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Posts posted by DefyingFates

  1. 4 hours ago, Rafiel's Aria said:

    Oh wow. Just saw the twitter results, and I finished voting for all of the people I had planned on voting for. I added Ishtar, Edward, Leonardo, Tibarn, Shigure, Brady, Bruno, and Forrest to my votes. Now, I think I'm going to use the remainder of the days to vote for the peeps I'd like to see get higher in the ranks. I think I'll focus on one guy and one gal. 

    For the guys, I'd love to see Marth make it to the top. He deserves a special costume. I love both Ephraim and Hector however, so it's not as big a deal. I also love Celica, so I want to see her stay on top.... But I also want to see if we can push Camilla out of the top. XD I guess voting for Azura or Eirika would be a good way to do that, but I actually would like to see Veronica ranking higher. Hm... I'm torn. 

    Is anyone rallying behind a particular female? I wouldn't mind going for Veronica, Micaiah, Eirika, or even Nino. 

    I may also chunk a few votes at Alfonse because he earned it in that last chapter.

    Eirika, please! Besides, if you want to push Camilla out, she would be the best way to go :P

    Edit: I sure hope so, @Morswo! Maybe you could throw a vote(s) her way after you vote for Caeldori, pretty please?

  2. 14 minutes ago, SlipperySlippy said:

    they are repeating popular units this early in the games lifecycle? Come on IS...

    I understand your annoyance, but I'm glad you see the bigger picture here: so many people seem to think Eirik2 is a one-off for some reason!

    I'm also glad you're still voting for her :) Do you think she still has a chance?

  3. 12 minutes ago, Alkaid said:

    I don't really see how. If anything I'd think it energizes her base to vote for her harder, and just gives her more of a spotlight right now during the poll. Camilla having an alt this month doesn't seem to have sabotaged her.

    And I hope not, I want that Bolverk Camilla

    People only remember the most recent things. I've seen a lot of hate for Eirika for her new form.

  4. Sorry if this was answered before, but do you think the recent banner is why Eirika is in 3rd place and not second?

    I get some people are still upset about Eirik2, but come on: how wonderful would it be for her to get a Brave outfit alongside her brother? She'd also be the only pre-Fateswakening character besides Lyn to have more than one alt outfit! (At least don't let her lose to someone who already has three variations and hijacked a Hoshidan Banner...)

  5. What's the best Special for an Eirika running Gleipnir? She has neutral Atk and Res (so 45 and 25 respectively)? I'm thinking her Res is too low for Iceberg? And yes, I saw @Othin's comment, I'd just like some more opinions to hear. Thanks in advance!

  6. 14 minutes ago, Roflolxp54 said:

    Datamine information

      Reveal hidden contents

    Lyon does indeed get his tome, Naglfar - it's basically a Prf Raventome (WTA vs. colorless enemies).


    So he's a BLyn counter. Great! I still need a Red Raventome user~

  7. 21 minutes ago, TwinBlade said:

    He said the pirate leak was fake, but he didn't say the vampire leak is fake. He mentioned that he can't prove it's fake or real I believe. So it's still possible. Only time will tell. I'm leaning towards a Feb 2-8 Direct.

    Thanks for the quick reply! I think early Feb would be a great time for a Direct too~

  8. 7 minutes ago, Humanoid said:

    They left out normal Takumi in the last TT because his alternate version was there so if anything I'm thinking they drop normal Eirika and go Ephraim, Tana, Innes and ...Sharena?

    Maybe Lute or Joshua? (I'm hoping Marisa is a 40% like Corrin was.)

    P.S. While I doubt this was intentional, I realised mage Eirika COULD be a reference to the Gorgon glitch (since it let anyone learn Dark Magic) xD

  9. 9 minutes ago, Water Mage said:

    Joking aside, I’m almost sure that Mage Eirika is going to be the boss of the TT considering the japanese name.

    Huh, well spotted! The cutscenes will be interesting if this is in fact a post-game Eirika (with normal Eirika as a 20% Unit maybe).

  10. 8 minutes ago, eclipse said:

    You know what - you do you.  If having another Eir makes you happy, go for it!

    Thank you very much! YOU'RE NOT HELPING!!

    5 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

    It prevents a follow-up attack, not a counterattack.

    Thank you for the correction!

