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Everything posted by Medeus

  1. Kind of glad now that I got Kaden, I didn't think IS would actually dare to not demote anyone after Adrift.
  2. Probably will do a free pull for Red, but other then that this is a skip. I spent too many orbs as is between the recent two banners, and while Roy's A skill is appealing I don't think it's worth spending more. I knew that idealistic spiel was just an act!
  3. Eh, outside of rereleases the Keaton foxes haven't appeared in a Zelda game since Majora's Mask nearly two decades ago, so outside of nostalgia I don't think the mix-up is that big of an issue. With that said, I'll agree to drop it since it's not the topic at hand. As for Yarne, I agree his class will allow him to get in someday, beasts are looking to be the next dragons for how desired they are for Heroes players.
  4. Keaton makes sense since it's a real English name, but also a type of flannel, so the localization kept the theme going while also keeping close to its origins. Kaden does also keep the theme, but I agree with you that they probably should've kept the JP name since Kaden sounds out of place compared to the rest of the Hoshidan cast. Yeah, knowing him he probably took one step into the realm, saw all the violence, and quickly ran to the nearest portal.
  5. Poor Yarne, every beast unit from the 3DS games were invited except for him. Anyway, I'll probably just going to try to get Keaton and Kaden as I never cared for their daughters too much, and then back out until the Binding Blade banner comes out.
  6. They were shown, but if I recall it was very late in the pre-release cycle and they got very little attention. Kaden only got mentioned in a magazine and was shown in the class reel, while Keaton only popped up in the class reel and didn't even get a name until after release. So even with that in mind it's entirely possible that they're in the game and they're just not talked about yet, especially if their role is more lowkey relative to the main conflict.
  7. Means a lot! I did forget about the even male/female split for the banner, but I'm still a little skeptical. They did release Loki last year outside of the Book II banners and despite being a recurring villain, so it's possible that both are instead thrown onto a Farfetched Heroes banner instead of Ranulf. Still, I will concede that it is one lone example so it all depends on what IS has in mind for the banners come this fall. He's definitely a strong candidate for it, but I'm hesitant to rely on it since there are other characters that can easily take those spots. Plus, Archanea hasn't gotten any banners since Fall 2017 and Gharnef and Hardin have been the lone additions since then, so there's always that possibility that he gets overlooked.
  8. Glad to see Ranulf do so well. Granted he just missed making the Farfetched Heroes mark since four non-playable characters are above him, but he not only did better then last year, he held out and made Top 15 male side despite most of his Beast brethren dropping into the 50s or lower. I'm very happy with that result since it means one way or another he's still getting the push I was hoping for with him. Medeus on the other hand I would've liked to have seen him do better, but I'll take the slight bump up for now. I just have to push for him even harder next year provided he still doesn't pop up by then.
  9. I did not expect them to actually go for God-tier units, and especially not Duma over Mila since the latter's far more popular. Nonetheless, I'm happy that they went for it and Duma looks good, I'm looking forward to his banner. To be fair though, we did eventually get Gharnef out of nowhere and as Duma proves they're willing to dig deep for this since he was very low on the CYL2 poll as well (369 to be exact). So he has a decent chance if IS feels he can coast on being a Dragon, which are highly valued as units, as well as being a legacy character.
  10. The results should pop up either Friday or Sunday (Monday for Japan). The last Choose Your Legends had its results revealed on Feburary 1st IIRC, three days after its voting concluded, so I imagine we won't have to wait too long for this round either.
  11. Yeah, it says a lot when more people were invested in two/three of the villains then any of the Nifl characters.
  12. They're stated to be his children in the Japanese manuals as well, the whole 'it was only in English' thing was misinformation crafted to defend the unpopular retcon.
  13. I'm just happy to see Ranulf in the Top 15 males, I'm going to keep voting for him just to make sure he stays there.
  14. Sticking with Ranulf and Medeus for this round. Ranulf may be on the way but I want that little bit of certainty there just in case it doesn't pan out like with previous Top 100 characters in the other CYL polls. As for Medeus I want to see how they'd implement him into the game as he has potential to be pretty interesting as a unit and character if Grima is any indication.
  15. Having been a part of a few fanbases, sometimes one fuck up is all some people need. Some circles of Metroid fans for instance refuse to forgive Sakamoto and Tanabe for Other M and Federation Force respectively despite the former going on to work on a much better received game and the latter working on an anticipated one. Forgiveness is not a virtue that all hold and the Fire Emblem fanbase has not proven themselves to be any different considering Fates is still hung over IS/Nintendo's head, so Heroes stroking the fires itself with its constant alts is probably not doing it any favors. Three Houses can help district from Heroes' problems, but if issues like the lack of communication and slow response do continue as they are it may not going to matter much in the long run. It doesn't take much to lose people's goodwill, and if IS doesn't find a way to address it then that may cause a bleeding out of its fanbase and profits that they won't be able to patch up.
  16. Leaning towards Breaths. Ice Dragon made a good point in stating how the transformation gimmick includes Dragons in its conditions, and considering that Dragons in Tellius still use breaths as their main weapons instead of claws or fangs I think they'll simplify them and treat them as Manaketes with a unique gimmick rather then a separate class of units with similar abilities.
  17. I'm hoping we'll get one of Dheginsea or Sephiran next month. Of the antagonists in RD they're easily the ones with the strongest connection to the Laguz and unlike a certain group of senators they actually have some sort of memorability/popularity, so they would make good choices for a GHB. I could also see Nergal pop up sometime next year, though it depends on whether they want to do Sonia or Limstella first.
  18. Finally, my Beast units are coming home! Glad to see Tibarn and Nailah, but I hope Ranulf and Skrimir are among them. As for the rest of the Channel, I'll give the story a chance, but we'll see where it goes.
  19. For all of Gharnef's problems, I have to say his presentation in Heroes is excellent. The artwork is stellar and D.C. Douglas is such a perfect actor for him, you can tell he's having fun with the role and that makes him all the more enjoyable. His stat spread is a little disappointing, but overall they did a good job with his transition between games. Now I'm just waiting for Medeus, after seeing Gharnef I'm hoping they do just as good a job with him.
  20. I can understand trying to get the Book 2 characters out since they're likely not going to be revisited for at least quite some time, but ignoring one and making this a two character banner? I don't get it, particularly since Hrid did more in the story then Ylgr. Oh well, I get to keep saving my orbs then, I'm going to have so much by the time Book 3 rolls around.
  21. -Makes the majority of the banner alts of previously introduced characters -Adds a fifth variation to a character that's already controversial. -Does another Fates banner even though other games like Binding Blade and Shadows of Valentia have been waiting for over a year. Yeah, I'm not surprised that this is getting so much vitriol, you might as well have plastered 'this is every trend you hated' on this banner and it would've fit perfectly. For me, the only thing I kind of like are the designs, otherwise it's a complete pass.
  22. If he's a general, he's getting foddered immediately. If he's a dragon, I'll keep one of him depending on what color he is. If he's goo, I'm not touching his GHB with a ten foot pole. Either way, I'm still not excited for him. He is the best option for the villains since all of them are awful, but he's still not someone I really care about.
  23. Finally, some love for poor Marth! I'm not sure if I'll be pulling on this yet as I still want to pull Veronica, but if I do I'm staying with Red orbs since him and Lene are the only units I want out of this.
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