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Everything posted by Cysx

  1. Bayonetta 3 was revealed there last year, and we got nothing since, so that would be my guess.
  2. Hm hm hm hm... Top tier: 1: Roy(I am very biased) 2: Micaiah 3: Alm 4: PoR Ike 5: Leif 6: Elincia High tier: 7: Hector 8: Eliwood 9: Celica 10: Sigurd 11: Lyn Mid Tier: 12: Ephraim 13: RD Ike 14: Robin 15: Seliph 16: Eirika 17: Marth 18: Chrom 19: Corrin Everyone else: Don't really care/don't know them well enough to rank. Also I don't count Lucina as a lord, but she'd probably be just under Lyn, still in high. Similarly, Kris would probably be mid, around where Robin is.
  3. I'll be jumping straight into World of Light, so Kirby by default. Beyond that though, it's funny, because I enjoy playing Luigi, Y.Link, Pichu and Wolf, but the originals, not so much, so that isn't helping. I did like Yoshi in Melee though. Guess I'll go with him.
  4. I get the feeling IS doesn't want to make 3 range too readily available in general because of how inherently game breaking it can become; heck, in quite a few harder difficulties throughout the series, even 2 range becomes invaluable for chip and safe damage dealing. Make 3 range a common archer thing and almost anything can be conquered with it if all else fails. Basically it needs to either be so common that archers no longer are advantaged by having it, or rare. It could probably work somehow, but yeah, I think that's the basic reason why they haven't done it yet, despite it seemingly being an obvious way to fix archers.
  5. Mostly the former. I do try to make characters I like outside of Smash work for me always, but at the end of the day I mainly gravitate towards what I enjoy.
  6. I think the fact that the spiked helmet and fur is common to every footsoldier we see in the "blue" army, and the one guy you brought up being stopped by a knight that's relatively clearly part of the "red" army imply that the red tartan probably just happens to be some red sign of rank. In any case, the prominence of the blue color on the axe wielding soldier uniforms could imply they're from Dimitri's nation, Fergus. Their flag is blue, and so is Dimitri's cape, while Edelgard wears red for Adraetea, and Claude yellow for Leicester. And more importantly, the church of Seiros most likely has its base of operations in Adraetea(as well as the school, their emblem is visible at the entrance), yet Edelgard opposing it seems to be a pretty major plot point. In other words, the enemy nation could be our very own, assuming she is indeed the main character out of the three lords + Byleth. Those barbarian guys could be a neutral faction I suppose, but beyond the color, it's not that logical for bandits-types to go toe to toe with an entire army, and they do wear sophisticated armor, or even use swords for that guy up there.
  7. Nah, I'd rather it be new characters only, with maybe one surprise thrown in. Even in the case of Anna, I think the novelty of having her playable has worn thin by now. As far as npcs go though, especially miscellaneous ones, I'm pretty much fine with anything as long as it doesn't get ridiculous. Nods are more than welcome(if anything I feel the series could use more of those), but yeah, beyond that, eh. Can't say I'd welcome the Cipher characters either honestly, sorry everyone.
  8. What makes me second guess that we'll be staying there for the entire game is the soldiers that we got to see, whom wear the same armor as those that act as the enemy in a half of the battles we've been shown(you can tell because of the very specific helmets). And looking at the cg, they're affiliated with the church, which makes sense. There's the possibility that we'll drive them away at some point, but it feels more likely we'll leave quietly, to me anyway.
  9. One of the main parts of the Three Houses trailer was that we'll get to roam freely in a fully-fleshed environment, namely a castle of pretty decent size, with a cathedral, classrooms and quite a few other buildings scattered around. This place shows a level of detail very rarely seen in Fire Emblem games when it comes to environments, and has students and soldiers roaming about, as well as, potentially, members of your army. The fact that they put so much effort into it begs the question: will it function as a non-customizable mycastle from Fates, or will we leave it behind as we move out in the world? What do you think, and why?
  10. Not at allyesitwas! Though the data has been lost to time, unfortunately. How very tragic. But hey, we're out there enlightening the unknowing, so naught is lost.
  11. Well, kinda late to the party, but about the turnwheel, beyond allowing you to fix mistakes, it also allows to reroll many things pertaining to the rng. This most notably includes: - Crits - Witch behavior - The amount of enemies a cantor summons, or illusions for your own units & their positioning - The amount of terrors the Expel spell instant kills - Enemy behavior in general As a result and since the game gives you a ton of charges, what looks like a purely defensive tool can actually be used offensively as well.
  12. This has indeed been documented extensively over the years. Even I couldn't believe it at first, but what can you do, rules of the universe and stuff. It doesn't affect their resistance though, and Leaf's sword deals magic damage from afar, same for Evayle's fire sword. Beyond that, crits multiply raw attack instead of damage just like in Genealogy, meaning they can beat high defense with ease. Admittedly, the game tells you none of that.
  13. Yeah, that sounds very plausible. Guess they got busier with Heroes than they expected to, which would make some sense, considering how massively succesful it was, and still is... IS is a decently big studio though, and Heroes isn't the kind of games that should require that big a team to work on it. Anyway, I also think January makes a lot of sense, unfortunately.
