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Posts posted by Cysx

  1. 3 hours ago, Johnzin said:

    Characters you recruit from other houses, do they only increase their weapon ranks in two of their proficiencies?

    Yes. There are minor exceptions, since recruited characters cannot be in a class without the minimum ranks for it. For example, if you recruit Lysithea or Annette while they're monks they'll have a D in Faith(and Marianne a D in Reason), even though that's not their focus. If you wait until they're mages however, they'll be back at their base rank instead. The only other relevant case is Fighter, which automatically gives D Axe, Bow, and Brawling; for the most part characters evolve into classes that fit their focuses, and thus as the value from their auto-tutoring is higher this stops happening.

    As for a list, it's their basic focus afaik, so it would be(spoiler'd for size):



    Black Eagles:
    Ferdinand: Lance & Axe
    Linhardt: Reason & Faith
    Caspar: Axe & Brawling
    Bernadetta: Lance & Bow
    Dorothea: Sword & Reason
    Petra: Sword & Axe

    Blue Lions:
    Felix: Sword & Brawling
    Sylvain: Lance & Axe
    Ashe: Axe & Bow
    Mercedes: Reason & Faith
    Annette: Reason & Authority

    Golden Deer:
    Lorenz: Lance & Reason
    Ignatz: Sword & Bow
    Raphael: Axe & Brawling
    Lysithea: Reason & Authority
    Marianne: Sword & Faith
    Hilda: Lance & Axe
    Leonie: Lance & Bow

    Cyril: Axe & Bow
    Catherine: Sword & Brawling
    Shamir: Lance & Bow
    Flayn: Lance & Faith
    Hanneman: Bow & Reason
    Manuela: Sword & Faith
    Alois: Axe & Brawling
    Seteth: Lance & Authority
    Gilbert: Lance & Axe


    Professors/Knights of Seiros typically have higher base ranks to compensate. Students aren't quite so lucky.

  2. 9 minutes ago, Centh said:

    On the topic of knight/teacher units, I think knowing when to recruit them is an important distinction. Off the top of my head outline:

    Catherine: ASAP and work towards PG.

    Shamir: later than Catherine but still school phase. Her speed is meh, so enemy growths help. Might depend on which house needs a good archer quickly.

    Seteth: ASAP, as far as I can tell. He is a later recruit.

    Alois: Unsure. His hitrate seems really poor and I've never used him. Free items?

    Hanneman: Does it matter? Free items. He seems bad.

    Manuela: As far as I can tell, her best asset(s)😉 is her spell list, so ASAP seems appropriate. Warp and Silence are nice even if she isn't a stellar unit.

    Tell me how bad this is.

    Catherine: It depends I'd say. She gets amazing class growths(like, by far the best in the game) until she's recruited. At the same time, it's nice to have her weapon available and yeah, she has better classes she can be in and needs to build towards. Imo she's debatable.

    Shamir: Unfortunately the enemy Sniper growths is at 0% speed, so there's no helping her in that regard. I'd rather have her early so she can work towards Hunter's volley asap or something but that's just me.

    Seteth: You don't really get a choice.

    Alois: He also joins very late either way, so it doesn't make much of a difference. He has speed problems but solid stats otherwise.

    Hanneman: It doesn't really matter afaic, no. If you're gonna use him, might as well recruit asap, the enemy growth for mage is basically the same as the player one and he'll be busy unlocking Fiendish blow.
    Fun fact about Hanneman, promoting him into a Warlock changes his outfit initially, but post-timeskip it becomes his commoner outfit again.

    Manuela: Yeah, agreed. Like Hanneman, no reason to wait.

  3. 7 minutes ago, Centh said:

    Does Cyril's personal increase his growths while not in your party? I could see him bumped up a bit if this is the case.

    It does(or at least I assume) but, from my understanding since his natural class is Commoner and it has basically no growths even for enemies, he's one of the few physical characters that actually suffers statistically from being recruited late.

  4. I send people to their deaths all the time because I go for stupidly aggressive stuff more often than not. But I always reset when they actually fall, so no actual casualty when it's credits time, thus far.

    Divine pulse saves me a lot of time as a result, to be honest. Like, a dozen hours a playthrough, at least.

