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Everything posted by Zephrion

  1. What did I tell you about being excessively British in front of people?
  2. I went on the computer and played Sonic Chronicles all day. Also I saw Pineapple Express. Pretty awesome, no?
  3. This statement describes SF perfectly. On a personal note, I can't remember the last time I clicked on a forum below General Forums. <_<
  4. If that's true, how can you talk to Bianchi?
  5. I love how you leave for a month, come back, make an incredibly random topic, then leave again.
  6. I hope you realize that Raven isn't a mod or anything, and is incapable of giving you and actual prize. >_>
  7. How does Goku's hair stay so spiky all the time? This question has haunted mankind since the beginning of time. At first, I jumped to the obvious conclusion -- Goku goes through gallons of hair gel each day, perhaps more if he goes SS3. However, this hypothesis was soon proved false by the Gotenks Paradox, presented by Dr. Wily at the Global Supervillians Convention in 2003. While gallons of hair gel may SEEM correct, one must take into account one simple fact: Children could not afford such large amounts of hair gel on a weekly allowance. This led me to believe there was something more...some fact that was missing. Then it hit me It hit me like a ton of empty hair gel bottles. The secret to the spiky hair, nay, THE SECRET TO SUPER SAIYANS THEMSELVES. Science. Now I am fully aware of the popular opinion of Science. It being a mere fantasy, something parents tell bedtime stories to their children about to help them sleep better. Well I assure you...Science is all too real. And it was this mindblowing conclusion that helped me realize it. With the hair gel theory disproven, there were little other options... Until, I realized... The secret was flight. How do saiyans acheive flight? Yet another boggling question that has remained unanswered for over a millenia. Well I am here to prove to you that the secret to a saiyan's flight is not magic, or anything of the sort. IT IS SCIENCE! Their mastery over the phenomena known as GRAVITY enables them to soar through the air like a bird! The saiyans not only used this for flight, but for training purposes as well, to ready them for interplanetary combat. Now what does gravity have to do with a saiyan's hair? Elementary, my dear Tv.com. While it is true that saiyans already have a mastery of gravity, Super Saiyan forms drives that mastery through the roof! Their power is so great...they have found a way to REVERSE gravity in a small space, condensing it and driving it in any direction they PLEASE. Kamehameha? Gravity compressed into an orb and let out through a small hole, creating a beamlike result. Spirit Bomb? Gravity absorbed from the very PLANET itself into a massive energy, which is hurled at the enemy with enough force to create a gaping hole in space-time itself! And this very manipulation of gravity, a SCIENTIFIC CONCEPT, allows saiyans to force their hair in any direction they please, spike it, and harden it, to the point where it could even cut diamonds, or decapitate an innocent civilian who happens to be standing within 50 feet. However, why the saiyans would choose to do such a silly thing as manipulate their hair is beyond me. Bunch of nuts.
  8. *plays the world's smallest violin for Snow Storm*
  9. I really feel like I've learned a little more about you now, Guy_Cecil.
  10. It seems the contents of this topic includes spoilers as well. :o
  11. Zephrion


    Just one more then RFoF can truly be the Fourth Fox. Even if she was the first Oh. Hi, btw. Welcome. XD
  12. The trick is getting the Creativity Circle to beat the crap out of it.
  13. They were already disabled... ._.
  14. You cured Lyle of his pervertedness?
  15. ##Vote: Meta Kirby JUST to kick him when he's down.
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