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Everything posted by Medeus

  1. I'd honestly be surprised if IS even remembers Veld exists. They already treat Thracia like a red-headed stepchild, Veld is the third cousin that belongs to the aunt no one likes.
  2. Yay, Fallen Lyon! While I was hoping he'd be a Mythic as a stand-in for Formortiis, I've been waiting for that alt ever since they announced Fallen Heroes as a thing. He looks pretty fun too, so I'll definitely go for him. As for the others, Ike's great in that it shows that the 'What If" alts from Cipher are now on the table, M!Corrin I feel is only here to get alt parity back with F!Corrin (only took them over a year), and Julia is neat though I do agree it's funny how much IS loves giving her alts while Seliph and Sigurd are crying in the corner. I'm also glad to see Ashnard is finally getting into the game, it's strange how he's been ignored for so long.
  3. Heh, not caring about those spoilers anymore are you IS? Green looks really good this time around and I have none of the characters in it, so I'll definitely be pulling there in the hopes of getting at least one.
  4. Who gave Tiki a knife? Sharena looks Ok, I was hoping she'd be a buffer but from what I can see she'll still be fun to use. I'll give her a shot since she's a freebie and see if she can fit on my team. Peony is fine, it was always a coin flip between her and Eir so I expected one of the two, though I would've preferred Eir. Curious how she'll work as a buffer since we already have a Light Wand that does that, so it'll be interesting to see what they do to make her stand out. Chrom is interesting, he does make sense as he is popular and Awakening is a big game, but of the choices he did feel like he'd be lower priority to Ike, Lyn or Lucina. I will say though, I like how his artwork has Lissa and Frederick. Tiki is the highlight, as a manakete she's a natural fit to the game and the developers seem to know that as she appears to be unique, so she'll probably be a fun addition to the cast. My only issue is that as a Divine Dragon she should be Light, but I guess Mist Breath=Water. So priority is Tiki>Peony>Chrom. I'll try to get them all, but Tiki is the one I want the most.
  5. Sharena could still be good. She's based around buffing and debuffing in Heroes, and with Dragalia Lost those characters tend to be very popular in the meta, so if they build her similar to her Heroes self she could find a niche where she'll shine.
  6. Teacher: Medeus (did it out of habit, I probably would've voted Hanneman otherwise) Dancers: Claude and Byleth Villain: Lyon Detectives: Claude and Hilda Sibling: Ranulf
  7. Oliver: I used Pheonixmaster1's strategy as a base, but it ended up deviating a lot since the enemy AI reacted differently. I ended up using the right checkpoint and had Wrys block the red mage after the sword infantry went down while the other three cleaned up the rest of the enemies. Alm and Celica BHB: This one took quite a few tries, but after playing around with a few seals I got it. Lyon was my MVP here as he had Swordbreaker, so I put a QR seal on him and then had him take out both the Green mage and Alm, and later finish off Celica. Then I used the right chokepoint to take out most of the remaining units with Cormag, Lute, and Myrrh. Lyon: Took less tries to do then the other two. Naga's Dragonkiller skill buff was a boon since it allowed the others to take out the Manaketes, and L!Lucina and Cherche cleared most of the other units. Olivia served as dance utility and also helped in blocking the axe knight while the others did their work.
  8. For as much as the game tries to make Berkut's sacrifice of Rinea a tragic thing and Berkut a sympathetic villain for it, they did nothing to make the relationship feel believable. They only have one meaningful discussion with each other and outside of he's pretty dismissive of her at best, or outright yelling and being angry with her. It also doesn't help that Rinea herself doesn't have much to her outside of being his girlfriend, so it's hard to get attached to her character and what she means to him when the game barely cares enough to develop her otherwise. It's one of the reasons why I refused to vote for them being the cutest dance couple despite it being a popular option, even if their dance scene is iconic to Echoes there are characters with much better developed relationships then those two have.
  9. I went with Lyon, but I was really tempted to go with Dheginsea.
  10. I'm not surprised SS was the first route, but it doesn't change my opinion on it much. I feel there's a number of missed opportunities that just made it feel underwhelming when compared to the others, and looking at this interview makes it apparent that they had grander plans for it for it due to the relationship Byleth would've had with Edelgard. If anything it just makes me wish they fleshed it out more since it's a base that's not too interesting itself, and it could've used more time to make it more compelling by expanding on what was there and exploring the ideas they originally had for it. As for the other tidbits, Claude being a fake name does make sense. As a character he's always been portrayed as someone who likes keeping all the cards to himself and having his real name being one of those cards would fit his personality, I don't agree that they couldn't have fit it into the story somewhere though, I can think of a couple moments in VW where they could've had that in and it wouldn't have thrown off the plot. Edelgard being able to mess with Byleth's Divine Pulse would've been a great element to explore and gameplay-wise it could've made for some interesting strategy since you'd have to work around her countering you, it also would've gave more of a point to Edelgard also having the Crest of Flames since it's not fully explored.
  11. I'm probably just going to summon to rip that lance off of Narcian, no one else on the banner really grabs me otherwise.
