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Everything posted by SatsumaFSoysoy

  1. That doesn't sound fun at all. It's funny that IS is trying to design Gaiden maps with Kaga's evilness, except they're also putting in more modern ideas that we don't have the tools to actually deal with in the context of this game.
  2. l o l Did you end up grinding? I just went into these postgame fights with my endgame units, whom may be slightly underleveled, according to other people.
  3. Through Tatiana + Genny Invoke abuse for constant 8 decoys, and I suppose a bit of luck, I managed to beat that goddamn chapter. Sometimes it feels like this game intentionally gives you broken options, because they know they're gonna be throwing broken enemies at you.
  4. I'm using Tatiana instead, which I guess might be slightly better here since the Illusion Pegs don't clog up as much space, but I might have to go and grind Slique for the Dread Fighter summons instead. Good god.
  5. I just got to Chapter 6, and now I agree with you 200%. FUCK Chapter 6. Who thought that boat map with three dragons and a billion Gargoyles was a good idea? Bumrushing Pegs too, just for laughs?
  6. I just got lazy and didn't type out Dozla and Rennac, since they're automatically tied to L'Arachel anyway. But yeah, he would be with Eirika.
  7. @MrSmokestack has a Takumi avatar, so I'll just blame him.
  8. This was my first result on today's pull: It wasn't me IT WASN'T ME IT WAS THE OTHER GUY
  9. l e l Coincidentally, Sakura is my favourite of the Fates royals.
  10. Eh, Guard isn't so great that you'd want to pass it to someone instead of Quick Riposte or a Breaker, imo. Armored Blow can come from different sources. Also, future banner images are encrypted differently in the game's files now, and last time I checked the people of Reddit haven't cracked it yet.
  11. Well, then your Titania could be +2, so there's no harm done.
  12. well her def wuldn't be so low if she was -atk insted Even so, 40 Atk with Emerald Axe+ is a bit on the low side, huh.
  13. She definitely has dragon blood, but I don't think she can transform. She doesn't have the pointed ears and purple eyes that Corrin has.
  14. I guess with the current interpretation of Alm's character, perhaps the history books slowly started to twist his story, glorifying the Conqueror part, which inspired Walhart.
  15. It makes so much more sense for a lot of people to be recruited on Eirika's route. Innes fits on Eirika's path, so that automatically comes with Gerik, Tethys, Marisa and Ewan. Saleh has to take Eirika to Caer Paelyn. Joshua's plot is expanded on Eirika route, so Natasha is automatically locked in. Cormag wants revenge for his brother, so he would go find Eirika. Seth is very close to Eirika, and Franz would definitely go with Seth. L'Arachel is so important on Eirika route that she can't be pulled away. For Ephraim, I think he should get Duessel, Knoll, Amelia for sure. Moulder and Vanessa would make sense, since they're Frelian soldiers. Tana should probably also go with Ephraim, since she has a crush on him. Garcia and Ross might go with them too, since they're warriors who want glory (Ross will talk Garcia into it anyway). Kyle and Forde are no-brainers. Artur, Lute, Colm and Neimi can swing either way, though. Not too sure about them. I think I got everyone.
  16. This one's kinda hard... I would have picked Binding Blade, but there are some parts of it that I find weird, like the green highlights. I think my favourite now is the Valentian Falchion, but more specifically its design in FE Heroes. It's drawn to be a bit thicker, bulkier and longer in Alm's art in Heroes, compared to what it actually looks like in Echoes. I wasn't a huge fan of Falchions in general before this one, but I like a bulky sword that isn't just a stick of butter like Ragnell. Best part is the giant guard.
  17. Yeah, I was really happy about this. Hopefully if more of the Awakening crowd hear about this and the other Awakening thing they'll be more willing to give this game a shot.
  18. I was playing on Hard. Could be related? I've definitely had enemies ignore my illusions once or twice.
  19. I can't really defend terrain bonuses as "positioning" when for some inane reason the entirety of a castle has 20 Avoid, when it's just regular floor, and just makes it really hard to advance. When you do make it into the castle, everything becomes a slog because neither you nor the enemy can hit anything. On some maps, the enemies can reach you on Turn 1, so if a healer happens to be in that one spot it's lol. I abuse Invoke a lot too, but iirc the AI ignores the illusions if they can ORKO an actual unit. I haven't actually tested it though, just from personal experience.
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