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Everything posted by Xenomata

  1. Makes me think back to that one glitch where resetting a Hero Battle while an SP multiplier was active made the multiplier stack on itself, meaning you could get maxSP just by resetting the Raven/Lucius BHB running at the time a couple times until the multiplier looped back into single-digit numbers...
  2. The next Hall of Forms has... ooh, quite the lineup. Red: Fallen Julia Blue: Dancer Eldigan (grail, seasonal) Green: Dancer Lachesis (demote, seasonal) Colorless: Dancer Ethlyn (seasonal) That's 3 units who you can make the Dancer. Technically you'd only need one Dancer, and in fact it doesn't seem like you'd need more than two since having 3 would mean only Julia could be danced, but... still, there's some interesting pulls from here... The following skills will also be made available starting from this upcoming HoF (taken from twitter)
  3. So for $9usd you can get 19 orbs, a new lobby design, and 5x SP gain for 3 months and then what sounds like a permanent 2x gain afterwards? ...hm... I have mixed feelings... on the one hand, having that multiplier is just nice, and given how pricy buildinga unit can get, 3 months of 5x should be more than enough to build as many units as I want. But on the other hand... what if I didn't care about SP gain and just wanted the library lobby? I like libraries, why should I have to pay to have one, I mean yes I already bought the customization pack, but you know what I mean... Please keep in mind that with this bonus SP multiplier, a Valor, a Blessing, and the current 2x multiplier from weekend bonus, one kill in the Special Training map nets 120 SP. That is over half of being able to learn one inherited Assist skill. You could very easily get all the SP needed for learning a Tier 3 Special in one or two runs of a Special Training map, if not all the SP a unit would ever need to learn all of their base skills. God, what would happen if I ran one of these guys with the TT bonus... that'd be what, 240 SP per kill?
  4. A new setting will be added in the June update that will allow players to toggle on and off the ability to merge heroes of differing rarities. ...that's pretty neat I guess, but I totally forgot about the change since it was first rolled out, so I don't know if this'll actually matter to most people...
  5. In the case of comparing past versions of Heroes units to current versions of Heroes units, then yes there are certainly early examples of a unit having very different stats to a later version. In practice (from my point of view) the units current depictions in Heroes use their original versions from the mainseries games as a starting point for the base version (as an example Caeda having high Spd, alright Res when considering how Res worked, but low Atk and Def, known for using the Wing Spear, which somehow turns into having an Armorslayer sword because... I guess otherwise there wouldn't be enough Sword Fliers or something?) and as time goes on later versions of the same character begin to carve more of a niche for themselves in Heroes (Caeda's Atk gets higher, Spd gets higher, defensive stats remain somewhat wanting, she is now known for having effective damage and/or a near-permanent Vantage against the enemies she has effective damage toward). With the help of additional effects like automatic followups or Desperation, or especially in the case of the Slaying effect emulating high Critical Hit chances, they can somewhat bring the Heroes depiction closer to the original and even forego some stats in favor of the effects... but that's about the best they can do, it's otherwise up to the devs and player what will happen to these units. Odd exceptions do exist (how Maria went from being a wet paper bag to being Stronger and Tougher than Arden is probably not a detail I want or need to know) but at least in the case of Larum: Dancing Bride, there is absolutely no reason for her not to have at least ehhh HP/alright Atk/great Spd/lowish Def/lowish-to-middling Res. She's also on a Pegasus. Odd detail, but her base statline does match how most Pegasus Knights are depicted in Heroes.
  6. I don't know if you mean within Heroes or not, but Ike and Dimitri at the very least are both pretty fast in their original games (PoR Ike anyway, which may have bled into his Fallen RD appearance), Tiki I can't comment on due to not really knowing what is considered "fast" in the Archanean games. Between Camus alt personalities Zeke is the one that stands out the most due to abnormally low Spd and quite high Res, which is a direct betrayal to his actual Echoes depiction and even his Gaiden depiction (all around good growths in everything except Str and Res, which is largely offset by his great base stats). Palla and Sirius, again, I cannot properly comment on. The two Morgans are based off their depictions in The Future Past, which may have had influence on their Fallen depictions. Sorcerer and Wyvern Lord, the classes used in TFP, are characterized with higher attacking and defensive stats (though I remember Wyvern Lord not having that good Res) but lower Spd... stats which were built on in the Heroes depictions. I frequently forget about Maria. I honestly don't remember the last time I even saw her...
  7. I'm not worried about that. I honestly can't remember the last time they betrayed a units "canon" stat bases and growths.
  8. Ah... I completely forgot about him. Even checked the grail shop and TOTALLY passed him over. Presumably it will work off Atk/Def unfortunately.
