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Posts posted by Cysx

  1. 29 minutes ago, SpiceMan said:

    EDIT: Can someone actually check if War cleric is half caster? I haven't got it unlocked on my current run and I remember it being but that might just have been trickster and I got confused.

    No, you're correct, it is.

    I'd say glass cannon builds at 1 range can definitely work, but it's better if they have canto. In her case she would be a 6 move delete button, there's some merit to that for sure, but yeah. Should have fairly remarkable avoid with War Cleric's mastery in hand, at least, which would help survivability-wise. Shame magic battalions tend to give very little avoid.

  2. 38 minutes ago, Flere210 said:

    Also i would argue that authority matter, because whit the right Battalion and Dromi we are pretty much getting a turn of Genealogy dancing lol. 

    You don't really want that though. The dancing battalions can refresh your dancer, allowing you to dance one unit three times in a single turn with the right configuration; in general these should be on anyone but your dancer.

  3. 22 minutes ago, Gregster101 said:

    You forgot to mention Scarlet since she's only truly available in Birthright. And her death in Revelation still really pisses me off

    I guess I should have said MyCastle characters instead. Though I'd say Scarlet definitely doesn't qualify as secret.

    Though yes her death is extremely dumb. Just Rev things I guess.

  4. 54 minutes ago, Gregster101 said:

    I never understood the point of Izana's death. Why does he have to die in Revelation? I thought the whole point of Revelation was being able to recruit everyone in Fates, and yet Izana gets killed off? I know you could argue that it was enough to convince Takumi to help Corrin, but there are other ways they could've done it. They could've had Sakura convince Takumi to help Corrin after Izana did his ritual and assured him that Corrin was not an enemy.

    I always rationalized it by thinking that they wanted each route to have only two "secret" characters... for some reason. Aka BR has Izana/Yukimura, CQ has Flora/Izana, Rev has Fuuga/Flora. Or maybe it's because Fuuga and Izana have the same recruitment conditions(or roughly so... right?). It's dumb either way for sure.

  5. You can either go around while keeping the Ashen Wolves out of harm(I don't believe they get attacked if they never move), or put retribution(it's on Ashe's battalion) on people and let them kill the first three bolting mages at once(or one by one if you prefer). They're really the only true problem of that map. There's one more behind but on his own he can't do quite as much damage, obviously.

    Don't worry too much about the 10 damage, it only happens on turn 1. Also you can take your time, 20 turns is more than you'll need.

  6. Well yeah

    ... but it's funnier to go straight anyway, you have some time before the second team reaches, and you can bait Dimitri/Edelgard into the forests to the right to duel your most resilient units(don't fight back, just move away and heal) while you hit and run their team + Hanneman down. Then you just deal with the second group.

  7. 1 hour ago, SpiceMan said:

    As for Swarm I don't think it's amazing or anything. But it is the lightest dark magic at 4 weight (miasma has 5) so sometimes you might be able to double with swarm when you couldn't with a heavier spell. It's only 1 less weight but since mages won't be over 25 str for most of the game (Sometimes for all of it) it still stays relevant. The -5 speed is pretty nice early on, it's more than rally speed and does damage, with the downside of needing to hit or be in range. It can sometimes stay relevant towards the mid and late game though tbh most enemies will either be way too fast for it to matter, or units can one round anyway so there is no need for it.

    I get that it's the lightest dark spell, but on maddening, -1 weight on magic is very, very, VERY rarely relevant... and the speed debuff accomplishes little when the chip on its own puts the target in OHKO range of mostly everyone in your army. If Miasma is forced, Swarm is honestly redundant, even though it's arguably the better of the two.

  8. 15 minutes ago, SpiceMan said:


    I feel like Banshee doesn't get nearly enough praise. It's another form of encloser, an incredible tool that can help you stop very dangerous enemies from killing your team members, it does way more chip damage than encloser will do to the dangerous enemies and can also be cast at longer distances with Valkryie/Cadeccus/thrysus/range+1. On my CF maddening run Hubert saved my whole times multiple times with it. One example I had was when the Falcon Knights in chapter 17 were hovering over a lake, they were in range of my units but none of my units in range could kill them. My units were also surrounded by ground units and monsters, and the wasteland and other terrain also meant they couldn't get away. Hubert slowed them down to 3 move with the help of a dancer, which allowed the whole team to stay and clear the enemies near them while not having to run from the falcons. Also I really don't think Luna is that good. It's only seen as useful because Lysithea learns it and she has lots of magic which helps her one shot high res enemies. Since it can't double, in order for it to be useful you have to have high enough magic to beat their HP, and Hapi along with many other mages wouldn't be able to reach that threshold, making Luna situational at best. The inability to double really hurts luna in this game imo and I don't think it should be called one of the best spells.

