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Water Mage

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Everything posted by Water Mage

  1. You are told from the start that you can't grind in Conquest. When you pick Conquest in Chapter 6, the game outright tells you that you can't grind. You shouldn't complain about something that the game cleary warns you about. Yes it does, because IS said from the start that Conquest was meant to be similar to the old Fire Emblem games.
  2. To make it more simple, Steve Rogers was a Hydra agent all along.
  3. The worst thing is that Cap didn't need that publicity. Look at how well Civil War did! And then throw all of that in the trash for this. If they ever put Hydra!Cap in the cinematic universe, I'm not sure if I could watch the previous Captain America and Avengers movies anymore. And it would be an insult to the Civil War, which was an amazing movie. Seriously, try watching Civil War with Hydra!Cap in mind. It almost becomes unwatchable.
  4. I know, but Mighty is probably the most well know Kickstarter, and when people think of Kickstarters, Mighty is usually the first thing that come to mind. This hurts Kickstarters quite a bit. Yup, and the guy's awesome.And quite frankly, deserves a raise, considering how well he handles such a chaotic fanbase.
  5. You know, this makes me wonder. Does the people that wants Cap to be gay, do the still want it? I mean, considering the fact the apparently he was a nazi all along, I'm not sure if people want the guy who betrayed everyone, the american who betrayed his country and that worked with the nazis, the man who's probably going to spit on the face of everyone who idolized him, to represent gays in the Marvel Universe.
  6. I agree with this 100%. As a gay person myself, I dislike the idea that I'm better than heterosexuals just because I'm gay. And like you said, Frozen is all about familial love, the whole interesting thing about Elsa was that she didn't have a love interest. Giving Elsa a love interest, be it male or female, goes against what the first movie was about. Does Elsa really needs a love interest?
  7. Takumi in particular, loves hearing Silas's stories. You all know why.
  8. The look on their faces...It's like "Do we really want a guy like that in our army?" This comic gave me a new headcannon! Silas has the habit of telling embarassing stories of Corrin's childhood to the rest of the army, in particular the Hoshidan Royals. And everytime Corrin see Silas talking to one the Hoshidan Royals, he starts panicking.
  9. I just remembered this, and now I remember why I was so pissed. How did Mighty. No. 9 fall. Everyone loved him, and now look what happened. I know I said this before, but this is giving Kickstarter and Crowdfunded games a bad name. At least there are good examples, like Bloodstained and Yooka-Laylee.
  10. I see. Even so, those graphics on the PV are quite frankly, incredibly dated. What were they thinking?
  11. Wait, where did the rest of the money go? The 4-million was from the original kickstarter alone, so it should be focused on that.
  12. To me, the question is not when, but how much. Does this look a like 4-millilon dollar game to you?!
  13. There a bigger things to worry about than Cap being gay. Like the recent reveal that he was a Nazi all along. Yes, Steve Rogers was on Hydra all this time.
  14. A new trailer was released: .... This game is just digging itself deeper, isn't he?
  15. Jack Kirby himself is Jewish, so what really amazes me is how they are spitting on his grave for doing this. Seriously, this is offensive to the man's legacy. The whole point of Captain America is how much of a good guy he is. And if this sticks, what's going to happen to all Captain America merchandise? Haven't Nick realized how much money he is putting in jeopardy?! Even if they reset this, Captain America will now forever be haunted by this. This could possibly ruin the Captain America brand forever. And I really curious of what Stan Lee thinks of this. He can't possibly approve of this.
  16. Here's am interview with the man responsible for this: http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2016/05/25/captain-america-writer-nick-spencer-why-i-turned-steve-rogers-into-a-supervillain.html Let's see how long that jolly attitude will last. He's finding the fan outrage funny and expected... He has no idea of the shitstorm that is coming his way, does he?
  17. Problem is, this is not an alternative universe.This is the main Marvel canon. The real thing.
  18. I wonder... Didn't they realized how big Captain America is? There's tons of Captain America merchandise out there, and it sells a lot because kids love him. And then, they turn him into a fucking nazi! Did they think this one through?! Or were they desperate for attention?! Captain America didn't the extra attention, since Civil War was such a success. ... ... ... Crap, I just realized something. They're gonna put Hydra!Cap in the movies, aren't they?
  19. Remember the time, in the 90s, when Peter Parker isn't the real Peter Parker but a clone? Remember that time when aunt may was shot and Peter Parker had to give up his marriage to save her? Those idiots are at it again. Congratulations, Nick Spencer! You just destroyed the hero of many kids!
  20. I know, I know, they aren't as big as they were before, but seriously! This is an insult to the people who grew up reading his comics.
  21. Can someone tell what Marvel is thinking? Captain America, a sleeper agent of Hydra? And according to the editor, it's actually the real Steve Rogers, not some clone or mind control. Steve Rogers, apparently was a spy for Hydra all along. ... ... ... What does Stan Lee thinks of this?! And Jack Kirby must be rolling on his grave. And it create plot holes! If he was evil all along, how the hell could he wield Mjolnir?! Sorry if I'm ranting to much, but while I don't read them as much now, when I was younger I used to read the Marvel comics religiously, and this a fucking insult to a 75 years old legacy. And Captain America was doing so well after Civil War...
  22. Hmm, looks like someone is getting a taste of Fates's RNG. And about Laslow and Selena. Neither are bad, but Laslow makes for an amazing rally bot, because of his personal skill.
  23. Wait, seriously? Give the details!
  24. I had to reclass Sakura just for this chapter. Another thing,you might not want to activate the Dragon Vein on this chapter. They are like the Wind Tribe map's Dragon Vein, which makes the desert a grassland. It might be better to leave the terrain as a desert because there are some really hard hitting units that you don't want close to you.
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