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Water Mage

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Everything posted by Water Mage

  1. I know that, but what would she gain by holding a grudge against him? Her options were either spend eternity bitter at him or be with him who does seem to genuinely want to make her happy this time. She picked the option that would be easier on both of them. And again, they’re both dead, so no matter how horrible his actions were, and that it is his fault that they died, the only thing Rinea would gain by not forgiving is being bitter. So why would hold grudge? She’s not getting anything out it. There’s no point.
  2. The first one, I agree. But on the second point, like I said before she’s dead and he’s dead. There’s not much she can do to him. Why spend eternity holding a grudge? Besides, Berkut seemed regret what he did to her and he seemed pretty miserable. Even if she blamed him, it wouldn’t make him feel more guilty. There’s not really much point in holding a grudge against someone who are at their lowest. It really wouldn’t make Rinea happier.
  3. Well, most of the situations that we see them interact happens when he’s pissed of, so we don’t how they are like when he’s calm. The pairing needed to be explored more. And about Berkut being forgiven to easily by Rinea may not seem right, to be fair they were both dead. Not much point in punishing him. Maybe Rinea didn’t want to spend eternity holding a grudge.
  4. I’m curious to see what skills they will have. I’m pretty sure Nanna will have either a Drive Skill or a Buff Cavalry Skill to reflect her having Charm in the original game. I wonder if they will have a skill to reflect the dismounting mechanic in Thracia. Maybe the Tactics skill?
  5. Considering we currently 15 games, it’s kinda hard to see what they mean “half”. Also, I’ve heard rumors that the japanese described him as a “bad guy”, so it could be a villain like Ardyn and villains from XI or XIV. Then again, japanese is kinda of a weird language to translate, so when they said “bad guy”, it could be something like a scoundrel or a trickster. A character from the latter half that fits that description would be Balthier, which would make sense as he was considered for the original Dissidia.
  6. http://www.siliconera.com/2018/03/07/dissidia-final-fantasy-nt-reveal-new-male-character-march-13/ A new male character will be revealed in March 13 and will be from the newer half of games. But from which game does the newer half starts? Is it 7 or 8?
  7. Duessel, he’s the only one who actually realizes there’s something wrong with Vigarde. And I like the fact that in a way, his morality and experience was reward. As in, he survived. I loved the fact that the oldest Grado General was the one who survived. In these type of stories usually the older one dies and the younger one lives.
  8. Honestly, it’s a pretty good game. The gameplay is incredible and the battles feel really fast. The battle system is also pretty creative abd enjoyable. I really wish people gave it more of a chance, look beyond first impressions. I can be annoying that Itsuki is forced, but at the very least he’s a decent party member. He can also heal, which means you can relegate him to healing duty if he’s getting behind in damage dealing.
  9. That what I was thinking about, but doesn’t Loptyr fully control Julius in the last chapter? I believe in Julia even mentions in her boss quote against Julius, that her brother was taken away from her.
  10. This thread made me realize that there is a character that I really want explored more: Julius. While it would be easy to think of him as a generic evil sorcerer, the game seems to imply that he wasn’t always evil, so it would be interesting to to explore how he was before being corrupted. When you think about it, Julius’s story is actually pretty tragic, considering he was practically bred to evil. If Julius ever appears in Heroes, it would be interesting to portray him struggling with his possession.
  11. Actually I prefer the single game to be Birthright. Not because it has a simple and safe story, but becauseI think it has more potential as story than the other two. They could focus more on Corrin’s status a Lord who betrayed the country that raised him, having Corrin have hard time getting most of the Hoshidans to trust him. Explore more of Felicia’s “betrayal” of the Ice Tribe, and having Rinkah and Fuga recognize her as a member of the Ice Tribe. Also explore Silas’s betrayal of Nohr. Having Silas agonize over fighting his own countrymen. Keep the fact that Corrin is not really related to the Hoshidans, but add things like making Ryoma feel guilty about having Corrin betray Nohr over lie, and Corrin being pretty pissed when finding about the truth. Having characters like Oboro realize that Nohr isn’t really an evil country, something like her saying “these poor people really are my most hated enemies?”, having Kaden playing more of a role in the story, considering he’s arguably the oldest character in the game, not counting Anankos and the Rainbow Sage, so Kaden could know about the Valla and so on. Seriously, Birthright has the potential to be a really dark story, even more than Conquest.