    I'd say the best dark magic list would be Miasma(They'd have to have this), Mire, Swarm, Banshee and Dark Spikes. Replace Swarm for Hades if the mage doesn't have a magic combat art they can nuke with, like Hapi. So that's still two important spells not there, but Death is interchangeable with Mire since they both have 3 range. That's all you need from them. The def debuff only matters very early game, but i'd say mire is better due to it purely having double the uses. Overall not as good as Hubert's list but much better than Lysithea's dark magic list since she lacks any 3 range at all.

    Agree on the Neutral faith point though. That's really going to hurt Hapi, so we can't just call her better Linhardt. And honestly I'd take restore over seraphim any day. Offensive white magic just isn't impressive in this game, and means the unit misses on out on important utility spells instead.

    To be fair I did get some use out of Banshee in CS, it's true that it's nice... but the 2 range for a support spell is kinda limiting still, and I'm already not a massive fan of Encloser when builds allowing to ORKO on maddening exist for more than half the cast. But fair point, Banshee is far from being a bad spell. Luna on the other hand makes Lysithea have good combat(lategame), not the opposite. It's been said again and again, but her magic is not that much higher than the rest of the cast; without it, she'd have just as much trouble OHKOing as everyone else. And mages in general don't double on Lunatic anyway, armors aside. You're pretty much always aiming for either chip or OHKO.

    What's so good about Swarm, by the way? Also I agree about Mire uses mattering; I think playing through the dlc, we've definitely all experienced how quickly Death runs out.

  9. Honestly, Hapi being neutral in Faith is way more of a deal breaker than I think you're all letting on. Getting a neutral to A rank(for Warp) takes... roughly all of part 1? And her magic isn't much better than Manuella's, whom you also get for free(it's not like recruiting either/both of Linhardt or Lysithea is excessively taxing either). I don't find her dark kit all that impressive either, she misses out on all the really good Dark spells, aka Luna, Dark Spikes and Mire. And does her personal even affect Seraphim? From playing through CS I figured it only applied x2 effectiveness rather than 3(could be wrong, but her numbers were not that incredibly high), so I guess Seraphim can still be a relatively strong option against monsters, but if it's just 24 mt vs Hades' 36 or Banshe's 18(plus a possible tomefaire)... seems redundant.

    Outside of that, it's worth noting that Balthus gets an awful selection of combat arts, while Caspar does get Bombard, making their output fairly similar once that happens(Balthus' personal aside of course). And Bolting is possibly the best spell in the game, three uses of siege without losing your support is crazy; it's also quite strong, with crit. Only problem is its accuracy. I'd also say Rescue got quite a bit better now that female mages have easy access to canto, and while she's also neutral in faith, B rank is more accessible at least. So all in all I think Constance has the better spell list here.

  10. Sorry I didn't answer your post, didn't want to... derail the thread, I guess? Though if it generates more discussion here, that's fine with me too.

    1 hour ago, Jotari said:

    Are people just ignoring the time limit and attempting to rout the enemy or something?

    Yes, that is what I did, 2nd Golem aside(now that could be pretty challenging). But in general considering Conquest ch10 is also considered as amazing, I think putting players under genuine pressure(and by that I don't mean giving them 20 turns to complete a chapters that really shouldn't take more than half of that, that's just artificial) works much better with the FE formula than the devs, or maybe even playerbase, seem to think. While the turn limit in ch 4 is still fairly generous, the end of it does ramp things up a bunch and I'd assume that's what people liked, the progressive reinforcements especially were a pretty nice touch. Also the golems I guess.

  11. Completed GD. Went for church afterwards, but that was my sixth playthrough and I kinda just lost interest right before the timeskip(or rather I started playing something else, then focused on that instead). Picked it back up recently and beat chapter 13, then stopped again... probably won't pick it back up again for a good while, likely with a new playthrough.

