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Water Mage

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Everything posted by Water Mage

  1. Maybe I was to quick to judge Orochi!Grey... Maybe I was to focused on Grey's base class, and didn't consider other classes.This will teach to talk about games I don't own. I really messed up that one. Back on topic, is it possible to Sakura and Oboro screw any child? I was looking at their modifiers, and they look very good, Sakura and Oboro seems to be really good moms. Also they seem to able to pass good classes and abilities such as Swallow Strike, Sun God and Extravagance.
  2. Now that I think about it, doesn't Grey's magic growth higher than his strenght growth? He's does seem to be better as a mage, you might onto something there.
  3. Saizou has -2 spd modifier and Orochi has -2 spd modifier, which would mean Grey would have a -4 spd modifier... Not what you want for a Ninja. Yeah, not optimal, but then again I don't have the game so what do I know? Maybe a slow Grey would be useful...Yeah, right.
  4. And changing the subject, I was looking around the internet, and I was suprised, why do so many people think that Anne's persona Carmen is based Carmen Sandiego? I know that she also an outlaw, but did they all forget that she's a copyrighted character? Yet they all seem so sure that Anne's persona is Carmen Sandigo.
  5. Apparently, the creators had always intended to let the player pick the Protagonist's gender; for the original release, it could not be implemented in time. They probably added a female main character in the portable because the story had been written without a specific gender for the main character in mind, while Persona 4 was written with a male protagonist in mind.
  6. Famitsu has some new information on the game, firts they revealed rhe name if the party's personas Ryuji: Captain Kidd Morgan: Zorro Anne: Carmen Also the painter's name is Yusuke Kitagawa, and apparently he is a honor student who takes an art course at the Kosei Public High School. He also lives with and is a disciple of a famous Japanese painter Madarame. His persona is Goemon. The thieves will act and cause some trouble in the city as the Phantom Thieves of Hearts. It is said that those who receive letters of notice from the Phantom thieves go as far as confessing their own crimes, and even reforming themselves. The thieves will target corrupt adults and steal their corrupt hearts in order to change the corrupt world.
  7. Here's another one: A0EA-0000-0052-9AE1 It's a good one, if I do say so myself, I'm pretty proud of it. And I deleted my flying car stage, but I plan to do another flying car stage later, hopefully a better one.
  8. The GBA and Tellius Sages, loove that cape! The male GBA Sages look particulary awesome, but I must admit, the black wings from Fates's Sorceres are also pretty nice.
  9. I was looking at Sakura's stats, and wow, I wasn't expecting Sakura to have such high and balanced stats, she seems to be one the best units in game. But I go for Exorcist, mostly because of Horse God, Sakura seems to one of it's best users, but what about Sakura as a Dark Knight or Basara, or Shura? She seems to have potential to be a mixed attacker.
  10. http://www.siliconera.com/2015/09/18/ace-attorney-6s-extended-tgs-2015-trailer-shows-apollo-justice/ Apollo is returning! But who is that in the end? Butterflies make me think of a certain someone, but nah, it can't be her...
  11. Y-you, how d-dare you...How dare you not understand the magnificence of the Water type!I think it's obvious what my favorite type is. I just love Water types! They're just so awesome and useful and cool and cute and strong and... Well you get the idea. Actually, I like everything water related, be it games, anime, books and so on. I also love Grass, Psychic, Ice and Fairy! I voted for least favorite Rock, not because I hate it, because honestly, I like all of the types, but it's just that I always have bad luck when using Rock types, and yet that won't stop me from using Rock types, I'm weird like that.
  12. Isn't it fascinating how we can get an idea of the characters's daily lives, just from one picture?For example, from Xander and Lawzald's picture, we see that Xander has pet, has a tendency to work until late hours, and that Lawzald is the one who has to get him to rest a little, but Lawzald doesn't seem to mind. Granted, this is just theory, but like I said isn't it interesting that single picture can help provide so much ideas of the daily life of two characters? I wish Kozaki would do this to every character...
  13. After my terrible previous stage, I decided that should do an easier stage: C602-0000-004C-18A9 It the combination of two of my previous stages, and I hope it's enjoyable.
