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Everything posted by Cysx

  1. >Dreamyboi I could do without yet another ~one year long session of community drama, that I won't deny. So really I'm with you there. Not going to lie, I don't even know how to tackle your first retort here. To me, yes, there is a huge difference between writing about war and combat animations showing people bleeding to death or getting beheaded. Can you imagine cutting Laslow in half in Birthright? Can you really tell me it's comparable? Gonna have to agree to disagree if that's the case. Similarly, if skinship took things too far for certain people(among other reasons one could dislike that feature for), I'm not sure I buy that nudity and sex would work just fine. I actually don't think Fates worked because they tried to appeal to everyone. Past its release, rarely have I seen people praising it for giving them a choice. As for SoV, many were actually disappointed at how simplistic it was, so saying that it is what the hardcore fans want would seem inaccurate, too. And, there's a difference between making one three-part game(that you're actually planning on selling to everyone in its entirety), and two completely distinct ones. The resources needed are not the same. Not to mention, that would mean essentially waiting twice as long as normal before getting a new game, since half the time what's coming out won't be "your version". Beyond that, can they afford it, probably. But it doesn't sound like something they'd do. I think you're completely mistaken if you think the hardcore fanbase would be fine with only getting remakes, by the way. Why would a new generation be more depraved than the last? Same here, what are you thinking of when you're saying they'd get worse? --- Anyway, I agree that we should all stop setting ourselves up for disappointment almost every single day, though that's kind of the point of this thread I suppose. I can't deny that I would certainly appreciate being thrown a bone, even a very small one. Then again, we're the FE community, we're used to waiting by now, right?
  2. Blood and gore would already be a huge departure from what Fire Emblem has always been, let alone actual nudity and potentially sex. Not that we know for a fact that it wouldn't work better for them in the end, but that is a pretty good example of probably not being worth the risk. Changing an established game series that much generally doesn't work, unless you're niche enough that you don't have all that much to lose. As for a bigger focus on fanservice, as I said, it feels like it's typically not worth it in the long run. It gets people talking for a while, and then an astounding majority moves on to something else. Not to mention it turning off a lot of players. Aknowledging that rift with Fates, and acting upon it brought nothing good. Did they do it wrong? Who knows. But making two games for two halves of your audience is a huge waste of resources, and keeps the series on this narrow path that leads nowhere. What if the general fanbase ends up divided on the version catering to them at some point? Do you make a third version, then a fourth? Or should they just stop at two because it's "enough"? Well, arguably one game is enough for reasons very close to the ones you were probably thinking of. Besides, from a business standpoint Fates was more of an attempt to cash-in than to fix things, since you were very much encouraged to buy all three versions. Maybe they'll do that again, who knows, but my point is... I'm pretty sure they don't really care. Not enough to go that route anyway. What we saw as a problem, they treated as an opportunity. That's pretty telling. You're giving too litte thought to things in the long run here though. Yes teenagers grow up, but others take their place, whom you can get to buy your games relatively easily with advertising without changing the formula. Very rarely does a series age along with its audience. By the way, we're acting like things could get worse for this community, but really, could they? Sometimes it feels like the next step would be us physically harming one another, and whatever they do would likely kill the series long before we even get close to that happening. Plus I like to think that most are slowly getting very tired of the conflict, to the point where more and more people will move on from annoyed silence to speaking up in order to make it stop. That's what I'm hoping for, anyway.
  3. That sounds like a very complicated way to fix an issue that doesn't necessarily affect them that much. Besides, few series can survive on fanservice for long. It's (really) good to make a quick buck, but in order to keep that kind of audience around, you have to take it up a notch with every iteration, which you can only do so many times before you're making 18+ games. I believe that at this point their best course of action is to "simply" make an all-around excellent game. With a solid story, with good visuals, and with balanced, varied gameplay. If you think about it, Fates' marketing was very manipulative and full of empty promises, and while I liked that game, many didn't, and as such I really don't think that's a healthy thing to do. Heroes and the Switch "drought" are giving them all the spotlight they could currently ask for, so if they can deliver and create an entry that will be remembered for the right reasons, it would be huge for the franchise's future. Sure it's a risk, but they may not get such a chance again for years, decades even.
  4. So the second Eirika really was foreshadowing something. Makes sense, although I wonder if Ephraim would have won, had people known. A bit of a shame that he's on his own. To me it feels like they're done with Sacred stones for a while as a result.
