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Everything posted by Kanami

  1. +1 point for Psych FF is a crappy overrated franchise.
  2. @Bal Tsukuyomi and Elfen were good, Escaflowne I never got around to watching :/ As for Azumanga.... think I watched an episode after someone suggested it to me and gave up, I know it probably gets better, but school life isn't my thing apparently. Watched Lucky Star apparently, don't remember much of it thought XD @Phoenix I have no intentions of becoming some Phoenix dream girl, and am glad I am 100% Japanese @Lightning Don't worry, apparently I'm human scum, so I don't count as 100% human, @Snowy You continue being less then human scum then, it suits you. @Phoenix2 God is over-rated, but if we hold an election I'll vote you, can't be any worse then the guy currently in office.
  3. Ah sorry, missed the spoiler. -Excuse name spellings -I could do a direct translation, but I'll just cover the meaming. 戦いの後、 姿を消したエストを 追って国を出る。 その後の行方は不明である。 After the battle, he/she'd follow Est who had quietly(unnoticedly? (Not a word)) left the kingdom. Where he/she went after that is not known. 戦いの後、 オレルアンへ去る。 死に場所を求めるかのように 激しい戦いに身を投じていった… After the battle he/she'd leave for Oreruruan(?) As if seeking a place where he/she could die. He continued to throw his life into vicious battles.
  4. Anime? Hmm, well known ones would probably be Higurashi and Geass :/ But it depends on what genre. I used to help several fansub groups with translating and corrections for awhile, and ended up watching things that weren't worksafe XD But I can't really say, :/ I enjoyed Ayashi No Ceres and Full Moon wo Sagashite years ago, but don't know if I can still say that if I watched it today. Plus, I can watch anything from the little girlie magical shoujo types (Nanoha) to the more dull slice of life ones (Tokyo magnitude 8) to the outright repetitive Jigoku Shoujo series XD I had a list of anime I'd watched that I'd compiled over the last 8 years, but it went boom along with my computer XD So I don't know, recently finished watching ShamanKing though @Kai translate what?
  5. Snowy, really, just be quiet. You're making Kai look smart :/
  6. @Kai/Phoenix Inuyasha was set in a world I like, but failed in so many ways. I could have sat through it if I didn't have to put up with dubs. (sister prefers english, crazy bitch). The first thing I look for in an anime is a cast I can actually like, and Inuyasha lacked that, Kagome is a whiny bitch, Inuyasha is the typical hothead brute, the rest lack personality or aren't all that interesting, most interesting character I could find was Kagura :/ But I probably can only deal with her since she hadn't showed up by the time I stopped watching. How do you know I watch alot of anime anyway? :/
  7. I'm tempted to rejoin the RP for the sole purpose of killing Irina now :/ Monica Stori = Worst VA Kanami knows, and that's saying something considering her opinion on dubs.
  8. Uh huh, now carry that skill over to the RP, and you have slight progress.
  9. @Sage Well, I am in a teaching position towards minors. (Tutoring) So cruelty to kids is pretty much a daily routine for me XD Sexual stuff alone doesn't creep me out, though a bunch of horny kids on a forum, one being bi and pretending to be female, and a cyber-orgy... well if it went too far I'd be forced to contact staffies XD (And I hate authority figures) XD @Snowy, You best just shut your mouth, you're don't seem as stupid when you're not around. You're already firmly labeled and incompetent half-wit, no need to add to your list of flaws. @Ether, Believe it or not, you're not the only one in this thread, and the world certainly doesn't revolve around little old you :/
  10. That's consider rape and pedophilia, and I can't say I approve of such actions, nor does society, and if you can't help yourself, at least don't publicize it each time you do it[/s] Okay maybe not rape, but the other point still stands. No, pedo Ether, bad pedo! Bad!
  11. Probably best if you go to sleep then XD I'll respond, but it'll probably take a while, and it's not like our discussion is urgent. Anyway nighty night.
