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Everything posted by SatsumaFSoysoy

  1. I guess. I wish they expanded more on how Est got kidnapped though, or changed that plot thread entirely.
  2. I know they were in Gaiden, and it's the same back then; they didn't have much reason to be in other than maybe fanservice. Taitana is a prisoner too.
  3. I'm bringing Mathilda down to Faye's level, but not to justify Faye. At least from my view, being a skilled knight or whatever isn't the point. I was kinda creeped out by Mathilda saying that, and then Clive encouraging her.
  4. Ayy fellow Palla fans. Though I do like Catria too. In a base conversation, Catria does say that she's often quiet because her two sisters beat her to the punch all the time. Palla is wise and caring, while Est is energetic, which left little room for Catria to do much. I would have wanted more support convos for the Whitewings too, but I guess they don't have much reason to even be in the game in the first place, other than Est being Est again.
  5. In Japanese, she literally says "I'll reap the heads clean off of those who oppose you!" to Clive. And Clive calls her dependable after this lol.
  6. That's true, but I think it's still kinda the same line of thought.
  7. The only problem is that they won't meet for a long time...
  8. Actually, doesn't Mathilda also say she's willing to kill anyone for Clive's sake? Their relationship is considered healthier, though. I guess Mathilda does talk about other things more.
  9. Merc Gray is pretty much immovable, partly because he's kinda bad at anything else. With the Lightning Sword, he'll be ORKOing a lot of things in Chapter 1, but you'll want the Zweihandler asap for Chapter 3. Mage Tobin is great for carrying the early game, actually, and turns into a Physics bot lategame. He starts with good enough Spd that even with the Fire spell's weight, he's doubling basically every enemy except maybe Slayde in Chapter 1. He then quickly gets Excalibur at level 6, which has only 1 weight, so he can continue to be good for the first half of Chapter 3. He'll start falling off, especially after getting Mathilda, but the crit boost he gets from Gray support should still keep him competitive. Kliff isn't that important. He can be an Archer or a Cav, but I prefer Archer for him so that he keeps having a niche. Cav Villagers, if not blessed, end up just competing with Clive very soon, and then completely replaced by Mathilda and trained Clair. Python's start is terrible, and his growths aren't super solid. Depending on how his first one or two levels go, you may want to quickly drop him to be honest. Faye should definitely be Cleric, but not for Anew. Physic and Rescue are the real draws, since you don't have to run back to Silque for healing, and Rescue means you can do dumb stuff with Warp and not have to pay for it at all. The Fear Shrine provides the Duma Lance, which is pretty powerful. The other loot like the Hexlock Shield are cool, but not needed. If you think you can afford to do so, I'd nab the Duma Lance. Nuibaba Mansion isn't very necessary, but Tatiana has a much more powerful Warp than Silque most of the time, and having two Warps is always wonderful. I honestly don't know if Tatiana's Warp and not having to fight Zeke are worth the turns incurred by Fear Mountain and Nuibaba's Mansion, though. If you think you can finish Fear Mountain quickly, then it might be worth a shot. The Dragon Shrine doesn't really add turns, since the straight run to the Mila Shrine doesn't have encounters. It does take up an extra day, but the day limit is pretty generous iirc. The promotions you can get at the Dragon Shrine can probably help you save turns at Mila's Temple. Not sure about fighting map spawns with main enemies. Most map spawns are quite easy to clear, while being swarmed by two sets of enemies at once can possibly incur additional turns.
  10. A lot of the units that would want to use Wings of Mercy can also make use of Escape Route effectively, but it requires a different playstyle. In some situations, an Escape Route Dancer would be more useful than a WoM one.
  11. Really? Huh. Guess I'll have to deal with it then. By the way, speaking of art, Vax and I have a new mission for you... I think you were away at the time.
  12. Well, true. I still think it looks off in the artwork though...
  13. As a f2p, I think f2p can still pull for brides. I'm f2p btw.
  14. But... Look at it. There's literally no detail on it whatsoever.
  15. Glad to see that there are other enlightened people on here. What bugs me most about Zephiel's art is how simple the Exaacus (the localized name is too hard to spell like wtf) is drawn. It's just a slab of metal.
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