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Water Mage

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Everything posted by Water Mage

  1. This thread is making me realize something: Sakura is like the Birthright and magical version of Camilla. They both excel in physical and magical attacks and both can do well in any class, granted, Sakura starts as healer and lacks Camilla's sheer power and bulk, but they still work in similar ways. They're also great mothers to any child and they can't screw any kid due to their mixed growths.
  2. Now that I think about it, isn't there a Tumblr picture with Sakura and Ryoma, and Sakura has Vaike's body and says: "Do you even lift onii-chan?" Joking aside, I also prefer making Sakura an Onmyouji, since Birthright has few magic units, and Sakura is aguarbly Birthright's best Gen 1 magic user. And thinking about it again, another class that Sakura could do great is Oni Chieftain.
  3. I was just thinking, with her balanced growths, Sakura makes an excellent Dark Flier.
  4. Why have you done that?Besides I actually ship XanderxRyoma.
  5. Sakura actually has a quite good Str growth. With luck, it's no wonder she ends up like that. Here's a fun fact: Her Def growth is actually higher than her Res growth. Really, Sakura can be anything, a physical or a magical attacker. With luck, she can even be a tank! Sakura is the good kind of balanced unit.
  6. Nope, pretty sure Xander read the Xander/Ryoma section. It's Nina's favorite, and she wrote threesomes for those two with either M!Corrin, Niles or Saizo as well. I'm not sorry
  7. She's refering to this comic: Even Joker has standards. EDIT: Time's interview with Tom Brevoort: http://time.com/4347224/captain-america-hydra-agent-marvel-tom-brevoort/
  8. I've seen that.Also, apparently, Twitter, 4chan, Reddit and Tumblr all hate Hydra!Cap and they all agree it's a stupid thing. ... ... ... Tumblr and 4chan agree on something... But seriously, you know something is bad when Tumblr and 4chan agree it's bad.
  9. Actually, I'm pretty sure everyone agrees that Ophelia is a better mage than Leo, the difference between the two is that Leo can actually take hit. And Leo is CQ best first gen mage. But Ophelia and Forrest may outclass him.
  10. Ashera, like many said before, it's a goddess with power of creation, she's pretty much the strongest. She's so strong, that only Ike, blessed by Yune, can kill her, it's even a gameplay mechanic. In second, I would either Grima ot Fomortiis. They are both pretty pretty powerful, and even though we don't get to see Fomortiis real power, his own lifeless corpse, the final boss if FE8, is already incredibly powerful. And the mere presence of his remains cursed an entire forest. Fomortiis alive would be even more powerful. Shouldn't this thread be on General Fire Emblem?
  11. It hurts Velouria's Str and Spd a bit, but it makes her very tanky. That being said, Beruka is usually better with Benny.
  12. Probably because it's not simply a betrayal of a character. It's a betrayal of a legacy, of a cultural icon. How did Marvel let this be approved? Why couldn't they make this a what-if AU? It would actually be interesting!
  13. Yeah, but Felicia and Flora are not really retainers, they are war prisioners. And Jakob, like you said, lost everything, so he can't really be called a noble.
  14. I'm really sorry about the double post, but I've had to post this, This is what Buzz Dixon, comic book writer and friend of Jack Kirby had to say about Hydra Captain America:
  15. Why don't Azura admit that she's a furry? Her support with Kaden pretty much shows that she's one.
  16. It's quite interesting actually. All of the Hoshidan retainers, except for Azama, are either nobles or come from distinguished families. On the other hand, all of the Nohrian retainers, except for Peri, are commoners of usually very low birth.
  17. Usually, the best husband/wife for the Corrin are Jakob/Felicia due to their personal skills.However, Felica might be better off with Leo, since appreciates the speed boost that Felicia's support gives him. That being said, Corrin's best spouse depends on what kind of Corrin you have. What are your Corrin's boon and bane? And what is their secondary class? Are planning on a magical or physical build? Totally forgot about her magic growth!But damn, Camilla might be the game's best mother. Is there anything bad about Camilla gameplay wise? She's seems to be Fates's best unit.
  18. Actually, it's implied that Oboro's family was quite influential, so while they aren't nobility, they were quite important.EDIT: Ninja'd.
  19. Most of them were appointed. I believe the olny Hoshidan retainers that were personally hired by their lords are Hinoka's retainers. In fact, Azama is the only Hoshidan retainer who isn't a part of nobility. It seems that most Hoshidan retainers are nobles.
  20. Depends really.However, Effie is great with Arthur, and Camilla is a great mother to any physical child. The fact that Effie and Arthur's supports points grow faster with each other than with other units, which makes getting Percy early quite easy.
  21. I'm pretty sure the Valla that Corrin rules over is a new Valla. And I believe the whole kingdom was formed so there is someone watching over Anankos's remains.
  22. Even if you don't use the children, doing their paralogues is still worth for the experience. Plus, Percy's paralogue can get you a lot of money. Also, great mothers for Velouria are Camilla and Effie
  23. I posted this on jokes and memes thread, but I'll post it here too because it's priceless: Source:https://mobile.twitter.com/ticcytx/status/734859511735984128
  24. Not quite a joke or a meme, but I feel this picture belong in this thread: Source:https://mobile.twitter.com/ticcytx/status/734859511735984128
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