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Everything posted by Xenomata

  1. Is it though? If they made an Echoes kids banner featuring Alm/Celica, Gray, Kliff, Tobin, and Faye, would they be able to make overpowered units out of those kids, who canonically needed protection just to live through a battle? Regardless of what IS says the rules are, realistically they are kids. They are inexperienced, weaker and flimsier, and without the explanation of Thorr having any involvement they'd probably be wielding Bronze, Slim, or training weaponry at best. Also worth mentioning is that these banners need the involvement of Loki/Thorr because the units cannot be allowed to remember the events of what transpired. If a Gawain/Titania/Oscar/Elena banner was made out of them trying to make the mercenaries work, they would be gathering inspiration from their new experiences to make the group work even better, which itself changes the course of history in at least one implied world. It ALSO doesn't make sense for all 4 units to have been even stronger than they are in the present, since remember they have to be overpowered as hell here. I'm not saying it needs to be limited to kids, there's certainly more than a few ways that "child banners" could go in the future, but I am saying that Thorr and Loki need to be involved.
  2. Is... everyone just going to be salty at this banner? ...I'll just be over here observing the units from a... unit standpoint. Mia is... basically taking the aspects of a fast Sword Infantry and cramming them into her weapon, just... all at the same time. This is a girl for whom would get some benefit out of Vital Astra, coming with Phantom Spd and Slaying on her weapon IN ADDITION to an extra layer of Dodge. As for Tempo skills... eh, that's neat. Probably won't make that huge an impact for the time being, wait until more get revealed and maybe I'll care a little more. Holy fuck I knew Soren wasn't treated kindly, but I forgot THAT aspect of his childhood... Anyway, this kid relies on Res comparisons and can get Atk/Res +6, a guaranteed follow-up, the Windsweep effect minus the Spd comparison, and ignoring half of any non-special damage reduction. That's neat. Shame his Spd will definitely be low though, he could have picked up Watersweep from his older self and effectively be a pseudo-Firesweep unit (though he might still be able to pull that off on the slowest of Armor units...?) ...wait wasn't Ilyana some random mage? How the heck does she fit into this story...? For a demote she comes pretty bulky. Atk/Res -6 debuff and Dragon Wall on her weapon are not to be taken lightly. Being a demote unit with a Lull skill is also pretty neat, hell you can summon her and Soren and have something useful to give to the unfortunate mute without too much headache. Ugh they're really not holding back on the color sharing lately... Ike/Mist I wonder if they could possibly become a Vantage superunit if they only had some way to charge Radiant Aether to 2 before each combat...? Though they could also run Vital Astra or Ruptured Skies with Vantage and Time's Pulse for easier special charges albeit theoretically weaker results (and now that I think about it RA just works against Vantage anyway so it'd have to be with Vital Astra/Ruptured Skies). Distant Dart's existence is for EP speed tanks by the way. Distant Pressure's Spd boost is still active on PP, so you would be trading some of a units PP performance for a less risky (and more to the point, permanent) EP effect. Also the name is stupid, but less stupid than... whatever the hell Close Salvo was going for. Don't care who Boyd is, I'm saving my grails for the child unit who predates child banners.
  3. Pfft, they weren't even trying this time... Ike will surely appear, but I kind of wonder if he'll get the Ephraim treatment and be the backup for a Duo Mist? From what I know of the story, Ike would not have met Soren until some time later in his life, so is this going the be a Soren in the midst of suffering as a Branded? And then of course Mia is just gonna be a complete stranger to everyone. Can't really make any calls on any other possible units. Elincia would be the most logical call, maybe a Laguz, but I don't know enough about Tellius to be confident in any of my guesses.
  4. It's uh... kinda weird this weeks weekly revivals both have Genny on them... but whatever, also I free summoned Genny! But just as cool, I spent a stray 9 orbs on the legendary banner and got +atk -def Legendary Nanna! Very, very nice indeed.
  5. That's worth about as much as you are willing to give, and really Heroic Ordeals aren't so hard that you need that kind of support to clear them based on how powerful units have been lately (unless the enemy team has equally strong units)
  6. Ophelia is yes to the skipping. Maybe a few years down the line when AoE specials are not quite so busted she'll get a refine along with Reinhardt/Olwen and Hector! Surtr I think has just enough going for him to be given the pseudo-Remix treatment, since neither of his Prf skills are worth any damns in the current age (being a bulky wall who destorys everything around him don't mean much when most of the cast can just walk away after attacking him, if not just obliterate him on the spot) and he's currently the only Book Villain who isn't a Legendary or Mythic unit outside of the unreleased Veronica.
