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Posts posted by Cysx

  1. 1 hour ago, VincentASM said:

    Sorry I've been rather quiet. Been busy, while also trying to do as much research as possible ^^

    Finished the Adjutants page.

    Made some interesting discoveries.

    A few people noticed this, but Adjutant Guard prevents enemy follow-ups from killing units.

    Meanwhile, Adjutant Follow-Up actually has a decent activation rate, but it seems to be bugged. It doesn't trigger during the enemy phase and support levels C+, B+ and A+ (even if hidden) count as "no support".

    Uh. So follow up was actually meant to be pretty good then. Well, 40% outside of NG+ isn't that high I guess.
    In any case, as it is now you spend way more of the game in intermediate + ranks than in the basic ones, so unless they fix it...

  2. Nice!
    I agree with a majority of this, although I wish you mentioned gambits as well. A few things I'd add outside of those:

    D rank pegasus battalions have higher Cha for their rank, really helpful to have reliable gambits early on even though they don't get the best ones

    Victor private militia is an amazing C rank battalion. It gives +6 Atk, +15 hit, +2 Prt, +4 Rsl, and can actually be obtained at a time where C-rank is relevant, while Holst's chosens is locked to Edelgard's route midway through the timeskip. Vestra also suffers from this, unfortunately, though you do get it a bit earlier at least.

    Almyra mercs is probably the best E rank, at +5 Atk and with the Fusillade gambit.

    Characters with a strength in authority are also at a big advantage since you get B rank battalions fairly early all things considered. Those are all the lords, Lysithea, Annette, Hubert, and a bit randomly but it actually helps him quite a bit, Ignatz.

    Also Seteth has the big advantage of coming with cavalier unlocked and a high authority base, so he can typically be slotted in to make use of A rank dance battalions even if he never got deployed.

    Edit: Oh, didn't see this was bumped. Yeah, ditto, this deserves more attention for sure.

  3. 2 minutes ago, AxelVDP said:

    are you sure it's not some kind of fixed EXP thing? I was in BL and my level 17 never used Petra gained 4 levels, up to level 21, and your post says 3

    to me, it sounds more plausible (why would they specifically code different level ups for each unit?), and the difference in gained levels would be explained by the fact that you need more EXP to level up on higher levels


    tho this is just my assumption, did not bother to actually check

    I'm pretty sure, yes, since characters under level 5 gained the noted value, and they did the same at level 20+.

    It's not impossible that there's more to it though.

  4. 10 minutes ago, Cor Leonis said:

    Speaking of exploiting Explore... Can I save my extra Tournament Bait for the next Fistsful of Fish event? Or does it become unusable after the quest is over? Gotta min-max my Professor Rank (even though I'm already about to reach B+ as early as Chapter 6).

    It's lost, but fishing with it doesn't give exp anyway, afaik.

  5. 1 hour ago, Xylaugheon Daily said:

    See, we clearly feel differently about the investment. This was easy for me. I didn't have to sacrifice anything (the extra 30 from Hanneman could easily be made up in the two remaining weeks) and all the work was towards her endgame to begin with. Remember, she didn't see a single turn of combat. This would be even easier to achieve in the five or so forced battles prior to.


    And I really don't understand the argument of Dark Spikes being niche. There are tons of tough units and bosses on horseback, and the spell is often times better than many other spells even against unmounted units. Having access to this spell early isn't JUST for Death Knight or other mounted enemies. Many early game one-shots are achieved using this spell. Grab it and try it out yourself. Then we can talk.


    In regards to seminars, I'm not sure we're actually on different sides. There is certainly merit to both, and the conditions for choosing a seminar are many. It just so happened in this instance, it was definitely the best choice. Anyone who is playing on Maddening Non-NG+ is aware of how to properly exploit Exploring, and missing one day here or there, especially early on, isn't a big deal. From my second playthrough on I've achieved A Rank in Professor pre-timeskip, so this really is a non-issue. As for choosing Hanneman, it was actually really good. Two bow users and two black magic users getting 30 points, with the added bonus of getting bows on Leonie and Reason on Byleth? That's a super win in my book.

