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Everything posted by Kanami

  1. Nyargh >_< Pressure XD Guess I better get the last nation finished off, and hurry up on the OP before people start feeling I'm doing a "Jugdral" @Psych Assuming the majority of RP'er have been around in the last 3 hours, yes? As I said earlier, you've got LoAF against you, SQ not really meshing well, and the prospects for new RP'ers arriving being low. I'd think so. If not, All the negative comments thus far would probably dissuade potential joiners from signing up. Using Jugdral as an example, when posed with a question Astelaine handled it quite well. However your reply was.... a bit lacking to say the least.
  2. People can, but people generally won't unless there's something which appeals to them. I haven't actually got any signups for my RP (Hopefully since I haven't asked for them yet, and not because people are uninterested) but I'd like to think that there's some element which will get people to join. Whether it be something like dissatisfaction with LoAF, or even to simply see if I make a better admin then Snowy, who I've been flaming for the past few months. Or something more decent like the setting appealing to them. At the very least I made my map look a bit presentable, and while graphics may be unimportant to an RP, it does give a better impression. So overall the question (asked in a prior dead RP on SF) Why should "I" (or anyone) join? Being blunt, from what I've heard your plot ideas are poorly structured, your interactions and rushed and comic oriented, and to be frank my RP world is probably more detailed and interesting then the world you've presented. It's just my opinion, but whether it be the map or nation descriptions, I think I've put more effort in then you... I'd hope so at least anyway
  3. Abstract Art?....... I'm sorry to say, but I don't see this RP working out, I mean, your infamy in the RP boards exceed even mine :/ And you've probably lost half the RP'ers around here in LoAF via your plots in that RP, and comparing your RP'ing style with SQ Style.... the two simply just don't mix. Since I've got my own RP I need to work on, I'm not able to join either. Good luck though, I guess.
  4. I'm going to vote for Blastia researcher I don't know what Bal imagined, but I thought of Mana's wings as transparentish fairy wings myself, that glittered as they flapped... or something like that. Though her face isn't wierd, I don't like it :P Sort of like Eureka, from Eureka 7 in a sense. She doesn't look wrong (compared at least to the other characters) but her look just isn't something I can say I like. Ixion.... well I've seen it while it was a WIP, so the wow effect wore off.
  5. *Is ashamed* I saw the Combattler and the first word that came to mind was Voltes V >_< It looks nothing like that damn Voltes, bad brain! bad! Just out of curiosity are the animal ears supposed to be cat or wolf? (Or something else completely). *Still waiting for a day when someone makes bunny ears*
  6. Wow, Snowy... asking good questions.... must refrain from making snide remarks..... oops XD 1) I'm not sure what type of RP I'm aiming for, probably a more serious RP then a comical one though. That said, I don't want dark emo moments where everyone is complaining about how their life sucks. (Though I do encourage character having internal problems that solve themselves (or not) through the course of the RP). I've stated this in the opening I think but my belief is that an RP is based on interactions. And I'm personally hoping the characters people will make will be more interesting then the world I've created so far. Plot is significant in an RP, but due to it's malleable nature, the focus for people should be interactions, plot, then everything else. 2) Average post length: I don't know, and I can't make any guesses since I'm not the RP'ers. However I frown upon one liners. And each post should be a minimum of at least 3~4 sentences. "Bob nodded his head and followed Cindy" alone is not enough. If you've got nothing else to write, comment on what Bob thought/feels, what Bob thinks Cindy is up to, perhaps even what Bob is looking at (If anyone else is around, up ahead to see where they're going, Cindy's backside etcetc) Average number of posts per day: Again I can't give a definitive answer. Though I would hope an average RP'er would post 2~4 times a day. So if I get 5 Rp'ers A page a day. If more then upto 2 pages a day. I'm not actually trying to slander LoAF (this time around only). But I don't want to wake up to 5 pages (100posts) and then find that by the time I've read it all, I've got another 2 pages to read >_<. Furthermore, since I want to focus heavily on interaction, I don't want to create a scenario where people have to cut off conversion for the sake of making the plot progress. Like someone(Purg? CATS?) said, we all have lives outside Serenes, and I know I don't want to sacrifice my sleep time, social lifedon't have one or work/educational commitments to be online and have an active role in this. If you're seeking something active then there'll be three RP's here once this gets going, and I'm sure "super actives" can find other things to do if three RP's isn't enough :/ 3) I want to railroad it off a cliff Due to the nature of the RP, I don't really have solid elements like you did. (Helenos Swamp incident). As you've probably experienced my actions are rather spontaneous with the first option usually being fire related, so I'm open to adopting a similar policy to you and letting people take ahold of the plot at times. I guess a casual GM works better. I'm sure we can all agree I'm not a GM type of person anyway. EDIT I'm going to head to sleep for today, still need to write up "culture"-esqe things for Granford and Crestia, I could probably rush something now, but being the two main nations want to think it over a bit more before reaching conclusions.