  7. It wasn't meant to be taken as a serious statement, it was just an opening line based on the date.
  8. Oh good Arena Assault will be worth doing again. I was kind of wondering if we'd ever get anything other than feathers from that mode. ...what the fuck is a Refining Stone? I searched Google and all that came up was "Divine Dew going through an identity crisis" Young Marth is in the DC4 lineup... what curious timing with the HoF to get a pantless Marth and then immediately make him +1 merge. More importantly is Spider Plush Sofia! Weapon refines weapon refines, I hope Selkie and Ylgr get something awesome~ Hex Trap... just ends the users actions and cannot be disabled with Disarm Trap... that's just rude... I don't really understand the merge allies update. Is this a problem people have had in the past? Won't really affect me, but I really just don't understand why this was more important than... literally anything else that could be updated.
  9. April Fools, only 5 units are getting weapon refines, and none of them are Legendary or Mythic! Selkie's Foxkit Fang: This Blue Beast weapon grants Selkie a flat Res +3 increase and a boost to all of her stats as long as she is fighting a Melee-range enemy and has higher Res than her current foe, with the boost being 50% of the difference between her Res and her opponents Res (with a cap of +8), along with the typical effects of Cavalry beast weapons. Selkie boasts high Spd and Res, but is extremely short on Def and wishing she had a little more Atk. Ylgr's Sylgr: This Blue Dagger has a Spd +3 boost and a simple Spd check; if Ylgr has higher Spd than her enemy, she gets Atk/Spd +4, along with the typical Dagger 7 effect. Ylgr boasts good Spd and servicable Atk at the cost of most of her bulk. Tibarn's Hawk King Claw: A Red Beast weapon, along with a flat Atk +3 boost, Tibarn makes a guaranteed follow-up attack as long as he initiates and his target is at 100% HP, along with the typical effects of Flying beast weapons. Tibarn goes in on Atk and keeps his Spd and Def at a medium level, leaving his Res wanting. Grain unit Aversa's Aversa's Night: a supportive Red Tome that, along with Res +3, inflicts all stat -3 and Panic on any enemies who are directly adjacent to any of their allies with HP at least 3 points lower than Aversas. Her HP is decently good for her release time and unit class, though her other stats are left somewhat medium to low. Seasonal unit Spring Veronica's Vedhrfolnir's Egg; a Green Tome with a simple flat +3 Spd and all stat boost when Veronica's HP is higher than 75%. A requirement that is complicated by how low her bulk is, though her Atk and Spd are still good. Personal thoughts: I'm sure a lot of people will be more focused on Aversa... I personally hate Aversa, but maybe if her refine is good enough I'll consider at least making a decent effort to build her. Certainly not +10ing her though... The two I'm most focused on are Selkie and Ylgr, two units I have +10ed and REALLY want to be good... well Selkie anyway. I +10ed Ylgr largely on accident anyway... Tibarn and Veronica will be interesting to see, to say the least. Tibarn already has direct competition with... himself... so he will either be comparable or better than that iteration of himself. Veronica, meanwhile, basically can only go up from where she currently is, though she's not short on competition for best Green Mage flier.
