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Everything posted by SatsumaFSoysoy

  1. The battles. Getting to 690 just required a team with inheritance; not drowning in it is a completely different issue lol. In 680, I only fight people who have incomplete inheritance sets or just one or two extras tacked on, and very rarely do I see merged 5*s. Basically the playing field is even, pretty much. Then when I went up to 690 I was facing four Level 40+ 5*s, and they all had Fury or crazy stuff like Distant Counter Vantage Eirika. Crazy skills are one thing, but the stat gap just from merges hurts a lot.
  2. The jump from ~680 per battle to ~690 per battle is beyond human.
  3. Welp, I decided to just drop Sharena and all that, and run Alm/Reinhardt/Azura/Kagerou, which is pretty different from my regular Arena team. My score won't be as high, since Alm has no inheritance stuff, but at least I can play.
  4. Jesus, I'm suddenly getting matched with people I can't beat. All the monsters are coming out with the merged units and Fury beasts. I'm at a bit of a loss. I don't even have ONE merged unit, yet I'm getting full teams of 40+ enemies. Also, since I have to fit in Sharena, who greatly overlaps with Azura, my Arena team isn't very balanced right now. Still thinking of what to do.
  5. It just depends on what you're playing. If you're in the Arena, then AoE Specials are generally not that useful because of the long charge time. They do allow you to brute force enemies that you otherwise would not have ORKOed sometimes, but you could pretty much do the same with Moonbow a lot of times.
  6. That's the two I was thinking about the most. I don't think I get a lot of kills with Vantage, though. I'll go check.
  7. LOL, you're right. That'd give flier teams some much needed magic damage and 1-2 range. I need her now.
  8. Lol, my Sharena has Noontime because I thought it'd be a good idea to keep her in Quick Riposte range and have sustain, since she's mostly for support on my team. 30% healing is ass though.
  9. I gave Sharena Quick Riposte 2 instead of Swordbreaker. Since I don't have access to Swordbreaker 3, they'd activate at about the same health range anyway, and it lets her deal with some Blues quickly too.
  10. I'm not sure what B skill to give my Kagerou. With Life and Death 3 and being +Spd, none of the Breakers seem to give her additional kills. Renewal? Wings of Mercy? Escape Route? Vantage? Also, what C passives are good? I know Threatens are great, but I don't think they mesh with Kagerou.
  11. I just thought, wouldn't it be cool to have Myrrh as a Green Breath Flier? I wonder what kind of Breath they'd give her, though. Fire and Lightning seem to be Archanea, and Light is Elibe. Maybe they'll make her a new one. But that doesn't matter, because you give her Lightning Breath+, then put Iote on her, and buff her with Fortify Dragons...
  12. I ran Clair, Hinoka, Camilla and Palla. Young and upcoming Peg Knight plus three big sisters. Mhmm.
  13. I just realized that all this time, I had my Lucina Cipher card with me from the first edition of Fates; I thought I had left it in my home country. That explains why Lucina was my first 5*, and Spring Lucina was the first pull I got from the Easter banner: I had a catalyst with me all along.
  14. Well that was too easy. Compared to the 10th Stratum gauntlet of nightmares this was a cakewalk.
  15. All we need is some fool to oppose you, then we'd have a good cartoon/anime. The Ice Dragon and his army of super minions. Btw, why does Rein have Goad Cavalry? Just filler for when you get him something else? Why not run Spur Atk 2? See me in the streets
  16. Three +10s? Really? Man, you Wishiwashi lmao. I wish I had that
  17. Setsuna's gimmick does get old after a while, but she has a line in Heroes that's “We should go hunting. We’ll step into a trap, I bet. But you can just summon Lady Hinoka to save us.” That was hilarious though.
  18. Eh, I wouldn't say Peri is bottom of the barrel terrible either, just that her potential is wasted.
  19. No, it was an exaggeration, but the general gist is that they just tried to explain away her tendency, instead of taking the angle of not being able to control it. Don't mind me, just starting discussions.
  20. Her support with Laslow is so laughable to the point it's not even funny, man. Peri: I kill people because people killed my mom! Laslow: Oh you poor thing! It's okay now! Kill all you want!
  21. I used to play MH as the male character, but then my friend told me, "If you're going to spend the entire game staring at your backside, why stare at a male's?" I told him he was a genius. But really, I disliked a lot of the male armor sets. Very few of them were actually cool to me, while I find a majority of the female armor to be either cute or cool.
  22. My fav is Kagerou. Her supports are pretty lame, but I love her demeanor. Least favourite is Arthur, screw that guy. Sucks in combat, and big ham for no reason. I personally don't see his appeal, and I think he's overrated by the internet. He's not even that cool. I actually really liked Jakob and Azama. I found their dialogue to be really funny, but I will admit that while I was laughing, I was also thinking "yo that's messed up". Japanese versions of their characters might be slightly different, idk.
  23. O! Didn't know that. So if my defense team is three people with no weapons and passives, and one Ryoma on steroids, I fight noobs trying to get wins?
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