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Everything posted by Kanami

  1. I guess I may as well throw in my hatred [spoiler=Hurt Lightning, Heal Bal] Fireman 19 Narga_Rocks 45 Nightmare 18 Red Fox of Fire 22 Raven 10 Bianchi 11 Soul 17 Mekkah 6 Musashi 8 Lightning 4 TheEnd 10 Dio 17 Balcerzak 15 Integrity 16 Chalis 8 Esau of Isaac 8 Proto 11 Luminescent Blade 31 Generic Officer 14 Wist 20 Dark Legend Vampire 50 Songbird 8 Hero 7 Amelia 10 El Rey Leon 22 Tangerine 22 DAGRON 8 Lux Aeterna 18 Popo 35 Pride 10 Marthur 8 Soluna 38 Karina_Martell 29 Rhythm 32
  2. ALS is great.... but far from waqwaq quality >_< Predicts a week 11 replay, jut replacing Astel with Waq2 Ah well, good luck to everyone except waqwaq :P cause you all need it. Haven't got much time but I'll try to throw in a crappy entry in myself tomorrow if I have time. Disregarding the cheat splice :P Despite my dislike of Leila I like Lumi's entry for some reason XD Pulls my attention, though it might be the funny yet pretty coloring XD
  3. Has anyone told you people you're crazy? <_< This is so exceeded the limits of a typical splicing competition XD
  4. This XD I'm overjoyed that someones mom had to come into this <_< Really, just really <_<
  5. Kieru nodded as Laterite suggested heading back to Crestia, it was probably the safest place and she didn't enjoy the thought of going to Rison and Vesarius simply because she didn't feel like traveling to lands she wasn't familiar with. She looked around at the group again. the three mercenaries(?) including Laterite seemed to be close friends, or at least work partners. The other mercenary(Bullet) who'd joined up with them she recognized as the man who'd deprived her of her soup earlier that day. But he didn't seem to mind, either that or he didn't recognize her. Either way there was no need for her to approach the man and risk getting in trouble. She figured she'd found enough trouble today anyway. As for the Izu....? She couldn't quite work out why everyone kept referring to him as Izu perhaps it was his name. Either way everyone seemed to think it was in her best interest to avoid the kitty mask man. While uncertain, she decided she'd trust the judgment of the others and keep her distance. As the group started moving Kieru's ears caught the sound of Bullets muttering. Bullet:"Get back at those religious freaks" She quickly hid herself from Bullets view, or at least as well as she could while being on horseback. His words alone were enough to make any priest tense up but the malice his voice carried made a cold shiver run up her spine. She wondered why everyone wanted to her to keep away from Izu, when this man seemed much more of a threat to her. Apparently the others hadn't heard the mans muttering or had purposely decided to ignore it. Either way, she decided she'd keep her distance from the mad mercenary man. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Several Hours later ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kieru rubbed her eyes at the smell of meat. Apparently she'd fallen asleep. Opening one eye wearily she looked around making sure she was a safe distance from the Mercenary and man called Izu, sighing with relief when she spotted both of them on the other side of the fire. The man who'd introduced himself as Laterite to her was talking to one of his friends. Or at least was they were speaking to each other, while the conversation didn't look hostile, it didn't look too friendly either. Deciding she didn't want to interrupt she closed her eyes and listened carefully. Frowning with contempt as the man(Ivan) explained that he couldn't have taken the soldiers. So Laterite was a liar.... Feeling angry at herself for listening and semi-believing the mans words. Just cause she looked younger then him by (quite) a few years it didn't give him the right to treat her like a kid that needed to be babysitted. She was old enough to be a proper lady after all.