  14. To me it really feels like #2 and 4 are wearing religious garbs, not coats like Claude's. I think him and Hilda are the only actual archers of the bunch, as we know them anyway. Same for Mercedes. Her using a sword really isn't enough for me to believe she's a myrmidon. If anything, she's only evasive enough with an iron sword to lower Ed's accuracy by 4, and that just seems too low. Good point about the second gen still though, there is a bit of redundance already if we're eventually recruiting all of these people.
  15. Please have more Three Houses info tho!
  16. Also their two sons will be expies of Donnel and Danved.
  17. Honestly this felt like earlygame footage, so I doubt the problem comes primarily from Edelgard. I'd suspect the steel axe is at fault here(60 to 65 accuracy wouldn't be especially low for that weapon type), and the accuracy formula requires high amounts of accuracy to compensate for that. Though that would be a surprising design choice. Yeah, my thoughts exactly. Being too enemy phase focused has been a balance problem of the series for pretty much its entire existence. Though there's also the possibility of a skill that negates wtd, and as you said, Byleth vs Hilda could have no trace of the triangle because bows are outside of it once more. You're completely right, at this point we can only speculate. We don't even know if any of this is final either. I agree that squads and formations have potential, though I wonder if they'll really affect that much since they didn't seem to influence much of anything in combat or statistically. The only concrete thing we see them do seems to be activation based, with Dimitri's charge and Claude's arrow barrage(which I do believe is the same since both include a closeup, then the leader giving a signal and their squad doing the rest). I faintly recall someone bringing that up in the past and having a pretty good theory as to what that could be... but I can't remember what it was. And outside of that, my guess would be the same as yours, except with a return of Fates' dual strike specifically and no pair up.
  18. But Edelgard had only 71% displayed hit on her stat screen. And Mercedes doubles her, implying she has some amount of AS, so there's no way that 4 points difference is due to the weapon triangle. If anything, what this tells us is that skill will probably factor in very little when it comes to hit, and luck may not at all, while on the other side well, the same goes for avoid. And yes, that makes the hit rates in Dimitri's fight all the more surprising. Maybe it's a formation thing? A skill? Perhaps the weapon triangle is now exclusively a bonus and only activates for the unit that initiated when applicable(so exhibit 1, Edelgard initiated, she isn't at an advantage, nothing happens, exhibit 2, Dimitri initiated and is at an advantage, he gets a bonus to hit and avoid)? About squad size, main characters/leaders seem to have bigger ones. Are those permanent, what does that mean, I don't know, but: https://imgur.com/a/fuAZ2B4 - Byleth team pretty clearly has 15 people - Same for Edelgard - Your third unit on the right on the other hand clearly has 10 - On the enemy side, the older magician guy has 15, which implies he's their leader/teacher(would make sense, the other three are very young in comparison) - The other two should have one soldier behind them(everyone else visibly does), making their total 10 - The final one's squad was too small on this screenshot, but you can see it better later on and he also has 10.
  19. The cynical part of me saw it as the first hint of Byleth potentially being yet another victim of avatar worship. The tone of her voice in particular was almost romantic... but her choice of words would imply that it's either one-way, or that she tries really hard to hide her feelings. It's a pretty weird thing to end the trailer on. Throughout the whole thing, it goes: At 00:32 "Here's our new main character, named Edelgard." 01:05 "Actually you take control of this Byleth guy." 01:39 "It is very much Edelgard's quest though." 01:55 "... or is it?" Not sure what they were trying to convey here if I'm being honest.
  20. They should be. The echoes one is pretty clever since most enemies have 0 luck, allowing the player to have higher crit without facing trash rates, and making luck more important and focused at the same time. I kinda like it. Also that definitely sounds correct from what I remember.
  21. I agree, that seemed really weird to me as well. I kinda meant to post a formulas thread about a month ago, but scrapped it because there was too much extrapolation. The thing is, Fates made it so that anything <6 skill didn't contribute to crit precisely to avoid the trash crit issue. This formula without that fix would make the earlygame very player unfriendly. Echoes' formula([User's Skl + User's Lck - Target's Lck]/2) is a possibility as well. Actually looking at other values, specifically accuracy and evade, it's looking very similar to how things worked there. We'd need a little more to tell for sure though.
  22. Depends on what the pronounciation ultimately is in english, and how often that gets pushed into our thick skulls. If it starts with the sound E(like the letter, which the katakana contradicts, but seems to be the original german pronunciation), the meme could drop within a month. It could also be replaced by an official nickname, if it's relevant enough. Like Lyn for Lyndis, though that's a bit of a different case and nicknames are otherwise pretty rare throughout this series.
  23. I really haven't played that many to completion, I guess. FE10 hard, Awakening Lunatic, and all three Fates Lunatic. I'd give my seal of favoritism to Conquest Lunatic. Some map gimmicks made it a bit ridiculous, but overall I enjoyed it a lot. And of course, the worst one out of these would be Awakening Lunatic +, that, yes, I haven't completed(didn't even try, the first chapter told me all I needed to know), but is obviously regular Lunatic with randomized game breaking skills on the enemies. And things like random counter on same turn warrior reinforcements among a pretty large amount of other things had already bothered me enough that there was no way I'd have wasted my time on that mode. May have been the first time I felt like the devs didn't put in any effort whatsoever.
  24. Yup, that's how it works. I just checked.
  25. He should be able to get to level 60 from there? I think?
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