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Posts posted by MrPerson0

  1. 2 hours ago, IEatLasers said:


    the mages feel so slow, Tiki isn’t fun for me, fliers are so choppy and horseback users are kinda hard to control! 

    Er, did you give them Astra? Mages are amazing once you do. As for Tiki, you have to get better at maintaining her Awakening form.

  2. 2 minutes ago, Silent shifter said:

    With the new DLC releasing in less than 24 hrs, I am now wondering which history maps will contain the alternate costumes for the SD characters.

    In a little over 24 hours, not less. Also should note that the 7pm EST time isn't guaranteed, that's just when the last DLC pack was released.

  3. 3 hours ago, Azz said:

    I know the date, I was asking if there was a specific time, but I'm assuming there might not be. Thanks though.

    Probably 7pm EST for the US (which would be 4pm PST) on the 14th. The reason for this is that time matches 9am JST on the 15th, which is the usual time Japan gets updates on the eShop.

    The free update back in November was a very weird outlier, as NA didn't get it for a whole 24 hours after the Japanese did. Could be due to NoA messing up on the dates, forgetting that we are 14 hours behind Japan.

    Also, NoA officially confirmed a February 14th release date for NA:


  4. Don't know if anyone talked about this, but...chara29_02.jpg

    Here is the image showcasing Minverva's Iote's Shiels skill. Her defensive stance is literally the same as Camilla's, which is worrying me. However, when the blue bubble shows up, Camilla raises her axe, as opposed to keep it in place. This could show that either Minerva isn't a clone, or Iote's Shield doesn't have the unit change their defensive position when the bubble activates.

    Not a hard confirmation of course.

  5. 9 hours ago, The DanMan said:

    Some attacks do have extra blue effects like that. It's worth mentioning that it's also presented from the same angle we saw Azura's C5 (which we all thought was a musou). May be jumping the gun, but I'd say things are looking pretty good.

    I think only specials and crits (chargeable attacks too like archers' C1) have that blue special effect, not strong attacks or basic attacks.

  6. 1 hour ago, Etheus said:

    Am I the only one who would be okay with Tharja or Linde being clones of Robin? His low lck stats makes him less suitable for Vanguard, essentially relegating one of the game's most fun movesets to support.

    Robin might not have high luck, but he has the highest Magic in the game, as well as a decent Skill stat, so go crazy with crits and Specials. Also, Lethality still has a (at level 110) 28% chance for activating (38% with Luck +20), so you can still go crazy with crits.

    In the end, might trumps all when it comes to strength, so slap a 480 might or 720 might Hero Tome and he (or any character with their respective weapon) will be much better as a Vanguard.

    Also, don't know if anyone has posted this, possible Level 130 stats for current units. The calculator was created by Tables. Of course, it could be completely different from actual stats at that level. Guess people can confirm using the Calculator (need to download the FEW Resource Sheet to your computer) after they received one or more level ups with a unit.



  7. 1 minute ago, Florete said:

    How much have you tested this? Because the help sheet itself says: The characters in playable character slots 2, 3 and 4 will appear, and will appear again once you approach the shadow of your file's main lord (Rowan/Lianna). Reappearance only occurs if your file's main lord is in slot 1 (darker blue tile during prep) and you approach with the main lord.


    Video of 1.1.0 English with Rowan as the main lord. As soon as shadow Rowan targets the playable character (not using Rowan), the shadows appear:


    Same person uploaded another video with his main lord (Rowan) never being deployed:


  8. If you are planning to grind in this game to 100%, do NOT choose Lianna as the main lord. Chapter 20 is one of the best grinding maps (gold, support, and character mats all in one go). If you do pick Lianna, it'll be slightly harder to make shadow Lianna summon the second set of shadows, because you will have to fight her with Lianna, as opposed to shadow Rowan summoning the second set of shadows no matter which unit you fight him with.

  9. Think it's safe to say for the Chapter 20 shadows, the difference is between picking Rowan or Lianna as the main lord. If you pick Rowan, if you fight shadow Rowan with any unit, the second set of shadows will appear. If you pick Lianna, you have to fight shadow Lianna with Lianna to get the second set of shadows to appear.

  10. The new Cipher units arrive with some new weapons (all names and descriptions translated through Google Translate): 

    Apprentice Tenshi's Spear: The spear that Emma has since long ago

    Capricious Spear: Lance's (Randal) favorite spear

    Warrior's Sword: Yuzu uses a solid and healthy sword.

    Shade did not come with a weapon or item.

    Here is an album of the Forge levels for the new items:


  11. 16 minutes ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

    Been fooling around with Over Classes. Celica's new outfit isn't exactly modest lol.

    Eh, not too different from her Princess outfit. Can be argued that it covers more than her Princess outfit.

    Also, Triangle Attack has an extra animation with the Harrier Overclass (unless the added fire is due to me using Gradivus):


  12. Yep. Those line up with what is said in the game.

    New Overclass skills (parenthesis has Serenesforest's Japanese translation):

    (Phalanx) Phalanx - Def/2 chance of blocking. Adj. allies multiply odds.

    (Barrier) Ward - Raises an adjacent ally's Res for one turn. HP Cost: 12, Range: 1

    (Restore) Restore - Removes ailments from allies in range. HP Cost: 12, Range: 1 - Atk/4

    (Exorcising Venom) Tri-affliction - Has a Skill/2 chance of inflicting ailments with hits.

    (Bowrange +3) Bowrange +3 - Increases bow range by 3.

    (Lemegeton) Lemegeton - Summons illusory magic soldiers. (Eight max) HP Cost: 12

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