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Everything posted by SatsumaFSoysoy

  1. Good for you man. Now give Kagerou L&D3 from Minerva.
  2. Mine is -Def, so we're preeetty much in the same boat. I ran the numbers and -Def performs slightly better. Apparently -Res leads to the best survivability overall.
  3. Lol that's actually really funny. They slapped the "HD" over it too, as if they're better than you.
  4. Pick ONE waifu man. You can't be fooling around with Minerva while you set up your Selena build. @Rezzy Fury is usually more useful on player side, yeah.
  5. Screw your T-Adept, I one shot everyone in your new team.
  6. In Japanese, Draw Back is 引き寄せ, while Reposition is 引き戻し. Better pay attention~ Yeah, pretty much. Apparently even a lot of horses and fliers die, though.
  7. My Kagerou is +Spd, so she's sitting pretty at 40 Spd. :D
  8. Oh right, Draw Back. I always get those two mixed up. I just ran the damage calc, and jesus, L&D3 Attack Seal Kagerou kills 93 people. That's disgusting. My Azura also has Hone Atk, and when Kagerou has that buff it's 100 wins. This is over the top lol.
  9. I guess, yeah, that should work. Horses, muh only weakness... With L&D3 and Attack Seal, my Kagerou reaches 46 Atk, which is 69 against infantry. That's enough to one-shot Lucina... Mhmm yes.
  10. I haven't even fully decked out my Kagerou yet, actually. She has Life and Death 3, which I guess is the best for her since for Defense Kagerou just goes all-in. My Lucina has Swap, and my Reinhardt has Drag Back, so maybe there actually is tricky stuff going on when people fight me. I wish we could fight ourselves for testing, like how in Fates you could fight your own Castle team.
  11. Well I must be blind, because my Arena score was 4762 all this time. For some reason I thought it was only ~4500. I'm rank 6167 rn. I also have more defense wins than usual for some reason. I changed my Defense team from Azura/Kagerou/Ninian/Reinhardt to Lucina/Azura/Kagerou/Reinhardt instead, but idk if it's related. In any case, Kagerou seems to be doing better than Julia for Defense.
  12. Oh, I already realized that earlier. I admitted that Nino was probably not S+ because she needed help, and that my Bunny Lucina being -Spd probably affected my experience.
  13. Just saying, Nino doesn't really need a full team supporting her to be really good because of Eirika, and is much better than Bunny Lucina when that one push is present. It goes without saying that Nino and Bunny Lucina do completely different things, and thus fit on different lineups. You're obviously not going to put Nino on your team when you have Hector or Minerva already, and need someone to take care of Reds, just as how we don't talk about making Bunny Lucina break her face on Julia.
  14. I just ran it actually, and with just Eirika buffs and no inheritance, Nino blows up 84 people to Bunny Lucina's 69 (also with Eirika). Nino has more losses (6 to 3), but they're expected losses (e.g. vs Ryoma). She destroys 70% of the game with one partner, so I'm sure that one partner is worth it. If you don't have access to Eirika, then sure, Bunny Lucina is better.
  15. I put Azura up as the example because she's so good anyway, anyone would probably want to run her any time. If I had put up Sharena instead, then you could say she cost an extra team slot to make Nino good. Also, isn't that actually +10 Atk just from Eirika, because Attack bonuses are basically doubled (applied to tome then applied to Nino)?
  16. My +Atk Julia (52) one shots all Azuras, so yeah, I'd say so.
  17. I'm not sure about that. Even with Silver Lance+, Clair reaches 41 Atk neutral, so if you give her Brave Lance+ this goes alllll the way down to 34... Units without weapons reach 34. Also, her Speed would go from 36 to 31, which isn't doubling a lot. She'd definitely need Hone and Goad support, and at that point you might as well just pick someone else or leave her be. I like Hit and Run, though. It's a very fun playstyle, especially when paired with Armored Blow. I think it would fit really well on Catria or Cordelia, especially the latter. Can you imagine Dancer + Hit and Run + Galeforce shenanigans?
  18. Eh, not really, considering how a team of Eirika/Azura/Nino already gives Nino +3 Atk, +4 Spd and +4 Res without any effort or skill inheritance. Of course, you have to have those units.
  19. I haven't played RD personally, but I thought I heard Jill could basically solo that game as long as you have her around.
  20. Yeah, I have this Clair... She's pretty cool... Then Sharena is in the bonus hero list...
  21. If you bring Sharena, then Nino is pretty much automatically at Julia level Attack with much better Speed anyway. Nino's probably the better of the two honestly, though Julia is just slightly behind.
  22. It works pretty well, but since I don't have DB3, she's not at her full potential atm. Also, even with DB3, you need to be +Atk to one-shot Takumis. Still, she does pretty well at demolishing things. I just gave my Julia Bowbreaker because I don't always have Reinhardt available. I think DB synergizes well with Julia, since she wants to do one really hard hit, but doesn't want to cut into her terrible Def or really high Res with Life & Death. The Speed boost also does nothing for her. Fury makes Julia more defensive, but eh, I don't think it helps her that much.
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