    Oh I'm not saying it's hard, I'm saying there's an opportunity cost. Here, you focused exclusively on reason and forewent gaining professor levels and giving stat boosts to your troops to get a spell. That being said you're very much right that Dark spikes is really good, and I didn't mean to deny that. However, first off she won't OHKO with it until Fiendish blow anyway, and second you can get it naturally and not much later with zero focus on Lysithea. As a result, if you're getting it there, it's first and foremost to kill the DK, which is asinine. Frankly I just don't get your logic here; her being able to kill the DK in ch4 would mean nothing even if she could do it from base, it's incredibly unimportant.

    Let's just look at the numbers once and for all. Lysithea needs 580 to get from her D base to B. She gets seven weekends before ch 4, meaning with a dual focus she'll get 24*7 = 168. So 412 left.
    Then she gets at best 6 weeks of full tutoring if she mvped ch 1. On average, this gives her 6 * 24 * 1.65 = ~238, so since this is an average on a still questionable value, let's say 170 points are left. She gets +6 reason every time she hits an a target in combat, which can be assumed to happen about 30 times within ch 1, 2, the forces auxiliary, and 3. That's +90.
    So on average she'd have 80 left normally, which can only be gotten with 2-3 seminars or getting lucky. And that's if you fed her specifically every week over other characters; that's not effortless, neither is it free, and there's pretty much nothing optimal about it. Then if you single goal her sure it'll work, but you hurt yourself long term.

    I'm not convinced people know how to exploit exploring all that well actually, there's a massive amount of variables to consider. And there's no denying the simple act of giving your entire team +1 spd in the first chapters is extremely valuable. As for archers, they want C first and foremost, which doesn't require seminars to be reached in a timely fashion, and you're still sacrificing opportunities to feed them and thus tutoring, meaning in the end it's not a flat gain. Individually it's even a loss, though of course you can't tutor as many people at that point. Additionally if you were trying to recruit someone, you've pretty much pushed them back a month, when early Annette or Mercedes can make a big difference.
    The only other who wants those seminars is Lorenz, because he's the only character in the game to get Ragnarok at B. But just like Lysithea with Dark spikes, he won't OHKO with it at that point.

  6. 11 hours ago, Seafarer said:

    The bolded ones don't match up with my experience: Bernie gets no levels, and Hilda gets +1 (on Normal, btw). The others all match what I've recorded (though I haven't checked re-recruits yet, due to doing minimal recruitment for my first runs).

    You're completely right on Bernadetta, fortunately I took recordings and I just wrote it down incorrectly, it would appear. It is +0. Hilda you're likely correct as well, I forgot that she was an adjutant in ch12, so she probably gained a level that I didn't count. I'll triple check to make sure next time I reach the timeskip.

  7. 8 hours ago, Xylaugheon Daily said:

    So, this is what I did. Tutor Lysithea ever possible session. A forced seminar with Hanneman plus another seminar with Hanneman when Lysithea C Rank was triggered during the week. Let it be known that I had another week where seminar was the best option (last week of the third month, because you are forced to explore the next week) but I did not take it. Each seminar was worth 30 points. Literally no combat. Goals set to just Reason. The results from tutoring.


    Perfect 3

    Great 14

    Good 8

    Bad 1


    She hit B Rank Reason with a full two weeks left before Chapter 4. While it does require you to aim for it, it is easily achievable, even if you're not using her in combat, but who wouldn't be? 


    Okay but that's kind of my original point; is it worth doing all of that to make killing one completely optional boss easier? And considering the investment, is that really something worth praising Lysithea for?  Furthermore...

