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Posts posted by Cysx

  1. 3 hours ago, Glennstavos said:

    Any maniac showing up with that crest could take over the Alliance it seems

    That's a really unfair take, to be honest. Claude is but a likely successor before the timeskip(and he is that because his grandfather, someone whose authority the Alliance values, recognized him as such), and Lorenz being the only playable character to raise objections makes sense when neither Hilda nor Lysithea care about the state of the Alliance at that point, same for Marianne. And the last three Deer don't have a political agenda at all.

    This has consequences for sure, but I'd definitely disagree that things don't make sense in general. We are given reason to think his aptitude is what kept him on top, since the turmoil in the alliance is showcased a number of times. He was given an opportunity to prove himself before his grandfather passed, and did with flying colors, basically. Even though we're admittedly not shown enough of it, we do know that it's what happens.

    I wish I could dig into this thread, not sure if I'll ever find the motivation, though...

  2. 3 hours ago, Jayvee94 said:


    Good News: This Dark Flier has no Galeforce. But has a new ability which it gains +3 to all stats when hit by magic.

    There's always the mastery skill though, assuming this is just a class skill. This one seems extremely niche, in any case. You won't want to expose your magic ponies much chances are, and siege mages will likely not target them primarily. The bonus isn't good enough to waste a turn setting it up either.

  3. 3 hours ago, hdawgsizzle said:

    d) How exactly do the experience+ statue bonuses work? If I have the 4 exp+5% statues is everyone getting 1.2x the experience or (1.05)^4? I would think the latter

    It's the former. Afaik there are two individual experience multipliers in the game, one with all the strongest statues' bonuses added together(1.4x tops, and 1.2x in your case), and another comprised of the rest, also added together(exp gem, professor's guidance, etc).

  4. 7 hours ago, Shadow Mir said:

    I was mostly thinking about mages, nearly all of whom are weak in at least one of the two.

    That's not true at all, though. Every mage(currently in the game, aka Dorothea, Lysithea, Marianne and Manuela... Anna too I guess) that would want to use swords is either neutral or strong/has a hidden talent in those two. Besides, they're the ones who want Stealth from Assassin the most to compensate for their fragility and lack of canto... not to mention they have very little use for sword crit +10.

    It's fine for crit builds, I guess, and at least it's straightforward. Not bad enough for me to say no.


  5. 1 hour ago, Kuroi Tsubasa Tenshi said:

    It's two match ups. I also wouldn't use it against the Wind Caller. I realize a lot of people lean on Divine Pulse, yes. The fact that gambling on 60s becomes a regular occurrence is a very good reason never to touch it, though. I'm not going to let my play deteriorate like that.

    Turtling is hardly the only strategy when avoiding taking unnecessarily poor hit chances. It's maybe required very early in White Clouds, but once certain units get rolling, it's quite possible to play fairly aggressively, if for no other reason than Canto with bows is so insanely abusable. Enemies will readily break formation and get chewed up for it. While it's not LTC pace, forward momentum is rather easy to maintain. The only place this possibly runs into problems where falling back on turtling starts looking really good is the maps that have the infinite reinforcement spam.

    Throwing out a Gambit, hoping it hits, then resetting the map doesn't strike me as remotely good play. Doesn't matter if it's only the second turn of the map.

    We all draw the line in different places, but when it comes to evaluating how good things are, personal preference should weigh as little as possible. If it's in the game, it's in the game.

  6. I don't see what's so wrong with the Empire Raiders tbh.

    Came close to using it a bunch of times, and on a low/no paralogue run I could definitely see it being a solid choice. Not to mention, I get some solid mileage out of Blaze just for the aoe, so, I'll agree that the low hit is problematic, but as said, this is a game with divine pulse, if a one use resource is the play to get you out of a situation, you generally have every reason to go for it, unlike in other entries. Wish I came by when Wild Abandon was being debated for similar reasons, rigging crits with superfluous DP charges is definitely something the game allows. At the same time, Smash exists as many of you pointed out

    In any case, I'll say yes.

