many RP's is in-story time. Kieru was taken away before the "Elrest crap" was reported. And there's already a few people in Elrest which is 30 minutes away. Meaning that Kieru's ben being dragged around the fort for at least thirty minutes XD A timeframe which seems unrealtistic unless Fort Talgusta is really really big. XD I haven't actually got anything planned for Kieru, I just wanted her out of the way while I destroy the place XD See latest post for details I suppose. Had to alter things to fit the unpredictable actions made by others but I hope it tied in nicely XD I don't know how many people caught on, I think Script did. Not sure about the rest but a good few seemed clueless. Anyway. off to make that post. And then some sleep. For those of you who still don't get it, I'll just say religion comes before nationality for some people :P I'm willing to listen to any complaints, (Other then Selvaro's disappearance, cause I actually brought Selvaro to you Psych, you were just hallucinating at the time) since I'm sure I can counter any complaints or problems you may have :P
  12. I check my computer one last time, and find that Naomi/Beatrice have killed 12 soldiers in one charge attack+ 1 extra. And that there's a portal connecting the cellars to Elrest?...... <_< Psych, I hate to retcon, but that post needs to change. *Really gone*
  13. Not that I'm prohibiting anything, but how stupid are my guards to have imprisoned Beatrice without confiscating her sword first? XD It was a good post so I won't ask it to be withdrawn. But it is a point to keep in mind for future posts. I need to head off to Uni (college) now and won't be back for hours >_< So you can soak Elrest red with bandit blood, kill the soldiers after Naomi/Beatrice. (Don't identify the prisoner though, he's a plot device). Anyway....... Late XD
  14. Hmmm, I knew this would happen, time to work out a battle system that actually works, this is the first battle and I'm already getting bored of reading people fighting this, that and other things. I'm also not liking the idea of making people work out and write out their own battles since I'm reading the posts so far and they seem to be wanting me to RP the bandit(?) group. If I do implement stats, then it'll be simple battle mechanics, and people who wish to continue "writing out" their battles will be welcome to do so. *Sigh* Why couldn't I have forseen this yesterday) >_<
  15. The running around had quietened down significantly outside the cellars, the panic seemed to have finally died down as the last of the able fighters left the fort and disappeared down the road to Elrest. The fort now only containing less then a hundred able soldiers with the remainder sleeping or too drunk to fight. Soldier: "Lieutenant Helvorn, the last of the heretics have departed" the soldier whispered to the grim looking man. Helvorn: "Excellent, everything's going according to plan, how's the prisoner doing?" Soldier: Bleeding profusely, though he'll live, the healers have finished their work with him and he's been escorted to the cells by a dozen men as we speak. Helvorn: Good, there's a few things I want to ask our good friend a few things before he gets incinerated by the flames of the abyss. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The metallic door leading to the cells slammed open as a dozen armed men marched in with a groaning man in between them. The man leading the group froze as his eyes settled on the two unbound women who turned to face them just as surprised as they were. "What's the wench doing out of her bonds?" he shouted angrily, "And who the hell is that runt?" he shouted enraged indicating Naomi. Tossing the ragged prisoner aside the men drew their weapons pointing them menacingly at the pair. "Don't know who the hell you are runt but you're not getting out of here alive."
  16. The man smirked, before raising his weapon slamming it down on where Arias had only been standing a few moments ago. "Nah lad, no wolves just a bunch of scared heretics and their imaginations going wild, not like it matters to you though" he grunted as he swung at Arias again, barely missing Arias head. Rugged looking men suddenly appeared from behind the building with wide grins on their face, all smirking as they appeared with red bits of cloth wrapped around their body. The words "Bandits" ran through the mind of all who were present, but the bandits were easily outnumbered 4 to 1. "Get'em lads" A man called out as bandit-like men started charging at the group.
  17. As the group from Talgusta's fort slowly started arriving several noticed something which wasn't quite right. The entire city had fallen dead silent with doors tightly shut and curtains over every window. There wasn't any sign of wolves, spies or any other form of struggle. The only thing that seemed out of place was the lack of people walking around, sure it was late. But the sun was only halfway down and the deserted tavern should be bustling at this time of day. As Arias started walking in search of something the man behind him, a bearded burly mercenary smirked before pulling out a piece of red cloth and tying it around his forehead. "Hey you" he shouted after Arias, "What do you think about my bandanna?"
  18. Hoping Snowy will explain himself out over in Elrest, and waiting on Fush and Cats to answer Purg in Talgusta. @Pack of Wolves A guard ran down the street screaming "wolf" after seeing one, the populace panicked and one of the few people who had the nerve to seek help, misinterpreted it as a pack of wolves? There isn't actually anything other the Gerard and his wolf :/ It was a dud XD Most exciting thing I could do at the moment was cause a commotion over nothing..... sad I know XD
  19. I've thought it over, don't worry :P Just don't want anyone finding spies/wolves (Beside finding Snowys Summoner). I'd say more but I don't want to give it away. Either head for Elrest, or remain drunk, sleeping, dead, bored :P @OOC I don't mind short OoC posts in the RP, but I'd prefer it mainly be kept RP. Don't worry Cocytus, you're new and I'm not going to fuss over small technicalities like that. Just a heads up for future references.
