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Water Mage

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Everything posted by Water Mage

  1. Don't worry. It can be something that slips the mind. Problem is, griding by nature is optional. If it's not optional, then it can't be called grinding. I don't blame for making that mistake though, considering the behavior of some people acting as if griding is obligatory.
  2. Technically speaking, griding has always been optional. You can choose not to grind at all in Birthright, and play it like Conquest if you want.
  3. I'm hoping for Vivi. I know that there are mage characters already, but they could do something different with Vivi. Maybe something based on Spellblade. Vivi could summon elemental swords and maybe even the other characrers weapons! Fire Daggers, Ice Lance and even a Thunder Fork!
  4. Even when time passes, the pain is still there. I know from experience. There's no need to feel ashamed that you aren't over it. Everyone has their time.
  5. It actually may work on their favor, since now they don't have to compete with Persona 5.
  6. Let's be honest, FF5 is probably the most fun Final Fantasy.And it's honestly hilarious at times. Actually, it was hilarious a lot of times. Speaking of new characters, Minwu has good chance of appearing. But I wonder how a White Mage character would play. And it's ironic and great that out of all White Mages if the series, they probably will pick the only male one. I love it. Then again, Hope could be considered a White Mage.
  7. Just saw it. ... ... ... Ever been so dumbfounded in your life that you're literally left speechless? You weren't kidding when you said it was bad.
  8. It's both a good and a bad thing to be honest. Good because every game feels fresh and new, bad because as Jedi says, it torns up the fandom. Back on topic, what character and stage do you think will be revealed next? Considering Garland, Kefka and Kain were revealed, they seem to be going for popular characters, so it wouldn't suprise if Sephiroth is the next revealed fighter. As for stages, my guesses are Dalmascan Easternsand, the Feymarch and Balamb Garden.
  9. If it helps, every Final Fantasy has a completely different gameplay. Not a single game plays similar to another. So one could say there's real starting point in the series. That being said, 4 had the most simple gameplay, which is why many recommend it as a starting point.
  10. I've heard of those 10 last minutes before, but I haven't seen the movie yet. Out of morbid curiosity, could you tell what those past 10 minutes are? I have an idea what it may be...but I'm not sure.
  11. If you were to start playing FF games now, I would suggest FF4.It's the best one for begginers. FF5 is good too, because the job system in the game is incredibly fun. In my opinion, it has the best job system of any game.
  12. Kiragi: Love him, so cool and cheerful, there's little to dislike about him. He's such good son to his dad as well. Forrest: Great character, and his gimmick is done in a suprisingly respectful way. It's really interesting to see his interactions with other characters. I really like Forrest in Heirs of Fates. It shows that he is definitively Leo's kid. You can see that Forrest inherited Leo's pragmatic nature and that Forrest is a great leader. Seriously, like eclipse said, Forrest has the potential to be a great politician.
  13. There's an armory in the Supply section of the preparation screen, so you can get Flux as soon as Chapter 4.
  14. Yup, Odin doesn't really need Malefic Aura.
  15. Both are great in the class actually. Making them both Dark Falcons is not a bad idea actually.
  16. I FINALLY FOUND THE REASON FOR TEAM SKULL'S STRANGE POSE! For some reason, this makes me like them even more now.
  17. You are aware that Hoshido did all of this in self-defense right? Nohr attacked them for no reason before all of this, so this is all justified. About the characters, won't post all of them, becuase it's a litte too much. Shiro: My favorite kid. Great design, great personality and great unit. There's very little to dislike in Shiro. Siegbert: I like him. And I like how they portrayed the pressure of being a crown prince.
  18. Speaking about the Oracle games, it's worth noting that Oracle of Seasons was originally going to be a remake of the first Zelda, and there were going to be 3 Oracle games. It works because their connection is quite minimal.
  19. If it helps, Alola Marowak is used by a Trial Captain that seems to be a fire dancer.
  20. A little late but here are the bios on the some of the Pokemon: "A single Wishiwashi is tiny and weak. Measuring just eight inches from nose to tail, Wishiwashi is very small even for a Pokémon. Yet the people of the Alola region seem to view it as a terrifying Pokémon... When its in danger, Wishiwashis glistening eyes catch the light and shine out, sending an SOS signal to its allies! Wishiwashi that have encountered many dangerous situations and have a lot of experience calling on their allies will be able to emit a bright light from their eyes. They can gather allies and transform into an even more powerful Pokémon! Even Gyarados flee from Wishiwashis School Form!" "Due to their appearance and their lifestyle, Pyukumuku are considered unappealing to tourists. Part-time work chucking Pyukumuku back into the sea is available at tourist beaches. But no matter how far theyre thrown, Pyukumuku will always return to the same spot. Once a Pyukumuku finds a place it likes, it wont budge from it. If someone moves it away, back it comes to the same spot. If it runs out of food to eat in that spot, itll stay thereand starve. The people of Alola found this so pitiful that they developed a tradition of chucking Pyukumuku back into the food-rich sea whenever they come across any thin-bellied Pyukumuku. Pyukumuku are covered with a slippery, viscous fluid that has a moisturizing effect. Pyukumuku can stay on land for a week without drying out. The people of Alola use this fluid for skincare products. Pyukumuku hate to have their spikes and mouths touched, and if you step on one, it will hurl out its fist-like inner organs to strike at you." "Morelull are nocturnal Pokémon that walk around at night on their leg-like roots. They move because staying in one spot and sucking all the nutrients from the soil would cause surrounding plants to wither. Morelull uses its leg-like roots to make contact with its fellows and communicate with them. Morelull broadcast spores that glow brightly when they burst open. Looking at their pulsing light has a soporific effect. It seems that in times of danger, Morelull broadcast these spores." Does anyone else fell sorry for Pyukumuku? The poor thing gets thrown around just bcause people don't like it. And it starves because it won't move!
  21. I love the Team Skull already. They are rapping! And is it wrong of me to be disappointed that Pyukumuku's Innards Out ability isn't as gruesome as we though? And about getting the original forms of the Alola Form Pokemon, I'm pretty sure there will something like a post-game area in Alola that has a similar climate to the other regions, and the Pokemon will have their original forms.
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