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James Bond

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Status Updates posted by James Bond

  1. It’s been a while, just saying hi!

    1. Dr. Tarrasque

      Dr. Tarrasque

      Hello Sask, how are you?

    2. James Bond

      James Bond

      I came back to reminisce, but then I saw the place was kind of empty, I remember FftF to be livelier. How about you? Has the forest (and life) been treating you well?

  2. I see you are still around

    1. Florete
    2. James Bond

      James Bond

      Well, just saying hi, have a nice day

    3. Florete


      Thanks, you too.

  3. Admit it, you are too bored to change your avy

    1. Tangerine


      I've not changed it in years, Red Fox used to make me change it lol. Maybe one day I'll stop being lazy.

    2. James Bond

      James Bond

      Good old times...

  4. I like your username

    1. Darros


      Thanks! It's season appropriate hahaa

    2. James Bond
  5. Happy (Belated) Birthday mate!

  6. Happy Birthday!!!

    1. Starman


      Thank you so much, Sask.

    2. James Bond
  7. Happy Birthday disappeared man!

  8. *pokes*

    1. Zak Something

      Zak Something

      ay. PMs work better though for me

  9. Happy birthday Charlie!

    1. Ϲharlie


      THanks Saskules

  10. Happy Birthday Lux!

  11. Happy Birthday!!!

    1. Julius Nepos

      Julius Nepos


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