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Everything posted by Cysx

  1. I actually don't care too much about the Sanaki issue, though I can sympathize with the complaints. Honestly, what I'm actually bothered by is that this was a great occasion to give her a grown up design, which I'd have been very interested in seeing.
  2. Both are pretty great as far as I'm concerned. They do suffer from being extremely slow-paced due to needlessly long animations in general, though. But mechanically as well as story-wise, they're quite ambitious at the very least.
  3. They're interesting but blatantly out of place in many, many ways. I'm firmly against the dlc tier of classes idea itself, though. Whether they're worthless or amazing, that will always suck.
  4. I confess that seeing most people praise the turnwheel when things like casual and especially phoenix mode have been heavily criticized in the past confuses me a bit. It is a much more elegant feature, and honestly allows some different approaches to strategy which can be interesting, but... it's still an extremely glaring and potent safety net that robs the game of much of its difficulty and depth. It's the pinacle of the "options are good, always, because player enjoyment comes first" vs "it's fine for a game to provide a deliberate experience first and a playing field second" argument. Because frankly, it does correct a lot of smaller grievances most of us had with Fire Emblem at large. But it does it maybe too well, and we're left with something extremely streamlined that doesn't, and most importantly, cannot really pull back. Conquest Lunatic, Awakening L+, FE11 H5, FE12 Reverse Lunatic, all of these would be largely trivialized if they included the turnwheel as it is in Echoes, even with less uses. Not having to commit to choices is a huge deal, even just once or twice per map. As far as I'm concerned, it is a very interesting feature that will be extremely difficult to balance and could probably use a complete reworking, but I wouldn't take it away entirely, because I do think it's something the FE formula can use to some extent. At heart, it wasn't a bad idea, imo. Sure, in almost any Fire Emblem you can make it so that the rng cannot affect you by playing a certain way, but the question is, is that a good thing? Isn't the very concept of "play this exact way or face the risk of ragequit-inducing occurences" flawed, or needlessly restrictive in some fashion? Again, it's all a matter of balance at the end of the day. I think something like the turnwheel can provide balance, and in that sense I'm glad that they came up with it, but, yeah, if it's something I have to go out of my way to ignore if I want the high-stakes FE experience I've grown to love, I'm willing to say there's something wrong as well.
  5. "Sigh" Tell me about it. I mean Fates did deliver on some of its promises as far as I'm concerned, but let's just say many promises were made. Anyway. At some point during my first Radiant Dawn playthrough, I realized that this had become my favorite video game series ever, which probably wouldn't change anytime soon. By observing the clash of fanbases following Awakening's explosion, I realized how easily influenced myself and many others had become on the internet. At some point when compiling data for Fates, I realized that without dataminers, we'd essentially be playing these games like clueless kids in the 90s, and that the devs at IS would be perfectly okay with that. At some point while playing SoV and after quite a bit of Mila's turnwheel abuse(also when reading up that it was meant to act as replacement for Phoenix mode), I realized that my ability to enjoy playing casual mode was probably much higher than I liked to pretend it was.
  6. I really like this property, actually. Allows things like getting Elbow room on Knight -> Great knight, Duelist blow on a Villager -> Master of arms, Quick draw on Pegasus -> Kinshi or Darting blow on Archer -> Kinshi... It's pretty fun stuff if you don't like buying skills. Doesn't Midori autolearn ninja skills as a Mechanist because of this too(since she'll always have ninja and apothecary as two of her base classes)? I can't remember if it also worked for children...
  7. Just a detail, but it would seem like promotion actually grants her an E. Which is weird, because unlike her starting Fire rank, which is at least stated as D+35 on the wikia, everyone seems to agree that promotion grants her D in swords. https://i.imgur.com/uhh2nRr.png I guess she can still ballista-tank with the elite sword regardless, but magic swords are completely out of her reach, without a doubt. To be fair, D-staves that late in the game is almost entirely pointless as well. And lightning access is decent, but not ultimately necessary for her.
