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Posts posted by luyairis

  1. First: Thank you very much for translating the game and releasing the patch!

    Second: Is the team planning on releasing some new translations by February?

    It'll come out...when it comes out. About half of the Invisible Kingdom chapters are fixed (and another half to go), and supports, which translators do when they want to (we're NOT obliged to work, so please don't complain about speed).

  2. I'd just like to know if the rumors of a lot of the translation team here leaving for other projects are true.

    Even if it were true, why would it matter, lol.

    Also, unless you hear it from here, it's probably some idiot spreading fake rumors.

    Yeah i also reading this a lot. It is said that a lot of the team member left for Phoenix games and this is no longer a priority/focus for the team. Is that true?

    No. The GAA team merged into Team If. We're simply helping them as of now, but we want to finish If first. And even if they did leave, why would it matter that much lol.

    Are the FMV cutscenes subtitled in this patch? EmiruHD is doing a playthrough of it on YouTube and the scenes aren't subbed. Or he could just have the subs turned off, I'm not sure.

    I refer you back several pages, where it has been answered many times. Or, no. We can decode the videos into a sub-able format but can't re-encode to moflex yet. (Yet).

  3. some people in other sites are spreading the information saying you also remove contend

    If the support was crowdsourced, then it was probably indirectly us (most supports are taken from online sources). But otherwise, lol no, they can go f*ck themselves for what we care.

    I'm the same guy from Disqus.

    I made this account to inquiry a bit about the translation, since there seem to be rumors that you guys will censor the fan translation too. Since this rumor came from the whole Soleil support thing, I want to ask you directly if there's any basis on this rumor.

    Are you guys going to change the conversation with Soleil to not resemble the original but to be the same as the censored one or similar? Will you do that to any other lines in Fates/If?

    The hearts of many fans, including mine, wants to know a direct answer to this.

    No, we're going to stick to the original. And if there's something wrong with the crowdsourcing, then we'll retranslate it, because f*ck NoA and censoring. So there might be basis, but thanks for letting us know.

    Edit (for future reference):

    The point of this project is to avoid censorship. We will ALWAYS stick truthful to the original Japanese text, and if something is wrong, we will retranslate it in-house. Because f*ck censorship.

  4. On the topic of censors...

    Something that occurred to me is that if we wanted to uncensor the western release, we'd need to dump and extract both versions of the game, then find the models that are used by the characters and replace them with the japanese versions. I can't quite remember but I know some people uncensored another game like that, it was 3D model file swaps. Disabled or removed features of the game would be unable to be unlocked or brought back in, as that would require code editing.

    As of now, the group is only going to change back the names. We probably could restore the models too (we definitely have people who could), but it's not something we really want to bother with right now. (Or ever).

  5. Can I place an order for the "Big Sisters" playmat or have you already filled up every order slot that you can take?

    I'm opening the last of my slots after Kyokko finishes her orders, on January 31st. Check back then, thanks!


    Will also be stopping by the Persona 3 Cafe. Will sell anything I don't absolutely 100% f*king want. (They're all coasters)

  6. ...but can only ship to Japan?

    I tried this with Together We Ride on amenitydream.co.jp, and it worked quite well. Sites like Amenity offer limited cards and stuff (individual selection iirc), but only offer to shipping to Japan.

    With the full knowledge that other proxies are going to charge a lot, (and I may be too), I wanted to start a little test service where you could ship it to me, and I'll ship it out to you.

    Buyer pays for item + shipping, and $5 stipend regardless of the size of your order.

    Anyone interested? (Or just go ahead and message me lol).


    It is also okay to mail me a list of what you want (direct links to each item please), and I will order it for you. Naturally, you'll need to send me the PayPal amount beforehand.

    *Note: Service is subject to close at any time (all current orders will be fulfilled).

  7. RVJi6ed.png

    Well well well.

    Update Regarding FE Cipher Sai Orders: (For all who ordered through Kyokko)

    If Kyokko can't fulfill your order, then I will. As expected, slots are limited. As much as I'd like to take all of your orders, as C89 proved, that probably won't be happening.

    Orders will not be first come first serve. I will definitely look at all of them, but only take the ones that match my budget. (I can only withdraw money in multiples of 10,000 yen).

    Those whose orders went haywire at Comiket 89, you will be given priority. Lyriel, Kyleyohh, and Phoenixmiko, your orders have been confirmed and are at highest priority.

    I figure I can maybe take about ~3/4 orders off Kyokko's remaining.

  8. Hey people, i just installed the game on my N3ds and works fine, but on my girlfriend O3ds, support are not showing off translated. Is this normal ? On my N3ds i installed it as a fresh install, but on the O3ds, she already had a few save there.

    Please read several posts before this. Most supports haven't been translated, or weren't included in the patch. Find a support that's been translated on your N3DS, and it should be too on the O3DS.

  9. artbook signed! now I wish I didn't get the first 2 in the comiket 98, oh well. I won't ask Kyokko to get the one I asked for signed, as she is already doing so much for us.

    @luyairis - what stuff is being given out at the movie?


    On the official website the previous merch is also available, but I'm pretty sure that it won't be available to purchase at this one.

  10. As confirmation, here are the several orders I have:

    As a pool between the following: BrunhildeKnight, Kirie (optional), KyleYohhh, Lyriel, and phoenixmiko:

    Artbooks 1: 2

    Artbooks 2: 1

    Artbooks 3: 1

    Sleeves (Female): 1

    Sleeves (Male): 2

    Random Badges (If possible): 2

    These are orders from non-cleanup (meaning, parts of your order Kyokko couldn't fulfill).

    Regarding cleanup orders, I will prioritize anyone whom I previous worked with during Comiket 89 that did not receive 100% of their orders.

    Depending on what you order, I may request you pay up front, or at least partial payment. It's not very easy for me to actually return the money back to you, so I'll use some of my own cash-on hand prior to this all.

    Also, there appears to be a place where you can get the artbooks signed. I think I can maybe do this (for a little bit extra). If you would like for me to try, please let me know.

    Edit 2: I'm also going to be going to the Persona 3 Movie #4 Special Event this weekend. If anyone wants any of those special items...

  11. Patch has been working well. I'm up to Chapter 6 and apart from some minor errors already pointed out, it's been running smoothly.

    I know this is not related to the patch, but the carts you use determine what story lines you get right? Because I have the Nohr version and it says "You'll need to purchase the Hoshido storyline from the eShop after Chapter 6". Kinda hard to decide who my Avatar's family is...

    There's no "All-in-one" edition that has both story lines, is there? (What is that Special Edition anyway?)

    Even some simple Googling would've done the trick.

    First of all, of course. How can you have the storylines from another cart without physically having the cart?

    And actually, you answered your own question. The Special Edition is the "All-in-one" edition that contains all THREE storylines.

  12. Kyokko, if it's not too much a problem for you, you can just send me a list of whatever's still remaining afterwards, and I'll take care of it.

    Only difference is, I'll need payment up-front instead of afterwards. I'll be going in person myself this time though, and if I feel I can't take your order, I won't.

    Also, yeah, I'm closer to the Tokyo one lol. I live in Tokyo.

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