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Water Mage

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Everything posted by Water Mage

  1. Not criticizing you or anything, you’re free to your opinon and I can understand seeing a character in different style beig weird, but I find ironic that you call it unofficial when many are artists from famous series. From the Fire Emblem series we have Wada Sachiko and Senri Kita for example. But we also have character designers who worked on things like Etrian Odyssey, Ace Attorney, Haruhi Suzumiya Series, A Certain Magical Index, The Twelve Kingdoms and many more. Those are some pretty big names, so it is weird when you say the artwork “lacks veneer of official polish”.
  2. To be fair, if they were a little more clever with the marketing, the reaction wouldn’t be so bad, especially with Blake and Yang being DLC. If they did something like announcing 4/5 characters from each franchise before announcing C reaction wouldn’t be so bad. And I’m very suprised they still haven’t announced Tsubaki and Hakumen.
  3. Actually, since Sothe barely uses HP and Res, your Sothe could be pretty much considered neutral. He arguably the best dagger out there, so I would say keep him.
  4. Oh, there will be salt regardless of who wins. But if you see the comments of some of the people who doesn’t want V!Ike, you will see people spreading lies about how he’s a bad unit. Seriously is getting ridiculous.
  5. Actually, the situation is kinda reversed. People are being way more salty towards V!Ike than Winter Tharja. If you want chaos, vote for V!Ike.
  6. As someone who also doing has an auto Lunatic-5 team, your problem doesn’t suprise, and to be fair, the other units love buffing Lillina, so it’s not suprising that your team dies by then. My team survived a few times, but it's a rare occurrence.
  7. I’m really suprised at how bitter and salty people are being, especially towards Ike. I’ve seem people saying that he’s a terrible unit and so on. Damn, they’re really being immature.
  8. You know, I’m tired of people bringing the Second Amendment when this subject comes up. I may get flak for this, but the Second Amendment is quite frankly, bullshit. I was something that was in 1791, a time where things where very different compared to nowadays. I find it ridiculous that something decided in 1791, where people thought much differently back then, still affects the US. And the idea that people need guns to protect themselves is also ridiculous. Are those people really ready kill what they deem dangerous? What if the kill someone by accident thinking it was a thief? And the door/window analogy still works because it’s not that windows are only other way. The idea was that thieves will always find a way in, so what’s the point of having doors?
  9. All right, since against gun control then answer me this: How many times in your entire life have you felt the need to use a gun? How many times having a gun in your home felt like a safe thing to do?
  10. I do wonder how many people against gun control actually used their guns at all... And I will understand people who say “Gun control won’t work because they can get guns illegally”. If you follow that logic, what’s the point of having doors if thieves can go through windows?
  11. This TT is making me realize how bulky Clarine is. For a mounted healer that is, because they’re usually really fragile, but Clarine is tanking a lot hits! I know she got boosted stats and all, but still surprising.
  12. Wait, really? Guess I was wrong then. I wonder if they were Armored units then. That explains a lot actually. Especially considering Warriors’s choice of characters and the Seasonal units. I wonder if they already had Brave versions of characters that they expected to win.
  13. Ah, so I wasn’t the only one who ran inot a weaponless Zelgius. A nice throwback to the first chapter of FE6!
  14. I think all of last year’s seasonsal, even the Christmas ones, were already decided since February. There’s even proof of that, which Christmas Robin and Tharja.
  15. I wasn’t speaking for everyone, I’m quite aware that there are people, like you, who dislike. I merely spoke I what I is believe is best for everyone. I never said it’s what everyone wanted.
  16. There’s something beautiful a theme being vaugue. Themes doesn’t need to scream what they are about, otherwise they will lose their uniqueness fast, but something more simple and subdued like the Valentines will make a longer and more powerful impression because it make it obvious. It makes the theme far more enjoyable for everyone.
  17. Sharla gets a whole bunch, but they aren’t very useful as the game goes on, Riki gets only one, but it’s all really needs since it heals more when the characters have debuffs. It’s useful the entire game, plus he’s much tankier than Sharla making him the more effective healer. He can also inflict pretty much every status effect in the game which is incredible. Riki truly shines at boss battles, which is ironic considering he’s a comic relief character with little relevance to the story.
  18. 1.Riki 2.Dunban 3.Shulk 4.Melia 5.Reyn 6.Sharla I ranked this in terms of gameplay. Riki’s strong, and an amazing boss killer. He actually has more HP than Reyn, not a joke. He’s bulkier than Reyn. He’s also a better healer than Sharla, who really lags behind as the game goes on. Don’t fall into the pitfall of thinking that Riki is a joke character, he’s ridiculously good.
  19. I think the reason Hector is an Axe Armour is because if his title “Just Here to Fight”, and if you watch the trailer, there a part where Hector asks why the others are wielding goofy weapons in an actual fight.
  20. I just realized that being a TT reward might be great for Eliwood. Considering his stats, a neutral IV is actually pretty good for him.
  21. Balls are often know as romantic events, particulary in medieval times and fairy tales, a good example is Cinderella. It looks pretty clear that these characters are going to a fairy tale like ball. Fits Valentine’s day pretty well.
  22. So apparently that thing on the upper left of the battle screen is a new mode that only Legendary units and blessed units can participate that starts on March. What will it be about? And more reasons to vote for Legendary Ike it seems.
  23. Actually, it’s a mode that only Legendary units and Blessed unirs can participate. More reasons to vote for V!Ike I suppose.
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