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Everything posted by Kanami

  1. Just out of curiosity, is the Rp normally this.... normal slow? You guys don't do the 10 pages per day stuff anymore? XD
  2. Kai's making snide remarks again :/ Admit it!, It'd be better if you didn't have to ignore Rita! Also I don't watch anime that much, and I'd comply if you could provide a valid argument I wholeheartedly support the idea that me watching anime has an equal amount of value to Kai's life. Possibly more since I pay for my anime, and hence am supporting the industry XD Either way, in that case, it sounds like Etheritis, @Purg's Comment Completely agree. Alot of the characters exist for the sake of existing. I'd understand if the characters had different goals and interactions. But most Rp'ers seem to have other people they like and all their characters get along. It never happened. But Kamilla and Reika would have had completely diffent people they spoke too. (Kamilla would be more moral bound Tessa, while Kamilla would not get along with Tessa at all). Things like that would get around people wanting to interact with eachother, but not being in character. But it seems more secondary/third characters are Ian & Marks
  3. @Psych I don't know anything specific, but reading the PM's and Posts I'm reading, it seems to be general consensus Rita is the "dumb bitch" of the group XD There's two possibilities here; 1: You're not successfuly conveying the complex nature of Rita 2: You're suffering from Etheritis, and are so infatuated with your character, you're evaluating her with higher marks then she deserves. I was actually surprised to be find people like Pary more then Cess and Rita :/
  4. *Viciously attacks Kai* No one's saying "kick characters out." (Well maybe Psych in regards to Pary) As I keep saying, I'm just illustrating how it's not really fair to cite "reasons for staying" under any circumstance other then attacking the entire group as a whole. As for "8" people. It's not really that big an issue really. Looking at RPG's the characters could just be blessed by a god along the way, find sacred weapons (They already have) or simply just be "The chosen ones" XD @Cynthia True, but on the other hand, being "attacked" is going to happen anyway. If it's Chase, running off by himself then I agree, it could be dangerous. But Damian and Conrad have safety in numbers via an national army. A nomad tribe isn't exactly "nothing" and depending on the numbers, could be more formidable then the group. Isotov, (while unwilling) could "technically" seek refuge under whatever mini-nation Ivanko has. So again, staying with the group isn't crucial technically.
  5. Semi-reasons? Hmmm, not too sure. I'm not clear on what developments have been made since I left, but the whole concept of the "LoAF" returning is iffy at best. I'm just saying that if you start attacking people's reasons for staying with the group, 90% of the cast can be kicked off. Arrin for example, is with the group why? He has a CW, but that doesn't mean he "Has" to travel with the group. It's not like the CW's can't be apart from eachother. So back in the Elysimma criminal days, it wouldn't have surprised me if "logically" Kelas picked up Arrin and went off to seek refuge under the local nomad tribe mentioned back in Chapter 4(ish?). Until at least the criminal stuff had been sorted out. Essentially characters stick with the group because they want to remain active participants of the RP. And everyones reasons for remaining once evaluated seems sketchy at best. ADD You don't need more characters, Snowy or Cynthia could just decrease enemy strength or numbers. If anything you people have too many characters, and aren't Rp'ing them properly (Properly being presenting them as stand-alone interesting characters)
  6. Your timezone +14hours is my timezone xD

    I don't mind talking about the RP, a few people are filling me on details (out of boredom) and it's interesting to see how idiots will always be idiots..... Though I guess 2 months isn't ample time to change.

  7. *Relishes moment* Not very often that I get to read a valid response XD I agree that there was a sense of "Snowy, shut up." But I also think that his points listed above his tier list were also vague or poorly presented. For as long as I can remember in this RP. Snowy's been all about "Why is Esphyr so low?" And when presented with an answer, he "sweeps it away" with it being a fantasy world or Phoenix's "Acting in character" Getting a new mental illness every few chapters probably isn't logical or "in character." Maybe it is, I don't know. My main issue was Kelas and Morgan's position, he tries to present a case for Esphyr, but with those two it just seemed he was expressing dislike or contempt for no apparent reason. He cites "reasons for staying with the group" as an issue. But frankly no one has a reason to stay with the group other then the CW wielders. Not to offend, but I'm sure if Tessa found a nice church that'd take her in, she has a significant chance of doing so. Even Conrad and Arrin are "tagging along." Esphyrs tagging along so she can open her legs to Damian. etcetc. Overall, I don't appreciate the idea of the GM (out of all people) to start trying to pick off characters from the RP y stating that they have no reason to stay. Katie for one, definitely never had any reason to stay. :/
  8. The irony XD The god damned irony XD Either way, did Psych's two newies get approved or rejected?
  9. Temp or not depends on whether I can find something that keeps me interested here, and since I've given up spriting, don't care much for FE, and see Spamland (FftF?) to be pointless. There's not much keeping me here.... well other then flaming around in the RP section :P