    8 hours ago, Xylaugheon Daily said:

    I am aware seminars aren't great, but when your options are feed the two students and plant one vegetable or raise up Bow and Reason for Byleth, Claude, Lorenz, Ignatz, Lysithea, and Leonie, especially on a tight deadline, yeah, I'd argue the seminar, in that case, is superior.

    Thats a decent point, but I find it highly arguable. Skipping on exploration like that kills your prof exp gains(thus your level, thus your activity points, and at that part of the game it snowballs backwards, hard), your ability to tutor more students, to cross-recruit, etc. Even just three activity points are >1000 p.exp at this point since gathering at the greenhouse can give 500. It also stops you from cooking to boost everyone's stats, which is self explanatory but no less pivotal. Additionally there are many things worth rushing for when it comes to professor levels; adjutants for +damage/accuracy on key units, additional monthly gold of course, an acceptable number of tutoring points(6 is probably when it gets comfortable, and that's at B), +1 motivation from meals at A... and you need to reach B/B+ before you can really start working on Byleth's ranks without sacrificing something else.

    A seminar with Hanneman and his D+(?) Bow rank on the other hand , will give your units 30/38 bow exp with a strength. That's really not a lot especially if you're giving up on tutoring them as a result, and very few need the Reason in the GD.

    8 hours ago, Silly said:

    hit Warp for chapter 5 (aka the map that takes approximately a hundred million turns if you don't have warp)

    Sounds pretty complicated to low turn either way, considering the enemy density nearby the boss. I don't doubt people will do it, but you'd need specific builds for several characters I'd wager; not just Lysithea.

  8. 3 minutes ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

    Especially since you can abuse something like Dorothea's Meteor to give 10 range Supports.

    Yeah, but to be fair that doesn't help Lysithea much since they don't have a support together. For most people outside the black eagles, it's only +3.

    Accuracy definitely gets easier to fix as time goes on. It takes a bit though, especially if you don't always move your characters together.

  9. 10 minutes ago, Silly said:

    I forgot about Fiendish Blow. That would likely do it.

    +Mag is hard to cook because the ingredient is like impossible to find on an average playthrough.

    You can randomly get it from barrels near the main hall on month 1 and 2, and beyond whenever there's loot there. It's a pretty decent chance(and reloading changes what you get every time), and allows you to get 500 exp from the greenhouse from the first week on(after you've used Dedue's seed of course), getting more seeds of it to repeat the process. It's likely optimal for a few weeks, then I assume you'd want to get stat boosters more.

  10. 16 minutes ago, Silly said:

    As far as I can tell, assuming an average level 20 Marianne (which is possible at this point but pushing it a little bit), you're about 6 damage off of killing Dimitri with Frozen Lance (depending on how strong your battalion is). +Magic is hard to cook for, so let's assume that's out of the question. You can make up the extra damage by getting C Authority instead of the D I assumed (would add +1 damage), growing magic stat boosters, and potentially having rally magic.

    No, I just had Fiendish blow already. + Magic is very easy to cook for if you're going for prof exp rather than stat boosters with the greenhouse, though I didn't have that, I went with speed. As I also precised, I don't use stat boosters, and no one has rally magic on the team. She could have been slightly above average however.
    It should have looked something like 21 Mag +4.2 from dex + 2 (from mag +2) + 3 from frozen lance + 17 from Luin + 7 from fiendish blow + 3 from magic wand + 3 from battalion = 60. Don't have Dimitri's stats, does that fit?

    24 minutes ago, Xylaugheon Daily said:

    Is it only 70%? I honestly don't remember it being that bad, I was remembering low 80s.

    Let's see, so taking a fighter from chapter 2, they have [(14 speed  + 6 lck)/2] + 7 from axe prowess 3 = 17 magic avoid

    Lv 2 Lysithea has 80 + [(8 Dex + 4 Lck)/2] + 7 from reason prowess = 93 accuracy.

    93 - 17 = 76, and that's one of the least dodgy enemies of that chapter.

    Edited because axe prowess 3 is 7 avoid, not 8.