  12. Started summoning on the banner and as I predicted Fiora pity broke me, just for Nils to show up on the very next Blue orb. Definitely happy with that outcome, though it makes me fear for what will happen on the next banner if my luck was this good.
  13. I didn't see that, thanks! ...Why IS, why?
  14. Woo, Blazing Blade banner! Happy to see Nils, I've wanted to see him join his sister in the game ever since her banner came out and finally we're getting him after nearly two years. Hopefully he's good because I could use another dancer, though him sharing with Fiora is going to be a pain. I'm also happy to see Rath finally get into the game as well, he was one of my most reliable units in my first playthrough of the game so I have a soft spot for him, I hope he demotes though since I probably won't have enough orbs to spend to get both him and Nils considering my luck. As for Heath I'm sad to see that he'll be the GHB. Like Rath he was another one of my most reliable units so I've been wanting to see him for a while, but him being a GHB doesn't bode well considering his archetype doesn't allow for a lot of uniqueness or flexibility and GHB aren't friendly towards them either. Hopefully they'll do something with him that makes him stand out, but I'm not holding my breath.
  15. So QoL features that other gacha games like Dragalia Lost and Pokémon Masters implement for free are being offered in FEH behind a paywall? No, absolutely not, I'm not paying for something that should be implemented to make the gameplay experience smoother for everyone. Even the cosmetic additions are greedy, it'd be one thing if they were just changes to make your character look cool, but also giving them stats boost to be better then the regular version is again trying to push people to buy something that gives them perks over other players. This is disgusting, I don't know what they're thinking with this pass.
  16. Once again, no love for poor Ranulf... I'll probably go Keaton since he's been a powerhouse on my current team.
  17. Just cast my vote for Ranulf, but after today I'm going all in on Claude. I know a lot of people don't want a TH domination for the CYL alts, but honestly I like the three House Leaders enough that I don't mind them taking those spots and Claude in particular is a character I want to see win. He's my favorite of the three and the one I grew attached to the most throughout the game, so I'll keep supporting him to the end so that he can keep his second place (or take first, but I doubt Dimitri fans will let that happen).
  18. Just voted for Claude, and after him will be Jill, Medeus, and Ranulf.
  19. Fine with Byleth, I would've preferred any of the Three House leaders, but at least they look fun. Plus I'm happy to see Three Houses get some content in general so I do appreciate getting a stage and a few tracks. God-Shattering Star being missing is a travesty though. I feel the reason why we didn't get that is because it would've been the equivalent of three characters like PT, and for DLC that may've been too demanding. It would've been a fun idea, but I can see why they opted for Byleth repping all four via their weapons then trying to make three different characters with limited amount of resources and time.
  20. Glad to see we're getting one more New Heroes banner before the CYL poll goes up, this would be the last chance to get Farfetched Heroes for the final batch but I wouldn't be surprised if they're just not doing it anymore. As for what it could be, Blazing Blade hasn't had a banner in a while so that could be next, TH is also in the cards since it's only had two banners so far and I'm sure IS really wants to start milking those characters soon. I'm hoping it's Keaton for the Valor banner. I have a lot of friends who missed his initial release banner and he hasn't gotten a new banner since then, this would be their best chance to get him outside of relying on stray luck.
  21. Voted for Medeus, Mila, Athos, Ashera, Lehran, Dheginsea, Anankos, Seiros, and Hel as the most likely. Medeus is basically the original villain dragon. Mila and Ashera are the counterparts to characters that are already Mythics, so I imagine they would be in to pair with them. Athos is the biggest of the Eight Generals and an easy sell for Elibe fans, same with Dheginsea and Lehran for the Three Heroes and Tellius fans. Anankos is probably the most notable Fates villain in the game after Garon and IS has put a good amount of focus on him through the two DLC stories, so I can see IS pushing him again with Mythic Heroes. Three Houses is the newest game out so at least one of Seiros or Nemesis is likely to be picked from it, and of them Seiros has a more popular role in the story so I feel they'd go with her. Finally, Hel is here because I feel we're getting at least one OC in there, and I don't see the other two as I feel Lif is going to be saved for a Brave Redux banner while Thor will be released after the initial 16 since they're a part of the final confrontation they're building to. I could see a new OC being added in instead of her though, like how Eir was added in last year, but that's going deeper into theory. Personal wants would be Medeus, Anri, Bramimond, Athos, Formortiis, Soan, Dheginsea, Lehran, and Seiros. Medeus, Bramimond, and Soan in particular are characters I'd like to see because all of them have interesting tidbits about them that are just not focused on, and while limited Heroes is probably the only way we'd see that explored.
  22. Really happy with this outcome, not just because of Altina, but also because it further opens the door for Legendary figures like her. Now there's no doubt we can get characters like Anri, Dheginsea, Soan, Athos, or Gotoh through Mythic Heroes and that's very exciting to me since it'll be fun to see them explored through the game. Also, with Lif missing here I'm guessing he's on a regular banner with the other Story characters or Farfetched Heroes, of which I lean towards the latter since I can't see Tharsir getting the Mythic treatment while he gets nothing similar.
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