  10. Great, even the admin are making fun of me now xD Temporarily, it's not like I missed you all.... honest :P (Actually just logged on since I finished my assignments and had nothing to do)

  11. @Bold But circumstances change, Reika wouldn't have had a bodyguard, but (assuming she's still with the group) she wouldn't have had contact with others for this long either, it's usually meet->steal->leave or meet->kill->flee. So under the new environment, maybe she saw the benefit of hiring/appointing a bodyguard? @SageReika How can you forget that? Or wasn't I a big enough headache for you to take note of, to the point me not being around isn't even worth considering? :P @FEE Wasn't even aware he was on FEE :/ Either way this is sort of deviating into chat so if there's anything else you wanted to say, moving over to the spam chat thread might be better.
  12. Might just be me, but I don't have time to be messing around on forums while I'm at work >_< And the thought of logging on from a school makes me think the person is an addict XD Funny how you've changed since 2 months ago, you'd constantly be trying to cover lightnings failures, and slobbering all over "Snowy's girls." Might still be happening (I don't know) but it doesn't seem like it. If anything it's almost as if you've taken up my flaming position XD No guarantee's but I might be around for a bit again, playing PM ping-pong again so until I get bored of that it wouldn't hurt to have a extra few PM's thrown in if there's anything you'd like to discuss. Hmmm, she might. Like everything, it depends on the circumstances. The Reika I knew wouldn't have even had a bodyguard since she wouldn't know when they'd turn on her. But I'm sure her character wouldn't treat a bodyguard with respect. So "slave" seems pretty fitting. "Kai is Kai" and Sage is Sage. I'm not really sure why he took a liking to me, most people get repulsed XD It's not even like me and Phoenix who have had a history of bickering and working against eachother in this RP. Regardless, I can understand how you're jealous and needy, and want a guy fawning over you for some unknown reason. I'd suggest going to a gay bar. You'd fit right in ;)
  13. MarioKirby, mainly because it reeks "new splicer" though I've seen that name attached to a splice before so I'm probably being pretty rude. Either way, it's pretty nostalgic :P Astelaine's is nice and all, but I'm not sure if it's a splice entry, and even if it is. It's too complex for my tastes.
  14. Pffft, you show me someone who can leave the internet in this day and age. As stated elsewhere my interest in FE forums is depleted. Only logged in here to talk to a friend.