  12. I never said it was a mass shooting, but still was a murder in a campus. It shouldn’t happen, and should have gotten more attention than it did. But because few people died, people aren’t paying enough attention. Which is wrong. Really, really wrong. I’m really sorry if I sounded pushy, but it’s just that I feared that people are becoming used to it, and thus will not talk about things like this when it happens. To be honest, when I wrote that I was just disturbed that people were barely talking about it and that because it was a smaller scale incident, people weren’t nearly as interesting in it. Like I said before, people are getting used to this sort of thing, which wrong and incredibly disturbing. I wrote that without thinking, so again, I apologize for being pushy. I really shouldn’t have asked to pin this thread.
  13. Considering the situation of the actual continent, a war that involves the entire continent is too unlikely, but some wide-eyed idealists can get in the way. He had to make plans to make sure those idealists, such as Ike and Sanaki, wouldn’t get in the way of war that spans the continent.
  14. I would disagree. Rudolph’s plot is pretty convoluted.
  15. Yet another shooting, this in a Michigan University. Two are confirmed dead. But most details are scarce. This is going beyond tragic going straight into ridiculous. Which feels really wrong. And @eclipse, do you think you could pin this? With this third one, I have this horrid feeling that school shootings will be a “thing” this year.
  16. While I do agree that she should have apologized, her secrecy is justified by one important fact. She’s an alien, and as it is shown, not everyone in NLA likes aliens. And considering Elma wants to keep herself as neutral as possible, the guise of a human is the most justified. We also don’t how people would react, if panic happens it could be disastrous, because considering the situation they are in, cooperation is the most important fact for survival in Mira.
  17. The fact that they think of each siblings is what pretty much cements their relationship as romantic. In pretty much all anime and japanese games, whenever there’s a male character and a female character who think of each as siblings, it’s always come with romantic overtones. The “like brother and sister” romance is incredibly popular in Japan, and in harem anime and games, there’s always the “sister” romance option, which is always a popular character. Why do you think the “little sister enamored with her older brother” archetype, like Lachesis, Clarine, Priscilla and Clair, is so common in Fire Emblem? @Etrurian emperor About Michalis getting an undeserved happy endings: It’s implied that Michalis did all his crimes for the sake of making Macedon a powerful country. And patriotism is a powerful weapon. Him being seen as a patriotic king probably made him very popular with some more patriotic citzens, despite his brutalities. Hell, Minerva might be remembered as a bad queen because she wasn’t patriotic enough. Because of his patriotism, it wouldn’t suprise me if would let him rule again, despite him committing regicide/patricide.
  18. Just because Geoffrey and Elincia grew up together doesn’t mean they thought of each other as siblings. Plus their support can be seen as romantic. Actually there was moment. A base conversation between Geoffrey and Elincia in Chapter 2-3. It definitely seems that the attraction is mutual.
  19. I absolutely despise ending where hero “disappears forever”. It’s so obvious that they writes didn’t know what to do. The only type of trope I hate more is when a villain is defeated by the hero and it seems like the villain will get a redemption arc and join the heroes, but then something happens and the villain dies protecting the hero. Redemption arcs have so much amazing potential and are usually the best part of a story, so it infuriates me when this trope happens because it’s so much missed potential.
  20. I wonder where those people who posted here that teachers should be armed are now?
  21. Sorry, guess I didn’t read it right. But I was thinking, you know what’s even worse? That while is great thing that no one died, it also means that this incident will barely get any attention. Which is a really bad thing.
  22. Even if he is making a stand, this proves how easy it is for a teacher to end killing students. Or how easy it is to get a gun and invade a school.
  23. Speaking of which: https://twitter.com/i/moments/968899764908642306?s=13 Yes, arming teachers is a great idea.
  24. Changed the name. Think I’m gonna wait until we see more to distribute the blessings. is it coming tomorrow?
  25. You know, I realized that when a gets attention, particularly a lord, suddenly out of nowhere a lot of people appear that claims to hate them. And neglected units suddenly have a lot of fans, like what’s happening with Marth. It’s going to be ridiculous if this happens every time a legendary hero is announced that isn’t an OC.
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