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Everything posted by Kanami

  1. Kanami


    Greetings ninetales avatar.... and I suppose the user behind it as well :P No idea why I'm here since I don't usually come out of the creative subforum, but since I'm here; Hello, try to enjoy yourself and stay away from the idiots of the forum... Namely.... Actually I'll let you form your own opinions ;)
  2. :/ I'm not accusing or complaining, but that's alot of stuff that needed boxing then XD Though, once you've completed your move, won't you need time off to unpack? While I agree it would have been better to mention this when you had more free time, it's alot better then starting the RP, leaving, and then coming back a week later to either find, everyone's lost interest (or) it's turned into a chaotic thread of crap. So I'd prefer you take your time and wait until you've truly got time to spend on this, only thing worse then an RP that's got a missing leader is an RP that has a crappy leader..... You know who you are... and I bet a whole lot of others know who I'm referring to XD Anyway, you mentioned writing up a post/page/wall of text for those of us who weren't familiar with FE4, how's that coming along?
  3. I contemplated that too since I'd rather get 1 vote then retain my non-existent dignity. If only if he was stupid enough to put the word "because" in there :/.
  4. So according to that name generator, you'd be Purgov XD I tried a few variations and got Kuzmin and Vakolev, but looking at the trend, so far, it seems we all got the "Ov's" And what do you know XD Grigori Petrov = Purg
  5. Yuliana Mikhailov? I don't see why this is in LoAF chat, but nyeh :/ *Tells Phoenix to get back to work* :P I'll adopt a daddy while I'm at it XD
  6. ^^ Puny shoulder maybe? I don't know either, but it's something to do with the angle of the head in relation to the body. I know which way her head is facing, but I can't figure out which way her body is facing, I'm assuming the same way as her head, but the posture layout seems wrong then.
  7. In terms of NPC supports, I have to agree with Psych and Sage, but am going to officially side with Phoenix on keeping them (but not really caring) Since I'm not RP'ing anymore. NPCxPC creates this whole thing with NPC's never moving off. If Ixion and Cess develop a friendship, under the current system, removing Ixion would result in the two no longer being able to communicate, and the lack of validation for the bonuses. What you people need to do is figure out the difference between NPC's who stick with the group, (and essentially act as PC's without stats). And genuine NPC's (Mana(?) Ivanko, Ixion) would classify as such as they actually aren't constantly hanging around like Lev :/ However, I'm going to say let the system be, and not bother with changes. This RP has already established a system, it's rather stupid to make corrections this late in the RP. But if you insist on changing it, by all means. It really isn't worth the effort IMO.
  8. I'm not really going to go into too much depth since people get angry cause I criticize so harshly XD But I'd like to see some more "creative" work from you, you've obviously got recoloring handled, and the head/body splices aren't too badly done either. Whether you decide to edit the face or body is up to you, but I'd suggest starting with mixing adding hair as a new element Splice 1 hair, one face, and one body (What you're doing is one head, one body). Like what you've done for your row 4 column 2 splice. The only thing that looks completely weird is Erk's head. It just doesn't fit.
  9. @LAegis Well on the other hand I refer to you guys not as Es-Kyu'ers but "Skewers" XD So there's two sides to that perspective XD @Kiryn I'd strongly assume that joining later is acceptable, unless this is going to end within the period of one month :/ @Snowy You're might be a victim there, but you're also equally an offender, so I wouldn't go yapping just yet. The main issue I can recall is Loafers not willing to listen to external opinion. "Okay, but we prefer our way" would have been better, but the initial input put into LoAF feedback was responded to with, "Get lost, we don't care, this system works for us and we don't want to listen to outsiders." That, coupled with some pretty stupid comments you make. I'll probably never forget your "If you're argue about stuff, take it to court" comment in the religious topic. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Astel was female? XD Go figure:/ I really don't know anyone on this forum :P @Astel I was worried you'd lost motivation or something after the barrage of questions, but if you're working on info for us non-FE4 players, that'd help alot, and more importantly it'd value wouldn't decrease if we got it prior to signing up a character. Good luck:P
  10. @Skipping I personally don't see a problem with Camtechs move. (PS Camtech it's not "rereading" if you haven't read it :P ) Anything that's mentioned within this thread that is of importance, should be mentioned in the Signup/Info page as well. Since alot of it is FE4 fanatics debating FE4's gameplay mechanics, something which has very little significance in the RP. @LoAF/Shu There'd probably be participants from both sides, but I doubt SQ'ers opinion of Snowy will change much, and from what I've seen it's not SQ'ers vs LoAF'ers but SQ'ers vs Snowy with LoAF'ers getting all defensive XD
  11. Nyeh, it's a difficult set, while there's been a few creative entries, the only one that I'd say that's any good is MarioKirby's. Yours might suck (No offense you said it yourself :P ) but so does everyone elses..... I should really stop tossing insults around XD
  12. Something really bugs me, but I might as well enter it :/
  13. I quit splicing a month ago, but since I've got nothing better to do, I might cook something up. Set looks painful though :/ Ah well, at least there's lots of hair to play with :)
  14. Look what I found! XD I got a special mention! XD Thanks once again for those answers, I'm relatively happy to at least give this RP a go despite MLS scaring the crap out of me with a network of information. Looking forward to updates now as I'm out of questions. @Society -Cousins and having the same ancestor. It's not really an issue since 200 years would allow for at least 6 generations of kids. If Sigurd had two kids. And each of his children/grandchildren continued having two kids. Sigurd -> Twokids - Fourkids - 8kids - 16kids - 32kids. So you've got 32 distant relatives, wouldn't surprise me if you didn't know all of them. @Blood Impressed with the way blood was handled, my reasoning for the "Bloods" not giving the godly boosts they did in the game would go along the lines of the blood losing potency. Unless of course you kept the bloodline pure by marrying cousins and getting warped babies. I'm glad that the blood/weapons are only decoration, as getting my head around that was becoming painful XD
