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Water Mage

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Everything posted by Water Mage

  1. What male perspective? As Abvora said, Azura's husband has to be someone very patient and encouraging with her. Not exactly the "ideal woman". Wait, we weren't before?
  2. Problem is both Houndour and Numel, both great Fire-types are available early game, giving little reason to use Flareon.None of the other Eevee evolutions faces such competion in XD. Back on topic, if I'm not mistaken, my first was a Squirtle from my Red copy. Now that I think about it I got my Pokemon Red cartridge before Yellow was released. Has it been that long already? Damn, I've been playing Pokemon for 18 years now.
  3. Really? Azura doesn't really seem the perfect wife to me. While she's a nice person, she's also a loner by nature and difficult to deal with. She also bad at dealing with energetic and cheery people like Elise and Keaton. She's also got a very low self-esteem, blames herself a lot, and tend keep her troubles to herself. Azura can be a really good person, but she has flaws that keep her from being the perfect wife.
  4. Aren't you contradicting yourself here?You complain about Anankos being too easy, and yet you love the fact that you can oneshot Grima? Because not everyone has their Avatar as Dark Flier?And even them Kaze's death is avoidable. If you never gave the game a chance, how can you judge it fairly?You can't call a game bad if you nevet gave it a chance. Are you complaing that they made getting skills more simple? That they made things more convenient? You complained about RGN screwing you, and yet praise the fact that Dual Guard can screw you?Sorry, I'm not picking on you, but you keep contradicting yourself. I have to point these things out.
  5. MK7 also commited thd greatteat sin of all. They removed Waluigi as a playable character! It would be one thing if it was a meaningless, bland, second-rate character with no importance like Luigi or Daisy, but they removed Waluigi, the most important Mario character of all time! Back on topic, I recently completed a game for the PS4 called Grand Kingdom, is sorta of a TRPG mixed with regular RPG. The gameplay is awesome, the music is amazing, the voice acting is top-notch, the character designs are something I would like to see in a FE game. You guys should definively give this game a try.
  6. Read the Hot Spring DLC conversation between Severa and Female Morgan.Morgan actually gives a good reason as to why Tsunderes are popular.
  7. Since when Etika is a FE youtuber? Anyway, my favorites are Pheonixmaster1 and Shadowofchaos. I've heard that Slimkirby is a Fire Emblem fan as well. Been meaning to watch his videos. Wait, seriously?!
  8. Not anymore than the other Fire Emblem games. The luck based factors are the same as the other games. Well, True Hit is gone here, so it might seem that you're missing a little more.
  9. Yeah, but it's a beach, not exactly a place one would find a Trapinch. It's more of a desert Pokemon.
  10. Just realized that there are some ripples in beach sand. Could it be where you find Sandygast?
  11. Very small news, no new Pokemon, but this video shows a side quest that seems to be referencing Pyukumuku's bio: For those who can't read japanese, this side quest is about throwing Pyukumuku at the sea. You even get paid for it!
  12. Dear god, you weren't kidding about promoted units on chapter 2! Look at the HP of he Dracoknights! It's way to high for chapter 2! And changing the subject, Jedi, your new profile picture looks pretty cool! From where and who is guy in it? I'm kinda curious.
  13. As someone who never worked at fast food, there's something I'm curious. Are the kitchens as dirty and disgusting as people say? You know, are all those rumors about McDonald's true?
  14. He's actually an amazing Dark Flier, so you could try that, having another flier doesn't hurt either.
  15. Actually, I'm not sure if her ability it's good thing to be honest. Good for her that is. She posses very low HP, and while the Seraph Robe helps, a lot of other units want the Seraph Robe as well, considering that almost everyone in Fates has low HP. Rinkah is the kind of case that while she can be good with effort, there are many other units who can her job with much less effort. While she is one the few Axe users in Birthright, there's not really a demand of Axes in that path.
  16. One of the reasons that I'm glad that I don't drink, despite being 25 years old. Though to be fair, it's mostly because I despise the taste of alchoolic drinks.
  17. She can be good, but it takes a bit of effort, and she has a bad start. And while she can be a good tank in Birthright, Oboro, Hinata and Silas all outclass Rinkah as tank. In fact, Hinata is a better Oni Savage than her, his only problem is tha he starts with E rank in Axes. Rinkah is a great pair-up bot though.
  18. Pretty much, and it's bound to become a Sandygast.Gotta hand to Game Freak, only they can sandcastles something that is creepy, scary, disturbing and nightmarish.
  19. Well, at least it still has immunity to 3 very common types, that helps right? And there are plenty of good Pokemon with bad abilities or abilities it can't use, such as Infernape, Weavile and Mamoswine. Well, Mamoswine has Thick Fat, but it's a recent thing, and Mamoswine has always been a high tier Pokemon, even before Thick Fat.
  20. In other words, Crabrawler's big meaty claws ain't just for attracting mates, right?
  21. Sandygast and Palossand have new bios: "A Sandygast emerges when the grudges of Pokémon and other creatures soak into the sand after they fall in battle. In essence, its a possessed lump of sand! If you heedlessly grab a Sandygasts shovel, youll fall under the Pokémons control. A Sandygast uses its power to manipulate children into gathering sand to increase the size of its body. If a Sandygast loses its shovel, it may put up a tree branch, a flag, or another item in its place. These Sandygast are wanderers in search of their own shovels. The tunnel-like mouth of a Sandygast can suck the vitality from people and Pokémon. Apparently its a test of courage in the Alola region to put your hand in a Sandygasts mouth." "Palossand controls human adults, making them build a sand castle that provides camouflage and also raises its defensive abilities. Unlike Sandygast, if Palossand loses some of the sand from its body, it can restore itself on its own. When moving about in search of prey, the shovel on top of Palossands head revolves. Its said that the shovel could be serving as some kind of radar. Palossand loves the vitality of Pokémon and drags small Pokémon into its body so it can steal their life force. Its sandy vortex swallows them up in a heartbeat! Pokémon dragged into Palossand leave traces of their ill will behind. Its thought that this negative energy may be the starting point of new Sandygast..." They got even creepier... Also, Sandygast weights 70 kilos and Palossand weights 250 kilos. Those things are heavy!
  22. New trailer! With a new Pokemon and english names! I love Crabrawler's eyes for some reason and Sandygast and Palossand's cries are actually kinda scary. But I still like those cries for some reason...
  23. But doesn't Heatran have a 4x weakness to Ground? And it's still weak to Water and Fighting, both very common types. I'm not saying Heatran is bad, far from it, it's an amazing tank. It also takes neutral damage from Stealh Rock. Now that I think about, I think Turtonator might end up as a UU tank.
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