  11. 9 minutes ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

    It's true, but it's also 12 sessions of instruction devoted to Sword, and as you've said, hitting B Reason is tight. I got Frozen Lance on Marianne, which lets her do actual damage to enemies, but at the same time I couldn't get Thoron as quickly. I do like how they improve options, but in hindsight I'm not sure which is more worth sometimes. For Lysithea though, I'm definitely wary. Especially since the points can also go to Faith or Authority.

    Yes, basically if your entire reason for hitting B rank is killing the DK, I don't think it's worth it in comparison. And you could admittedly also focus on faith instead, but that argument goes both ways.

    Marianne is another case entirely, she can build off of Frozen lance in ways Lysithea cannot, since lancefaire is on classes with canto, it's stronger and so are lances, and you get lance relics that she can take advantage of. I don't use stat boosters, but my Marianne was still able to OHKO Dimitri with the Luin, during the second mock battle.
    Truth be told she's the main reason I think those arts are underestimated, not Lysithea. But still, it applies.

    1 minute ago, Xylaugheon Daily said:

    So, level ten mage is still pretty early. Also, I couldn't count the times her damage saved my ass painstaking work, such as versus Dedue and Dimitri in the mock battle. She had the most MVP slots for me, for whatever value you want to slap on that. Shaky accuracy? That's a bit of a hyperbole.


    B Rank Reason isn't what I'd call tight, as I achieved it easily enough (train her Reason every week and solo Reason studies nearly got me B by the Chapter,) but that is semantics. It takes dedication, but isn't, by ant means, hard or RNG dependant.

    Okay, we're not talking early earlygame then, my bad. Also she admittedly has a spot in the mock battle by virtue of being your only unit that can deal good magic damage at that point, that is absolutely true. But beyond that, yes, ~70% accuracy is shaky, and her damage is just not that remarkable.

    To be fair I didn't try on her. I did on others though, and they certainly didn't hit B. You get 7 tutoring sessions before that chapter, a few of which you cannot take full advantage of because you don't get a chance to refill your units' motivation. And you say it's not rng based, but I can't help but wonder if getting screwed with tutoring could make a difference.

  12. 2 minutes ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

    It's tight but entirely doable, even without NG+. It's optional, but clearing the center gives you a lot more breathing room and a straight line to the boss, so I feel like it's worth it. Soulblade is nice too, but I'd rather spend the points entirely on Reason until later, personally.

    I think people are sleeping on magic combat arts, to be honest. With a steel+, your average lv 5 Lysithea deals 26 damage before battalion, vs 18 with Miasma. Also with +15 accuracy. This helps her earlygame a ton more imo.

  13. 2 hours ago, niveklt said:

    Yes, its very possible because of mastermind. I set her goals to reason and faith asap. Once she learned warp, I set it to reason + authority. Towards the last few chapters I instructed her to get tomefaire. 

    Really? Mastermind should not make a massive difference, especially when she has no enemy phase. Did you do a bunch of auxiliary battles by any chance?

    1 hour ago, Xylaugheon Daily said:

    Something so many of you are overlooking about Lysithea's usefulness is her low investment and how easy to use from the get go she is.

    Honestly her early game isn't fantastic at all; she deals mediocre damage with shaky accuracy at a point where your DP charges really count. And of course she dies to everything. She really only gets good once she hits mage at lv 10. She can equip good battalions early but has poor charisma, too.

    27 minutes ago, Silly said:

    or Fortify if that's your thing

    I really want to hear your reasons as to why it wouldn't be someone's thing.

    how many edited quotes can I fit in

    2 hours ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

    Dealing with Death Knight's 20~30% crit is a risk, but that doesn't mean the strategy doesn't work. you only have to bait him and take one hit, and if he doesn't crit you're in the clear to just execute and nuke him. It's not really as bad as you say. Doing it without Dark Spikes from Lysithea and using Knightkeeler instead is doable even, just much harder since you can only expect about 20-ish damage from a Knightkeeler while Lysithea can do double of that; you may need to employ extra forms of cheese that's more RNG reliant.