  7. @Mind Calculators It all depends on your definition of superior, as a whole. Yes, calculators are inferior, due to their inability to comprehend what a problem is, hell they can't even calculate without external influences (button pushing). However it is superior then the mind at processing information and coming up with a correct solution. I'm superior to all of you at speaking Japanese (I would hope). But that does not make me a superior being, or superior at language as a whole. In the same sense, an RP character could be considered superior to their controller, as they react more intellectually then their real life originators. This doesn't make the character smart per se, but as Purg stated, there are cases which can make the character seem smarter. Another friendly example, Esphyr is a needy emo whore, that does not mean Snowy needs to be more of an emo whore then Esphyr. @Commencement I'll post an OP soon (today or tomorrow). But for the sake of character planning for those of you who want to jump the gun characters will be required to start in Talgusta, (preferably siding with Crestia) as the RP will start in Fort Talgusta and it's surroundings. The first few posts will be non-plot progressive, since I want people to display their characters core belief, form friendships etcetc. And soon after I will cause an event to occur. Characters can be from any nation, but preferably not Granford. Likewise healers and religious folk most likely have returned or sided with Granford so players who were planning to make characters in either of those areas should contact me with an application before posting to avoid having their application toasted. This will all be summarised in a later post, but only one character per person to start things off. You can spawn random soldiers, mercenaries but these characters should die or leave within the first few chapters. @Kiryn Not that specific post, but I asked a few people for their opinions on other RP'ers and two responded that you were a grouchie that yelled at everyone. XD (Sounds like me actually) @Purg That's fine, and I'm glad you've withdrawn (/bitch). Honestly though, if you feel like your over-exerting yourself by joining then it's probably best to wait awhile. There's no need for all characters to be present at the starting point, and mid-point entries are always welcome.
  8. @Minds Nyergh? What about calculators? I can say I want to keep tripling an integer. Originally I'd get the result faster then a calculator (1X3)however once the number increase into the ten thousand region I'm not so sure. I doubt that would change even if I knew how to put together a calculator. It's a faster better thinker? XD @RP Undecided, I originally was planning to start it on a Friday. So people would have the weekend to get used to things. But if I only need to fill in cultures, I should have that done before I go to sleep today. So I'm not sure. I know "I might join" usually results in people not joining. I've done it myself to splicing competitions. However the original setup for this would be possible to start with just two people. (Including myself) so that's one factor I'm not too sure about, definitely within the next week though. Possibly tomorrow, possibly next Friday.
  9. XD@Minds I'm not sure you got my meaning with my comment so I'll say it more clearly. Though now that I think about it, being religious it'd go the other way for you. My remark meant "The mind created God, making him inferior to us? XD" But I suppose in your mind God created us.... or whatever. @Minds2 It depends on how you look at it. I mean I know if I someone was pointing a knife at me, I wouldn't fight back. Not initially at least anyway But in an RP I'm willing to give my character more courage, more skill and pretty much more of everything. In terms of thinking, I'd say I could make my character do smarter things then myself, simply because my character has ample thinking time. If a car was speeding towards me, I'd have to take the first action that comes to mind. Whereas my character can freeze time and chose the most suitable option. I'm not sure but I think Phoenix is referring in terms of creativity, whereas I agree, you can't make your character do things unless you've thought about them in your mind. Restricting action taken by your character to your creativity. In terms of "The Brute" I think you're describing something along the lines of what I said above, with the Brute being able to make better decisions then yourself. Not sure though since I don't know what "The Brute" is :P @RP With the exclusion of stats, I think the only thing left for me to do is an opening post. And finish the "cultures" of each nation. To be honest, I didn't think I'd need to do cultures, so if there's anything else people think I should add, I'm open to suggestions. EDIT Okay, then maybe it's something else XD Can I supply the theory that it's actually e_s dead twin brother possessing him when he writes posts for the brute?