  9. Damnit why did I call Larum and Sophia being fliers??? Lilina looks like her Legendary form on paper, but missing the Hardy Bearing effect on her weapon in favor of mini-Iceberg is a shame, as she remains vulnerable to Vantage wielders (yes the SS exists, but still). Joint Dist. Guard is an interesting option on her, ARfar trace is honestly what I already have on her Leg form, and... Still Water? Huh... could have interesting applications being given to high Atk/Res low Def units who don't care about their Spd either way. Young Ilyana comes to mind... as do most Sabotage units. Sophia coming with some good effects just for being healthy. Still don't have that high an opinion of Hold skills, but whatever not that big a deal. Why would they give a unit with an "above 25% HP" condition on their weapon a Push skill... sigh... Guys... I think Cecilia will have a focus on Atk and Res. Just a guess. Add her on to the units with high Atk/Res and low Def I suppose... Oh another Dragon/Beast effective weapon? That already makes Harmonic Roy a solid unit! Blazing Polearms also totes Canto 2, spectrum +5, and a penalty to the foe based on 50% of the total bonuses on Roy... that's just playing dirty. Flow Force could be nifty for the more Spd-focused Cav/Flier units who don't really want healing and don't really need Guard. Faith in Humanity is pretty loaded so long as you have humans on the team... Hm... Roy doesn't look right without a headband... Larum is a Lance Flier. It seems likely she will have an inheritable Lance with similar effects to Cecilia's Bridal Orchid, possibly focusing on Def instead of Res (though honestly wouldn't mind focusing on Res, not enough melee weapons do that), and there is literally no reason not to think she won't be a Dancer (she is literally titled as Dancing Bride), so assuming that's correct she'll be the first Grail-available Flying Dancer (albeit not the first overall free Flying Dancer, as Peony still exists) Hm... obviously I want Roy and Eliwood, but... I would not be opposed to getting Sophia as well... damn, I never even played her original game, why do I like her so much? Was it the spider plush that hooked me...?
  10. Uhhhhhhhhh... I first asked what a Medjed is when I was super tired and thought I was having some sort of sleep-deprived hallucination. Not convinced I'm not still hallucinating??? ...bah whatever, what better wedding guest than Cyclops in a bedsheet. I definitely do see Larum's buns on the left, but I'm not quite sure the rest of her head quite matches (could be a hat I guess). On the left... Sophia. I can't think of many other girls who have hair that drags on the ground. ...why do I get Flier vibes from both of these brides...?
  11. Go ahead and take your guesses, cause I sure as hell don't got anything.
  12. Hm... it's been a while since we've had a Camilla alt, and the most recent one we do have is just as Hinoka's backup. That is... a while.
  13. In +10ing Idunn, I was reminded... I have Spooky Myrrh at +10 as well. And neither one of these two have been given much in the way of "investment" The obvious route would be to make them a Near Save armor, but I only have one Dedue to fodder (and an Ascended Idunn that I'm saving until I know what to do with her), so one of them would need to wait some extra time before being given any "proper" building treatment. Spooky Myrrh: +Def (stats w/ weapon 50/58/27/50/36) Weapon Refine: Def +3 ( If units Def > Foes Def or if Foe's HP >75%, Atk+5p, Atk-5e, unit makes guaranteed follow-up attack ) (Unit is within 3 spaces of an ally, Atk+5p, Atk-5e, also if Foe initiates combat reduces damage from foes follow-up attack by 70%) Idunn: +Res (stats w/ weapon 49/55/30/46/42) Weapon Refine: Def +3 ( Effective against armored foes. Foe initiates or unit's HP <100% at start of combat, unit penalties neutralized, All Stat +4 ) (Foe initiates combat or Foe's HP >75% at start of combat, Atk+5p, Atk-5e, also if Foe can make follow-up attack Reduces damage from foe's first attack by 70% ) I would kind of weigh toward Myrrh because she could run a Hardy Fighter build with Escutcheon to somewhat simulate what Brave Ike does, but I do not have any Hardy Fighter fodder right now (and frankly after the luck I had I'm not keen on going back to try and get some on the current Remix banner) First of all, Duma is NOT a PP armor, just because he comes with Bold Fighter does not make him a PP armor, that is frankly what we call a relic of the past. You can give him whatever skill you want for the B slot. Second, his C prf isn't "a dead skill outside of [AR defense]", it'd be more "dead" in Hero Battle maps with reinforcements since it only activates on the 1st turn. At least for Arena Assault he can be considered half of a Lightning Charm use on Turn 1 (there is nothing to stop Upheavel+ from triggering under your control), and anywhere else he can be considered a free 10 damage to all foes. The only thing you would need to look out for are Vantage enemies. Otherwise he'd be a pretty standard strong/bulky Armor Dragon, assuming you give him his refine (which honestly your tone tells me you aren't inclined to give it to him unless you were given a super-good reason)
  14. Yeah hi I know the last post was from me, but oh boy you are going to love this. So in trying to summon the 1 copy of Duma I needed, it took some 40 summoning sessions to eventually get him. SESSIONS. That's howevermany sessions of either one or two Colorless orbs, if any at all, pity breaking Ascended Laegjarns, and generally summoning WAY MORE HEALERS THAN I WILL EVER NEED. But please also refer to the beginning of my last post. Note that I free summoned Idunn off the New Power banner. I still had some orbs, so I figured eh what the hell, let's see what happens. It took one summon to get another copy of Idunn. SUMMON. That is one red orb, only cost 5 orbs to summon from. And by the way, Idunn was in pretty much the same situation as Duma was, only needing 2 more copies to get her to +10 merge. Why the goddamn did it take me over 40 summoning sessions to get one copy of the power-toting old fart while it only took one free summon and 5 orbs to get two copies of the beautiful dark dragon lady?