  5. It is Zelgius in the BK armor we're talking about though. Probably not, but I just ranted about spoilers, so I figured...
  6. I can agree that it's arguable outside of that though. If we were to consider the two as different entities, then the Black knight would probably have to be the executant, with Zelgius being the decision maker, or something. And since as far as I know, it's difficult to consider Zelgius as the good guy. Then again, he seemed to be a decent person in the past, before taking on the black knight mantle. Also, until the moment we learn about his secret identity, he appears as a heroic and respectable general. It's complicated really.
  7. I mean, all of these are way less direct(except Ninian), or not necessarily problematic(Hector dying is foreshadowed in FE7 and happens very early in 6), but more importantly I didn't mean to imply that it was a first. Mainly that I'm not all that fond of it. I know about the sales, but I'm pretty sure the Jugdral games as well as potentially FE6 have been played less in the west for fairly obvious reasons. Most importantly, sure it makes absolute sense as a business decision, but it's not all that respectful to the series heritage, and a behavior the likes of which IS has definitively caught heat for in the past.
  8. Well, he is in PoR. Not exactly the most memorable character there, but still. And Seliph and Julia being related is comparable, in that it doesn't reveal anything to someone who hasn't played the game, because they don't have the context that goes along with it. To be fair, Lucina is even less of a spoiler than Sheik at this point. Can't really fault Heroes on that one.
  9. IS be like: "Our data reveals that there's a strong possibility around 1% of the playerbase didn't pick up on the fact that the alternate form for these four characters are canon, and thus they technically avoided being spoiled major story elements of four different games at once" "Hm. Well we can't have that, can we?" I can't really see any of the "bad" counterparts beating the originals here(except for Zelgius perhaps), so eh, not too hot on this one.
  10. Well yes, the roster was what I was talking about. Focusing your efforts on representing FE1-3(very popular in Japan), Awakening(very popular everwhere) and Fates(also very popular everywhere) would seem to make complete sense if your goal is to please the majority. As for the rest, have to say I'm not sure what you're getting at, as I'm not really trying to bash the game here.
  11. I don't think the audience is quite the same though. Also, what Dynasty Warriors game are we talking about here?
  12. I'm of the opinion that it could have sold considerably more, but I suppose that's neither here nor there.
  13. I just thought you were saying that you knew for a fact that this was the way they were thinking, so I was curious as to how/why. And I don't really think you're wrong, it's just difficult to know for sure when you look at something like FE Warriors, who went for the "please the majority" approach, and ended up not selling all that well. I feel that Fire Emblem is still fairly weak in the name recognition department, and thus I don't know about trying to please an audience that might not be as interested as you'd think to begin with.
  14. I'm sorry, but what makes you think that they're doing that?
  15. I think FE16 is fine, it's among the biggest Switch releases for its second year, so unless it isn't featured at all in the next direct we get, there's no reason for concern imo. I'm pretty sure IS is just waiting to get the green light to show it off, and the mini-direct wasn't that, while the last direct we got back in September might have been deemed too early. Now FE17, on the other hand, will very likely be influenced by the profit difference between Heroes and FE16 in some way or another. That being said, Heroes could also slow down considerably throughout 2018 and beyond.
  16. There's that, yes, and so much more, on top of the things you find in most of the series, as in their growth, base stats, join time, etc. Every unit also has their own pcc(pursuit critical coefficient, which is a number from 0 to 5 that always multiplies your crit rate on followup attacks), pre-built one-way supports that you want to take advantage of, movement stars(a 0% to 25% chance to get a second action), quite a few have leadership stars(+3 accuracy and avoid per star to your entire team when fielded), it has the most personal weapons of any FE game by far(14 plus a couple that only a few units can use), skills are pretty much as rare as FE4 first gen... except with no second gen, making them probably the most meaningful they've ever been... I took quick notes during my last Thracia playthrough, and out of 48(?) playable characters, there were maybe three or four that didn't stand out from everyone else in some way or another. On top of that, on higher difficulties exp gains quickly become so gimped due to how internal levels work that you will quickly get stuck in your second to third reclass unless you grind. Wanted galeforce on Brady in my last/only lunatic playthrough, for example, well getting Maribelle from dark flier lv1 to 15 while using her in every chapter and every child paralogue still pretty much took the entire game. Picked up Brady right before the second to last chapter, as the last remaining child. I agree that it taking you back to level 1 is initially pretty busted though. As far as I'm concerned, I like the Fates system a lot more, but as you said, full use of MyCastle breaks it quite violently, and also, partner seals do technically allow almost anyone to become almost any given class, and I can sympathize with being bothered by that.