  20. ****Note, There is only one wolf :/ @Cocytus, If you are making non-RP posts please make the comment here http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=22700&pid=1273373&st=100entry1273373 Mine was only made here since I didn't want people slaying wolves en masse, if you combine my post with Snowy's post, you'll be able to figure out the true nature of this call. (Hint: It was a civillian from Elrest that reported it, not a guard) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The soldier looked the mage up and down before smirking, "Tolmean mercenary no doubt" he grunted not too pleased with what he saw, "Elrest is over that way, just follow the road and you'll be find, surely you great mages can figure out the way to some puny city without having us lower folk help you?" He looked around at a few others who were passing by. "If you want backup then take your pick, I ain't going anywhere, and don't have the patience to help your kind, you probably don't need it anyway, just a few robed crazies and a dog or two" Ending the conversation with another grunt he walked a short distance and turned his head, clearly indicating that he had no intention of speaking with Arias any further.
  21. Fort Talgusta isn't meant to be the groups home base for operations, and I'm hoping we can move off sooner or later. I'm just uncertain at the pace people want to maintain. I've already stated that I don't want to wake up to 5 pages (100 posts) but I don't want to let things stagnate too much either. I've noticed how the three of you have sort of made up your own battlefield to pass the time XD And took that as a sign that I should get things moving, but once things get put into motion I expect things to move a lot quicker and didn't want to risk the situation above. *Is aware people are thinking this RP is "slow".... nevermind it's still only day 2* XD @RP I have not misinterpreted Snowy's post. Takes about thirty minutes to Elrest, which you can timeskip your character over to Elrest if people want.
  22. "Kieru isn't a little girl, she's a lady" she said defiantly as the man spoke. She didn't like being treated like a child and wasn't going to put up with being called childish by this strange man, who still wore animal masks. "Kieru is a really really powerful healer" she boasted, "Soldier people came all the way and begged Kieru to join so Kieru said okay because she felt sorry for them, and Kieru's a nice person so she couldn't say no to people who wanted help, but she didn't know that this place would be so stinky, so Kieru doesn't really know if she wants to stay here, don't you think the food here is awful? I don't like it one bit, Kieru would go home, but she hasn't got one anymore so she doesn't have anywhere to go, so she has to stay here until she finds-" she was cut off as the swung open forcefully and a fully armored soldier hurried in. Soldier: "You're the sister right?" he asked grabbing her wrist without waiting for a response. "I've got orders to get you out of this fort immediately" he shouted clearly in a hurry. Kieru: Stunned by the mans loud voice Kieru only blinked a few times before being led out by the well presented man, he didn't have that stench the other soldiers had. Looking around she saw a few other men in full armor holding weapons. Had something happened? She wasn't sure but figured if she was being given a chance to leave this dreary place, she should take it. Waving at Shizunai as she exited the infirmary she was pulled away in the opposite direction from Elrest. As the two were exiting another soldier walked in pointing at Shizunai, "You there, yeah you fox boy, spies have infiltrated Elrest, get your ass down there any earn you pay or I'll slit your damn throat you useless piece of crap" he said calmly despite his aggressive words. Before Shizunai could respond the soldier quickly left in search of more people. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It didn't take long for news of the events in Elrest to arrive at Fort Talgusta. Apparently a pack of wolves had appeared out of nowhere and had started slaughtering the citizens on sight. To further complicate things spies from Granford had also infiltrated the town and where looting and pillaging whatever they could get their hands on. Soldiers ran around frantically trying to gather anyone who wasn't drunk or passed out to head to the city immediately. It was only a few minutes to sundown and the Lieutenant didn't want any idiots down their who'd complicate things even further. Since most of the soldiers were well and truly passed out, the focus was to get the mercenaries down there, it didn't matter if they died anyway. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Another soldier barged into the dining hall clearly repulsed by the alcoholic stench "Any of you shits in here still able to hold your weapons the right way?" He shouted out at the dining hall which was full of sleeping and drunk men. The soldier snarled, explaining the situation in an overly loud voice before slamming the door behind him, disgusted that not one person had made a move towards the exit.
  23. Am I being too self conscious in thinking that this post was directed at me? XD
  24. Nyargh, not too sure about this one. Unlike the others that have applied so far I don't know your style/level or RPing. And I don't want to see a Tolmaean Dean zapping the crap out of everyone he doesn't get along with, cause I'm sure we can all assume he'd be on the stronger side of the group. (Kieru probably being the polar opposite in terms of power). I'm willing to accept this character as a trial, possibily having the HeadMaster (ewww LoAF have you done to that word) dismiss Arias from his position in Tolmaeus if things get out of hand. Reason I'm willing to accept it is because that's one less NPC off my hands XD /lazy
  25. *Soon being tomorrow or the day after XD As I've said before I don't want to cut out interaction for plots sake, and I've sort of got Yoshimitsu's character infront of me, and camtech possibly looking around to kill Kieru XD A pity since everything I need for my plan to work is set up perfectly right now XD
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