  12. Sorry is not good enough! Words mean nothing! I could say I love Phoenix...... lets change that to Snowy instead (is reminded of the OTP posts) and I hope most of you are smart enough to know that I don't believe or think that at all. (And to clarify I do not like Phoenix <_< Eww, just ewww) Hmm, is bored, PM volley quieter now, might as well go read some text :/
  13. God I wish I was on E_S side, riling up DSage is starting to tickle my trolling tendencies. XD If asked, My number one reason for being on chats/forums is to argue, so I'm finding this argument rather... hilarious XD Only people I'd listen to here would be Bal, and Cynthia, with an occasional mix of Phoenix but he tends to have too much love for this to make reasonable calls XD Everyone else I don't have a important enough opinion of, or think of them as inferiors! Nyahahaha! I is your arrogant superior! @Dark Sage I honestly think you're being a bit too protective, I mean, we're the ones who started a "don't listen to" trail and the way we were going, "Don't listen to anyone" is a pretty good conclusion XD @General If you think E_S and Purg are here to flame/invade/harass the group, you're probably being too protective, they're probably only here because they're bored like the rest of us and this place was made to Chat about all thing LoAF related, it's not exactly our exclusive chatspace of anything. Though if E_S and Purg did come here for the sole objective of starting an argument and flaming..... well I might get along with them pretty well XD
  14. I rest my case XD You people are hilarious *Off to reply to chunky PM*
  15. Listen to yourself XD It's like saying, for you to enjoy the RP, you "Have to" spend hours infront of the computer XD And not having anything to do, kind of goes with you claim to anti-social behavior. I'm sure that if you looked, you'd find that there are plenty of other things to do, but perhaps you find this more entertaining. When you miss a day or RPing here, do you think the following day "Hey I didn't log on yesterday" or do you think during the missed day that "I can't log on today" or "How can I find time to log on?" I don't completely agree with the "race" mentality Purg/E_S seem to have. But I agree that "Having to" spend several hours online to keep up with the RP is a form of obsession, even if you enjoy it. @E_S Stay away! XD Unless of course you're a no-lifer XD Jk.
  16. I'm going to have to disagree with Cynthia, I can agree that it's not a universal rule, but it seems to fit most of you. Take Sage's comment I myself was waking up earlier then I normally do to be on the RP when others were. If you look at it from one perspective, it's being commited and enjoying an RP, from another it's obsessing over something. And if I asked Phoenix what he was doing "9/10 times" he'd probably say he's doing something related to LoAF. Put simply, what percentage of your online time do you spend here on Serenes/LoAF? Plus, alot of you have already indicated in the past, you log online, just so you can post/interact with people. Again one perspective is trying to "max out my RPing experience" another is.... well obsession. Think it was Phoenix who said something along the lines of "We're trying to get in as many posts before so-and-so need to go." EDIT If you're still unconvinced, read Alch's (and Sage's to a lesser extent) posts above XD
  17. @E_S Alot of these people are... extremes. It's like walking into a cartoon, each one has a unique trait that goes to the extreme, Sage's just proving alot more cynical these days. Probably has something to do with my departure, and him trying to make up for the bitchiness void I left behind. Alot of people here also seem to be more obsessed with this RP then they claim, and act rather.... childishly? For example, if you looked at someones spriting, and commented negatively they'd throw a hissy, "don't say anything unless it's nice." This case has already been illustrated in feedback, I kind of raised an eyebrow with Sage's post in the new guys RP. Sage: "I'm from LoAF" Everyone: "... And? You're point is?"
  18. LoAF Chat > LoAF RP? That's the case for me anyway, reason I still come here, when I've left the RP. For some reason these people are.... weird, both in the good sense and bad sense. XD Most people are asshats? Well I can't completely agree there, asshats kind of indicates that they're ass's on purpose, while in most cases people are just stupid, and don't know they're being "asshats" Human intelligence is infinte, we just tend to be advancing in the wrong direction XD Take a look at Snowy XD It rings true on so many levels @Bal I agree there are varying levels of acquaintances, but honestly, Phoenix is more a scratching post for when I get bored, not exactly considered a person, Cynthia's post are fun to read, but direct interaction with her as a person seldom occur. Sage... well I just passed Reika on to him because he asked, and I don't exactly think any deeper, there's you, but lack of interaction kind of restricts evolving into casual friendship, and even if there wasn't I doubt I'd get along with anyone for very long anyway. Can't think of anyone else I have positive/neutral thoughts on that are worth mentioning.
  19. Nady is anti-social! I don't RL people XD But then again I don't like RL in general. And on the odd occasion I meet someone in RL that I like I kind of get clingy and get all emo when they leave. On the internet though, can't really form such close bonds, and even if others can, I can't. And people people leaving and disappearing is a daily occurrence anyway. Can't really say I like any of you :/ I mean I have positive thoughts on someone of you, but would be reluctant to call you anything more then "some random guy/girl" I chatted with online :/
  20. Nyeh we're all obsessed to something, probably videogames to some degree, *Is reminded of Alchs 40% video game rant* @Cynthia ..... My sister does that, she calls her friends over, they all go to her room open us MSN, and then start chatting to eachother... makes me wonder what the point of coming over was in the first place. @Alch I know you don't want my input but I doubt anything good XD
  21. @Sage Personally, I'd classify most of you people Otaku's :/ I'm not sure what the definition is on everyone elses scale, but anti-social, obsessive fan who spends a lot of time infront of the computer is what I see an otaku as. (Anti-social meaning you'd rather spend time physically alone, and doesn't not include chatting and foruming, which in a sense from an outsiders perspective is anti-social behavior anyway) Plus, if you're on a FE forum, you're probably obsessed to FE to some degree, (or foruming in general)
  22. Nyeh? Why poor me? I'm not exactly reading each post, but did something happen, which I should be interested in?
  23. @Kai's Post :/ Spam chat I see. :/
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