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Everything posted by Kanami

  1. Hmmm? Well, that's probably due to it not working, there's not much you can do to sue enemies who want to arrest you. Cases like Selizara negotiation, were as bad as they get IMO. Wiping out a large group of soldiers prior to the Cobalt Caves was also a problem, but no one seemed to care, and I couldn't be bothered arguing, since I planned to have the soldiers killed anyway. Expect it to get worse as we enter Halton XD As for burning, I am only one of many spread around the world, my brothers and sisters are everywhere Even on WoW when Snowy's raiding
  2. @Damian: It's taken you this long? :/ I'm not sure how you can elaborate, "Sue" kind of says it all. He's either writing in God-mode, or Pornfilm-Director mode. :/ Anarchist: Other side of the world, me no care :/
  3. Nyeh, not a problem, activity period dies now anyway (it's been dead for a bit longer today though, bad day?) Ah well suppose I'll take my time in responding too, need to get rid of a few papers regarding taxation. <_< *Hates governments*
  4. I don't see why you'd have to interfere, it's not like I can actually kill him. If Whistler had ignored me, I'd just have to make Reika's attack miss, or notice a random civilian nearby, making her move to attack the group later :/ As for how I'm feeling, rather tired, and rather bored. I'm beyond caring, and I also plan to give Ether hell if he thinks he can continue throwing Damians authority around. Under normal circumstances he could just say "It's just her, go ahead and arrest her" but my shiny red daggers counter that well enough XD So I'm beyond caring, but I'll still have my fun. Feel free to intervene in future though Snike, I don't really have any set targets to attack other then Tessa.
  5. Smiling Reika was about to strike when the man suddenly turned and faced her, and their eyes met. "Damn it" she muttered under her breath. Judging by the expression on the mans face, it had been pure coincidence that she'd been noticed, and it was somewhat comforting to know she hadn't become completely worthless at sneaking around. She could probably still strike him, but he'd probably call for help before dying, and if that were the case she'd be swamped with the idiots against her in a matter of minutes. Giving up, she approached the man, the worst thing she could do was flee and arouse suspicion. "Hey, not going to eat with the others?" she asked casually After receiving a response, she nodded her head, not really sure what to think "Anyway, I'm Reika, still haven't been informed of your name" she stated, "Or your reason for staying with this... err peculiar group, surely there's a reason? Come on, tell me."
  6. Who cares what we do in Halton? It's not like we can become wanted criminals in Halton with Damian in the group, he'll save us no matter what we do XD Nyahahahaha XD
  7. Reika yawned loudly as she looked around, another quiet day which was full of promise. She just needed out a way to make things interesting for herself. She could hear the nomad duo off behind her talking to the cook, it wasn't like she was lying or anything, what was with these people anyway? They'd act like common bandits and then yet they thought of themselves as soon-to-be heroes. Noticing Heinz eating in the distance, she quickly moved out of sight, keeping an eye on the man, she didn't know why he was with the group, from what she had gathered he wasn't wielding a crimson weapon, and his motives were completely unclear to her. What made her suspicious though, was how he always seem to be listening, yet seldom intervening or stating his opinion. Perhaps she should kill him now? He was certainly with (throwing) dagger range, and he was alone. As long as she hid the body properly, no one would bother looking for him. Grabbing the hilt of her dagger, she slowly crept closer to the man.
  8. Pary seems like a bad idea overall XD You could just ignore the post and count it null :/
  9. Reika yawned, as she came down, finding the inn staff throwing a hissy fit, and a few of the group standing around stupidly, they seem to be getting ready to leave, but the staff seemed to be enraged at them. "Okay, what did you idiots do now? Kill more civilians? Burn a part of the inn down? Or did that wyvern take out a chunk of the inn again?" she said recalling the marks left on the side on Hamburg's inn. Approaching the cook she smiled, a sickly sweet smile, "I'm not sure what they did, but they're wanted criminals in Elysimma, killing soldiers, raiding the capitol, destroying and attacking inn after inn" she paused and looked around "Judging by how the inn's still standing I'd say you're one of the luckier ones" Taking a quick jump back as she sensed anger radiating from the cook, she smirked turned around and hurried out of the inn, telling herself that she should ask Alferis what had happened later.