  10. So... usually I do one practice run to find out the strategy to clear the map, and then I run the Abyssal map again to grab images of the enemy unit loadouts (for the original post) using different units, since I tend to use units who inflict debuffs on the enemies at the start of the turn in a wide area, ergo making it impossible to show their raw stats. Only after that comes the part where I clear the map for video purposes with the original team. Usually I bring in units who can survive long enough to confirm all the enemy waves, but this time I was able to actually net the clear with this pic-grabbing team, so... eh screw it I'll just use this one, it's not even that different from the run I was going to record anyway. The three who were always brought in were Witchy Nowi, WereGrima F, and LegAzura. The original 4th teammate was Adrift Camilla, with LegLilina taking her place here. Witchy Nowi didn't specifically inherit Atk/Res Rein for this battle, it was a skill I been meaning to give her for a while, but it certainly did help. It feels like a while since I last used her in one of these, so I thought I'd dust off the cobwebs and give her some love again. The final move I took with Nowi was improvised, but not necessary to clear the map. Same deal with WereGrima F, though with her there was a few notable differences in how the battle went between teammate swaps: because of Adrift Camilla's refine, the group of enemies attacking Grima on EP1 were all debuffed to deal less damage and take more in return, netting Grima two kills instead of one. Because the Bow Cav survived, some different actions had to be taken. I did give LegAzura her refine before this, though like Nowi it was just something I been meaning to do for a while. It certainly helped in some cases, though maybe it wasn't necessary to do before this fight specifically... LegLilina was brought on because she could deal about as much damage as Adrift Camilla could without inflicting debuffs. In fact, Adrift Camilla was even the one who netted the kill on Nanna in the original run, like Lilina was here. While I would have preferred to use Camilla because honestly I think her refine deserves more love than it actually got, I'm not that opposed to using LegLilina, so sure I'll give the girl some time. There's always next time for Camilla. Walhart, meanwhile, got to drink a vegetable cocktail at home base for once. Been some time since he got a break post-refine...
  11. From Fire Emblem: Thracia 776, the 787th hero added to the game carries a number of effects that greatly improves her attacking game, from boosts to damage to the always coveted Canto. Namely, she DOES NOT CARE about any form of your damage reduction nonsense, so carefully consider how it is you want to be tanking her attacks, if you want to be tanking her attacks in the first place. Nanna may usually be a healer, but the Lands Sword is a terror in the hands of one blessed by Hoðr... Map (Abyssal) Enemy Loadouts (Abyssal)
  12. Interesting note about Nanna and her reveal trailer: the Canto effect of Hoðr's Zeal is still shown in the skills textbox, meaning they excluded it specifically from the trailer. ...hm, makes me fear the future of FEH textboxes, especially after Spring Delthea...
  13. I legit forgot that Heroes Analysis was a thing. Dang, I'm guessing it died out when a lot of people were just making the same 2 or 3 skill loadouts for every unit... I'm happy to see there's at least a few others who are interested. There is certainly no reason to limit what kind of units a person can feature, since not everyone is insane enough to +10 any unit who looks shiny enough (COUGHCOUGHmeCOUGHHACKWHEEZE)
  14. Benny is one of the units, and frankly that's all I needed to hear. But to be honest, this gauntlet feels... very bleh overall. Not sure I can explain why, but seeing the gauntlet lineup just doesn't give me much of any feelings...
  15. ...wait wasn't someone just pointing out how Nanna was a Legendary candidate...? Nanna joins with a fortunately simple skill description list, and simple effects all united under one trigger: don't be almost dead. I feel like Nanna was maybe made with countering Hardy Fighter in mind, which has become pretty much the only time that any units use defensive Specials anymore (outside of Fjorm or LegCorrin), on top of generally ignoring damage reduction overall. Not even Lif, a very prominent AR unit, fully disables damage reduction... also means Brave Ike is totally and utterly hard countered by Nanna, not like he wasn't already showing some age but this is one pretty big nail to push into his voodoo doll... Rest of the banner: All powerful Red Cav units. LegLilina continues to be a pretty top AoE special user, LegSigurd continues to have a ton of move range (with the understanding that Stall Ploy is now a potential threat), and of course Nanna exists. Leg Chrom, Ullr, and Seiros. One of these is an Armor killer with an annoying PrfAssist, one of these is a perma-Desperation/NFU speedy bow with the Bonus unit perk for Light, and one of these... also has the Bonus unit perk for their element. I guess she also has Dragon Wall... Green feels kinda weak IMO. Thrasir and LegCelica aren't exactly premier Green Tomes these days (though they would be prime for a remix in the next year or two), but then there is Rennac... I mean I guess he has a good inheritable dagger, but... even if I were pulling a lot off this banner... no I can't really justify wanting to pull off Green this time... Colorless looks pretty good. Mila has some good support effects for Light element, Ash (though free) has a solid C passive for some nifty gameplay, and Wolf is better Bernadetta. Overall solid. I don't know if I necessarily want or need Nanna yet, but after trying to summon for LegCaeda before... kinda soured to Red on Leg banners, plus I still need to get Spring Marisa.