  6. I might have three jobs to deal with but all of them are part-time jobs so it's not like I'm doing that much. The latest one I've picked up is to fill in a favor I owe for an acquaintance (Friend sounds more natural, but I refuse to acknowledge him as a friend... bastard). I usually only take up jobs that I can do in my own time (tutoring/translating and manager positions) but as I said, filling in a debt so I'm constantly required to be at work for the next two weeks (max). And two weeks after that, I have exams :D *Loses sanity....wait... nevermind* Not much of a shooting game fan actually, only said that to emphasize how busy I'd be. Tried Touhou, and graduated from it a few years back, but thanks for the recommendation. I'd resort to gaming, but I found out in my early teens that gaming doesn't relieve stress, not when your a crappy gamer like me and die constantly XD I'll try to get one or two posts in a each day, but can't promise anything. I was going to say "I feel bad for starting this and then getting busy" and the whole blahblah that follows after it but figured saying so would be a complete and utter lie and personally think that admitting I'm not sorry is more amusing decent then making up feelings I don't actually hold. So... "Haha? You have to wait for me to not be busy~" Just kidding, I haven't got a set route mapped out for the RP (as I've constantly said) so if someone wants to direct the plot in a certain direction while I'm busy that's fine and I actually welcome someone doing so. Now to catch up, read the posts, reply, and then finish the reading for tomorrows lecture XD
  7. ^What he said :P I've been kind of busy these past few days, and unfortunately it's likely to be busy again for the next few days. Since I'm picking up a third job <_< Don't ask me why, I don't know myself for a short period of time. Coupled with several assignments, college and murderous rampages to relieve stress...... Yeah, busy XD Now I just need to decide if I'm willing to purchase a shooting game, or if I should go for the real deal
  8. Camtechs has several issues, but it got a laugh out of me, if you were going for the lol effect XD
  9. Kieru thought the question over, where did she want to go? Back to the church? It'd probably be abandoned. To Granford? No, she didn't want to risk making these men angry, they seemed bitter enough about being kicked out of the fort. Fort Talgusta?.... Well that was a stupid option. She suddenly recalled before arriving that she was to head to Rison if anything were to happen here. Risons army wasn't much better equipped then the ones in Talgusta but they were lead by a competent man who'd repelled several attacks from Ariost this past month. Alternatively they could remain in Talgusta, Fort Gorbac and Hesval were probably still standing, but the establishments were said to be worse then the main fort (Talgusta), and the soldiers were said to be more rowdy and untrustworthy there too. There was also the option of returning to Crestia, Crestia was were the main army was stationed, and if any army in Crestia had the power to reclaim Talgusta it'd be the imperial army. If she were to follow her duty and report the events to authorities, it'd be better for her to go directly to Crestia Castle opposed to having a message relayed from Rison. Frowning she cocked her head to one side, uncertain why she was being asked where she wanted to go. She couldn't understand why these men were even still around. Shouldn't they run off and find another employer, not waste time here asking her such difficult questions? Deciding she wouldn't be able to take responsibility if anything went wrong she opened her mouth to complain when a man (Bullet) came crashing into view. "Not again" she whined as she saw everyone around her tense up.
  10. For those planning to head over to the next fort (seems to be the general direction people plan to head. There's a few small Forts located in Talgusta (Feel free to name them) Though they're not in any better condition then Talgusta. Alternatively heading to Rison or Vesarius cities would be another option, the "soldiers" there are stationed in cities not forts. So if you've had enough of boring forts then that's a good way to go. A big thanks to rn7 for taking the initiative and doing whatever he wants XD It makes me job easier since I'm more a reactor then a creator. Still busy doing several morning chores. Three more posts to go :/ Regarding the "skim post" comment above, I've noticed I'm more inclined to read long detailed posts XD Opposed to short posts which get right to the point.... no idea why.
  11. Nyargh >_< Headache >_< Give me a few moments to catch up, As for reading, I read all the posts, whether I retain what I've read is another issue though. So I suppose I "skim" read as well XD
  12. Being "fast" doesn't have much to do with dodging attacks, Unless trying to get from one spot to another. It's more reflex and perception. Assuming that's what you meant under normal circumstance one 'seasoned' warrior isn't going to be able to defeat several others, not head on at least anyway. Dodging attacks isn't easy by any means. Using real-life examples when two people fight, most of the punches and kicks will hit their target. Even moreso if it's 3~5 people against one. You could argue that your character is alot more.... battle-hardened then the typical brawler in real life, however the opposite is also true and the guards/bandits/soldiers would be faster, more accurate and skillful with a weapon then an average person in real life. @Cluttering Topic Chat topics are never cluttered XD It's pretty much an all purpose discussion thread anyway :P @Cocytus Don't worry, that's what the experienced writers are here for, to cover up our mistakes XD So with the exception of a few, we're mainly near or at the barn? Probably best for those who aren't there to head towards the barn or meet up with others. *Bullet, Shizunai, Hubert etc*
  13. Clarification on what's going on would be nice, Where are we all? *Bad sign when the RP Leader doesn't know what's going on* Sounds like some of are at the barn, others seem to still be in the fort, but the events are occuring simultaneously in the same place. (EG Arias and Beatrice) Beatrice seems to be at some sort of barn throwing farming tools around, while Arias is leaving the fort with Beatrice. Is the barn inside the Fort? I figured the barn wasn't considering how only five guards turned up.
