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Everything posted by Zerxen

  1. I get a haircut about every other week. Should I bother trimming the top to let it grow out? For sure, I will cut the sides.
  2. To each is own. I did get the top trimmed, the reason why it looked up was that it wasn't long enough. Hair goes down with weight.
  3. What about the sides? I have puffy hair in the sides that stick out like porcupines so I have to keep it short.
  4. Recently I got a haircut that was botched by my barber. As seen on the picture one side of my haid has hair sticking up and failed to be cut. Normally when I get haircuts, the top of my hair is about an inch long and faces foward. As for my sides, they are kept short at a No. 1 or No. 2. Can anyone give advice on what to get next time to fix this bad haircut? I am considering going to another barber next time.
  5. How does Final Fantasy Tactics' gameplay compare? I mean I know the playable characters and maps are completely different in regards to style. Additionally, how does Tactics Ogre and FFT differ?
  6. The American Education System is indeed garbage. Unless you take Honors or Advanced Placement Courses, classes there are just you getting babysat. Teachers are paid squat.
  7. Blazing Sword -Unpromoted enemy units are common even in late game -Eliwood should have been a Lance lord to fuffill the entire weapon triangle - Map design is inferior to the prequel
  8. On a daily basis, I would watch the training montage of the fourth Rocky movie. I don't know why but it motivates me to be productive.
  9. Nation A has a strained relationship with Nation B, often fighting over the scarcity of resources such as Vulneraries (this is reflected in game from their high price). Four orphans live in Nation A working as mercenaries ever since their parents died from an earlier war with Nation B. These orphans are hired by Nation A's king to escort a diplomat to arrange a pact between the two nations. On their way to Nation B, a hitman hired by Nation A's king assassinates the diplomat in order to convince the masses to turn against Nation B. The orphans have no choice but to aid Nation B in war, ironic since as they are aiding their parents' killers. Anyway they gather an army and have battles in their own. Blah blah dragons, blah blah incest, blah blah antagonist gets possesed by an exterior force. He dies, roll credits.
  10. Thanks, you guys all have been helpful. I guess having fun is fine if done in moderation.
  11. Netflix, spending time with pets, family, sleeping, studying. Not video games 24/7.
  12. Here's the thing, I am not in college yet. I am currebtly in this vacation, allowing me to have surplus amount of free time. Though, this will not be the case within a year.
  13. I am fully capable of moderating video games. It is just that whenever I play them, I can't help but feel that there are a number of more important activities that I could spend my time on.
  14. I am not going into detail of my personal life, but I am going to start college soon and move onto a point of my life where I really need to think seriously about what kind of person I will become. With things like school and work going on, do you guys here think it is ideal to quit video games? Very recently I spent a large portion of my time playing FE; consequently all I think and daydream about is playing FE. I fear that this will negatively impact my life one way or another. Are video games really a waste of one's time, or is it a pastime that, like watching movies and other leisurely activities, should be done in moderation?
  15. What if IS pulled a Dragon Quest V and turned the first gen into stone only to be freed by their children?
  16. I am mostly concerned with the quality of gameplay of the routes. I am not willing to purchase all three routes due to financial issues. I am hoping to purchase Conquest and either Birthright or Revelations. In order to give me an idea of which route to pick, I decided to make this topic
  17. In Awakening and Genealogy of the Holy War, children appeared due to plot reasons, unlike Fates. What do you think IS should've done rather than go with the hyperbolic time chamber ass pull?
  18. Nope, I only left Dalsin. I'm on Chapter 5 where Lifis got captured.
  19. If a playable unit gets captured and not rescued by the end of the chapter, is he considered "dead"?
  20. Well here's the thing, I do not legitimately want to create a game. I just fantaszie for my entertainment, that coupled with my OCD.
  21. To make it clearer, does anyone else after playing through a game and thoroughly enjoying it, daydream about being a developer for that series and think of the ideas you have if you hypothetically made a game for that franchise? I do this constantly, especially with the FE series. For example, in my head, everyday I constantly think about the gameplay mechanics I would want for my ideal FE game, how many weapons should be in the game, new classes and skills, original characters and their classes, personalities, growth rates etc.. Does anyone else do this? Not just the FE series but in any game series in general.
  22. Hmm, I tried replaying FFTA on the GBA the other day. After some patience, I actually enjoyed it. Not to keep on the isometric angle still.
  23. I wouldn't say they are crap, but cluttered- in a way yeah.
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