  16. @CherryBomb Hey, just wanted to point out this thread has been dead for a year and that that is generally not cool to revive it for... admittedly a slightly better reason that the usual nonsense people post in dead threads for, but even still not really justifiable enough to do so. Also that's a lot of near baseless assumption, and I double checked the conversation you were talking about from Before Awakening. It honestly is a huge stretch to say there was anything sentimental going on beyond Lazlow sending a message to Olivia. There is nothing to imply, Inigo is just as ambiguously parented as always. Also, you can check the conversation yourself, there's no reason to say you can't remember it or don't know how it goes beyond not doing the research. Seriously, why do people keep trying to revive dead threads, they just get slaughtered on the spot regardless...
  17. Neat art, glad my subscription is about to run out though. Statwise, she has to be directly compared to Serra, currently the only other Resplendent Staff user. At 5* +10 merge +20 dragonflowers, neutral natures, and no Resplendent bonus: Serra: 42/38/40/29/42 Lachesis: 48/40/34/30/39 I mean... there are far better Staff users, but between the two Serra just has better offensive stats. Lachesis has higher HP, but otherwise her bulk is not that different from Serra. Worse Spd that to be fair can be built a bit... but you could just as easily put that investment into Serra and just get better results. ...hm, better cancel my Feh pass now before I forget...
  18. Near Save Edelgard is actually decently common within my AR-O battles. Her defensive attributes and being able to keep up with Inf/Fly/Cav allies to always be ready to Near Save them can make it hard to properly counter her without at least some plan. Not me mind you, my units are all very capable of taking her on, but... right making her a Near Save unit. Wouldn't take much to build her either, most people could even use all of Dedue's fodder on Edelgard (keep in mind you can get Sturdy Stance 2 from Altina in the 3/4 star pool) with her default skills. As for other possible Near Save units, it is important to keep two things in mind: does the Armor unit do well on EP, and can the Armor unit operate when next to allies. You could theoretically make any Melee Armor a Near Save unit, though obviously some are better than others especially as age has caught up to them.
  19. Pokemon has kind of done that already, multiple times even (Origins, Generations, Twilight Wings, Evolutions, and Poketoons), and Fire Emblem has clearly become big enough to possibly warrant something at least similar to Pokemon shorts. Hell, get the same people who did Generations and Evolutions, because that artstyle would be sick when applied to anime medieval combat. (makes you wonder why all Mario, literally like the face of Nintendo, gets is an animated movie starring everyone's favorite Chris Pratt...)
  20. Basically not at all. Unlike the existing Cross Spur Atk, Res stacking does... basically nothing in most combat situations. So... yeah, you're looking at passing on Fury 4 and SRfar trace. As for the units you mentioned, here are my thoughts: Cecilia generally doesn't have a lot of need for Spd. ARfar trace would be more desirable on her as the Atk debuff has more value on a unit such as herself. While it would theoretically be possible to Spd-stack her, I'm not sure it'd be worth it when her Atk is already pretty low. This is assuming you were to switch her over to her refined Tome of Order (flier effectiveness, Colorless advantage, and TA3). Aversa might be a candidate, however it would be best to wait and see what her refine gives her in the coming months. I know it'd be possible to Spd-stack Reinhardt, but in the current game environment I just don't think there's much reason to. Slow units tend to be slower than Rein, and fast units tend to outspeed him regardless of how much spd stacking is done. If you find yourself using Rein a lot though, it may be worth taking a second look, as it's not like he'd be any better or worse if he were to take an Atk/Res alternative. Valentine Titania would technically be a good user yes, though that comes with the understanding that Valentine Titania is not considered a fantastic unit in the current environment... if even remembered that she has a Valentine alt. Staff units generally would prefer to keep Wrathful/Dazzling Staff. Very few exceptions exist, and one of them already comes with SRfar trace. Peony, as a ranged Dancer with low combat stats, has very little reason to ever enter combat, and due to her only having two Movement means she will rarely get any actual use out of the Canto [Rem.] effect. If she isn't able to get good use out of either effect, I don't think it would be worth it to give her the skills. Spring Catria, in all fairness, has an alright weapon refine that would pair with SRfar trace pretty well, as she would not be suffering as much as other units from taking a counterattack. If you see yourself using Spring Catria, maybe it'd be worth consideration. All of the above only considers giving the unit S/R Far Trace. As Fury 4 is just a slightly better Fury 3, and isn't even often the best possible skill for the unit to be using, it is not considered a strong contributing factor. Of course it should probably be mentioned... many of the units you listed are just not that relevant right now. Reinhardt is the sole exception because of course he is (with Peony, as mentioned, having little benefit from SRfar trace), and honestly the number of Grail units who would get use out of SRfar trace specifically is limited to pretty much just Valentine Veronica. Honestly your best move right now would be to keep the spare Harmonic Azura manual around in case a unit does ever appear who would get good use out of it, or to give you time to decide if giving it to one of the above units would be worth it. You lose nothing by not using it right now.