  14. Kieru pouted again as the man apologized "Is all you do apologize?" she hissed rudely at the man clearly not pleased. "Kieru isn't a little princess that needs to be protected all the time you know" she continued as the horse slowed down. Taking a look around her surroundings before deciding now was as good a time as any. She slipped out of Laterites grasp and jumped off the horse, landing in a crumpled mess as she failed to land on her two feet this time. Laterite who didn't seem to have predicted this stopped the horse and turned to face her as she dusted herself off. "Kieru doesn't trust strange people who leave their friends behind" she stated with a slight tinge of pride. "Kieru also knows that nice kind men who help Kieru want something, Kieru isn't stupid you know" she continued in a bit of a rant. Pointing in the direction they had just come from she grimaced "Kieru wait here, so Lat, Lat-wight? go help his friends okay?" she asked as if she was telling off a child.
  15. I've noticed XD Ah well, new time correction. Fort Talgusta is now completely aflame, people should now be in that general timeslot. @Shallow Character I agree, a character that just wants to set things on fire is very shallow. However Hubert has so far accomodated his "Fire, Fire! FIRE!" ranting with significant indications of the "Superiority" complex alot of Tolmaeans have. So calling him a shallow character isn't something I can agree with. Though that said, I can see how people might think of him at shallow at this stage. He'll most likely develop different characteristics as things progress. @Script Where the hell were you in LoAF when we were in Elysimma? XD I could have used an arson buddy back then/
  16. Kieru just shook her head in disbelief. It wasn't too long ago that she'd been trying to think of little pranks to liven the place up a bit, and now here she was in what looked like a hovel, with a some noble, a sleeping man, bloodthirsty nut who she recognized from earlier, and soldiers who didn't look as friendly as she had initially hoped. If things weren't bad enough already something came falling out of the sky. <_< The words "meteor" escaped her lips but she didn't think anyone noticed, and she was wrong anyway, as the dust settled she realized it was a ragged looking woman, with the robed man from earlier and..... a big lizard? What was the world coming to? As if to answer her question, the night sky flared up again, apparently the flames of the Fort had spread to the outer walls, she could hear shouting in the distance but she didn't have time to worry about them, she was in a bit of a situation herself Jumping off the horse, wobbling a bit before re-balancing herself on her two feet. Her backside hurt and she wasn't in the best of moods. She looked around and found a Granite ball lying on the floor, picking it up she stared at the soldiers, apparently the woman was going to engage them in battle. Though looking at her ragged state she'd probably be butchered immediately unless she got help. After all, it was four against one, five if you included the man who was on the ground with his leg bent in an impossible angle, though fortunately for him, he was also unconscious. Kieru is no longer in the fort, so I can't exactly respond Yoshi XD
  17. My opinion is that luck plays a huge role in fights. It's not about skill or strength, though both help tremendously in pulling the battle in ones favor. So while I admit Pikemen>Swordmen in terms of weapon advantage it really depends on other circumstances. Assuming everything was controlled (Flat terrain, equal skill/strength, intelligence, weapon quality etcetc). Despite it being impossible, I'd have to agree with the outcome of the swords being destroyed. I don't agree with games that have dodgy characters, real life usually means that if someone thrusted a spear at you, you're dead. Unless it missed for some reason, either way "misses" wouldn't happen very often. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *Looks at posts* Does anyone respect time? I mean I said 30 minutes XD Ah well, no biggie, just found it amusing. XD
  18. Kieru had been on her way to greet the men clad in red when she was scooped off her feet and was carried off in the other direction. She struggled against the man at first but quickly figuring out that she didn't have any chance of overpowering the mercenary she decided she'd save her energy for when the man let his guard down. That and she was feeling dizzy from the healing. Or was this nausea? She wasn't sure but she didn't feel too well mentally that's for sure. She opened her mouth as she was hefted rather violently, but the man seemed to have notice her discontent and treated her as a living being, opposed to a sack of potatoes. Instead of complaining she asked the man where they were headed. But the man seemed to be lost in thought. For a few seconds she was wondering if the man had bumped his head during the explosion causing him to act the way he was, but he seemed to have made up his mind and started walking again. "Where are we going~" she moaned clearly upset with being dragged off somewhere without being told where exactly she was being taken to. She replied a quick reply mentioning something about a barn, before the man offered his hand to pull her up. She hesitated, now would be her best chance of getting away. Staring at the mans hand for a few seconds before sighing and giving in. At least he wasn't calling her a kid. Grabbing the mans hand she pulled herself onto the back of the horse. "Kieru" she muttered rudely in response to the man introducing himself. "Representative of...." she frowned then shook her head "Healer for the Crestian army, I suppose I don't mind getting out of here" she stated looking back at the rubble "Though Kieru is not a baby! She can walk properly and doesn't need to be carried around" she finished pouting. If he wanted to carry someone he should of carried the legless man who'd been left behind.