  15. @Reika Nyeh, it happens alot in this rapid paced environment. It's either wait for a few hours and make no sense, or ignore half the interactions XD Nyeh Either way, character interaction is probably lacking @Sage, but from what I've read so far it seems fine. And I'm in no position to tell you what "your" character should be like..... *hint hint @halfwit* Kamilla Nyergh, I deleted a few things that I didn't think were necessary. Either way there wasn't much to work on other then her working for Septimian Church(?) There were other things I planned when she was created but I never wrote them up anywhere so if I deleted anything it's pretty much just Church -> pilgrimage/mission -> agewipe -> hauled back to ... (whatever the place was called.... Conrad/Viveka nation?) And her personality being that she doesn't like the group. If you look back at this RP in retrospect you'll find alot of the characters were extremely undeveloped. XD Either way, I don't have any reason to stay here past my bedtime, so nighty night. Should I be worried that there were people online this early (my time)? I mean don't you people work?... Actually nevermind XD
  16. It depends on whether she got on a schoolbus to get an education! or a Khmer Rouge bus. I personally would prefer the later. But grandma bluehead probably will get a cardiac arrest soon anyway. ~could have sworn I saw someone say Reika only interacts with Alf, not sure what page or even which thread XD But I'm also pretty sure I quoted a non-intellectual there, so my apologies. :/ @Phoenix Doesn't sound too interesting.... Well you've successfuly conveyed that this farce is no longer even funny so thanks for that XD
  17. Anihaseo you shriveled cabbages, how goes the world of idiotic drama?...... Nothing's changed has it?..... No surprises there. :/ This list wasn't really about reflecting everyones unanimous evaluations. And tier lists are pretty much controlled by the threads creator anyway. That's not to say they can do whatever they want (they can, people'll just start ignoring it). That's why I left hoping Cynthia would continue it since she had the ability to take a step back and look from an unbiased eye. Whatever the case this shouldn't be used as "my characters better then yours" but as a list indicating to Rp'ers that their characters are becoming uninteresting. it's essentially up to the individual whether they do anything about it. ..... Yup, nothing's changed. XD It's kind of sad to see your ability to argue your point hasn't developed. Are you honestly arguing that <user> gender is related to how this is ranked? If Morgan's still in top tier then it's because none of you have been able to argue her down properly. When this list was first created she started there since that's where I believed she belonged. And at the time there wasn't strong objection to her position. Essentially reading your posts now, and recalling back to "those dark days" it seems you've always been concerned with raising your own characters, not being able to accept the opinions and criticism of others is a sign of poor leadership :/ ... I love fire and all, but I'm not willing to walk back into hells maw. Honestly though, I was pretty sure I left Reika's character to Sage, if he wanted Reika to have a big stupid grin on her face while giving out poisoned cookies, that's fine. I don't know how much time/events have lapsed since I passed Reika over ingame but I assume enough time has passed for her character to start changing. (Her character wasn't too well defined anyway). However I do concede that if she's still only interacting with Alferis, it'd be "better" for you(Sage) to make her interact with other characters. Even if it is a bit forcefully. Reason being simple. If you make characters interact with uncontrollable (not your own characters) you're forced to play out a scenario you haven't scripted and planned out. Life doesn't work that way. And more importantly you get to focus on "reaction" instead of the entire sequence. And I personally think that the "reaction" is the basis for a good character in an RP. Not the amount of planning people do beforehand. I know I didn't leave many options available for Reika (hostile) but trying to talk to new-comers might be a good idea. You could also have her approach a figure in the group under fake friendship to draw out information she wouldn't be able to otherwise draw out. Just suggestions. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Now for the biggest question, fortunately for you all, I'm not coming back, I just forgot to turn off PM->Email notifications :P But it was amusing reading the last few pages and seeing how not much has changed. Both in terms of the RP, and in terms of RP'er mentality.
  18. Snowy, don't bring back the HM, Psych has a brilliant plan, and it apparently works better with no HM. Be a good useless admin and don't tamper.
  19. I would have loved to have heard you say that back when I was constantly questioning the groups actions and its plausibility. :/ I mean hey, they might not act logically, and the HM might give Verry hugs and kisses :/ And Damian could take a liking to Verry and add her to his harem. And no one messes with Damian, he's the father of all Sue's.
  20. @Psych You do realize that Verry's recruitment will be torn to shreds right? I mean, I certainly would if I was still in this. 1: The cold hearted assholes, they like their little friendship network, and aren't interested in anything else. They don't help with assimilating the character into the group. 2: Verry is an enemy. Looking at the groups attitude, they don't like their enemies, Reika was accepted solely due to her holding the Crimson daggers. Honestly I'd be surprised if someone didn't attack Verry the moment she approached the group. 3: Why is Verry joining the group? She doesn't like her sisters... okay, that doesn't connect to joining the group, best way you could make her join is via becoming the groups slave. "I'm sorry for all the trouble I've caused, let me make it up to you by being your underling" is the only way to go, I want to help and be friends.... well it probably won't get to that stage see 2. 4:You're disliked at the moment by the majority, you've got too much attention on you and even if you do try to play it through, anyone can intervene, hell, I'll make random NPC soldiers and intervene if everyone else is too chicken. Regardless chances of Lightning, or Ether changing their minds in pretty much zero, as is Sage accepting.
  21. Considering your plan, and relationship with Sage, I really doubt he'll allow you to torture Alferis XD
  22. Mage trio have as much protection a soldier A or city Guard B. Or Inn A Even if they have a name, you need to plan their actions out rather carefully if you don't want them skewered. Also, I haven't been reading, but wouldn't Damian recognize the girls?
  23. They get angry when you tell them anyway :/ Though from what I've seen it's not really their fault they're getting angry.
  24. Nyeh, I've played 7~9 and didn't understand the hype over them at all, Grandia was better IMO:/ And there's plenty of other games that are similar and are more interesting. X I tried, to start but quickly got bored of, should still be in a cardboard box somewhere :/ Haven't even bothered glancing at FF since, TBH, I miss the PS2 days, games these days have great graphics, and....hefty prices? It's been ages since I saw a game that I actually bothered considering :/ @Psych Bit of advice as the former most hated person in the RP. Silence is consent, if they don't reply do whatever you want, if they complain, you can tell them you warned them. If things get tough, discredit Snowy's credibility (he's easier to discredit then even Kai) or try to focus the topic on someone elses shortcomings.
  25. Kamilla is Phoenix's character now, Honestly, I wish this Rp would die in a hole, but I'm not willing to piss Bal, Phoenix and Cynthia off in the process. Giving you Kamilla would probably achieve the latter, and bounce harmlessly off the former, so no deal? @Rein Crappy = Awesome in your head huh Rein, shows you education level, you must be the type that indicate left when turning right :/
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