    Getting Lysithea to B by chapter 4 is pretty tight, though. Considering engaging the DK is entirely optional, I kind of don't see the point. Learning Soulblade early allows her to OHKO much earlier too.

  14. 9 minutes ago, DefyingFates said:

    Is there any balancing/ in-universe reason why everyone's boosts are so uneven? I can kinda understand the healers not gaining as much EXP because they probably didn't fight much over the timeskip, while the adults probably didn't gain much because they've probably already peaked in Skill (and Seteth was too protective to let Flayn do anything), but the rest just boggles the mind. The re-recruits gaining more EXP makes sense though; they just gained more stats while fighting away from you.

    Your guess is as good as mine. Literally, since it's the same. Hard workers or people who train a lot seem to cover most of the +3 gains, while peaceful or lazy people tend to be at +1, and the others are at +2. We also know some of the +3 people fought a lot during the timeskip; Dimitri was being Dimitri, Leonie has been doing mercenary work, Felix has been fighting a lot even if he betrayed Faerghus and wasn't in Fraldarius all that time(so Edelgard's route)...

    Most importantly I think this is meant to give context rather than bring up questions. Like, "oh, this person has gained +x levels, that gives a slightly better idea of what they've been up to during the timeskip". Although the game seems to expect the player to notice these gains, and that didn't work out all that well.

  15. 2 hours ago, niveklt said:

    I just made a serenes account just to reply to you here. I normally prefer to just browse and read and see what people think but here's my endgame team for NG maddening on GD. No aux battles unless they were quests (which i still skipped a few) and paralogues.


    My Lysithea literally is about average on speed and mag (Food giving +2) and her mag is only average because I ended up giving her all of my magic boosters that are given by chests/paralogues. Any seeds that ended up being magic (I think 1 or 2 that run) were given to her as well. If she were to be average on level ups, along with given all my magic boosters (which is favoritism I know) she would be able to 1 shot almost everything there with Luna. The exceptions being the warmasters, heros, and great knights. 

    Even if she didn't 1 shot enemies here, she would weaken them enough that anyone else could kill them and not take a counter attack which is much better than most characters on a player phase. In my opinion, ideally you want to be healing as few times as possible and killing during player phase. 

    Did you get Warp on that file? Black tomefaire + Warp sounds impossible.

    Edit: ... but she's a Gremory, so that was a dumb question.

  16. 20 hours ago, Anathaco said:

    Oh, I didn't realise that. I'll edit my post.

    Dumb question, but how do I do that? When I try to put the correct quote in the edited post, it just puts it in a fresh post.


    I also have an actual question. After the timeskip, your students are meant to gain a few levels, aren't they? Because my Bernadetta was still on level 2 when the timeskip rolled around, and I'm trying to figure out why she didn't change at all when my other units did.

    I copy paste the quote from the new post box to the edit, personally. Might not be the most practical way though.

    Each student gets a fixed amounts of levels after the timeskip:

    Edelgard: +2 levels
    Hubert: +2
    Ferdinand: +3
    Linhardt: +1
    Caspar: +3
    Bernadetta: +0
    Dorothea: +2
    Petra: +3

    Dimitri: +3
    Dedue: +4
    Felix: +3
    Sylvain: +2
    Ashe: +2/+5 if rerecruited
    Mercedes: +1
    Annette: +3
    Ingrid: +2

    Claude: +2
    Lorenz: +2/ not sure if rerecruited, about +5 I believe
    Ignatz: +2
    Raphael: +2
    Lysithea: +3/??? if rerecruited.
    Hilda: +1
    Leonie: +3
    Marianne: +1

    Seteth: +1
    Flayn: +0
    Hanneman: +1
    Manuela: +1
    Catherine: +1
    Shamir: +1
    Cyril: +3

    Byleth doesn't get anything, just like Flayn.


