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Everything posted by SatsumaFSoysoy

  1. @LordFrigid Ah wait, I just remembered I had Death Blow 2 on Julia. That means it would have been 28 + 12 = 40 You might be right, actually.
  2. Actually, I think it uses Attack*1.5 - Res, but I'm not sure when WTA/D comes in. My Julia is +Atk (52), and if Dragon Fang worked like how you said: 52*0.5 = 26 26 + 12 = 38 Which wouldn't have killed. iirc, the hit did like 40 something damage.
  3. I don't know what you're talking about, Luck already increased growth rates.
  4. I guess it's fair to not factor in teammate support in a tier list, since it rates units individually. Eh. I would personally bump Tharja and Nino up, but it makes some sense to put them in S, thinking about it. Maaaaybe keep Bunny Lucina in S, but Reinhardt should be up there with her.
  5. Well this happened. Dragon Fang has always been fair in every game. Nothing like doing over triple of what you were supposed to do. Even though there's a -40% multiplier. With how many screenies I post in this thread, I might as well make my own thread tbh.
  6. Maybe my -Spd Bunny Lucina is coloring my judgment, but to me, even with Swift Sparrow, she has a lack of firepower, and doesn't reliably take out the people she's supposed to, being the Sword units (and sometimes Tharja). Nino doesn't need no Passives. You can unequip everything except her tome and she's still gonna blow a hole through everything. Thinking about it, I guess maybe Nino and Tharja aren't S+ because while they are very good, they require support to be game-breaking. Though if you ask me, Nino with no buffs is still pretty scary.
  7. First off, you might want to edit one of those spoilers if you want him to be anonymous lol.
  8. I think 2~3 units of the same class is a good number. However, I think with with how FE is designed, there's no real way to achieve good balance with units. Ideally, everyone in your unit pool should be useful because even if two peeps are in the same class, one of them does different things from the other. However, since benched people don't get EXP, the one you don't pick early on just gets left behind, and you end up using the same unit for every situation, despite the benched one being better for some chapters if trained.
  9. I generally always pick my own gender (male) when it comes to creating characters. I don't know why, it's pretty automatic. Maybe it just helps me get into the game better. The only game I pick female in is.... Monster Hunter. Because there's no point in staring at the ugly ass male armor designs.
  10. Apparently the Wiki tier list doesn't factor skill inheritance, and Reinhardt only becomes S+ with inheritance. Still, being put in A+ with Robin is dumb. Also, Bunny Lucina is S on that list... Without inheritance. In the same tier as NINO. Why isn't Nino S+ anyway?
  11. Effie's Japanese voice fits her because she's a bit socially awkward and doesn't know it in that game, as seen in her support with J!Silas. Her eating gimmick was a liiiiittle bit overdone (like how the muscle thing was overdone in English), however. She was supposed to look and sound like a young, somewhat shy girl, then the contrast comes when she starts crushing rocks with her bare hands and has to eat every 30 seconds.
  12. I guess I'll just run Julia/Lucina/Sharena/Reinhardt and drop Azura? Hm...
  13. I know DB is the best for him, but with no way to acquire DB3 (without sacrificing my only Ursula left, fuk dat) atm, Fury's pretty much the next best thing imo. It also cuts his Enemy Phase losses by half, so if I mess up he can do something on EP I guess. Really, Limit Break as the score criteria now? If so, that's super lame. But I see a lot of people here don't have merged units and still get higher scores than me, so I'm not sure what the story is (my run was deathless). I'm using Julia/Lucina/Azura/Bunny Lucina as my offense team right now. Guess I didn't have to train up Clair after all...
  14. The English wiki references sites other than Altema, and personally I think the other sites have less idea of what they're talking about. Altema isn't always right, and their GHB tutorials are usually pretty bad (use Hector!), but their tier lists are fairly spot-on imo. I run Fury on my Rein because of his +Res. It lets him tank buffed up Tharja more comfortably, so I get a little bit more freedom with Enemy Phase compared to normally. Also I can't get him DB3 anyway. My Arena scores are sitting at like 4500 though, since my units aren't super high stat total other than Lucina. Gonna have to slap Fury on Azura too, and find some way to fit Effie on my team maybe.
  15. I could never really deal with English Effie. The personality change is the biggest turn-off, and her English voice turns her from beautiful girl to beefcakes. I was a little bit sad. Perhaps you find yourself attracted. Hue.
  16. Not if you sacrifice your 5* Selena for Triangle Adept 3!
  17. I mean, sure, everyone messes up occasionally, but fails shouldn't be happening as often as you say they do with a Dancer, especially if you do math or have experience with match-ups (which you should at this point; surely, you've met certain units over and over and know how to deal with them now).
  18. That's why you have to be sure that if you Dance while within enemy range, either the danced unit can take care of whoever can hit the Dancer, or you have someone else to block the tiles that your Dancer can be attacked from. Otherwise there's no point. Just back away.
  19. Dancing is powerful since you can accelerate 2RKOs, kill two enemies on the same turn, or just hit and run, but you still have to play somewhat conservatively. When you dance with Olivia, if you end up in a situation where your Dancer would be in range of the enemy, with no one to cover her, then you probably shouldn't have gone for that play to begin with honestly, since there's no point to all of that if you put your Dancer in danger (unless you're sure she'll survive). @Arcanite
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