  7. Well catastrophic speed not being a huge problem anymore in maddening really helped this class imo, allowing swift strike users more flexibility in whether they contribute on enemy or on player phase, or both, when Paladin tends to work best as a hit and run class from my experience, and fortress knight is fortress knight. So there is merit to its existence, even though it takes work getting to it. On paper, anyway; haven't touched the class outside of hard mode. The training does take away from getting to S+ in lance(or whatever else you're going for) which is doable in a timely fashion for Paladin as a final class, so eventually its PP would suffer for it, but that alone doesn't make the class useless.

    Didn't really follow the "meta" for the last two months btw, so apologies in advance if I start saying dumb stuff... moreso than usual at least:p

  8. 3 hours ago, Ari Chan said:

    Fair point. Lysithea gets her B rank spell + Fiendish Blow sooner than Lorenz thanks to her personal and her base mag + growth is a lot higher than his tho.

    To be honest, while the above is true this is around the time where mage Lorenz can reasonably have an enemy phase, and there's his own passive to consider. As a result, while Lysithea is ahead(10 to 12 + 15 + 2 vs 16 to 19 + 13), it's not actually by that much, and Warlock down the line grants him damage +5(on top of bumping his mag stat up a little). B rank Reason is also very dependent on whether or not you focus on getting Warp on Lysithea/ Frozen Lance on Lorenz. It can happen sooner on Lorenz, just as it may not.

    There's no argument to be made there though, she's definitely the superior mage by quite a bit.

  9. 12 hours ago, Shadow Mir said:

    Why did this rise? Because frankly, if you're ever low enough to have Defiant Crit active, odds are you're in trouble and really don't want to be allowing more enemies to attack, especially knowing gambits are a thing.

    Between the Blessing gambit and Guard adjutants, it's actually remarkably easy to put yourself at critical HP with no risk whatsoever. Then it's just a matter of never taking damage, which is already something many characters have to do on Maddening. Never used Defiant Crit myself, but in general glass cannon builds work very well this time around, thanks to canto, stride, shade, divine pulse, rescue if that's your thing...

  10. 12 minutes ago, Lysithea said:

    What are good strategies how to fight the boss in Claude's paralogue. 

    It oneshots / ORKO'es the majority and no one is to able to take two hits except for a rallied Ingrid. 

    I could use the same strategy as I used agaisnt against the boss as in Linhardt's / Leonie's chapter, but ambush reolinforcements (of course) ruin it.  

    Also my team is only ~level 35 in average, so maybe too low. 

    The reinforcements don't move if no one is in their range. At least not from the second wave onward, I assume the first is the same. So they can be ignored with a bit of prep.

    You could spend the first turn breaking and using the last gambit with your rallied Ingrid, so that the boss is forced to attack her. Do leave on or two tiles so that you get his stun at the start of the next turn, and then throw everything you  have at him.
    If you don't have the offense to kill him on turn 2 + a couple attacks on turn 3, might be best to hold off on doing it for the time being.

  11. 20 hours ago, Jayvee94 said:

    Who is the best user for each Magic Weapon (ie Arrow of Indra)?

    Eh, most characters with a decent magic stats can use all of these roughly as well tbh. Anyway, I'd say:

    Levin Sword: Assassin Lysithea, since she can reasonably get both fiendish blow and darting blow in a grindless playthrough, and Assassin provides enough speed to keep doubling + safety through shade. I can speak from experience with this one, it is maddening proof, for the most part.

    Blutgang: ... it's kinda just bad to be honest because you want to be OHKOing at 1 range with most magic builds, and magic combat arts allow using normal weapons instead. Beast Fang gives cavalry coverage and good crit, so overall it's probably best left on Marianne.

    Bolt Axe: It's kind of Annette by default, though GK Edelgard has the advantage of getting magic battalions(Annette has too much trouble entering this class, and fliers only have physical ones). Unlike the Levin Sword, you can't realistically double with this weapon on axefaire classes, so it's just for chip imo.

