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Water Mage

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Everything posted by Water Mage

  1. This reminds me, there are very few FE characters with glasses. Makes sense, a glasses were rare in medieval times and only nobility had them. There are 3 characters with glasses Miriel, Laurent and Yukikura. Yukimura is a noble, and Mirel is very likely to be a noble herself so it makes sense for them to have glasses.
  2. I know it’s a joke in the fandom and all, but man this makes the “Goku in Smash” joke more likely. And that’s pretty hilarious. That aside I didn’t knew the Famicom had so many Anime games. Thought that trend started in the Gamecube/PS2 era.
  3. When think about it, Shigure’s role in the story is very similar to Lucina’s. And he’s actually a better character than her in that regard. Plus his singing is amazing! Matthew Mercer is one hell of a singer!
  4. It’s not quite an alt. Alt is a completely different character.
  5. I was spared by Thanos! I knew the man was good judge of character!
  6. Julius sounds like such a brat...and I love it! And again, Robbie Daymond is amazing as Ares! The guy is an amazing voice actor!
  7. To be fair, Ares and Lene do have a connection and often put together. Their romance is almost canon even. So it makes sense for the two being in the same banner.
  8. Pretty interesting banner, and suprised that Ishtar isn’t a GHB. I wonder if Ishtar will have a Bound Hero Battle with Reinhardt, it would make sense. And damn! Robbie Daymond sounds amazing as Ares! This is why he’s my favorite voice actor, and why I love pretty much every character voiced by him.
  9. https://mobile.twitter.com/TristanACooper/status/993492055392432130 Guess the E3 leaks are starting. That being said, the game looks really interesting. EDIT: Forget this! I think this is a hoak. Could a mod delete this thread?
  10. I hope it happens more. I can think of some alts already: Peach: Daisy Sheik: Impa Robin: Grima Cloud: Zack Fox: James Ryu: Ken There are more examples that I’m probably missing.
  11. Again, you are proving my point. You’re not willing to care about the things they care. And yes it takes two people to argue. But that doesn’t stop you from putting the past behind. And if you never had to deal with that before because you didn’t interact with enough people, again, you prove my point.
  12. Online interactions doesn’t really count, because it’s much easier to deal with disagreement when you can’t see the person’s face or hear their voice. It makes you a lot bolder as well. And that isn’t a good thing.
  13. Yes that is true. Otherwise you wouldn’t have this problem in this first place. For what other reason you failed at friendships if not because the person you were trying to be friends with wasn’t what you wanted them to be? Or because they said something you didn’t agree with? And trust me, there is nothing, and I do mean NOTHING good about emptiness. It will without a doubt fuck up your mind.
  14. You believe you didn’t do anything wrong? That’s your problem right there. You’re expecting people to be act as you want them to act, to say only things you want to listen. You want friends who will never disagree with you. And that’s wrong. You’re going to deal with things you don’t like. You HAVE to deal things you don’t like. Life much more colorful that way. And the emptiness won’t gradually hurt your body, but it will fuck up your mind.
  15. Learn what you did wrong, and change. And that friendship thing isn’t for you? Of course it is! Of fucking course it is! There’s not a single human being in this world who is not cut for friendship. And the “emptiness” doesn’t bother you? Of course it doesn’t! It never will. Doesn’t mean it isn’t bad for you. I mean, lots of unhealthy food taste good. Doesn’t mean they are good for you.
  16. Why give up? Because it’s painful? Well, yeah, of course it’s painful. But that’s no reason to stop. Use that pain to learn. Because the alternative, having no friends, is much, much worse. It’s an empty life. Happy, but empty, like a garden of fake flowers. Good for show and nothing else.
  17. Nothing good is coming out of trying to make friends or interact with people? Keep trying. Do you how many people live in this world? There could be someone you end getting along with. Of course there equal chances of this not happening. You might search for a friend your entire life and you may never find one. But that’s okay, because at least you searched.
  18. You said that a bunch of social interaction caused you trouble and made you miserable? Good. That’s how life is supposed to be. If success was guaranteed in life we never get anything done. Having your opinions being constantly challenged and disproven is a healthy thing. Because it allows us to grow, to take a better a look at ourselves and become better people. Doing only things that makes you happy is incredibly harmful to your mental health, because your mind won’t learn how deal with problems. Being miserable, being sad, being angry...they are important to life. Because it teaches us that the world isn’t tailor-made for us. And that’s how it should be. If the world was filled with only things that makes me happy, it would lead me to live an incredibly unfulfilling life. Feeling pain is proof that you’re alive.
  19. As person who considers himself to be antisocial, prefers to be alone and has very little friends, I have to say, yes, it is unhealthy to be antisocial and friendless. Why? Because humans are social creatures, we cannot live by ourselves. Our own thoughts would eventually drive us insane. And limiting our interactions with people make us self centered, selfish and arrogant. It is very important to listen to people who have new and different perspectives to share. Perspectives that might not be in line with yours. Perspectives that might hurt you. The most damaging thing you can do for your life is create an ivory tower of perceived reality & neglect to look outside of it. To avoid interactions with others to avoid pain is easiest way to go mad.
  20. When I saying date and special events, I didn’t mean the story. I’ve meant the the release date for the future DLCs, and that perhaps that the Blazblue/RWBY/UNIB franchises will get something special as way to commemorate the release of the game.
  21. Voices are looking pretty good so far, but I’m disappointed that the story is typical crossover stuff, so much potential lost. Anyway, I just remembered that this game and the Persona dancing games will be released around the same time, May 31 and May 24 respectively. And oddly enough, Labrys and Sho Minazuki two characters from the Persona Arena were announced as DLC for the dancing games, which many people found odd. Perhaps there’s a connection? Will Labrys and Sho be available on the same day that BBCTB is released? Are there any events involving BlazBlue/RWBY/UNIB that happens in late May? It could make predicting dates easier.
  22. Actually Nyx herself she admits she killed people for fun, while experimenting with spells. The incident you mention was simply what set her curse off. She even mentions that she cast the spell in jest. Regardless, my point is not that she killed innocents, and I can tell we would end up derailing the thread discussing it so let’s just drop it, but rather that her personality fit the villains “archetypes”.
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