  17. Apparently quite a few share that opinion throughout the thread, and I have to say I'm a bit surprised; gen 1 of Awakening is actually pretty limited in what it can do and the assortment of skills one can get as a result of reclassing is quite different from one unit to the other, not to mention the cost of reclassing items, and their limited availability forcing you to make choices. Admittedly, gen 2 is pretty much a reclassing playground, but it requires planning and commiting to a duo for many chapters... which would be a problem if pair up wasn't as good as it is. On paper it comes with a cost, basically. And yes, the end result is a mess of overpowered skills, but it certainly doesn't get there until the game is almost over anyway. As for Fates, it's a similar deal really, with the reclassing items being costly and on very short supply as well. A+/S supports also are things that take considerable time to get and limit your options(which again, would be great if pairup wasn't the go-to problem solver in 95% of cases), on top of the A+ selection per character being very specific, and getting an S-rank ridding everyone else of the mates. I'm not saying there's nothing to dislike with the way it works, but some of you are making it sound much simpler and more permissive than it really is. Fates does have additional problems such as skill buying and special class seals, but the base system is sound in my opinion. Admittedly the end result can be a bit of a mess, but for most of the game, you can only achieve very specific things unless you grind. And really, take pairup away and it mostly falls into place. I'm not sure I get that point either. Maybe this is assuming you're using one over the other, but just like the Cain and Abel concept, using both is a different and valid way to play. Beyond that, as Hana does not get ninja naturally, or even with an A+, on top of weapon rank rebuilding she'd have to be used as something else for a good while, resulting in the two units having been completely different for a very long time. ... I could do without reclassing, though I don't particularly mind it as long as it's restricted. I'm always up for stronger unit identity(main reason I love Thracia), but I do think both can cohabitate.
  18. Well no, for some reason FE1 only had shadow dragon. It was the same with the first CYL. Unless it's just a french version thing(which would make little sense but hey, it's possible), I'm pretty sure that's the case. Of course we have little way to know for sure at this point... or do we actually? If I can find a recording... yup there we go. https://youtu.be/eHbdLRG1SnA?t=2m4s And then they show FE3 at 4:15. That being said I agree that this cannot account for all the votes, it's just a little thing that might have misled a bunch of people. Plus many do prefer MotE Marth I gather. Edit: Actually, you might have touched on another problem here; Marth is said to be from MotE on the wiki, and nothing else. I can't check his in-game version, I don't have him, but chances are it's the same... so people that went that route would also vote for the "wrong" one. And actually that could amount to a lot of them. So whether IS did that on purpose or not, Marth was really set up for failure here.
  19. I meant on the CYL site itself, at the part where you have to choose a game before picking one of its characters to vote for. For FE1 only Shadow dragon's cover showed up, and Marth isn't visible on it, while for FE3 it showed both Mystery and New Mystery, and both do feature him.
  20. Oh, right. Misread the report. Edit: If I had to come up with a reason, I'd say it's because Marth appears on the NM cover, but not the Shadow Dragon one. So if you have no clue and are just looking for the game with Marth, it's an easy mistake to make.
  21. Maybe, maybe not. And even if that were true, not trying to rile anyone up but... a year is a long time. And that's just until the next CYL, the actual release will take a while too. Basically that's no consolation imo.
  22. I don't know about that, Camilla got third place last time. Also, a year is a pretty long time and FE16 is coming.
  23. I don't think they thought that far, they just voted for the underdog. Also Glade really didn't deserve to be dead last. Speaking of which, while I can see a lot of people saying Blume is the new underdog, and can agree that he doesn't exactly deserve to be last either(Garth on the other hand I'm 100% cool with), I think the actual big injustice appears only one spot above. That's Hicks, since he's actually playable and not that bad an unit. Plus he's also from Thracia. Oh and by the way go Mareeta go Mareeta go!
  24. And yet that was PoR Ike they were talking about(right?). IS really likes to push that narrative, but at the same time, I'd be surprised if they said no to easy money because of it.
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