  10. Just going to say, severing is an absolute last resort, If I quit, I really don't care what happens to Reika, but for the sake of the RP, I really don't want to see everyone jumping up and severing stuff. I don't care if they're half spirits, demon dragons or Jesus's. Weapon severing is stupid, and hence the reason I opted to hand over Reika to Sage. He's doing a slightly better job now that I've sent him controls, so I'm pretty sure severing is a no :/
  11. I've given up on reading Chat, it's seldom worth the effort and even if I do point something out, it gets ignored. It's more fun wrenching people in the RP then here anyway. As for the RP, I'm read it, but I'm going to be leaving Dark Sage to RP for me XD And then tying up things at the end of each day instead. Either way, haha, too many posts XD PS, you can pretty much skip all of Ether's post, and most of Snowy's
  12. ..... SlaveBlade come back~ All you normal people go away, I wanna be all defensive Though I was trying to be offensive not defensive :/ Two options 1: World base: Defining a world, setting, events and then having characters react to the events, focusing on building character more then the actual world. 2: Character Base: Defining characters, giving the Rp'er behind them liberty to shape their own little fragment of the world with little to no opposition. Essentially each character creates their world, and then everything gets mashed together, and we hope it works XD Less focus on character then the first method, though has a higher chance of making a more interesting setting to RP in. Can the foolie fools tell which one is which? Or would they like to add another option?
  13. I only skimmed the posts as well, I just saw the word Role-playing (Which got my interest, until I read the rest of the post) and oral, and figured I didn't want to read much more, I think I saw the word "hand job" somewhere, but overall, I've decided I'm going to skip Ether's posts when he's talking to Esphyr, it most likely doesn't effect plot, or Reika, and I really don't want to know where the boundaries of softcore and hardcore porn lie. The first and foremost person Reika wants to knife is Damian/Aiya. Reason being Halton. After that comes Tessa and Morgan, followed by the rest of the group. Damian/Aiya will most likely sue me into insanity, so I've decided I won't attack them, and attacking Morgan is detrimental to staying with the group (And getting my monthly pay from the shadie bunch) So I'll most likely make a "proper" attempt at killing Tessa, but if say.... Helios was standing by himself all alone and injured, there's nothing stopping me from snapping that opportunity up :P I'll probably make an attempt on Tessa's life sooner or later.
  14. A few minutes passed, and Reika frowned, why she had a stupid smile on her face, she didn't know, though she couldn't deny she was more then slightly interested in the mans dreams. "Dreams huh" she quietly whispered. She'd come across alot of people in her past who suffered from these bad dreams, apparently they were called nightmares. She recalled reading about them when she was younger, something about a cloaked man riding a black horse who would visit people while they were sleeping, planting misfortune into the mind of children. Shaking her head she smirked, yeah, a kids fairy tail, nothing she should take seriously. She took another look over at Alferis, a woman and an infant.... she'd killed her fair share of those. All of Halton origin, she'd always kill the woman first, to make the soldier regret ever crossing her, that look of despair and rage always amused her, getting upset over another being, how stupid. Usually such an act would drive her enemy in a crazed frenzy, a frenzy which made them stronger, but even the strongest attacks were useless if they didn't hit their target. Eventually the soldier would fall leaving her alone with a crying infant. She didn't have anything against children, but if she left it alive it'd most likely come back and try to kill her later in life, if not it'd live a miserable life on the streets. No matter how she thought, she'd always reach the same conclusion, and the child would end up in a puddle of it's own blood. Shaking her head furiously, she cleared her mind. "Thinking too hard" she muttered, it never did her any good, best to stop here. She glanced over at Alferis again, she couldn't understand how nightmares could exist, dreams were seldom 'bad' for her. A bad dream was a happy dream, a dream which could never happen, one which would give her hope and disillude her. Any other dream was a good dream, when the dead tried to haunt her dreams she'd laugh at them, they'd died while she was alive. Proof that she was smarter and stronger then they were. And there was nothing more enjoyable then killing others in her dreams, minimum risk, minimum effort, and never a shortage, smirking she closed her eyes. She'd probably dream of killing tonight, another chance to beat her personal record. As her mind slipped into unconsciousness, she made a mental note to herself, pry whatever information about dreams she could from the man, it'd be a fun exercise until something else if life came along and blew up around her.
