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Water Mage

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Everything posted by Water Mage

  1. Don’t count Loki out yet. Unless you got Bow Hinoka or Summer Takumi, she will be your only flying bow.
  2. Looks like we get Spring Loki too! And our first male cavalry healer!
  3. But is skills really the only thing that matter? Because if this is going to be reaction to a FE6 banner, I really wouldn’t blame IS if they make a 7th Camilla because at least she gets more than a lukewarm reaction from players. EDIT: I mean 8th Camilla, since Brave Camilla is already confirmed.
  4. People have been begging for a FE6 banner forever, so I’m actually surprised at this lukewarm reaction. If this is how people will react to FE6 characters it’s no wonder we only got a banner now. I guess the next FE6 banner will only be in 2021 now.
  5. I was making a jab at the unpleasable fanbase, obviously I know that.
  6. People have been complaining about banners full of overpowered characters and when the opposite happens people still complain? People have been begging for those characters and when it happens people still complain? I don’t get it.
  7. Really? I hear everyone shitting on Fionn, like everyone. Also I finally saw Thomas Edison’s Noble Phantasm for the first time... They went there...they really went there! That’s like an inch away from copyright!
  8. My ingame name is Luiz, and I actually haven’t sent my request yet. My ID is 638,254,040. Also I’m at Sector 13 of the North American singularity, and is it just me or are the bosses in this area eaiser than the ones in London? I mean I expect Chulainn Alter to be a tough boss, but the rest has been somewhat easier. Well most of the bosses are Servants known to be really weak such as Fionn, Diarmuid and Fergus. Other than the various Chulainns and Scathachs, it seems that most Celtic Servants are weak? I heard Medb is one of the worst 5 star Servants. Maybe the North America area being easier is to be expected.
  9. Thanks! I was using gamepress, but this guide is way more useful. And funny story, I got the 4 Homunculus babies...in a single battle. After an entire day of grinding I finally got them and yet it pissed me off for some reason. Why couldn’t it be this easy earlier?!
  10. Yeah, I decided not to rush. I’m currently grinding for materials, and damn I wish it could be easier. Trying to get Homunculus Babies, but they just don’t appear, I need 5 but only managed to get 1.
  11. A chameleon water starter...Does this mean if hidden abilities return, Sobble will get Protean? Will we see another Protean water starter dominating the competitive world?
  12. Is it really a bad thing that they are sticking to the usual formula? Most major game franchises do that, such as Mario, Kingdom Hearts, Persona, Animal Crossing and so on.
  13. I took a better look at the map, and I think I found most of the gyms. There’s a Grass Gym near the London like city. There’s a Water Gym near the lighthouse. I think there’s a Dark Gym in the east snowy area. There’s a either Rock or Ground gym in the west mountain. There’s also a Ghost or Poison Gym in the west forest. Anyone alse saw more Gyms?
  14. I gonna post this again: I loved the Water starter. But I’m betting everyone will think the Water starter is stupid but will love it’s final evolution also people will love the fire bunny but will hate it’s final evolution and will hate the fact that it is bipedal. And I get the feeling that the starters will have a sports theme.
  15. Thanks! Can I send the request later today? Also, it really does seem like levels really don’t matter in Part 1. The only issues I’m having is surviving NPs. Feels like every Servant battle is more of a race, as in kill the Servant before they use the NP.
  16. I loved the Water starter. But I’m betting everyone will think the Water starter is stupid but will love it’s final evolution also people will love the fire bunny but will hate it’s final evolution and will hate the fact that it is bipedal.
  17. So Lost Belt is when you really need leveled team. So I think I will be fine unitl the last singularity. Camelot might give me trouble though from I what I’ve heard, but by then I’m gonna be hopefully prepared.
  18. This is probably a bit of a stupid beginner question, but are Servant levels really important for the main story mode? I ran into a bit of a problem as I lack the materials for ascensions, so my Servants can’t level up. I just started the London Sigularity and my Servants are are around level 45-50. Should I wait to grind ascension materials or is it okay to move on?
  19. I wasn’t slandering, just wondering if Doug actually left EA due to a bad work environment. I was thinking more along the lines of he knows what not to do.
  20. Now that I think about it, Doug Bowser used to work at EA before Nintendo
  21. He’s leaving while Nintendo is at it’s new peak. The timing is interesting.
  22. Yikes, two years? And I didn’t mean that I going to sell Arjuna, I just meant that I won’t dedicate resources to level him up now because my resources are still low, though I do plan to make him a farmer eventually. And speaking of release dates, when will Proto Arthur be released in the west? I kinda want to put him on the same team as my Proto Chulainn.
  23. I decided not to invenst in Arjuna and keep Robin, as he is more useful for story mode. And the Hans buff is for the japanese version right? Shame, because he’s a great support servant on my team and works really well with Kotarou and Robin.
  24. Been some time since I posted here. A lot happened, my phone alhad a problem and I lost all F/GO data(luckily FE heroes had the Nintendo account) So I had to restart the whole game. I did got most of my main servants back, Siegfried, Kotarou, Proto Chulainn and Hans. I lost Edmond, but to be honest I don’t really miss him. He really wasn’t doing to well and died way to fast. Now Robin Hood took his place, and holy shit his Noble Phantasm hits ridiculously hard. I know my Robin has a Lv.3 NP, but still for a 3 star, it hits like a truck. I recently got Arjuna, but I’m not sure if want to replace Robin because he’s doing so well, but then again Arjuna is a 5 star servant. Should I replace Robin with Arjuna? I really can’t decide.
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