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Everything posted by Medeus

  1. They did it before, back in Spring 2017 they broke up the two SoV banners with Ike and the rest of the Greil Mercenaries. I remember because everyone speculated that Celica's banner would come immediately after Alm's and then we got blindsided by PoR.
  2. They had Gunnthra immediately follow Fjorm, Hector come two months after Lyn, and Tiki immediately following Marth. They're not adverse to having Legendaries/Mythics from the same game be released close together, so nothing stops them from adding Athos immediately after Eliwood. With that said, Sothis is an option for the reasons you stated. She may be another option for Light based on what we know so far.
  3. Definitely, though the question comes down to whether she'd be Red. Her main weapon Judge is treated as Light magic and it's almost been consistently Blue in Heroes, so there's a fair chance she may follow suit there.
  4. Assuming that the next Mythic Hero is Red and either Light or Dark, the choices seem limited. For Light, the only real option I can think of is Athos. He's associated with Fire, so Red, he has an elevated role due to being a legendary hero, and he has a role that would make him more tangible to players since unlike the rest of the Elibe heroes he was a major character in Blazing Blade. The only thing that may hold him back is that he could be held off for Anima or (less likely) Astra since he has more in common with those elements. Anri is also possible due to being a sword, though having him right after Eliwood could be seen as redundant. As for Dark, it's mostly between Medeus and Formortiis since those are the only two godlike characters that could be red. Bramimond is also a possible dark horse, though I'm not sure they'd go for him since he's less notable then the other two.
  5. This banner's probably a skip for me. I like Yarne, but despite his unique niche vs. the other Beast units I already have both Kaden and Ranulf, and I don't care about the rest. At best I'll use my free summon to see if I can get lucky and pull him, otherwise I'm saving my orbs.
  6. Did a quick last minute summon and managed to get Fjorm, so I was able to complete the FE quartet like I was hoping to do. I wish I could've done more with the event itself as leaving Alfonse's trial unbeaten still hurts, but I managed to get a decent amount of badges and valor so at least I can get some nice upgrade material out of it. Now it's back to preparing for High Middy, I just need to figure out if I want to stick with Verica or switch over to Marth.
  7. Cleared Infernal on the third try, Keaton with Kaden's buffs ate everything except for the Firesweep Bow flier who was easy pickings without anyone to support her.
  8. Eh, skip. Berkut and Mareeta are nice, but I couldn't care less about Corrin and Tiki doesn't interest me in the slightest.
  9. Between being able to equip two Wyrmprints and the ability to buy Wyrmprints with Eldwater after the update that issue has become much less problematic. As for the dragons, it depends on the builds as none of the HM builds require more then one unbinding of 5 star dragons (which you can do through Moonstones) while a number of them require it with HBH, Void battles also don't require it. Additionally, with the update getting 5 star dragons will be easier and focus banners with them on it are rotated in between new ones usually bimonthly. It really isn't any worse then having to get high merges and premium skills in FEH to compete in high tier arena and AR. Also, grinding has gotten progressively easier in DL through QoL updates through events (ex. WP that are given out during the event that boost the amount of points and materials you get), putting coveted rewards like the 5 star dragons at lower tiers, and general updates like the speed-up option allowing for quick auto-battle clears. In general, the game has gotten a lot more F2P friendly over the months.
  10. The fact that Skrimir, Ena, Nasir and Kurthnaga aren't popular will always be disappointing to me. Skrimir as you said has a good arc and the other three have some of the strongest characters of the franchises different dragon tribes, they really should get more love.
  11. Eh, it wasn't nearly that deep in RD, and I'd argue it fit the character more in terms of tone.
  12. No, my remaining orbs! Finally, after waiting two years Ranulf is finally in the game. I've been waiting for him for so long, so I'm happy he's finally here. I'll be spending my remaining orbs on him and then figure out a good build from there.
  13. Last minute wishes: Mass demotion, DL Collab, New Heroes/GHB, refines, new mode. I'll break out the wine.
  14. Sword: Larcei Lance: Cormag Axe: Jill Bow: Brigid Dagger: Patty Red Tome: Knoll Blue Tome: Selena Green Tome: Ced Staff: Lena Breath: Nasir if he counts, Medeus otherwise. Beast: Ranulf
  15. Good to see Yune, I always liked her in RD so it's nice to finally get her in the game. As for the banner, Yune is enticing, but more then likely I'll stick with Blue. Lewyn I already have with a good nature so I don't need him and I don't care about Kagero, so Yune would be the only character I'd want out of the three. With Blue, L!Azura eluded me last month, I don't have L!Lucina, and I could use another Ophelia to fix the bad nature mine has so it's much more lucrative for me to pull that color instead.
  16. While it's a bit disappointing that we're not getting every character in this, I'm glad we're finally getting this. I'm always up for seeing more concept art for characters and there's a number I'd like to see what Kozaki came up with before reaching their final design, so I can't wait for this to come out.
  17. Honestly, just the Brigand Boss. Even characters I dislike in their home games I would shrug and move on if they were added since at least they do have traits that if handled well can be made into fun and interesting characters. Brigand Boss is just a generic NPC that is pushed for jokes and doesn't have any other merit besides that.
  18. Fair point, in that case it could be that since the story is that Sanaki is taking up Micaiah on her offer to strengthen the bonds between both nations, they wanted a character with a stronger connection to both countries. BK also has a stronger connection to Micaiah then Elincia does, so that may've also helped him.
  19. As someone who plays the game very casually himself, unless you're trying to get every single little thing out of the event that's not true at all. In the previous event, all I needed to do to get the 5 Star Dragon was get 100 Silver Emblems, which between a decent enough team ran on the second level raid (which gave around 25 Emblems, probably more, but I'm lowballing it ) I was able to do in no more then five runs. Considering the event ran for 12 days, I could've played event that once per day and got him plus extra Blazon for pulls (meaning I could've gotten another of him), grinding material, more of the event wyrmprint, and whatever else offered. That's a pretty easy milestone for any player to obtain with little investment in the event, especially if they don't care for the higher level content like I do. That also doesn't include the boss, which all I did for it was send a team set on auto to kill it on a daily basis.
  20. Honestly, even from ancient yore the pickings aren't great for Green. Offhand you only have Ced, Nier, Durban, and maybe Hanon as options, and only one of them gets any meaningful focus and it's barely at that. Unless they really want to dig deep IS may want to make an OC or get creative with their other options because otherwise they're stuck with dragons.
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