  8. I welcome almost any kind of uniqueness that can be brought to individual units(basically if being male is part of what makes an unit distinct from the others, from a gameplay perspective I feel that it's a good thing), and really don't think it's a game developper's role to fix the wrongs of the world, especially if doing so would limit their creative freedom(which, let's be honest, it almost always would to an extent). That being said, gender is clearly an important subject for a portion of the FE fanbase, and it's a minor enough change that I don't really mind if genderlock is out. Plus I do enjoy my female berserkers as well.
  9. Brings her more movement and canto. Is "they'll probably mess it up" really a good reason? Technically that goes for anything, so we might as well be against them making more Fire Emblem games. This in particular doesn't seem any harder to balance than what we've had in the past few entries. Plus it's not like it's actually happening.
  10. But seriously, mage knight isn't that bad. Plus to be fair, Miranda has good enough growths that she doesn't really need sage's promotion bonuses, and that's without scrolls.
  11. I do. And there are worse classes to be than mage knight, it's just that sage was broken in Thracia. Also that most of the endgame maps were indoor and she joined super late. ... but honestly, her promotion is the least of Miranda's problems.
  12. Sure, I'd rather have branched promotions if given the choice, though. A mixture of both would be great, but that might be too much to ask for. I don't know, that sounds like taking axes or bows out because they suck in most FE games to date, it's just balancing at the end of the day. And I don't think the FE formula is bloated to the point where touches that improve variety like this would be a problem.
  13. From my experience, being subtle about wanting a conversation to end has a strong likelihood of leading nowhere. The simplest way is to just wait for a pause in their speech, apologize for interrupting them, and say you're not willing to talk/ have to go. If you're going to be seeing this person again(like in your case I assume), probably best not to lie(or be too obvious about it), otherwise as sad to say as it is, any excuse your conscience permits will do.
  14. Ok, ok, ok, so as someone who likes Lyn more than Lucina, and was a bit annoyed by the latter getting what I perceived as too much attention(leading to me also being initially happy about Lyn taking some of her spotlight)... this is not ok. There never was anything wrong with Lucina in particular, the problem is overemphasizing one character in a series with hundreds, and Lyn doesn't get a pass in that regard afaic. Also she isn't all that strong canonically for what it's worth(I think so, anyway? I mean their support establishes that Hector is stronger, right? And Hector and Eliwood are roughly equal, with Eliwood eventually becoming the greatest knight in all of Lycia...?), but eh.
  15. Well the idea is, if we are to rejoice when the game reaches 1 million sales and only then(which isn't the case, I'm just saying), technically that hasn't happened yet, because not every copy that's been shipped has been sold. Buuuut if you add in digital sales, which should logically be relatively high on Switch, it feels pretty safe to say that if we haven't reached that threshold yet, we must be pretty close. And yeah there's also dlc to consider. It's a pretty big success no matter what.
  16. Shipped, shipped, shipped. ... but that's still a really good sign. Plus that doesn't take virtual sales into account I'd assume.
  17. Homer is great once promoted, he's just very unremarkable until then. No personal weapon, no offensive skill, meh accuracy, meh attack speed, E wind, unpromoted movement, bad defenses... It's not exactly hard to train him beyond that, you're right, but there's little incentive to when he'll never really accomplish anything Asvel can't, and that's by the time Homer joins. Sara's low HP makes grinding her up on staves really impractical too, actually. 5 uses of physic/M up/Sleep and she's fatigued. And I don't see Elite as a reason to use an untrained character over one that's already ready to go; only something to alleviate training hassle. I'd argue she's not any less offensively capable at base, though; at least she has no accuracy issues and can kill on EP what little there is that doesn't OHKO her, as well as having 6 more mag. At least 5 MS means that she can become something special, it's just a bit of a pain. Indeed, it's not, but wrath is enemy phase only, and with 5 MS, luna, astra, 5 PCC and +1 movement Galzus is significantly better in the player phase department, so if they're even roughly equal on enemy phase, that puts him quite a bit ahead overall. Training multiple mages is complicated because tomes are harder to come by than other weapon types, and more expensive due to lower durability, at that. Linoan is fine thanks to resire and free promotion, and Asvel is Asvel, but it's harder to argue for these other two I find. That being said, I agree with the sentiment. While Ced is really strong, he might not actually bring much to the party depending on its composition. But similarly, Homer and Sara themselves might not be necessary at all, and Ced at least comes pre-trained with his own prf. I wouldn't say Gotohs need to be Laguz kings level of broken to make handing three of them to the player at once silly, though : / And I mean, you still gave all three way less credit than they deserve in that original post. Ced having worse stats than Homer when he has a 20 might weapon that boosts his skill and speed by 20 and not exactly poor bases to begin with is another thing I could have brought up, or Sara critting more when she has 0 PCC and a very dicey enemy phase due to bottom tier durability.
