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Everything posted by SatsumaFSoysoy

  1. Woah, 4778 is rank 3757. I think that's the highest I've ever gotten. I think I might be able to stay within the top 5k. Also, Darting Desperation Lucina + Life and Death Kagerou + Azura + Fury Reinhardt netting me six defense wins so far. Ah, how good it feels to torture other people.
  2. Does anyone have a +Spd/-Def Ike? I'm thinking that might be a good Bane/Boon for him. His Def is so high, yet it doesn't matter, while he'll like all the Res he can get to make use of Distant Counter.
  3. Ike has Swordbreaker, so he should be able to kill the Sword Fighter just fine. I'm willing to bet that he'll be able to use Heavy Blade to get Aether ready too, so when the Mage Cav hits him, he can heal. I probably wouldn't dive in to kill the Lancer, however, as it's hard to do so while also staying out of range of the Mage Cav and Xander.
  4. It's Quick Riposte, not Desperation, but yeah, they have the annoying B skills. Upon further inspection, I think the Sword Fighter is actually using a Killing Edge and not a Silver Sword, so that combined with Quick Riposte means they're getting whatever they have fast.
  5. The vid showed that Rank 4 to 7 got 1 orb, and rank 8 to 13(?) got 2, and I believe the max is 3? Though, it could just be an example. Hopefully.
  6. Basically, they're reworking how ranks work. They're gonna make the titles (the Rank 12: Three Wyvern Generals thing) actually matter. Instead of progressing one rank up every week for seemingly no reason, you'll progress up (or down) in the titles every season based on your Arena rank. You can jump up three titles at once, but you'll only drop one title maximum per season, and will only start dropping once you go past Rank 8. Rank 4 or above, you start getting orbs and extra feathers as Arena rewards as well, and the quality of the bonus rewards increases as you go even higher up. What exactly determines a rank rise or drop isn't mentioned, however. The titles won't be reset, so everyone won't be down back to Rank 1. By the way, the new maps they showed off are Arena exclusive, with all the new Defensive Terrain. Some of them look kinda cancerous. In Hong Kong, all movies they show on TV are double-subbed with Chinese and English, and it's actually quite meme-y. That might be why I don't mind subs, and having to read two sets of subs at the same time will make you fast. But yay, more weird people.
  7. It's mostly for exposure purposes. You have to listen to people speaking in Japanese and not tune out the words they say, and anime just happens to be in Japanese. It's definitely not the only part to learning Japanese, but it's an okay substitute for true exposure (living in a Japanese speaking community). I personally don't have problems with subtitles, though. I read quite fast, and I'm actually uncomfortable watching anything without subs, even media in my native tongue or English. I'm weird. Also, I mentioned it earlier, but since I'm Chinese, I skipped learning kanji, which is probably the hardest part. Knowing the kanji also lets me infer the meaning of some phrases, so I also skipped some of that. I only had to pick up hiragana and katakana, which didn't take too long. I'll admit, I can't actually write in Japanese with pen and paper because of the lack of practice/formal training, and I don't speak it on a daily basis so I probably won't be too fluent, but I can formulate sentences and whatnot.
  8. To be fair, I can see why people expect the international community to be informed at the same time. The 1/18 Direct came out at the same time for both Japan and the rest of the world, so it felt like they were beginning to move into addressing the global community like how Pokemon does it.
  9. One noteworthy thing: it seems the enemies in this map aren't cheating with their Special charges, unlike the previous few GHB maps.
  10. I have 50 orbs ready. I was saving up for Celica, but I'm gonna try for more Azuras (though I'll probably end up rolling every non-colorless spot anyway).
  11. Japan getting news and goodies before the rest of the world doesn't bother me at all (especially since I get them early as well lel), but I think it's clear that the FEH team hasn't exactly been communicating with the international community at all, examples being the Michalis early bird event and that one retweet event after the first Voting Gauntlet that Nintendo of Europe didn't even bother tweeting about. That's the true problem, not how fast we're getting the information.
  12. I believe I'll be joining Team Julia. I'll be fighting with a few of you here it seems. Speaking of which, I should probably go add some SF people.
  13. So the new video showed the Xander map. I would grab a screenshot, but my internet is crappy at the moment. Xander's stats: HP - 61 Atk - 48 Spd - 25 Def - 38 Res - 17 Weapon: Siegfried (Distant Counter) Special: Blazing Light A: Armored Blow 3 C: Spur Def 3 The non-Xander units have the following skills: Green Mage Cav: Vantage 3 Lance Fighter: Quick Riposte 3 (Killer Lance?) Sword Fighter: Quick Riposte 3 (Silver Sword? Killing Edge?) Cleric: Wings of Mercy 3 (Gravity, it seems)
  14. You can still look online for Japanese media to read and listen to. Anime is a serviceable source if you're into that. There are online dictionaries out there, too; I just happened to have a physical one at the time.
  15. I actually learnt Japanese just because of one game lmao. I didn't use any software or take any classes, just through exposure and a dictionary. To be fair, being Chinese meant I skipped all of the hardest steps. I honestly agree that information should be handed out to non-Japanese speakers as well, though. Japanese ethnocentrism is very strong, but it's hard to call it a good excuse to ignore the rest of the world in this day and age.
  16. But is Soren the HECTORCOPTER? I think not. Also, don't ruin his fanfic lol.
  17. "We'll put an end to the fighting by fighting" is what he says.
  18. Shoutouts to all the poor folks who blew everything on Ike. You might love him a lot, but you can't beat literal cancer banner.
  19. Well, unless you screenshot it, I don't really know what he says.
  20. Mhmm, okay, I like that translation more than mine. Also, Rey is right about the 3x flags.
  21. The possible results are: 凶: Bad luck 小吉: Slight luck 中吉: Decent (basically medium, I'm not sure what English word to use lol) luck 大吉: Great luck 超大吉: Really great luck https://events.fire-emblem-heroes.com/omikuji#!/ It lasts until 5/8 11:59 am Tokyo time.
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