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KP Joey

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Everything posted by KP Joey

  1. Is this only on player phase? I have this problem when it comes to enemy phase, but I just associated it to "the troubadour has the higher support level, so she'll get picked."
  2. Yeah I'm gonna second + Mag/Def (Definitely +Def if you're playing Hoshido imo, the other two should probably be +Mag) - Luck with some type of access to knight.
  3. 05269-75953 43582-02256 Going to visit every castle I see in the thread and give an accessory :D
  4. I'm pretty sure this was not the case for the Japanese version. I think people just datamined stuff.
  5. My amazon says that it should have shipped today, but it hasn't even started preparing for it. Still says I should be getting it Friday... I'm not sure if I messed up or what xD. I have prime and such.
  6. This is a problem I have with hans on the japanese version at the moment. I can't get any of the online features to work when I'm playing the game through hans (had the same problem with Pokemon as well). Is there a work around or is it just me being dumb? xD
  7. Is there a list of characters that have had actual support conversations added versus just having the supports added? Or are they all just supports with no conversation?
  8. So I'm playing with an old Japanese 3DS and I've successfully loaded homebrew. Downloading the dumped version of the game via Braindump now. My biggest question at the moment is will I still have access to my DLC/Invisible Kingdom/Nohr (I'm playing White Kingdom) when I translate this? I'm really confused how all of this works. I'm 10.4 or something like that, so I don't know if I want to downgrade or if I should just keep on going as-is. Edit: Tested Hoshido and it works. However, when I soft reset the 3DS crashes. Is there a way around this or...?
  9. Already have played through most of the game on Rev Hard/Classic, Hoshido Lunatic/Classic, and Nohr Hard/Classic. That's what I plan on starting with for english release.
  10. Saizou and Flora. <3 <3 So excited to see how these two characters play out in the english translation.
  11. If I recall correctly, MU's are treated as the same regardless of sex, but Kannas are not. Skills for children are kind of... not important to pass down because of logbooks. You can pretty much find any skill for any child thanks to the my castle searching system in the game. Honestly, I'd be more worried about passing down specific classes/mods versus specific skills. Edit: If, however, you weren't wanting to go down the logbook route, you'd probably want to give a skill from whatever class the child won't inherit from the parent, considering each child can only have 3 classes. I don't recall how passing down classes works, though. Sorry .-.
  12. How useful is Pieri in nohr? I don't like her at all in IK, but I want to use her at least a little bit in some type of run. :/
  13. I thought breaking sky would be wonderful since the meta seems to be very physical weapon oriented?
  14. This is making me appreciate a lot of the characters so much more. Especially Zero, Nyx, Hinata, and Setsuna. Thanks for translating these~
  15. Felicia!Foleo!Kanna with Sorcerer or Dark Blood class doesn't seem like too bad of an idea. .-. Edit: Why Pieri over Hinoka for Hinata? Seems to be +1 mag for Pieri vs +1 def for Hinoka...
  16. You definitely want to read up on personal skills. Jakob's is a good example of why. That personal skill is super good for Kamui in the early game, so if you happen to start as a female Kamui, you definitely want to keep that personal skill in mind. https://kantopia.wordpress.com/2015/06/21/fire-emblem-fates-importers-source-menus-all-ongoing/ As an importer, you should favorite this link probably. Has all of the menu stuff you need outside of My Castle and such. Still haven't found a place with my castle translations unfortunately. :/ The site also has chapter information, story summaries, chapter translations, etc. All very useful if you're interested in that type of stuff.
  17. Voted for Saizou and Flora. Seeing other Flora votes in here makes me pretty hype tbh. :D
  18. +1 to Sjon9104 & sangyuplee for selling cards in amazing condition. Thank you!
  19. Hi guys! I'm looking to potentially buy some cards I'm missing for my binder collection. [spoiler=Wanting to buy]B01: 075 SR Cordelia 080 SR Tharja B02: 001 SR Kamui 012 SR Sakura 030 SR Felicia 060 SR Leo PM me if interested in selling? :x
  20. Saizou is way more attractive to me tbh. Saizou & Soleil were my votes though xD
  21. Has this been confirmed? It doesn't make a lot of logical sense... ._.
  22. I'm like 80% sure only the original uses renewal, actually.
  23. I actually may play with the Japanese voices more than the English voices because I actually... like voices like Elise's and Felicia's >_>. My MU also has the same voice in my IK run at the moment. I also like a lot of the japanese voices in general. There actually aren't any that I've purely disliked so far. As long as there is the same amount of voice work in Fates as there is in If, I'll probably end up at least giving English voices a try. However, I'll probably end up switching to subtitles + Japanese eventually (or at least play through each campaign once with Japanese + subs).
  24. I tried to visit your castle and it gave me some type of error. :/
  25. We're not in favor of this feature. At least, I'd assume a majority of us on this forum aren't. However, I'm not going to let that feature sit there and make me think any less of characters or the game. I still view them as characters in a video game that I will enjoy watching grow and develop and supporting and what have you. This feature specifically is something I will use once, giggle at it, and leave for good. I'm sure that's how most of us on this forum are at this point with it. However, I also realize that there are people that will enjoy this feature. They will get more enjoyment out of the game being able to use this feature. Those people exist. I'm not going to let an optional feature in this game that other people will enjoy get in the way of enjoying the game as a whole. You can take this as us (as I'm sure I'm not the only one that feels this way regarding this feature) moving on from the fact that it's implemented in the game. Most of us are going to play the game as it is regardless of the feature existing, and we're going to get the same amount of enjoyment as we would if it didn't exist because we simply won't use it. We'll debate the issue on a forum, or we'll find ways to complain to IS, but this feature is not going to ruin the game for me or other people that will enjoy the game regardless of this feature existing. I see where you're coming from with most of this. I think we're just going to have to agree to disagree on this honestly. lol If I personally don't make the same connection that you're making for face touching and the game as a whole, then I simply have no reason to feel the same way that you do. I don't think that character development or my personal connection to characters is ruined, and I absolutely do not view the characters as sexualized objects due to a feature that I can simply decide not to use. If you do, that's fine, but I don't. It's not me not caring about the fact that face touching is gross and weird, it's simply me not feeling the same way that you do with this. I'm sure this is the case for multiple people you've talked to. If we felt this strongly about this specifically, then sure, we'd probably not buy the game and would be in the same boat that you are, but we're not. We're going to buy the game and play through it, and we're going to have our criticism and our praise for the game, just like Awakening and other videogames we play. We'll complain on a forum or to IS, but that's honestly it. Assuming that we simply don't care because we're choosing to accept that the feature is in the game and play it anyways is simply incorrect if that's what you're doing, but honestly I don't know what you're trying to do with this.
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