  10. ... I wonder if I'd be going too far off topic if I turned this into a religious debate? XD Intelligence being indicated by an integer is a flat out no. So there's not much point in discussing it further. As for "Mother Earth"..... well I want to lure Kiryn out of lurking so I'll let her comment on that.
  11. @Psych I thought Was a decent indicator, but maybe it wasn't enough. I'd also like to state here that (Nomad=Rakuta region) = False. Rakuta is home to archers, cavaliers, myrmidons and whatever else. Nomads can also be found in other regions across the land, (if a player wants) just not at such a large scale. The only units which are exclusive to a nation are the Pegasi, and Wyvern belonging to Granford and Garius respectively. @Religion It doesn't play too big a role, as you can see from the map, I've got more nations then I can effectively handle, so I'm not willing to make each nation have their own religion. Rakutans have their "Mother Earth" Granford/Crestia believe in a Holy Father. And that's pretty much it. Most other nations are agnostic/atheists in principle. The title really just refers to Granfords role and their fanaticism. Though I'll probably end up changing my plot plans every week XD @Kai Not worried, just curious. Since he's probably the most active person in these RP's that I know of.
  12. I started with Rakutans first since I'm finding the minor nations alot easier to do then the major ones. Is this adequate for cultural background, or am I missing a significant section? Speaking of weekends, should we be worried Phoenix isn't around? I mean, I thought he lived here :/
  13. @Stat Indicators Yes, they'll play a very little role in the RP, I just don't want to see a 8 year old girl hurling boulders. As stated above I'm not too worried about SQ'ers since they go in depth with their post. If you're hiding from someone, you're probably more likely to write something more proper then. "Bob hid in the shadows and the guards that had been tailing him blindly ran past." If you can validate your actions through logic and plausibility I don't mind someone with 1 Stealth being sneaky and well concealed. @Intelligence That's once stat I'm opposed to. It was the second category to come to mind, but (Using your example, no offense Kai) Helios with an intelligence of 5 would not alter your opinion in the slightest about him, correct? It's still Kai controlling him, and Helios is still acting the same way. @Nation that worships women ......... Do I get shot if I say I've already implemented one? XD It's a Rakutan concept, while it doesn't worship women, it does put them in a higher social position due to the ability to give birth and raise children, while still accomplish tasks males can. (Hunting). Yes, it's a rather sexist concept. Men can...vaccum?...wash?.....ummm Ah cook! Right men can cook just as well as women sure, but Rakutan food isn't really complex. (Pick of tree -> eat) On the flipside, Izuna has a belief that women should be absolutely loyal to their spouses and therefore have little to no say in family matter. And as a result be of lower social standing.
  14. Okay, after reading about cultures, I've decided to apply Real-world nations to some, and come up with originals for others. I'm not too fussed about specific cultures since if you want to carry out an event. (Say a husband beating his wife) it can occur anywhere, regardless of if the country worships their women. And I don't want to take away the creativeness of others by forcefully filling in everything with my stale creativity XD However I acknowledge that "Do whatever you want" seldom works Unless you have an elite group of "story writers" so I'll try to fill in a bit more about each nation. This information will not be combined with "The World" but form it's own section beneath it. @Psych If you're wondering if I'll put my foot down and prevent crappy plots from progressing, then yes, I will:P @Avatar/name I don't mind the Avatars so much, but I was looking at this thread wondering who on earth Yoshmitsu was :/ I swear you've bribed the Admins here to change your name more then the allowed amount XD @Stats I've come to the conclusion that stats in the LoAF form are unneccessary and will most likely be scrapped permanently. However I'm entertaining the idea of stat indicators. SQ'ers I'm not so worried about, but I really don't trust some of the LoAFers to be decent with their characters abilities. (Eg A character who is as fast as a horse, stealthy as a ninja, as strong as a bear and can fly <_<) Several traits will be provided (Strength, Skill, Dexterity, Stealth, Charisma, etcetc) and character will be asked to allocate a certain number of points to the entire list with 2 being average and 5 being Excellent. :/ Thoughts?