  21. @Ice Dragon I mean I am currently only 1 copy of Miriel from +10ing her and making her into the biggest Fury beacon possible. Spooky Censer, Fury 4, Fury 3, yes this is not at all practical and by no means do I think it'll actually work that well. But it is super super neat.
  22. Pretty much as Tybrosion said, and to quickly go over those 5 units: Red Mage, nothing special Blue Mage, nothing special Axe with high Atk/Def, nothing special Axe Cav, super nothing special Blue Mage, nothing special ...frankly, you didn't miss anything by missing those 5 units. It can't even really be said their inheritable skills are worth anything, mostly just stuff that was previously available in the Grail or Seasonal demotes pool (I guess Miriel has Atk/Spd Ideal 3 for chain inheritance purposes, but that's about it)
  23. tl;dr, Dagr is chill and likes to fight, Nott is serious... seriously obsessed with love or something like that, and they are both big muscle girls. Also Nott is dead because CHARACTER GROWTH! Also Dagr is watching over Reginn's kingdom while Reginn bros down with Askr. And that is basically all you need to know about them now that they are no longer important to the story.
  24. This was something I thought about before, and I wanted to see if maybe this was something worth working on? I'm also not sure where else I'd put this, but it seems like a discussion best fit for the people who actually play Fire Emblem Heroes, but also not something to let be buried again. So currently, in terms of sharing our units with one another we only have the Serenes Forest 5★ Lv.40 +10 Compendium Thread, which let's be real is not that active (I am one of like maybe three or four regular posters) and the original purpose of the thread was lost when thread starter Raven stopped updating the OP. Otherwise the only avenues that people have to show their units is just regular posts in the General Dicussion thread (or making whole new topics, which just get closed because what did they think would happen) and then within the Heroes War Room when posting map clears or whatnot. Generally speaking, it feels limited. My idea (after getting input from @XRay, so props to them) was that there would be a new subforum dedicated to the sharing of our units. That way, we could all have our own threads with a Original Post that we could periodically update with new units that we want to show off, and if people wanna talk about them in the thread then that'd be possible, all without getting lost in the shuffle of new/unrelated posts from other users. So whether we wanted to show off our new +10 unit or just generally gush about a unit we like to use, that'd all be possible. It's not a perfect idea in its current state, hell my confidence in user interest for the idea is pretty low, but better I show and be told to get off the stage than never get on the stage in the first place. So... thoughts? I would like to especially hear the thoughts of people who do have their units they like to talk about, because they'd be the people who would possibly get the most out of having their own thread to do such in. EDIT: added a poll in case people wanted to weigh in with a simple yes or no.
  25. The original NPC-turned-ally, as well as one of my original strongest allies! One of Veronica's revival banners only took like 3 summons total to get the one copy of her I needed to fully merge her. Which was neat. Cain was built years ago as my only answer to Veronica as she appeared in the original Tempest Trials event (in retrospect, maybe I should have used Roy... oh well), and he saw continued use for a while after that. Of course he eventually stopped being used after a point, but now that I have a good amount of resources, I decided that maybe it's time I give him the treatment I've given a number of other old friends, even if he isn't the strongest Sword Cav by a longshot. Though if that trend were to be followed, I'd also be adding Frederick, Catria, Leon, and Roy to that list... which isn't exactly a BAD thing I guess? ...maybe I should give Abel some treatment too? He wasn't a unit I really used, but this is the original Christmas bros... I do admittedly have one other unit that I could totally +10 right now... but I'm gonna hold off on that for now. I wanna see what they give to... her refined fangs.
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