  14. Looks like Pieri is ready to participate in Hell's Kitchen. I wonder how Pieri and Gordon Ramsay would react to each other.
  15. Wasn't there a picture of Ganz too? And looks like that Marks is the right way to spell Xander's japanese name and not Marx, at least according to Kozaki. Or did he spell it wrong?
  16. Oboro looks great with her hair down! Is it just me, or do the characters from Fates always look great in casual clothes?
  17. I just realized something, but is Morgana really female? I mean, sure, Morgana is a female name, but it would't be the first time Japan gave a female name to a male character or vice versa, take Gaius and female Morgan's japanese names for example. And while Morgana has a female voice actor, most mascot characters have female voice actors, regardless of gender. And Morgana's persona seem to be male...of course Naoto had a male persona, but she's a different case, and besides the real Yamato-Takeru was said to have cross-dressed once, so it did fit Naoto. But then again, Ken is male, and has a female persona. But anyway, getting back on topic, what do you guys think? Is Morgana male or female?
  18. In the GBA games each unit can only have 5 support conversations in each run, for example if Lyn and Rath have reached A support, that means that Lyn can only have two other support conversations left in this run, and for the looks of it you already used them, as Lyn must have a C-rank support with both Eliwood and Hector, right? If that's the case then Lyn can no longer have any more supports conversations, but if Eliwood still haven't had 5 support conversations, then Eliwood and Ninian still can get an A-rank, but listen, and this is important, you're not going to be able to use Ninian after the chapter Cog of Destiny, and Cog of Destiny comes right after Night of Farewells, which is the chapter you are in currently, right? So if you want Eliwood and Ninian to reach an A-rank support, you must do it now. You won't get a chance later!You can even can get special scenes in the game, if Eliwood and Ninian have an A-support.
  19. There's already a Ground/Electric, it's Stunfisk.And wouldn't call the Fairy type broken, it's very good, but not really broken, if you want to see competitively broken types, it's Gen 1 Psychic type and Gen 5 Fighting type, and Dragon types in all gens. Or the reason you are biased against Fairy type is because they were created to nerf the Dragon type?
  20. Do you have an Earth Seal? You can promote any unit with that. The item Heath needs, the Elysian Whip, can be found on chapter 26 and on a secret shop on chapter 29. And the Ocean Seal can be found on a secret shop on chapter 30. You could find one in the desert chapter, but well you already cleared that chapter, right? And thanks for the anwser, I thought I was annoying because I kept posting here all the time, glad to see you aren't annoyed, and the Serra thing was just a joke, you can use any unit you like.
  21. It never really bothered me. I mean, why should it? So what if a lot of people like that game? Their opinion is not going to affect me. If everyone is talking about the game, why should it bother me? They just really liked it, and want to talk about it. It's a natural reaction. Besides. why should it bother me that a lot other people like the game? Is it my right to decide what people should like? Is it my right to stop someone from enjoying a game just because I don't won't the game to become popular? Is it my right to not allow people to have fun with a game, because it bothers me that everyone will keep talking about it? Honestly, disliking something that is popular, and liking something that is unpopular doesn't make you "special", nor it will make you better or smarter than people that like popular things, it just means that you have a different opinion, nothing more, nothing less.
  22. To be fair, a cat fits very well with the thief theme of game, then again, it could have been a weasel or fox. And I think the reason they made the group thieves, is to create a contrast to the Persona 4 party, who were on the side of the law, and it seems that the theme of the game is "freedom", so maybe they are thinking that the next generation is too uptight, rather than too wild, but I could be wrong. Maybe there's another message I still don't get.
  23. Now that I think about it, what do the japanese think of Shantae and Shovel Knight? If I'm not mistaken Shovel Knight wasn't released in Japan, and only now Shantae is going to Japan. But even so, they must have heard of these characters, which makes me really curious. Does anyone know how Japan thinks of these characters?
  24. The trailer looks so cool! And the personas all look awesome! And I don't mind the delay, remember Miyamoto's wise words: "A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad."
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