    Crusher: It's all about Dust OHKOs, which are the strongest source of raw magic damage(Dark Spikes against horses aside) in the game until Freikugel Lightning Axe with 37+ Res/Lance of Ruin Frozen Lance with 44+ Dex.
    ... so Annette.

    Arrow of Indra: Same as Bolt Axe but for lances, so a tossup between Hubert and Marianne. One has slightly better magic, the other has Falcon Knight. The latter of which seems like a huge advantage, but again, fliers don't get magic battalions and that's a huge loss of mt later on, so I don't consider them necessarily at the top of the food chain when it comes to magic arts/weapons, even though flight is obviously very useful.

  12. 44 minutes ago, Modirufa6317 said:

    That's rather worrying for Cyril : he's an auto-recruit for the church route and only join at the end of the 1st part of the game. It would be a very annoying oversight from the dev if he's litteraly impossible to use here, outside of normal mode.

    I wouldn't say he's completely unusable; he still gets Vengeance(eventually) and PBV, and a decent 20 Spd base. But he is much worse without a doubt.

  13. 1 minute ago, Modirufa6317 said:

    So in other word, Cyril, Catherine and Hilda get pretty much screwed over in maddening church route (even without counting the class abilities), or do they get the same perk as Seteth?

    Cyril gets majorly screwed because he will never promote out of commoner and thus doesn't get better growths like everyone else. Catherine gets the incredibly good enemy swordmaster growths so she remains a really good unit, but she's still better off recruited early. Hilda will have excellent strength(enemy Brigand makes her growth 70%) and pretty much average everything else. For her in particular, starting with E authority halfway through the game is really bad, considering she has a weakness. That being said, she's still useable since she has a very easy time becoming a Wyvern Rider. But she's still considerably worse imo.

    About Seteth, he has better base ranks to compensate for his late join time, one of his focuses is authority so he joins with a good level in that, and Wyvern Rider autolevels his Axe and Flying rank to B and C respectively, as those are the requirements to enter the class. Basically he was clearly designed to work as a late recruit. His speed is mediocre, but he gets a brave combat art so it doesn't really matter.

  14. 6 hours ago, Johnzin said:

    Does weapon ranks of other house students max out even though they keep auto leveling?


    Such as if you recruiting Caspar, will he always be at C/C+ ranks, only difference if you recruit him at i.e Ch 8 vs Ch 12 is his stats and unit lvl.


    I am thinking of recruiting Leonie but I want her to auto level the enemy cav. Growth rates but if it comes at the cost of low weapon ranks, I would be okay recruiting early. 

    There's no real cap, but unrecruited students only gain so much Wexp per month(48 on maddening). For Caspar, if you recruit him on month 12  he'll have gotten 48*12 = 576 Wexp, which puts him at C+ Axes with 4 left to reach B, and C+ Brawl with 64 left to reach B. On lower difficulties, he should have reached B on both.

    Typically the best time to recruit if you want the stat bonuses but not to lose too much Wexp, is on chapter 5. It puts the character at level 11 promoted(and the game acts like they've been in their new class from level 1, hence why they'll get boosts). In general, beyond low weapon ranks(and E authority), the worst part of recruiting late is missing out on blow skills to some extent, and very few characters actually want to pay that price.

  15. 3 hours ago, DefyingFates said:

    Thanks for the clarification! I assume it's still a good idea to break his barrier ASAP, though?

    Depends how many in your team can survive a counter. It can be a good strategy with the giant bosses to attack with everyone who can, gambit with everyone who cannot and gambit last with someone who can take a hit since they'll have aggro. Then turn 2, break everything that remains to stop the aoe and damage freely. Then turn 3 you can do the same as 1, and 4 you need to wrap things up or retreat because the aoe will likely kill someone.

    If you pace yourself well and your team is strong enough they should fall by the end of turn 2/beginning of 3.

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