  15. @Purg To be honest, reading SQ chat is making me more and more hostile against stats XD Though I'm not sure what you mean be dedicated training? Saying "Andy trained with Bob" or "Bob sparred with Cindy" in text really doesn't mean much. Or are you talking about the level of skill displayed as a writer? (Writing training? Sounds like somewhere my parents wanted to send me to years ago) @Cynthia Grey areas are generally areas which aren't suitable for human establishment. I've mentioned Velmaya and Savarda in the text above but the other The Heims: Mountain regions. Said to be impassible by foot. Snowy mountains. Ayreh: Another mountain region. Malerna: Swamp region which emits toxic fumes Savarda: Desert region Velmaya: Pegasus forest. Characters can pass through some of them, but it's pretty much territory which can't be claimed. Places like Heims and Malerna really shouldn't be entered without some sort of solution to the problems though. ~~~Cultures I've sort of done that with Izuna, I'm just not very familiar with other countries in the world. I mean do I put a burger shop around every corner to make the US? Sorry, jk I've noticed it's a running idea with LoAF where all the nations have references to LasVegas, Rome, France etcetc. But I really didn't get the feeling that Elysimma was like what Vegas is typically portrayed to be. I don't know about Jerdon and Septimus, but what defines them is really beyond me. I'll look into it since it seems like a major importance for some.
  16. @Phoenix I'll keep it in mind, For some reason Lev I connect Russian with wyvern now <_< @General I've come across a conundrum XD I was originally intending to eliminate "EXP" completely since it's a pain to keep track of. However if "Level ups" were based on RP'ing and voting, opposed to actual combat kills, it'd make RP combat obsolete >_< I guess it's impossible to cure the "EXP hogging fool" without removing EXP and levels altogether. :/ Hmmm, I'm going to try and get the other 3 kingdoms finalized within the next 12 hours. But that's only if I work out this blasted Stats system XD *Is tempted to just rip the stats system from LoAF and modify it* EDIT: At present I'm contemplating scrapping stats altogether, at least initially, since I think it's more important for people to get to know the world and the other characters before worrying about stats. That and I've rushed head first into a brick wall XD
  17. I'm actually getting alot of comments like that, I've discussed this with three people, one wanted a German nation, another wanted a Norwegian nation, and now a Russian one. My question to you regarding that is; "What is a Russian Nation?" (province) Are you asking to emulate Russia's history? (Lenin-era to Stalin era) Adopting a Soviet-ish political system for the nation? Or simply just applying Russian names? As the map clearly shows, the three nations which remain "Incomplete" are the main nations in the plot. And while I've got plot ideas for each nation. A clear nation structure hasn't been established yet. So I'm open to changing names, and adding in ideas. It's just very confusing when someone says "I want a Papua New Guinea-ish nation" What? You want a poor island nation? XD
  18. @Nations I should note that a flag denotes a nation. (7 Nations at the moment) The others are regions within the kingdom. I will admit that the RP is unlikely to visit each prefecture. However that doesn't concern me. In regards to visiting all nations. However due to the RP's theme being one of politics and war (and religion). All nations will likely have some role to play. Eg: We may never visit Garius & Izuna. But that can be remedied, with Izuna invading Granford. Other nations like Rakuta and Menolka may just get wiped out over the course of the RP. Therefore: @Phoenix Nations with the (exception of Rakuta) will be mentioned, referenced and most likely play a major role for a few chapters. While it depends on the RP'ers. This layout makes it possible for a "conquer the land" scenario where the group alligns itself with one force and invades the other kingdoms. As for Kingdom numbers, I acknowledge I am contradicting my policy on a small number of interesting nations. However the numbers aren't too different from your RP plan which utilizes two non-human kingdoms, three human kingdoms, a divine race. (6) Against the seven I have. @Dark Sage As said above, there's seven. (At present) The difference between one (Eg Crestia and Levaus) being Levaus is poorer and colder.