    I like maddening, but I agree with @LoneRecon400 that the monastery micromanagement gets very draining... and I don't even farm stat boosters. I actually think this is something that will make the game age way more poorly than it should if they don't correct it.
    Then again, we'll welcome the next entry with open arms as a result, so in a sense...

  12. Well it's complicated, since the more you advance in the story, the less the three lords are likely to cooperate. Dimitri starts to lose it, and Edelgard progressively enters the active phase of her plan. Byleth mourns, Byleth becomes superman and Rhea wants nothing else but to go to Sothis' throne, etc.

    The timeframe you speak of would help in other ways for sure(also with the fact that Sothis doesn't show up once even though she speaks up all the time at that point in the story), but it's actually fairly difficult to find the perfect moment.

  13. 23 minutes ago, Gamer76252 said:

    Constance did have her Mastery, it's her Transmute Class skill, but they don't allow you to stack it. All you have to do is turn her back to a Noble to confirm.


    22 minutes ago, LegendOfLoog said:

    Dark Flier’s Mastery Skill is actually Transmute. When you’re in Dark Flier, it counts as a Class Skill, but when you’re in another class, it’s a personal skill. 

    Thank you.

    So they really did opt not to destroy the game with this dlc... though I'm obviously speaking way too quickly here.

  14. Sooo I'm done with it. Didn't necessarily plan on writing down my impressions, but I have a question and a rant, so might as well
    Edit: Tell you what, Imma spoiler tag it, though. I don't really reveal stuff in there but, still.



    I think it's going to see a lot of criticism, because, well, there's a lot to criticize. Most importantly, there's clearly a degree of laziness present within multiple aspects of this dlc(just like others, I can't help but compare it to Torna, and, well, yeah, Torna wins). Quite a few times I wished they'd have gone the extra mile. It was also too short, and more of a nitpick but, I think Hapi and Constance's gimmicks or Yuri's motivations wouldn't have been too difficult to improve, which circles back to that extra mile thing, so moving on.

    I enjoyed it. I can think of many improvements - more come to me every instant I keep on writing - but for what it was I had a good time, and this likely is their best offer yet in terms of dlc; that's kind of what I want to emphasize, they're improving, and that's good, so maybe let's not be too harsh. The new characters are nice, so were the maps, liked the abyss, music was sparse but good, difficulty balancing was generally spot on, and I do like the entire premise of having semi-locked characters. New classes are actually more balanced than I gave them credit for and I think ultimately enhance the original material, but I do have one reservation, hence the question...


    Constance didn't have her class mastery skill. That's because it's galeforce, right? Can someone confirm?

    As for the rant, well I just want to give my sincere thanks to all these youtube channels gratuitously putting the new characters' post timeskip designs as the thumbnail of their support compilation videos, less than 48 hours post-release. Appreciate how little care you have for other people's enjoyment of things, I really do.

  15. 24 minutes ago, Burklight said:

    I honestly think Constance and Balthus personals are going to be fool's gold. Yuri's is in the same ballpark as Lorenz. Hapi's going to be very situational at best, because most mages get Seraphim anyway.

    To elaborate on the fool's gold...6 defense "seems" like a lot, and I suppose it probably is early game, but beyond chapter 5 or so it probably won't do much. We also don't know what chapter you can recruit them to the main story. Things like vantage and wrath at <50% hp work because they make you avoid taking damage. If your tank is getting below 50% hp, 6 defense probably isn't going to save them. The instances where it does are going to be very limited, and you probably screwed up to be in that situation to begin with.

    I can see +3 magic being pretty good, particularly when that gives you an extra range on rescue or warp...can't remember which she has. But most of the maps are outdoors. +3 defense and resist on someone who probably shouldn't be taking damage to begin with doesn't seem quite as good.

    I agree that Yuri isn't the most impressive(then again Lorenz' is really good, so...), but Seraphim is actually a pretty rare spell that only 4 characters learn(... dlc aside, there it is, I spoiled myself, shame on you, jk), only one of which is primarily a magic user(Lysithea). It's also, you know, 8 mt, usually with no faire, as opposed to a brave weapon or one with crit, for example. Then again, admittedly Hapi might have terribad strength. If the other part allows her to control monster AI, that's also pretty useful.

    Def stacking is generally very strong, but also pretty rare. This could make him go from minimal damage to none very easily. Not to mention the 6 strength, or the ability to tank hits and reciprocate with Wrath, theoretically.