  5. 7 minutes ago, LegendOfLoog said:

    Just checked myself. I took 9 Damage from an Enemy and lost 4 Battalion HP, so it looks like it is 1/2. In that case, Dimitri would need to take 140 total damage with Defensive Tactics on him before losing his Battalion if it's at 35 Endurance. It appears that damage outside of battle like Poison Strike and probably Devil weapons don't apply to it either, although that's fairly minor. I guess the last skill slot could just be filler until Lance Crit +10 is available. 

    Then yeah, sounds like that works.

  6. 29 minutes ago, LegendOfLoog said:

    Battalion health is certainly a concern earlier on in the game, but higher level Battalions generally have higher HP pools as well. I know that Fraldarius Soldiers has something like 105, and the KOL Corps has 120 at base (not sure if it levels up at all atm). I don't know exactly how much damage a Battalion takes relative to the unit it's equipped to, but if the Battalion is relatively close to the highest point where Wrath + Vantage comes online, 35/40 Battalion Endurance is not that bad. Also, this is a bit niche, but I think every unit gets Defensive Tactics which halves battalion damage. If you consider that Dimitri should only really have Battalion Wrath, Battalion Vantage, and Lance Prowess as his required skills here from going Cavalier -> Paladin -> potentially Great Lord, he should have enough space to equip that before Lance Crit +10.

    I see a two-fold use here. It slows down the rate that his Battalion takes damage, so it's less likely that the Battalion will have dangerously low Endurance before Wrath + Vantage is active. Once you're there, his Battalion will also survive for longer in the event he doesn't pull off a crit with his 80+ chance. Couple this with solid physical bulk and his Avoid personal, and I think the chances are that his Battalion will survive for quite a few hits even if the crit roll doesn't favor him.

    I actually didn't need use any dance Battalions, so I can't say how useful it would have been. Didn't find the need since Dimitri's carrying occurs mostly on Enemy Phase.  

    I THINK battalions take 1/2 your damage. But that's largely a guess, I haven't researched that specifically. The issue being, while later Battalions are indeed safe at full health, <1/3 of 105 is <35, so slightly above 30... probably less. If I'm correct you may be safe from a single hit, but then again, you might not. But you're right that Defensive Tactics could round out the build decently well, at the moment I don't really see anything you'd need more.

  7. 6 hours ago, LegendOfLoog said:

    Depends on how exactly enemy growths work, I guess. Just looking at it myself, the only significant enemy Lck growth is for Mortal Savant which has a 20% boost. If Dimitri's (Dex + Lck) / 2 is mostly proportional to the Luck of most enemies throughout the post-timeskip, then he'll probably hover around the 80-90 Crit range for most of the game without Lance Crit +10. I also forgot about the Critical Ring earlier, so that helps too I guess. 

    As far as its value, BL Chapter 22 is probably the most difficult map on the route after the earlygame, so I would say it's more important than the comparatively easy midgame, even if it's a single chapter. Many of your other combat units suddenly struggle, especially fliers since it's an indoor chapter. There's no Cooking boosts, you can't Warp cheese the chapter, and enemies have fairly high AS (even Ingrid needs a Speed Ring to double and ORKO the mages on Enemy Phase). Having a unit who can walk into hordes of enemies and fairly reliably one-shot them on Enemy Phase is nice. I wouldn't consider it valuable if Dimitri sucked up to that point, but since he's good regardless, I think it's fine to build for lategame. 

    Yeah see, that's fine logic for an unit that generally excels(what I really want is for people not to bring up final chapter numbers to demonstrate that an unit struggles for the whole game), but while I absolutely am nitpicking, the lack of Crit +10 does make one key difference on that build; your battalion is almost dead at all times. Taking a hit will very likely finish it, lowering your crit further to a still respectable but much less reliable value for the rest of the chapter.

    Also it's minor, but BL gets a second dancing battalion for ch22, so all in all it may not actually be the hardest around, despite being (I assume) a sizeable stat bump for enemies.

  8. 3 minutes ago, LegendOfLoog said:

    This was to show that Wrath + Vantage was a viable strategy in the endgame for dealing with enemy units on Enemy Phase. I also can't do any other calculations because I only bothered to document the stats for Chapter 22 enemies on Maddening for endgame comparisons, so that's the main reason tbh. 