  19. Information regarding this RP can be found at: http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=22731
  20. Ouch, Elitist much? XD Though this statement only rings true if you started with a good RP community to begin with. If bad RP'ers are more prominent..... well without them and RP wouldn't progress. If you just want well written characters you might as well write a story, and not make an RP. Told you I get a 0 for getting along XD Flaming the Rp leader here already @Kiryn It's not that I mind people lurking, but more that alot of you moan and groan when I'm online, or more specifically when I post. Yet you go out of your way to come and take a look at the posts I make here. Input is always welcome, well intellectual input, whether it be opinionated or not. As for "true colors" I assume you're referring to Psych there. Everyone was so fond of him when he started, why you all hate him now is something I don't understand.
  21. It's a simple splice, so there's not much wrong with it, I recommend looking at the hair (borders) with a magnifying glass though since there are a few odd bit here and there. Nevermind the tip at the top is cut off :/ I also don't see how this one is any less "sue-ish" then the last one, but to each his own I guess.
  22. One can score negatively? *Looks nervously at her "Get along" total* I mean I'm not hostile against participants of this RP now, but once I get to know people a bit better I start flaming XD I'd probably start with rn7.... just cause he has a number in his name XD @Fush I score low, but others score lower :P Scoring high or low in that doesn't really mean much, I mean CATS probably just typed the first few traits that came to mind. And it's not a proper checklist. I mean I don't mind occasional silliness, decent writer isn't as important as godmoding and being reasonable. etc. Using LoAF as an example again, Alot of them would score full marks in "Stay Interested," but that doesn't necessarily make them any more enjoyable to RP with. *Wanders how many LoAFers will turn up and lurk about now that I've posted*
  23. I fit two of them..... sort of XD Reasonable: I think I can, usually, but that's something others would probably disagree with. (.5) Get along with: Nyahaha, as if. See LoAF/Kanami's relation status XD (0) Godmode: Depends on the definition of "godmode" but I doubt I do this. (.5) Silliness: Again, it depends on what Silliness equates to (.5) Decent writer: No XD Just a flat our "no" XD (0) Stay interested: I try, but I more then willing to admit I have a short attention span, and am not willing to waste time on an RP which has lost favour with myself. Since it's essentially, a waste of time. (0) I score badly >_< XD
  24. Me being online is supposed to make people laugh? Hmm well I suppose each person has their individual difference in their sense of humour. I don't ever remember not being stabby but if you say so :/ Though I'm not sure what you mean by "fire mage" worship. As for Rita, I haven't been around to see her in action, but judging from the comments Phoenix has made your posts are rubbish, as are your characters. :/ Whether it's true or not I don't know. However the "counter-part" was directed more at Ether, Phoenix and Snowy. (I know Snowy doesn't have a male character but it still applies) :P But since this isn't LoAF chat, I'm not willing to debate on Rita and her.... "normalness?" But as stated above, the male->female comment wasn't directed at you.
  25. cantankerous? ..... Dictionary, dictionary Ah, ...... he called you that, and not me? :/ Clearly I didn't cause enough destruction before leaving LoAF then :/ As for orgy RP, that seriously made me laugh out aloud. Snowy? Accusing someone else of making an orgy RP? His two characters are considered the biggest "prostitutes" within LoAF. XD It's something I found humorous and irritating in LoAF, I've heard several debates before regarding males RP'ing females, and have remained neutral in the subject. But LoAF seriously made me think a inexperienced male writer should not be writing from a females perspective, since they'll turn into sex objects that worship their male counter part. Something that I'm sure even the most stubborn LoAFers would be willing to concede to to at least to some degree. (In LoAF) Other arguments I've heard were just humorous, like "Getting into a romantic relationship with a female character controlled by a male makes you gay" XD(Not in LoAF) Clearly someone who's too attached to an RP I recall that argument turned into a religious war when someone said that we're all controlled by "God" which resulted in the "God is not male" and "God is a lie" parties jumping in from nowhere and clashing XD EDIT XD I'm well aware of how they perceive me :P To an extent I'm doing it on purpose. Though I admit it's more fun when I see comments like that. The last comment in particular is amusing. Thanks for info XD
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