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Water Mage

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Everything posted by Water Mage

  1. I admit that at first, I really didn’t like the idea if putting a child in a bridal outfit, but after reading Bridal Sanaki’s Lv.40 conversation, my opinion changed. It’s actually quite sad...
  2. Here’s the link: http://boards.4chan.org/vp/thread/35614124
  3. Well, if Ares is running Fury, the plus HP isn’t all that bad. Sometime a single extra hit point can save you.
  4. I kept thinking, and I came up with reasons as to why it would be only the original 151. -It would like Go, and would eventually add more generations later(unlikely) -They completely revamped the battle system and perhaps more than 151 is to much for the game(very unlikely) -Pokemon from other generations appeared in ORAS before postgame, specifically Victory Road, and from what I remember, a lot of people reacted really negatively to it, so Game Freak may be under the impression that people don’t want Pokemon from future generations in remakes(likely) I’m still very doubtful of this leak though.
  5. Apparently there are rumors that only the original 151 will appear. I find that unlikely for 3 reasons: -Previous remakes had Pokemon introduced in later Generations. -The leak is from 4chan -More Pokemon means more merchandise to sell.
  6. I think it’s both. Ishtar in a way is dependent on Julius. By the end of the game, she lost her father, mother, brother, her bodyguard. Julius is all she has left.
  7. Might if add a suggestion? I think Vantage is a good option for the “Full Offensive Tilt”, specially if you’re using Aether. Aether+Fury+Vantage work really well together. Admittedly, it helps that my Ares is +HP, but it’s still pretty good synergy. A +Spd Seal also helps has good synergy with this combination.
  8. To think we would see that the day where a Staff user would be a terrifying boss...I love it! If people saw before the Staff buff, they would laugh! And damn, with that weapon and Drive Atk, Groom Marth is perfect for Horse Emblem that have a Blade tome user.
  9. Then try for War Cleric, it makes her bulkier and she really doesn’t need to fight.
  10. It’s kinda sad really, that making uproars is what the western FE fandom is being known for these days.
  11. That really depends on what role she will play. Are you going to use her for offense or pure healing? Because of it is pure healing, War Cleric might be better as it is a little bulkier, but Sage allows her to deal good damage. Also, what are you other healers? If you’re Maribelle and Libra, then you might as well drop Lissa as both are superior healers.
  12. I think the reason there are mostly Brides instead of Grooms is because whenever people think about marriage fashion, brides is the first thing the comes to mind. I mean, people make a big deal out wedding dresses, but people barely talk about the Groom’s outfit. So is it really any suprise that we have mostly brides again? It should have been obvious.
  13. Actually from what I’ve been told, these games aren’t Yellow remakes, but rather sequels, as in it happens around the events of SM/USUM or after them. And I think the reason they choose Eevee is because it’s one the few Pokemon that can compete with Pikachu in popularity. Changing the subject, there’s this suspicious picture: https://mobile.twitter.com/PokemonLetsGoNS/status/996851277882691590 Also, in the japanese site, they seem to be suspiciously selling merchandise of Pikachu and Eevee as pair: http://www.pokemon.co.jp/info/2018/05/180511_p01.html?page_news=news http://www.pokemon.co.jp/info/2018/04/180413_p02.html?page=goods And in the new movie, a major character has Eevee. It seems more and more likely that these game are real.
  14. I wasn’t speaking about Go, I was speaking about Kanto.
  15. Well, I knew some wouldn’t like the possible return to Kanto, but damn. I think some people doesn’t realize that’s it’s not because of genwunners that they could return Kanto, but rather, it’s the most financially sound option after Go’s success.
  16. http://www.siliconera.com/2018/05/16/pokemon-lets-go-eevee-pokemon-lets-go-pikachu-domains-registered/ Looks like these will possibly be the Pokemon Switch games. They seem to be Pseudo-Remakes of Yellow, as in it will take place in Kanto, but after the events of Alola I think. It seems that it following Pokemon would also return, and Pokemon Go mechanics will appear. And I know people will complain about Kanto again, but it makes sense if it is based on Go. Back when Pokemon Go was really, really popular only Gen 1 Pokemon were available, so these are the Pokemon people associate with Go, and they want to take advantage of that.
  17. Well, not every good unit can tank. For example, Elincia and Cordelia are considered top tier and can barely take a hit.
  18. For the first paragraph, not being colorless would make her a better tank because she would resist a color, colorless doesn’t resist any color and is weak to raven tomes. For the second paragraph, I didn’t mention Reinhardt because I thought it was obvious she wouldn’t survive him? F!Grima really isn’t a good tank outside of flying teams.
  19. Yes, but if she wasn’t colorless it would be one less problem to deal with. Her being colorless does more harm thsn good. Plus it also means she won’t be able to fight back effectively. Honestly, F!Grima is arguably the weakest dragon unit currently.
  20. Of course she can be good with the right set up. That’s not my point. The problem is, like Ice Dragon said, that she needs a set up to be good. Besides F!Grima has 3 weaknesses, Falchion/Naga, Bows and Raven Tomes. And yes, she does have skills in her base kit that helps deal with those weaknesses, but you have to give up the precious A and B skill slots for that. Meaning she would to have to give up many useful skills such as Quick Riposte, Renewal, Fury, Vantage, Death Blow and so on. Do you see the problem now?
  21. Much like Ice Dragon said, Colorless is a terrible color for tanking. F!Grima is a prime example of that. She has a great stat spread for a defensive unit, but her color and Movement type harm her tanking capabilities. It shows how much color can affect a unit’s performance.
  22. I wouldn’t mind another Fallen Heroes banner, with more dark versions of the heroes, for example: Puppet Ninian, from when Nergal controlled her Chaos Ike, based on the TCG version Deadlord Brigid, she’s not in the game yet, but neither was Hardin Feral Rajaion, he was never really a playable character, and never even spoke, but it would be pretty fitting for him to be in a banner like this.
  23. To be fair, was thinking that the whole color thing would only aply to the player, like Supports bonuses to avoid this kind of problem actually.
  24. I always thought that some units would be much better if they were of different colors. For example Summer Leo and Lyon would be much better if they were Green and Hinata and F!Grima would be better tanks if they were blue. Do you guys ever wish for a skill that reversed the Weapon Triangle or change a unit’s color? Which units do you think would be stronger if they were of a different color? Or do you think changing a unit’s color or reversing the Weapon Triangle would be too broken?
  25. Glasses already existed in medival, but since they were rare, it makes sense that most didn’t bring them into battle. That being said all characters with glasses and monocles are ranged fighters who doesn’t participate in front lines, so in a way it’s still accurate. It’s funny, we say a lot of shit about some fashion designs in Fire Emblem, bit they aren’t inaccurate as we think. For example, we complain about fanservice and girls showing cleavege, but clothes that show cleavege are older than we think. Hell, some noble women wore dressed that outright showed their breasts from what I’ e heard. And speaking of fanservice, Camilla’s armor, while still weird, is not bad as we think, because since she riding a flying creature, armor doesn’t really help much and also adds weight. Really, most flier units shouldn’t be wearing armor at all.
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