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Everything posted by Cysx

  1. He used to be lowkey great in the pre skill inheritance, pre arena changes heroes meta. Because smite was quite useful(and he was one of the few units with fury) and he hard countered both Effie and Hector, which was a big deal back then since they could put teams in checkmate and were everywhere in high level arena due to high bst.
  2. Put a music you like as your alarm clock. Something calm, but not too calm, if you see what I mean. I use this: https://youtu.be/8MbxCN8ZSFo Also I put it around 50 centimeters away from my head, I found it worked best at that distance(closer and I tend to instinctively shut it down, farther and I tend not to hear). As for habits, I unfortunately can't help you because nothing ever worked for me, except aging. Also finding pleasure in what you're going to do is pretty darn important. Duty is nice and all when you're awake, but the "sleeping" you probably doesn't care about your future and potential consequences quite as much as you do, and there's not much you can do about that. Note that naps are also an option if you can't balance time any other way, assuming you come back home early enough.
  3. Started with Therion, which I'm kinda questioning in hindsight, doesn't seem all that flexible in combat, but hey, we'll see.
  4. Both better bases(though +3 to everything sounds like overkill) and better promo time. Also give the rapier its FE7 mt of 7 rather than 5. He'll never be excellent by FE6 standart without cavalry move but I feel that's a bit drastic of a change. The above should be enough for him to be okay the whole way through... like most lords.
  5. Quite a few heroes exclusive skills are neat, even though only fury is coming to mind at the moment(it's been a while, over a year in fact). Growths being random at first but ultimately reliable is an interesting compromise as well. Agreed that Luna and co being random isn't too great, though I don't really like Heroes' approach either. Not all that fond of fire beating axes also, or wind beating lances, just gets over the edge of where it's nonsensical enough to bother me. And unlike with Fates, it would also not be all that relevant unless we get way more magic users than usual in mainline games, I feel.
  6. Tell me about it... and SFIII ends on a cliffhanger, just like Golden Sun Dark Dawn... as someone who enjoys both a lot, I'll let you imagine how frustrating that is(^_^') At least there's always some hope for the Golden Sun series, but the universe of Shining Force III and its predecessor, Shining the Holy Ark, is 100% never getting touched again. As you said, the Shining series has changed a ton since then, and so has Sega really. I mean, a few years back, Sega manually deleted 90% of youtube videos covering the aforementioned STHA so that they wouldn't interfere with the promotion of the newest entry at the time, Shining Ark(the name similarity being a coincidence, the games essentially have nothing in common afaik). Kinda tells you everything you need to know about how much they care. Ah well... I've honestly been wondering if that trailer wasn't supposed to be shown in the april direct, ultimately gerring pushed to E3 because they needed more new games to show there, and they already knew it wasn't coming this year by that point anyway(that's another maybe, but I think that one's reasonable). Not that it would change much, but it would make a little more logical sense. I'm the same, I don't mind the graphics all that much. I just know that the backlash will be significant if the game looks bad and would like that to be avoided.
  7. Ah, no, I was referring to her model, since it's visible for a while at that part. Same for Byleth's as he runs around, too, and Mercedes' eyes stay wide open as she gets hit by Edelgard(you get a pretty good view of that around 00:42) And yes, that's kinda worrying/incomprehensible for me as well, but it's right in front of us all the same... I think that's just how Camelot does rpgs. That's not even the worst example of theirs, though; in Shining Force III which is divided in three games(they're a continuation of the same story though, unlike Fates), there are three main characters, one per game ; Synbios, Medion and Julian. Well in part 1 Synbios is the lead, and he's a mute, but interracts quite a bit with both Julian and Medion, that both speak normally. Part 2, which covers the events of part 1 but from Medion and his army's perspective, has him going through the exact same scenes where he would normally interract with Synbios, but this time Synbios talks and Medion is the mute. You need to play both games to get the full dialogue(and good memory, these games aren't short). And yeah, part 3 makes Julian a mute instead as you've guessed while both of the others speak normally. Yeah, it's pretty bizarre but you get used to it. And frankly, Synbios is a good example of a character that is arguably more likeable as a mute, as it turns out.
  8. I'd like a silent avatar I think, that being said even Edelgard never opens her mouth or blink a single time throughout the trailer(it's the most obvious during the weapon training part), so facial animations could simply not be done yet.
  9. I don't see how that couldn't work in Fire Emblem though, most of its countries only existed to be defeated:p Honestly I feel like we've been represented more then enough. Not us specifically maybe, but, yeah.
