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Everything posted by SatsumaFSoysoy

  1. @MaskedAmpharos Your Ryoma is ridiculous. Get that disgusting shit outta here.
  2. Finally got around to this. Takahiro Sakurai tries out his warmer voice... And honestly I dislike it. I prefer English Lukas for this actually, even though I'm a fan of Takahiro. I'll be real, Faye's English voice sucks.
  3. Woot, I still have the Subaki from the flier challenge. Sophia is a problem though.
  4. Well, she does have Roger's recruitment convo to her name... And her recruitment convos in general. But yeah, I think she'd actually draw some hate. I laughed really hard when the only reason Caeda was put in the Navarre Focus was because of how she recruited him. Too bad he probably cut her all the same in Heroes.
  5. That is waaaaaay more than just affection if you ask me, but hey, I guess it's a perspective thing. I'm not really bothered by it, but I wouldn't put it under normal affection.
  6. I'll probably still end up liking Faye. It takes a lot for me to dislike a character.
  7. Oh. That's a bit of a shame. Out of curiosity, I read that one support with Alm...
  8. Why be desperate when you can have the strength of ten men? Actually with how many monsters Alm has to fight via Skirmishes, this comparison makes more sense than it should... I see a...doll?
  9. Roland the midget could swing Durandal, so I bet that Falchion is ez. That thigh shot is too good btw. Cannot ignore.
  10. So she's super one-dimensional or something? Oh okay. I haven't read any of the leaks so I can go into the game unprepared next week.
  11. Actually it's a bit interesting they didn't release Celica with Alm. Are they maybe holding her off for May to coincide with the international release?
  12. Oh, the full sets are up on Twitter. https://twitter.com/feheroes_news?lang=en for the lazy.
  13. Well, Seliph's Tyrfring isn't too heavy and he's a heavy sword dude... I think it depends on the character. You just have to not suck!
  14. tfw you get locked into the unusable weapon type unless you're a pineapple or have blue hair
  15. I wonder what color and weapon she will be though. Customizable Hero??
  16. I'm interested in the uh... Ornament at the back of her dress. I'm sure there's one there. I kinda like Faye's art more though.
  17. Durandal has the length, Alm's Falchion has uh... Girth... The Lachesis salt lmao?
  18. Yeah, now look at the thread, and you'll see that someone else also misunderstood apparently.
  19. tfw you forget to leave out the most important part I'm talking about her sprite in that screen, not her artwork.
  20. I was talking about her sprite holding a Silver Axe, so I don't think that's the case.
  21. So while I'm waiting for the update to download, I just noticed that among the Heroes shown off in the download screen, Camilla is holding a Silver Axe instead of a Brave Axe. I guess they must have changed her mind about what she was gonna use halfway through, especially since her art also has a Silver Axe.
  22. I think it's pretty good. Alfonse's personal Sword isn't that great anyway, and Brave Sword+ works great with Death Blow. The Cons you mentioned basically don't matter imo, since Alfonse was always weak to those things anyway. Now he's gained extra roles in addition to strengthening the ones he already excels at. I think Reposition is better for Alfonse, since he gets rekt so hard on enemy phase. Pulling back a mage or something is more useful than putting him in danger. Moonbow works better with Brave weapons because of the low Might, so yeah I think it's better than Draconic Aura. DA would be good for Alfonse's personal Sword. Threaten Def would be good. It's the slot for support skills anyway, so it's not like there are really better choices.
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