    I know, I know, I just don't see that much value in that truth be told; it's just one chapter, and a difficulty spike to boot. Though I am assuming there's not a massive Lck difference on enemies from say, ch 20 to 22, and I could very well be wrong.


  9. 3 minutes ago, LegendOfLoog said:

    I'm 100% certain that you can get Lance Crit +10 by Chapter 22 on Maddening because I've done it myself. You're only investing into Authority, Riding, and Lances with this build. All of those are strengths. Keep in mind that I'm assuming you're literally tutoring him at every opportunity to make up for his midgame issue. You can even dump Riding if you want, but I easily managed to get Lance Crit +10, Movement +1, and Battalion Wrath/Vantage a few chapters before Chapter 22, so I think you probably should consider it as a part of the build. This is all without a Knowledge Gem btw which would make these concerns non-existent. 

    I wasn't saying it was impossible, but unless we're building for one or two chapters in the game there's not much sense in including it in the calculations imo. You can also get tutoring-screwed since it's completely rng-based and all, which is another fun jar of pickles we'll probably have to deal with eventually

  10. 2 minutes ago, Silly said:

    My point is that compared to hard mode you lose 12 per month in two separate skills, so overall your total amount of weapon exp is reduced by 24 every month.

    Oh, okay, my bad.
    Though, not every month is a 3 tutoring one, so let's not jump the gun on that front either. I estimated half of them weren't but that's actually inaccurate I feel, since post-timeskip there are a lot of those.

  11. 33 minutes ago, Silly said:

    It's -12 in two separate ranks, so -24 exp overall.

    But we were basing all of our builds on hard mode already. I personally haven't even played normal outside of testing the experience formula, I'm probably not the only one. Thus it makes little sense to emphasize a -24 gain when that's not really how it actually is, and we were never like "guys nothing is possible on hard mode, you lose 12 per month".


    29 minutes ago, Shadow Mir said:

    Speaking of which, I'm curious as to how much less weekly study exp is applied to units that change to studying one thing (e.g. Mercedes studying faith exclusively).

    Multiply the normal gains by 1.5, then add the strength/subtract the weakness, I believe.

  12. 26 minutes ago, Silly said:

    That's what I'm referring to. The reduced weekly study exp translates to about -24 weapon exp each month (assuming an about three weeks per month).

    More like -12, right? Unless you're talking of normal -> maddening. Hard mode already had a -4 malus, maddening pushes it 4 points further down.

    26 minutes ago, Silly said:

    Compared to Ingrid, Petra's chapter 11 recruit stats are:

    -3 HP, +2 Str, -5 Mag, +5 Dex, +2 Spd, +1 Lck, -3 Def, -17 Res

    So slightly better offensively, slightly worse defensively on the physical side, a lot worse against mages. Also relevant is that Ingrid's default focus is Lances + Swords, while Petra's is Axes + Swords, so late recruit Petra has a really easy time going Wyvern Rider -> Wyvern Lord due to her base axe rank, whereas Ingrid is likely stuck as Pegasus for another ten levels before going Falcon Knight.

    I think those are pretty comparable statlines tbh, since 17 res is bad but class changing will fix it by quite a bit. Otherwise that is fair enough, but late-recruit characters are much less impressive without blows, meaning you likely want to put Petra through Bandit instead of going straight to Wyvern, on paper anyway. If you don't, I don't think she's that remarkable.

  13. 10 hours ago, Shanty Pete's 1st Mate said:

    Thanks for finding this out! Now that spells recharge each map, there's no reason not to spam high-return white magic on the last turn of a given map. Good to know which ones I should be favoring!

    Frankly I just spam high exp spells in general(read: Fortify), though I sometimes keep one use in case of an emergency. That's worked pretty well for me thus far, and has allowed my healer(read: Mercedes) to regularly get Mag level ups and remain at a comfortable range even as the maps get larger later on.

    Anyway, added lv 41-> 50 to the table. As said previously I won't go any further since levels >50 really aren't relevant at all currently. Maybe the dlc will change that, but I think that's enough for now.
    Fun fact, If the *1.05 multiplier remains consistent from 51 to 99, level 98->99 should take 30 688 exp, over 10 times what level 49->50 requires.

