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Water Mage

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Everything posted by Water Mage

  1. This reminds of the day we heard about it... Remember the rainbow that appeared on Nintendo's building?
  2. Did you upgrade the records hall? Some music only appear after you upgrade it.
  3. She made Kiragi's soul beautiful. Yandere Kiragi is the best Kiragi! Now Kiragi won't let anyone hurt his loved ones, or else... I don't know why I love Yandere Kiragi so much, but I do! need fanart of Yandere Kiragi now!
  4. So...Camilla!Kiragi is slowly becoming a Yandere. I don't know why but I'm okay with this! For some weird reason, I really like the idea of a Yandere!Kiragi.
  5. . That's what I find interesting about Siegbert and Shiro as well. Siegbert grew up knowing he was prince, while Shiro grew without knowing he was royalty and it shows. It shows both the good and the bad. For example, Siegbert is responsible, polite, understand the importance of his position but you can tell he does not hadle the pressure of royalty well and he's a about crack under the pressure. He has an incredibly low self-esteem seems to think he's garbage compared to Xander. Other the hand, Shiro is reckless, crass, cocky, simple-minded and it seems to think he can solve all problems just by being strong, but unlike Siegbert, he is incredibly confident and has a high self-esteem, he doesn't let the pressure of royalty get him, and fully believes he can surpass Ryoma. Those two actually compliment each other quite well.
  6. To be fair, this isn't the first time this happens in Fire Emblem game. In Path of Radiance, Astrid, Marcia and Makalov all say they going back to Begnion's army and yet in Radiant Dawn they are with Crimea's army with no explanation why.
  7. I wonder if some characters will move up some tiers or maybe move down, compared to the Birthright and Conquest lists. I'm pretty sure that at least Hayato will move up a few tiers considering he's one of best magic users in Revelations. In fact he might be Revelations's best magic user.
  8. Now that I think about it, wasn't there an interview where they said that there was no plans for DLC in Pokken? At least not in the near future.
  9. Wow the CGs are pretty good! And I didn't expect Forrest to look so good in a Kimono.
  10. That's good to hear. And like you said, not having enough is the best flaw a game could have because it shows that people want more of it and it can be easily fixed with patches and DLC.
  11. I would say...Rinkah. Her mods are a bit weird. That is not say she's bad, just the least impressive. Setsuna's mods are that bad. Sure there's -1 Def and -1 Res which make her kids fragile but she also gives a whopping +3 Spd mod, which make her kids super fast. In other words, Setsuna's kids are glass cannons.
  12. How? Not trying to be rude or anything and I'm really sorry if I'm sounding rude, but I want hear a bit more of your point.
  13. Sakura does quite a bit in the story. Honestly, is the opposite for Elise to me. While I like her, she doesn't do much for the story. Birthright, ironically, is the only story where Elise shines.
  14. That's why it's one of my favorites supports as well. It's so rare to see Ryoma in a lighthearted situation. And he acts so awkward in his love confession!
  15. I love RyomaxFelicia, so I really liked this comics. And gotta say, Ryoma is a very courageous man, he manages to eat all of Felicia's rice balls! Lesser men would have given up, but not him!
  16. To be fair, it's not only Dwyer that has a useless personal skill. That being said, if you're playing Female Avatar, Dwyer is one of the best kids, since you can get him very early. And Dwyer should be in physical class because of Jakob's mods.
  17. Actually, Lilith isn't a retainer, she's just a stable girl. And like NekoKnight said, the other sibilings probably also have more retainers, we just see all of Corrin's retainers because he/she is the main character.
  18. 2HKO is still better than OHKO. It allows her to survive javelins and similar weapons and it's also important to note that lategame Birthright and lategame Conquest has Stoneborns which can kill Azura gery easily. A seraph robe help her survive these things because they never double.
  19. Honestly, you shouldn't bother with her defense, even as a General, it's still going to suck. That being said, Azura is the character you should be giving a seraph robe. Also, the female Avatar cannot pass any class to Azura, only the Male Avatar can give Azura new classes.
  20. Another interesting fact is that apparently, Ares was going to be Raquesis's child, so RaquesisxEltshan was going to be cannon.
  21. I tried Dark Falcon!Odin and I was suprised at how good he was. I didn't even tried to feed him a lot exp, and be still ended up a really good unit.
  22. One of my headcannons is that Gunther and Reina are old rivals. Reina is the one responsible for Gunther's face scar and Gunther is the one responsible for Reina's face scar. Despite that they have a lot respect for each other and they consider each other worthy rivals.
  23. Please stop it.I laughed way too hard at this, it actually hurt. No more. Just...no more. I won't be able to handle another laughing fit. Maybe this was Garon's plan all long.
  24. Do you know why we don't have any masterpieces, like before?It's because the gaming comunity has become more critical. Back in OoT's age, reviews of games were still pretty young a different back then. These days people analyze every single detail of a game, which makes much more easier to see the flaws of the game. Try to imagine the gaming comunity of these days in OoT's era, the comunity that analyzes every single detail of a game. Do you honestly think that OoT would be considered a masterpiece? It's not the games that have gotten worse. It's the comunity that got more critical.
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