  15. First and foremostly, I'm glad I was inactive today, I'm not sure how many dead bodies would be in that inn if I'd been around for Snowy and Ether making love. Sick, sick, sicko's :/ @Dark Sage Unfortunately I missed the 'cheesiness' mentioned, so I don't know if I should kill Dark Sage or not. However I will be slowly shifting control of Reika to him in the next few weeks, depending on how good a grasp he can get Reika may survive, otherwise, She's going to knife the sluts in the group, and set the entire inn on fire with you people still in it. If not, I'll set the continent on fire :/
  16. Hmm so :/ Helios: Narcisstic pedophile Isotov: Gay for Ixion
  17. Reika glared at the darkness, she'd woken up herself a few moments earlier due to a rather unpleasant dream only to find someone muttering something in one of the beds. The fact that someone had snuck into her room while she slept wasn't that big a deal, the fact she hadn't noticed it was what really pissed her off. She figured the figure was Alferis from his the mutterings, had it been someone else she'd probably have woken up tied up and gagged, just like the group kept threatening to do. Sighing she got up out of bed, "I must be more tired then I thought" she said before leaving the room and going down stairs, quickly picking the kitchen door, she let herself in, and poured herself a glass of water from a large urn in the corner. Two days already and she still hadn't killed anyone in the group, and her employers hadn't turned up either. Perhaps she should just make a run for it? It's not like this group was worth her time. Finishing her glass, she filled it again and headed upstairs back to her room. Frowning before opening the door to her room. Alferis: "Hnn..hnnn...huhhh..." "Not while I'm in the room..." she complained upon hearing Alferis making sounds, "I go for a few minutes and you stupid males think-" she paused and then went over to her own bed, any lay down. "Bad night for everyone I suppose" she said quietly to herself. The breathing suddenly returned to it's normal pace, and she could sense eyes on her. "If you've got something to say, then say it" she said while looking up at the ceiling, "I told you not to pry, That doesn't mean I'm not willing to listen to your troubles" she said uncertainly, she didn't really care about what the man would say, it wasn't her business. But she was awake now, and something to talk to would probably be better then staring at the ceiling all night.
  18. Letters = Alphabetical integers. Not the paper mail stuff :/ I'm the one that mentioned it, not sure why you're asking Psych. I'm going to try and focus on these "blank" bits of paper that are going to get read. If I go inactive, I've even fallen asleep infront of the computer, or have become immersed in the wonderful world of paper work XD
  19. Okay... separate objectives :/ Making me what the relevance of Iso's existence is. Pary ain't female, and he probably won't feed Iso, Ixions the gay one not Isotov, so you already fail in his interests of mating and feeding. (Pretty sure there was another category, but I can't remember what it was). In other words, he won't interact with you XD @Phoenix, three letters or one word, "Iso" isn't much to go on, it's like looking around Europe for some guy called "Jo" :/ Though the name Isotov might be more Zafta/Halton origined :/ I don't really care if it gets accepted or not, it just seems like a really foolish base to work off. Honestly though, no more bloody characters, please >_< We have enough <_<
  20. @Sage Well, you see, it's 7AM :/ If I go to sleep now, I'll probably be out for a good 6 hours, which is about the time everyone here logs off XD So I'm reluctant to head off to sleep, if something's going to happen :/ That, and I still haven't finished these damn papers~ And crap I double posted, Speed's going to chew me out again >_<
  21. Seems like a very shaky foundation, if it can even be called that. I don't know how long ago Miranda died, but Pary's looking for Iso, with just those three letters? I'd understand if you were looking for say.. Damian or Conrad, even Chase, Viveka, Irina etc But finding Isotov is a task that Ivanko couldn't managed (mind you, he probably didn't try very hard). I don't recall Elysimma finding out the groups name, so recruitment would have to be another "pop out of nowhere" "Hey I'm bored I'll join" type scenes. That and I don't see how finding Isotov connects to finding the goddess, unless Iso's secretly Irina's sister :/
  22. Pary seems very forced :/ I honestly don't see why you need him to be seeking Iso, but that's your business. Overall I can't say Pary looks too good a character :/
  23. Back, and not sure what to do XD Not much happening once people start dropping off to sleep, and I see Snowy's run off again XD Should I bother sticking around or am I okay for a few hours of sleep? :/
  24. She quickly grabbed her dagger and pointed it at Alferis, "Get to know me better? And sell me off to where?" she said with an angry scowl, "I'm here on a job, not to make silly little friends" she said harshly before walking over to the innkeep and tossing a man a gold coin, "Don't know how much you charge, don't care, if it's not enough bill him, she said indicating Alferis, before storming up the stairs and to the first vacant room she could find. Slamming the door closed behind her she hurried over and dived into one of the beds. ".....Get to know me....Heh, Haven't heard that one before" she said to herself angrily. She burried her head into the sheets and the jumped out of bed, "Smells like fish" she complained as she went over and tried to get some sleep in another bed which didn't smell as bad. (@Sage: No, I'm not telling you to get lost, I need to go for a bit now, and this'd be a good time for you to interact with other people in the group.)
  25. Reika frowned at the man, unsure what he wanted "What's there to talk about? I haven't got much to say" she said in a slightly irritated tone. She didn't appreciate someone calling out her name out aloud, after all she was wanted criminal in Halton after all, though whether the authorities knew her name or not she didn't know. But that was important, she was confident she could get away if the need arised. What had irritated her was being ordered to "wait" by some strange man, and then asked if she wanted to talk. She saw the man thinking it over and felt annoyed again, "Surely you didn't ask me whether I wanted to talk without having something in mind"
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