  11. 5 minutes ago, Korath88 said:

    Japanese text confirms Marisa will be a reward and not Ayra 2.0


    Oh, thank goodness!! The first time I'll ever be happy to get a swordie from a TT after Marth!

    Now onto the trailer. Ahem...

    MYRRH!!!! HER ART AND VOICE ARE PERFECT AND HER DRAGON FORM LOOKS AS EPIC AS EVER! And they kept her as a flying unit with Hone Dragons AND A PRF WEAPON!! I'm glad to see IS treat their Great Dragons right :'3 i love that her weapon has a Def based Windsweep and the -breath refinement already built in (though the latter was a logical conclusion following the new dagger units).

    It took me a second viewing to notice L'arachel was a Blue Tome. That, combined with her amazing voice and art makes me want to pull her now (I wanted to skip Colorless Hell before).


    You know what's creepy? I literally just woke up from a dream where IS released a new version of Eirika, which left me confused of where my CYL Votes should go. Of course she had an upgraded Sieglinde in the dream, but I'm still creeped out beyond belief!

    Now onto Eirika herself: I don't understand why she's here (beyond IS trying to mentally disturb me) and before watching the trailer I was sure the in-game notification was a typo, and as warmed as I am by the implication that she studied Dark Magic to help Lyon I'm upset by what this means for Knoll. On top of that, she has a full kit which nowadays equates to boosted BST and a full kit (with Swift Sparrow, Desperation and Rally Atk/ Spd no less!!), so this is probably as good as a CYL Hero and I may give my remaining votes to Nino.

    On the other hand - and apologies to those upset here and the logical side of me -  it's another Eirika!! I'm afraid I kinda want her just for that, as illogical as even I keep telling me it is. At least this means Sieglinde is bound to get a refinery option in the next update!

    And...IS always throws a curveball in as the last unit of each banner - this time they picked one that not even hardcore SS fans could predict :P

    Anyway, I kinda want all three units. The last time I wanted every character from a banner was the previous SS banner, funnily enough.

    P.S. Weird, isn't it @Alexmender? :P

  12. 1 minute ago, Lushen said:

    Ephraim and Eirika are arguable the best brother/sister couple in FE.  Only other couple this good is Celica/Alm

    You do realise you just compared a sibling pair to a romantic couple, right? :P

    In all seriousness, I agree and would love for the Renais Twins to win this (I for one will be voting for Eirika all week). Also, I must say I'm very surprised and thrilled at the support they're getting here and on Reddit out of seemingly nowhere. What happened?!

  13. 19 minutes ago, Alkaid said:

    I also hope the units don't take 8 months to come out again.

    I suspect the delay last time was to see where the meta was going so they could build the CYL Heroes around that (so they'd be relevant right out of the gate), so they make be quicker this time.

    However, we need to know how long it takes IS to design Heroes. If they only know which ones to make at the end of this week, the delay may come from the fact that they need to figure out what kind of units to make with what stats and skills (unlike the normal banners which they can plan as far back as they want).

  14. On 19/01/2018 at 8:03 AM, Clogon said:

    My bet is Lute since she hasn't been re-featured yet.


    Edit: I hope Erika gets a refine upgrade with this!

    I'm expecting her to get an upgrade in the version update on the 7th. Fingers crossed!

    21 hours ago, silveraura25 said:

    Oh boy! For all of you Eirika x Lyon fanboys out there like me, this was a really painful moment.

    Oh yeah, the feels are coming...

  15. 22 hours ago, Sunsurge said:

    I hope he's the good version (with maybe his damaged artwork looking possessed),

    So excited. So worried. Haha.

    I was thinking his Special art would be the possessed one, but that works too! I'm (mostly) confident his Normal art will be his normal self, at least (pun unintended).

    The game update usually goes live ~4 hours before the daily reset, correct?

    18 hours ago, Nimue said:

    I'm so happy about this! I can't wait until the 25th!

    The real Christmas.

  16. LYON! Finally, the GHB I've wanted since launch is finally coming to FEH!

    I assume he'll be a Red Tome (as much as I'd like him to be a Green Tome to complete the colour triangle with the Twins) and in-built Close Counter would be cool to compensate for the lack of Summoning, but I doubt that'd happen (why DON'T we have any in-built Close Counters yet?)

    This also makes me very eager to see what the next banner and Tempest Trial will be. I had a theory that Book 2 would have a Sacred Stones focus early on and I really hope I'm proven right!!

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