  19. Any proper building are all gone, left the stable alone because Rakka was there, if you need another building for whatever reason then you can ressurect it or say it was only partially blown up. Destroying Fort Talgusta can't be stopped now with the way things are going. I just don't want you reviving the mess hall which is clearly.....well, not salvageable XD
  20. As Snike pointed out before me, it's not in the fineprint. XD Where's Kai :/ He's got a chance to actually sound proper using his law (game) terms XD
  21. Not that I'm worried about people withdrawing, but I really don't mind criticism about my plots or the way I execute things. If anything I welcome them, though I would prefer a bit more information on what I'm doing wrong other then a simple sentence stating things are cliche. Getting Gerard to be part of the group was one of my bigger obstacles so while it might sound cruel, I'm glad the boy who cried wolf is gone XD *My 10 minute break >_< Wasted >_<*
  22. Really? I thought that was just one household :/ I mean the flames could have spread, but it would take a bit longer to burn a "portion" of the town down. That and the town isn't empty. People are still in their houses, so I assume the fire would be put out pretty quickly unless Script wants to eliminate Elrest too XD *Really gone*
  23. ^Not sure if I personally agree, but the common soldier holds a spear/pike/lance/metal stick. While kings and generals tend to wave around decorated ceremonial swords. Or that's my view of it at least anyway. Better head off to Uni soon, 2 posts short of our daily maximum/aim but I get the feeling that'll easily be filled before I get home from school. If not, then well, no big deal, just means today was slightly quieter then the past few days. @Snowy You do know that Elrest is not on fire right? Kieru/Laterite/Andra/Ivan: Near the mess hall (Talgusta) Naomi/Beatrice/Arias: Opposite side of the Fort to the mess hall (Talgusta) Shizunai/Bullet: In the streets of Elrest Hubert: Heading back to Talgusta Gerard: In a pile of his own mess or running around? Arc: Died in the explosion? *Shrugs* Brianna/Cicero: Not yet introduced
  24. Being realistic, we'd probably have a stable in the fort somewhere as well XD But I didn't want to kill any ponies just humans so I left that out :P I'm not making excuses for my poor planning... honest.... okay maybe a bit.... a big bit. I don't know where Rakka's being kept, I'll leave that up to Fush. I'm not sure what the deal is with swords either, but I guess they're also the most prominent weapons in literature. There seems to be more holy/important swords, then holy bows and axes. A few spears as well, but mainly swords from what I can tell. Spears are so much better IMO. *poke*.... *poke poke* XD
  25. (Elrest) The sound of battle quietened down as Bullet returned to the fray, the battle was pretty much over, with Bullet and Shizunai being included in the dozen that still remained active, everyone else lay on the floor, never to awaken again. As the two had charged forward, their entire rear had been wiped out. Several had attempted to surrender casting their pride aside, but it was clear that nobody intended to take prisoners. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (Talgusta) Kieru nodded, she wasn't sure if she'd be able to do anything, after all, the man already looked like a corpse, bar his heartbeat and groaning. She took three deep breaths before focusing and applying pressure what looked like a wound, she wasn't even sure, everything was burnt and horrid looking and the pressure she was putting on the man was undoubtedly causing him pain. A few seconds passed before the mans breath evened out again. Satisfied with her work she moved her hand over to the mans face, applying the same procedure. As she removed her hand the man opened one of his eyes and stared at her, apparently he had managed to save one of his eyes. Though the other had no prospect of seeing daylight ever again. Kieru looked up at the sky, why was it so bright? The sun had well and truly gone down by now but the flames emitting from the buildings made it seem brighter then it had been all day. Kieru yawned as she removed her hand from the mans chest, she'd done all she could, though how the man would continue living after today she had no idea. He was certainly not going to be any good being a mercenary or soldier anymore. She hesitated again and she pulled away, had she really saved the man? Or just condemned him to a life of suffering? She looked over at Laterite who'd bandaged the wounds Kieru hadn't been able to heal. The man too finished his job and seemed to be thinking about something. Which pushed Kieru into thinking about the thing she'd forgotten. A few second passed before she could hear shouting coming from the gates. Soldiers in crimson red armor were marching in from the far gates in an orderly manner. Others seemed to have noticed too and were calling for help, she smiled at Laterite "Help is here" she said happily indicating the fully armed men who'd arrived. Things were finally starting to look better.
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