  10. A little thing to note is that both Byleth and Edelgard have precisely fifteen soldiers around them on the map, while white archer vampire guy(Wavg?) only has 10, and so does Hilda, another archer. Dimitri visibly has 15 during that arrow formation scene. As for Hilda's allies, the mage with a moustache seems to have around 15 as well, the bow user behind her 10, and the lance user another 10. So maybe those are tied to class, or maybe units with different statuses(since both Hilda and Edelgard are likely your commanders, and potentially that mage is theirs, looks the most experienced) will have squads of different sizes. At least we know it's possible. Also I wanted to count them in battle but I'm not sure we can deduce anything from that. From the short aerial view Edelgard has ~25, Mercedes 20 maybe? The rest I can hardly say, it's too disorganized and/or the camera's too close.
  11. I feel like those battles are the beginning of the game rather than repeatable training missions. The weapon training feature feels like a barracks thing to me, a minor boost that you select instead of it being random like in mycastle... That or it's something that will happen a few times throughout the story or something, but either way I don't see it triggering an entire battle and don't believe the two are actually linked; she just mentions the mock battle because it's the next story chapter. That is pure speculation though, as you said.
  12. Something I noticed is that you seem to be in control of the same 5 units in both scenarios(Byleth, Edelgard, older archer dude, lance soldier in armor, mage). The models fit. You also fight a group of 4 in one and another of 5 with an older guy that could be that group's teacher, so... maybe these are battles between different classes of the school? This would make some amount of sense, considering this is likely a military academy and all.
  13. We see glimpses of quite a few others, like at 1:00 specifically. And yeah, some people spoke out about it at various points throughout this thread.
  14. Infinite Galeforce. Actually, just fielding a mounted unit wins you the chapter instantly.
  15. That character looks considerably older from what I can tell, though. Also we see a mage squad vs a bunch of generics, so their female leader is very likely playable, but probably not a lord.
  16. It would be if everyone wasn't exclusively focused on sales to players and sales to players only. As I said somewhere else, if we're to rejoice specifically when the game sells one million units(which is silly but actually how things tend to work), this hasn't happened yet. Had Xenoblade 2 "only" shipped 1 million instead of selling that number, it wouldn't have appeared on Nintendo's million seller resume and a lot of us would assume it hasn't sold all that well in the end. It matters because our very system makes it so.
  17. Eh. I mostly meant that VGchartz is wrong to be honest. That being said, even though they've built a reputation of being wrong(somehow), I don't really have proof.
  18. ~9:01: Pretty sure the alleged thief is wielding a lance. Not 100%, but I'm seeing something at high quality. ~10:30: Edelgard goes from 71 hit to 67 against an unit that's faster than her(thus has AS). So the opposite of what was said is true, that screen implies that the weapon triangle is not back, or at least not at low weapon skill levels perhaps? ~12:30: The enemy would have to counterattack before Dimitri gets a second hit in, so the movement we see can't be him attacking again. ~13:35: That's clearly not Claude. Wasn't mindblowing and a few gratuitous assumptions here and there, but it'll inform many more people than most of us(even Vincent probably) could, so it's more than good enough.
  19. They're not wrong though. That's some impressive good will from the resellers(which isn't a thing) at play if both of those numbers are real.
  20. You can thank Heroes for that. The amount of fanart has been multiplied by at least five since its release, and I'm not even kidding.
  21. They said shipped a million. That means that for all intents and purposes, nintendo did sell that amount to resellers, but not that 1 million people bought the game. Which is typically what "sales" are referring to.
  22. The generic render is probably due to the game not being finished yet. Hilda sports one as well, and if you look at map models of your characters that aren't Byleth or Edelgard, they look like generics too. Also, we're talking about a Valkyrie with 13 HP and seemingly low stats accross the board. Honestly, I just think clerics use bows or swords to defend themselves in this game. Bows as well because we can spot a few units dressed in robes using bows. That or they're in a new, different class entirely. Nobody thought you were stupid, don't worry.
  23. I mean there's obviously something at play. There's no way most of her stats hang around the 6 to 8 mark, yet her speed is somehow zero. In any case, the steel axe is definitely very heavy here, at least at around 16 or so. I liked neither of con or strength acting as con(just made good units even better and bad ones even worse, ultimately), so I'm not too thrilled. Hopefully it's something different.
  24. Well, assuming the crests are weapons I guess it's very unlikely we'll be destroying them when they could act as legendaries instead. I agree, that makes a worrying amount of sense.
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