  18. Dean and Eda's support is mutual, actually. But assuming the database on Serenes itself isn't wrong, everything else matches and is thus correct. All four 20% supports are accounted for, too... it's all good.
  19. That is actually really neat! Great job!
  20. To be fair, Homer and especially Sara aren't all that practical to train, plus neither can use wind or resire at base. And Ced has a 30% crit weapon with 16+20 skill, so he's essentially as much as a crit machine as one can be(without wrath), even with a pcc of 3. Sara will have A rank in staves, though, starts at B and promotion makes that A.Mareeta at 20/20 should be past her build problems, but something more realistic like 10/15 fares quite a bit worse, and def and HP are self-explanatory. Othin is awesome but Galzus with a master axe is pretty silly as well, since luna is 100% hit, and, yeah, 5 MS. Saias still gives three times the leadership bonus anyone else can, for the few that can. It's map-wide charisma at his level, essentially; the only staff users that even gives leadership outside of that are Ced and Amalda(which likely won't be at A). So by default he invalidates most of them outside of personal preference, I believe. But really my reasoning was that giving the player two units that can clear the endgame with ease at once sounded a bit silly, but... yeah, the game already does that, essentially, and at that point, sure, a third one, won't make much of a difference actually.
  21. I'd rather they gave a good story reason instead, honestly. Handing the player two Gotohs seems like overkill.
  22. I'm confused as to why people consider Saias the "wrong" choice when he's one of the best units in the game. It's hard to deny that Ced is a little better, but you can't go wrong with a staffbot with 3 leadership stars and 3 movement stars. It's great value for a deployment slot. Plus this isn't FE4, Ced's combat is overkill and many units can do what he does, it's mostly in the survivability department that he shines; Forseti having infinite uses doesn't really make a difference either, since they join so late that even 30 uses would be more than you need. Anyway, if I were to remake Thracia myself one day(not happening), I'd change a ton of things, but for an official one that would be the first experience most people have with the game, I'd keep it to broad balance fixes and quality of life stuff. So control over deployment, 100% and 0% accuracy, no heal missing, explored fog of war staying explored, clearer objectives, no same-turn reinforcements, dismounting now only lowers your weapon ranks(by 1 if you can only use one type, by 2 otherwise, swords included; on the fence on whether prf weapons that aren't swords, bows and magic should be usable or not) instead of getting rid of them, give the player a bit of money throughout the game, make Xavier's soldiers never fight one another and drop the npc-specific objectives entirely, any npc can do. Among other things. And you know, making it less obtuse and walkthrough-friendly by properly explaining/indicating things. Warp tiles? Show them. Leif is leaving allies behind? Warn the player and ask them to confirm. Green units that will attack yours? Make them red units. Explain PCC, leadership, movement stars... etcetera.
  23. Con only if it plays more of a role than in entries beyond Thracia. It made sense there. I guess I'd rather not have con at all, though. I like each unit gaining movement/con at different paces, I think it greatly helps with variety. Problem is, the randomness makes the whole concept a bit game breaking, especially for movement; yet if you take it out and make it fixed growths that are unique to every unit, then it becomes overcomplicated instead. ... so no to both, I suppose. I still believe movement as a dynamic stat is potentially a great idea if done right, though.
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