  15. Firstly, thanks for answering my questions in such great detail XD I was expecting one sentence answers. but as many have stated am impressed and relieved to find that you're not just another. "Hey I like this game, I'll make an RP" type person and have given it thought. I agree with the 200 year setting, and the "ancestor>child" system. I'm glad you're planning to keep this as a "fantasyRp." As technology Rp's really aren't my thing. My only issue being "posting once a month" XD If that were to happen I'd be retired by the time this RP finishes. I can't promise participation, but it's interested me enough to read up on those games. For now, I guess I'll just ask a few more questions... Well, ones CATS hasn't asked XD Though a quick list of bloods and their benefit might help non-players, you've probably got alot more pressing things to deal with. 1: Will this be a group party? An important issue for me, since I don't enjoy RP's were you have some princess and her retainer on one side of the continent, and a group of heroes on the other, RP'ing simultaeneously. Essentially, are the RP'ers going to be lumped into one group and travelling around? 2: Character Creation numbers How many PC's are Rp'ers allowed to create initially upon registering? SQ Rp'ers seem to have a new character popping up frequently. And I know that some RP'ers here are incapable of successfully RP'ing anything more then one character. While I'm not asking for a set rule, how many characters would you suggest people create when they start this RP? 3: NPC Creation License You've stated you mainly want the players to define the course of the plot, does that include a free-license for players to create NPC's and enemies? What about introducing plot elements and taking over the plot temporarily?
  16. @psych From what I can tell, you people are kind of all stealing power from Snowy to make the RP a more enjoyable experience for yourselves. Usually, a GM at least guides you through the story, but apparently incompetence prevents that from happening here. I'd expect everyone to jump up and say they remember, but how many of them actually did, probably will never be known,.
  17. Several questions that I think you'll be asked sooner or later 1: Importance of prior knowledge Judging from your post knowledge of Jugdral is no essential for players, however will there be any benefits or advantages of having played Genealogy or Thracia? 2: Canon? Will there be any characters in the game that reappear in the RP? 200 years so I assume not, but will there be constant references between the RP and the games? 3: How carefully have you thought this over. Is this one of those "I had an idea and want to RP it" or has the RP been planned out carefully? Pretty much what I'm asking is plot-wise on a scale of 1~10 how much have you planned. (Since I'm letting people do whatever they want, seldom ends well) 4: This is a serious RP right? Example of a non-serious RP. http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=21568 The Quest for Nothing. 5: How fast will things progress? Or rather how fast do you want it to progress? A forum page a day? 5 pages a day? Not a question I usually ask but looking back at LordofAzureFlames a few months ago, it's one I can't help but ask :P ~~~~ If this idea does go through, make this your Sign-up thread I suppose. If you're just testing the waters, it probably should have gone in the "Chat" subforum
  18. From the looks of things, I didn't need to be around, the RP's fallen to the pits, moreso then when I was around flaming it XD It's recovering but probably because the Rp'ers are taking the plot out of Snowy's hands XDAlso, being the better of LoAF people isn't even a bar worth mentioning XD Nyeh, not to sure, I'll try reading that summary I caught a glimpse of earlier, I'm kind of hoping for a brand new RP to jump up sooner or later.
  19. Tch tch, the fun is telling the idiots off, and then later telling them "I told you so." Furthermore it's fun complaining to these people since they're logic is weirder then... well I can think of anything, but it's just weird XD
  20. Personally I think I'm only hard to deal with if I see you as an idiot, hate it when people argue, or have a problem when things don't go your way. Though there are people I don't get along with no definite reason. I'm mean and rude by default, so if you think people should be polite upon default, or follow the stupid saying "If you have nothing nice to say, don't say it" then it's best you go hide under your bed before the world gets to you.
  21. *Nods at Kiryn* It's okay, our hatred is mutual! Or something like that, to be honest I don't have a positive or negative opinion of you :P Though I'm surprised more people didn't flee the moment I posted here, Snowy seems to have at least anyway XD @Kai Not really, no. Though I doubt my sense of humor resembles yours in anyway
  22. @Kai :/ I'm assuming I should be insulted that I'm being compared to Psych in his current state :/ And 13, 14, 21 you'll all be 13 year old noobs to me :P It's your mental age :P @Cynthia I want to move to your countries education system :/ @Purg Nyeh, I don't even know you really, I've just seen a few posts here and there that indicate you know what you're talking about. Which is more then can be said for over 50% of the people here XD @Script Are you able to take criticism, or do you simply just not know who I am? I am the Kanami! Unfriendly flamer of.... nyeh bored now forget that.
  23. @Purg That wasn't a compliment, but an insult (just not directed at you) XD @Kai Kiryn hates me that much eh? XD I'm also used to talking to 13 year old noobs, I talk to you don't I? :PI'm personally not picky about who it is, as long as I can flame them :P @Cynthia I'm sort of worried that "people" weren't going to school/work for half a year before it slowed down then XD
  24. Indeed it means nothing to me XD I've never been on the IRC thingie, and I actually have a higher opinion of Purg then alot of people here. And e_s > Snowy :P
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