  17. 9 hours ago, Silly said:

    House members have very significant resource constraints, in that there is not nearly enough exp in the very early game to get all your units to the point where they are good units in the early game.

    That happened on hard too, it's a result of the game throwing enemies of lower tiered classes at you that give less exp, but chapter 2 already mixes in many archers, thieves, etc, and same for chapter 3. I didn't use every unit in my house this run(didn't train Raphael and Hilda was chipping and providing positional support for most of the earlygame), but I definitely don't think it's impossible or even that difficult.

    Optimal being another story entirely.

  18. 18 hours ago, Jayvee94 said:

    I dunno if anyone noticed yet.

    According to this guide, when a student (or faculty) ask you a question, the person(s) accompanying the student is also motivated.

    That's correct, assuming they like the answer. You can tell by how they react; unfortunately the students don't like the same things, and the right answer for the asking student will not always be the one others want. This also might affect prof exp to an extent, it's a pretty confusing design choice.

  19. On 9/27/2019 at 11:41 PM, Satinii said:


    Thanks a lot for sharing! I'm pretty glad they did this, and also a bit confused that there are things I disagree with on there(Reserve/Fortify isn't 4x Live/Heal's exp for example, that's just factually wrong from what I've seen many, many times). Regardless, it's really good to have a combat exp formula now, and the 105% exp at equal levels definitely sounds like what might have tripped me up; the idea that you'd only get the base exp gain when fighting an enemy 1 level stronger than you didn't occur to me. Otherwise I'd need to look deeper to tell if I 100% agree, not that it matters much when I didn't produce a formula myself. Also no mention of a -5 level cap to the underleveled exp bonus, so I potentially didn't research that thoroughly enough.

    I did notice a reducing of support exp gains past a certain point, but a much more drastic one and only for the Dance action(as in, past ~20 turns/uses it'd stop giving exp altogether), so this is clearly not what they're talking about. Considering healing uses are generally depleted past turn 20 and that's beyond the scope of my testing anyway, I likely just missed it.

  20. 1 hour ago, Wazoo said:

    Yeah, Hunter's Volley is the main reason I don't promote my Bernie to Bow Knight. My first playthrough was a CF and I ended up pretty underwhelmed by her, but now in my Maddening SS playthrough she's one of my most useful units! +20 precision + Deadeye + Encloser + Persecution + Hunter's Volley, she can hit extremely far with very good aim, keeping herself out of trouble while efficiently chipping/killing ennemies, and Encloser allows her to endlessly neutralize one monster. She consumes her bows very fast, but that's not a big issue in this game. I just had to feed her some strength bonuses ofc.

    I think Sniper is actually the floor for character performance, for physical units anyway. If you can do nothing else better, you should go Brigand/Archer -> Sniper and stay there, because it allows almost anyone to kill reliably and reasonably safely.

  21. On 9/21/2019 at 7:58 PM, Stroud said:

    Yeah, this chapter really can be the end of the line which is frustrating. Which is why I am a fan of having multiple savestats. But this game only has 5 until now.. Unless I want to have more profiles.

    I'm currently on my fourth profile as we speak. There's so much optimization possible during the monastery phase, I go back very often. Plus I don't want to lose my cleared/almost cleared saves because there's a lot of useful data on them, although not everyone will care for that.

    Edit: Oh woops, forgot I didn't check this thread in a while... thought that was the last page:x

  22. Something I'm noticing more and more is that difficulty through basic level inflation poses one very specific problem; characters will no longer suffer from lowered exp gains if you overuse them, and thus... well you're left with no incentive not to overuse them. On paper, anyway.
    Added to the fact that only a few early battalions raise damage(aka not everyone can get a damage raise and you have to make choices), adjutant slots are limited and we can farm stat boosters... I'm not too optimistic on how the maddening meta will evolve.

    That being said, it's pretty challenging at the moment, and that's very welcome.

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