    Constance admittedly could be inconvenient. But really, at the end of the day she gets free sizeable stat bonuses, and very few p.skills accomplish that much. That's the big thing, most p.skills in this game are pretty bad.

  16. 3 hours ago, Lightchao42 said:

    Yuri: Attack +3 when not adjacent to an ally in a 1-distance battle.


    Constance: Strength and Magic +3 when fighting indoors, Defense and Resistance +3 when fighting outdoors.
    Balthus: When HP is 50% or less, Strength and Defense +6.
    Hapi: All attacks are effective against monsters. More easily targeted by monsters.


    Er... why are most of these leagues above what the rest of the cast gets? Not that I'm against the idea of strong personal skills, but...

  17. 46 minutes ago, Glennstavos said:

    Yeah well it was six months and three full playthroughs ago.

    Puts us on equal footing, then. Which is why in terms of details I can't be too much help until I go through the entire thing + supports once more, which is, well, probably not happening very soon?

    46 minutes ago, Glennstavos said:

    Baffling. Is racial profiling not a thing in Fodlan? It's a pretty white place. People immediately notice Cyril is Almyran, and Dedue is from Duscur. I imagine they learn that with their eyes and not by striking up a friendly conversation. Interestingly, Cyril doesn't know Claude is Almyran in their support, but not defining people by race is pretty much Cyril's defining character trait. The Duscurans in Dedue's paralogue immediately see where Dedue is from just by looking.

    To be fair it's common knowledge that Cyril is Almyran, afaik people don't necessarily guess it, but I have to agree there may be a bit of an inconsistency here considering people from Duscur merely have a darker tone of skin and it's enough for others to know... and Almyrans are merely a shade lighter. With that being said, perhaps people just didn't even humor the possibility that the nephew of their former leader would have Almyran origins, despite his appearance. I don't believe his mother's whereabouts are common knowledge at all, and without that information... well what are the odds?

    Probably should have made Claude a bit lighter still to avoid that problem(he's a metis after all), guess they wanted their racial variety cake and secret origin eating session of it too.
    ... at the same time, lack of racial diversity is something FE is often criticized for, so...

  18. On 2/10/2020 at 1:14 AM, B.Leu said:

    Nader and Claude shooting arrows at each others for fun, with said arrows colliding mid air, this kind of thing.

    This is indeed a very dumb part, although it's weird to me that this stood out to you over other very shonen moments, such as Edelgard and Byleth's short duel in SS(and especially its conclusion), or Dimitri's freakout at the Flame Emperor reveal/Rodrigue's death scene. It's kind of just a thing 3H does from time to time, unfortunately. At least in that case it's completely inconsequential.

    On topic, I agree that a golden ending would greatly undermine the entire premise of 3H, and I'm pretty sure that is still something I would argue if Rev had never existed. There are also too many separate routes in the game with their own proper and generally satisfying conclusions. Golden endings tend to work best when every other ending available is very lacking in terms of closure.

  19. 2 hours ago, Jayvee94 said:

    I'm Hapi to announce, Valkyrie reveal.

    Apparently its specialty is an Extra Range in both Black and White Dark Magic AND Canto.


    If that stacks with the S rank reason skill and the class doesn't have lower move than Dark Knight(which is unlikely, if anything they may be crazy enough to give it more), we are indeed looking at a pretty busted option, even if its OHKO potential will be limited.

    44 minutes ago, Taho said:

    08:00 EST is 01:00PM GMT, so it pretty much matches what Robertos said. Should be out in three and a half hours =D

    Assumed they meant PM. Won't be the 13th in Europe or in Japan in 3 hours.

  20. 8 hours ago, Glennstavos said:

    I literally cannot remember any mention of Claude's grandfather. What is he known for? Is he alive during the events of the game? Was there any resistance to an Almyran being named his heir?

    That's a weird thing to miss... he's mentioned a bunch of times, and Claude informs you of his passing post timeskip. I don't think we're told that much about him otherwise though, to be fair... not that I remember, anyway. Some tidbits here and there, like most side characters in this game. And yes, as said in my post, he is alive pre-timeskip.

    The alliance didn't know Claude was Almyran. And their hatred for Almyrans is precisely why it's a secret, most likely. It's often forgotten(gotta read through that library, unlock those Cyril/Hilda supports... yeah many people missed all that), but that conflict is the Alliance's primary concern(and has been for a while) until Edelgard's uprising.

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