  14. On 9/19/2019 at 9:39 PM, LegendOfLoog said:

    If we're specifically talking about Byleth here, I imagine they could get an S decently fast through Advanced Training in Part Two. Specifically for Axes, chances are you have at least a few Wyvern Lord units sitting around that can help tutor Byleth, and if not, Alois and Seteth can help as well. If we're considering that Byleth will already have the Knowledge Gem to build up their class mastery, it seems very reasonable to have at least one S rank. 

    Took me the entire game to reach A+ riding with Byleth, and it was my one focus. So S on another neutral, even with one more teacher post-timeskip I doubt is reasonably possible. The biggest problem being that the ranks you really want help for are A and beyond, which the students may not reach in time to help you.

    On 9/19/2019 at 9:03 PM, Silly said:

    You have slightly reduced weapon exp on Maddening

    Do you? I only heard about the reduced weekly exp.

    5 hours ago, leesangstar10 said:

    Petra: Serve as early game flier with good growths. Broken base stats late recruited.

    ... that doesn't seem to add up? She goes for thief naturally, right? Granted the enemy growths for thief are good, but they're not incredibly better than everything else. Especially not peg in the case of Ingrid.



  15. 15 hours ago, Tables said:

    Very useful guide. Would love to see more research, especially into battle EXP, but I'm sure that will be a much trickier nut to crack. I was beginning to suspect that support EXP didn't vary by difficulty - I've quickly noticed my highest level units on Maddening are all of my mages, who are already a solid 2-4 levels ahead of the rest of my team. Nice to see that confirmed.

    Thanks! And yes, battle exp seems to take such a harsh penalty on Maddening that I'm not surprised to hear that. Though I did wonder if the considerable level difference wouldn't compensate a little. It's an interesting design choice, in any case.

    Beyond that, I'll just list what I've found on combat exp. I'm just bummed I don't have more.

    - Combat exp seems based primarily on three things: your level vs the target's, the % of health you depleted, and the tier of the enemy.
        - As usual, you get a bonus if the enemy is of a higher level, and a malus if it's the opposite.
            - The bonus seems to cap at a 5 levels difference. The malus apparently doesn't have such a limit.
                - Additionally, the bonus/malus isn't consistent between normal and hard so I can't even give a rough value.
    - % of health means that when dealing 10 damage to two enemies of the same level, one with 30 max HP and the other with 40, you will get more exp in the first case.
    - There seems to be a ~15% difference in exp gains from one enemy tier to the next(with one exception). There are a few problems, however:
        - The very first enemies you face in the prologue are of the enemy-only Ruffian class. Is that "Unique" or "Beginner"? No idea.
            - It might not even matter, as the students you fight in ch1 seem to give the same exp as the Fighters in ch2, ie there may not be a difference.
        - Manuella and Hanneman, despite being in Intermediate classes in ch1, seem to be considered as the same tier as students as far as exp gains go.
        - Pegasus knights give Advanced tier exp, confirming that the enemy class is of that tier. 
        - The aforementioned exception is that Advanced and Master enemies seem to give the same exp bonus. So all in all, there may only be three distinct tier bonuses.

    Oh and by the way, it's been hinted in a recent interview that characters in higher class tiers gained more exp. I have tested this quite a bit, and that doesn't seem to be the case at all. Might have been a mistranslation, or something I've missed somehow, though I'm pretty confident on that one. Anyway, for more general things:

    - Kill exp seems to consistently amount to around 100% damage dealt exp *2
    - Bosses unsurprisingly get a bonus, but I didn't figure out what it was precisely.
    - Demonic beasts may also get something, and each of their lifebars constitutes an individual kill.
    - For an unit of the same level as their target, hard mode gets a *0.66... exp malus. Aka a gain of 45 will translate into 30.
        - This is only confirmed for levels 1->10, and I can't say for maddening.
    - The maximum amount of exp you can get at once is still a full level.
        - ... but exp requirements evolve in 3H. Which means that you actually gain a bit less than previously:
            - In a previous FE, if you had 50 exp and gained 100, you'd end up at 50 exp again.
            - In 3H, if you're at like, 50% of level 9->10(so 214*0.5 = 107), a full level will leave you at 235-107=128 left for 10->11(so roughly 45% bar).

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