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Water Mage

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Everything posted by Water Mage

  1. I would say that Pokemon has the opposite problem. They focus too much on the female player characters, that the male one hardly gets attention sometimes.
  2. From what I’ve heard, when there are polls like this in Japan, the majority of voters are usually female.
  3. Nintendo Dream has just released a popularity poll for humans and Pokemon: http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/344/182/41f.jpg http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/344/181/a38.jpg Your thoughts?
  4. I want those two as well. People would probably complain about Chrom or Ike Emblem, but it’s a cool idea. And I get the feeling they would make Beserk Ike an armor. There are other possibilities as well, such as puppet Julia, beserk Hector, beserk Tiki, puppet Ninian, crazed Corrin, deadlord Tharcia characters, Rigelian Alm...
  5. But isn’t Male Robin the more popular one? Female Robin doesn’t seem to be popular as a “waifu”, at least when compared to the other female Avatar, Corrin. EDIT: Oops, @Nanima already said it.
  6. I think it’s because Cipher and Warriors had female Robin possessed that they went with Male Robin this time.
  7. Actually M!Robin and F!Robin do have different personalities. M!Robin is calmer and smarter, while F!Robin is more agressive.
  8. I love the idea of this banner, and while I understand why they aren’t there, Rise King Chrom and Beserk Ike from TCG would be interesting, even though they already got 3 versions.
  9. I was thinking more of a Geosphere Staff. It could be a powered up version of Pain, plus Geosphere gives a critical boost to allies, so this could be translated into Heroes as giving -1 special cooldown when healing an ally.
  10. Considering we had red, blue and green legendary heroes, I imagine the next one will be colorless. Perhaps a Staff wielding Marth? It may sound silly at first but it makes sense actually. It fits his personality and it could be a reference to his sister.
  11. Is anyone else suprised that Tsubaki and Hakumen still hasn’t been announced for Blazblue Cross Tag? I mean, even Platinum already got revealed.
  12. Well, Eliwood is supposed to be sick, so his appearance makes sense. To be fair to Arvis, it is implied that it was the stress that aged him so badly.
  13. Well, if they add Nana, she has very high chances of being a Staff unit. Unless they make her into a mounted sword. But Awakening and Binding need new banners. We had no new Eibe characters since the Blazing Shadows banner, and Klein is the only new Binding character. And ironically, we had no new Awakening unit since launch.
  14. Not to crush your dreams, but it is very unlikely that Laura Bailey will reprise her role as Platinum and Rise if she appears.
  15. Ah, I didn’t notice it before, so my bad. Thought it was only added today.
  16. Yeah, but he’s sort manipulated into becoming a traitor, so it’s not quite the same.
  17. It’s in the notifications on the Home screen in the game.
  18. Some say that Conquest Corrin had the most lost potential but I disagree. Birthright Corrin had more potential in my opinion. I mean, it’s first we get a Lord that betrays the nation they belonged. A Traitor Lord had so much potential, it’s a shame they went with the classic Fire Emblem plot with Birthright.
  19. According to IS the current standing are: First Place: Ike Second Place: Hector Third Place: Tharja Fourth Place: Azura For all the hype surrounding her, Tharja is ranking lower than I thought.
  20. They are not saying Axura is bad for everyone , only that she is bad for the people who already have her. All the other 3 has SI potential, but not Axura.
  21. I did with BK, W!Robin, H!Henry and H!Jakob. Armor March didn’t help as nearly as a I thought it would. Jakob was the MVP there, though him being +4 helped. Mind you, it was having a +4 Jakob was dumb luck.
  22. They have been spreading lies about L!Ike being a bad unit. I’ve seen tons of people saying that regular Ike is better than L!Ike. It’s getting ridiculous.
  23. As someone who cleared this with Armor Emblem, it was easier than you might think.
  24. The reason why people are salty towards Ike this time is because they want Thatja as a unit or fodder, most of them doesn’t care for her as a character.
  25. Does Fire Emblem have a “house style” though? Even in the same game, it was often there aren’t a lot of unifying factors. Besides my problem itself wasn’t the fact that he didn’t like the fact that the characters looksd different from their original games, I can understand why didn’t like it even though I don’t share his opinion. It was calling it “unofficial” that kinda bugged me, since those artists were hired by IS, so by logic, they are “officiall”. But your comment made me realize that perhaps I was harsh on him, I mean, some characters do look very different in Heroes, so I can see why he would think that the different art styles made the art look bad in his eyes.
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