  15. Just chiming in on this point here, 3H does have 4 separate main paths and one side-story DLC path, but as far as the actual story goes: Crimson Flower has the most unique, not sharing hardly any story details with the other paths at all Verdant Wind and Silver Snow are exceedingly similar in terms of how the story progresses and how maps go, with Silver Snow only having two major map differences in skipping the events of "Blood of the Eagle and Lion" and having a different final boss and map. As for the story... different things are revealed in both, but otherwise events happen largely the same. Azure Moon shares many maps with VW and SS as well as many story events, but things are notably different with the smaller story details, most notably the near absence of Those Who Slither in the Dark as a major individual faction and the battle within the Imperial Palace being where the final boss is fought. Cindered Shadows I honestly don't remember if it fills in any major gaps in the bigger story. I remember talk of Byleth's mother, but that's all I can say with certainty without checking the scripts (which I am doing right now) Pre-timeskip is even worse, with almost every single event happening the same across all 3 paths and only minor differences to be found as a result of choosing a different house. At the time of release I very quickly got bored of having to play though the game a second just to get more of the story, especially knowing there were still two other paths with even more story. At least Fates first 6 chapters were quick and simple enough to get through...
  16. Free summons are always dope, but I didn't think it'd happen again so soon after free Fallen Lilith... and yet here I am with a free copy of Idunn from her New Power banner. ...man, her base Res is low... Anyway, it's also Duma's Remix time, and I need 2 more copies of him to get him to +10. He's not been on any banners that I've been able to summon from en masse, and to be totally honest I don't even know if I can do it here (luck has never been on my side in the best of times...), but I'm typing this before commiting wallet seppuku. There is also the fact I only really need to summon one of him before I can just spark the other copy, so... here's hoping it's painless. Also been a while since I recorded my results. Bold denotes 5* or 4* special summons, and italics are Colorless orbs. Here's what happened: I... was done after the 3rd Laegjarn. The remaining summons were just remaining orbs and Google Play orbs... where I got the 4th Laegjarn... ...one Duma, that was all I asked for, why is it harder to get him compared to getting that free Idunn...? EDIT: waited it out a bit and tried again. I did get Duma without... a lot more headache.
  17. I mean yes some of those would be possible. There's no reason for there not to be a Bulwark or Reflective Blade, but the others are ones I doubt... not really because they aren't possible, but because for some reason these guys just don't want to make Tier 4 B passives.
  18. I have to wonder... are you using units with high-max merges? Most all of my duo/harmonic units don't have any merges, the ones that do only have one or two merges at most...
  19. That's easier sure, but two dancers lowers the final score. And I don't know about you, but I'm pretty reliably able to maintain Tier 20.5, if not outright Tier 21, with 4 duos/harmonics as long as at least one of them is a dancer.
  20. I'm probably not one to speak because I have enough Duo/Harmonic Heroes, especially ones with the Dance duo/harmonic skill, that I can just have a full team of 8 units and do not have a hard time as a result, but... it doesn't strike me as a mode that needs help to do. Hero Battles it makes sense, especially if you are a F2P player and don't have a huge hero reserve, but... well again, I'm not one to speak...
  21. I only have Lilith, but I can quickly tell you from my own observations: A lot of what Lilith can even do is locked behind having a support partner. If you don't give her one to always be near, or in the case of Hero Battles you don't bother to update her support ally to someone on the current team, then you only have a moderately alright fast Red Dragon unit. It's hard to say bad about having a Dancer, especially if they come preloaded with good skills and ESPECIALLY ESPECIALLY if they have a Prf Dance skill. If you have units who could benefit from Call to Flame, then it would be a good idea to pick her up. Just keep in mind that this doesn't work out as well if you don't have powerful units to actually give Ninian's support to. Gustav's ideal playstyle involves going in to net an almost immediate kill (usually against someone who can counterattack, as that's who Gustav gets guaranteed follow-ups on), then hanging in the area to let the enemy break themselves on him. He has all the tools to do it, and if you want you could even theoretically give him Galeforce to get two kills in quick succession. He would also want some form of Distant Counter for EP play. So yeah, Lilith only works if you have someone to ally support her, Ninian works best if you have the units to benefit from her boons, and Gustav would probably be the best pick if you can't justify the former two. That's my opinion.
  22. So... I free summoned Fallen Lilith, neutral. ...didn't see that coming, I'll say that.
  23. Gustav's accessory is... the Sword of Justice... ...hm... It also seems the Forging Bonds main story is the only part that takes place one year before the events of Book V, while the characters individual stories take place in the "current" time. Which... makes sense I guess.
  24. With Faye out, the Resplendent after her will be Gaius: Candy Stealer. It's not a bad look for him, a little disappointing they didn't give him his Candied Dagger in his artwork, though... given the circumstances of what the Candied Dagger even is, I don't think that's something the artist was gonna actually draw.
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