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Everything posted by Xenomata

  1. Starting 3/7/2022 at 11:00 pm, Special Heroes enjoying the start of spring will be available as part of a new summoning event: Hop-and-Go-Seek. Check out their introductory video to learn more! Japanese ver. Also, in the next Tempest Trials+ event, you can earn Special Hero Luthier: Spring Hopes. This spring event features: Delthea: Prodigy in Bloom (Blue Tome Cav) Maria: Sunny Smile (Axe Flier) Henry: Peculiar Egg (Colorless Bow Cav) Sonya w/Tharja: Dazzling Rabbits (Green Tome Flier)
  2. I-uh-um-hm... let's just hope that doesn't become a commentary on the units themselves... (control the pokenerd... control the pokenerd...) The image that Naoshi posted looks different from the one in-game, which is throwing me off. In fact I want to say that Naoshi's image is fake because of how much cleaner the thrid head is in comparison to the other two... but anyway, the two bodies who are consistent between the two images are most definitely Delthea and Luthier. Which worries me, because Lutheir is Luthier, and Delthea... is also Delthea. Both of whom are on a spring banner. With bunnies. ...I'm starting to think maybe asking for Nowi was asking for too much...
  3. Well on the plus side, Corrin is a powerful unit to have, even able to take out Far Save Bectors in AR-D if given good enough Atk, and I'm sure no one here will deny being given a free copy of her. On the downside, I can no longer summon off any future Ninja banners, knowing the best unit offered by it will just be given out for free to all players in a few months anyway. THESE ARE STATEMENTS MADE IN JEST OF COURSE I'M GONNA SUMMON OFF FUTURE NINJA BANNERS.
  4. @Humanoid I might be a little late in saying this, but seriously consider Walhart. It's frankly insane what they gave him: His original condition for all stat +4 was upgraded to a proper Blow/Solo condition, making it less awkward to use. If an enemy is within 4 spaces of him, he gets all stat +6 (field buff), and with his refine he also inflicts Atk/Def -7 and Dazzling on all enemies who are within 4 spaces of him. Keep in mind, 4 spaces is his exact movement range. As an added bonus, if the enemy has greater than 75% HP then Walhart will also inflict Atk/Def -5 on them while in combat. A 4-tile Threaten that inflicts Dazzling is a massive support effect, considering that before the only way to inflict the status was by attacking the enemy first and that the only other unit to have such an effect was Young L'arachel (whose effect functions more like a Menace than a Threaten), and since Walhart is a bulky Cav unit he can very likely get into the middle of an enemy group and mass inflict them all, all while remaining strong and durable. Also of note is how impressively fast he is, with mine at +10 merge, +15 dragonflowers, +Spd, and all effects triggered hits 59 Spd before any SS's take effect. It would be expensive to build him like that to be fair, but you can still give him a defensive set and he'll run it just fine too. Sorry I had to go over him real quick, since Xray and Ice Dragon only slightly cover him. Walhart has been a star in all of my Abyssal Hero Battle clears since his refine dropped, and I'm seriously considering trying to integrate him into a future Dark AR-D team. I might have been a bit impulsive +10ing him years before he got his refine, but HOO-BOY did I make a good call doing it.
  5. ...funnily enough, I use DuoCorrin and HarmonicAzura on my ARO team, and frequently confuse the two of them, wondering why Corrin isn't dancing for Azura. ...as much as it would be weird for the DuoNinja unit to be the winner again, I'm going with Corrin on this one, now that Byleth is out.
  6. Maybe that's just it then, since I'm not exactly high on Sweep units. The ones I do have are Cav and Fliers, so they can't even use Ideals in the first place. As to full Desperation... I prefer Lewyn with Flashing Blade, and Ullr's LnD4 is working well enough on her for now, and if there are other full Desperation units then I'll have to take a second look at them.
  7. New divine codes path? Would have been nice of them to say something last month, but not gonna complain. Thoughts below: Overall, a very packed divine codes path. There are just so many ways to boost Atk and Spd, it's insane...
  8. Just LegAzura this time? Huh... it's been two Legendary heroes a month up til now... For me the ones to look out for are LegAzura and Mikoto. Sue will be interesting to see, while all the others are overall alright... except Garon. No refine could make me care about him. Since Gray Waves II will grant a Null Panic effect, I wonder if Prayer Wheel will give a set statboost like HarmonicAzura's weapon does? +7 all stat would be nice... and of course the refine effect will be hard to call on this one. Literally the first Dancer's refine, we don't know what they'll give to a dancer. Maybe something like Nils's weapon that inflicts debuffs on nearby enemies at the start of turn/when Gray Waves is used?
  9. What, you mean you don't want a FE game that A. will probably end with everyone being friends and the big baddie being super-duper dead and rainbows and unicorns and ice cream, B. is a Fodlan-based game, and C. is of course not even a proper FE game?
  10. ARpush4 is just fine for shorter maps (that is maps with like 4 or 6 units) or in general as long as Leif isn't constantly on the attack, but if you want something that doesn't stop working after a while, some alternatives would be Death Blow (only PP but has no drawbacks), a Solo skill (Leif will probably be alone most of the time anyway), or Catch 4 skill (offers the highest potential atk boost if both conditions are met). Def Smoke is certainly not amazing these days, but it still does alright enough, especially if you need a debuff for Catch 4. An alternative skill would be Joint Drive Atk, but Cav units aren't quite as solid at utilizing it due to their tendency to stray from the group. You may also want to consider dropping S Drink. All it provides in the majority of maps is special charge on turn 1, and even considering Cav units can't use Time's Pulse there are still other ways to get free special charge without using a skill slot (Groom Rafiel being a great pick in that regard). Leif's default skills will still be just fine if you have no alternatives though.
  11. Nope, came up with it in the moment of typing up that little description. The little speech bubble on the notification screen just mentions Caeda saving lives with the power of love, but we know it was more than love backing up Marth...
  12. Uh... I may need to keep Walhart on a leash moving forward, he's a little TOO good... Wolf Berg continues to be an amazing weapon, shutting down so many enemies. I can't believe how fast he can be as well... Nina was brought in to take on Caeda, and with the more open space permitted to her she was quite able to net many kills and keep a safe distance away, both from enemies and from her allies to keep ASsolo4 active. HarmonicAzura was brought on for good movement range. I honestly forgot about her harmonic skill until the practice run of this map, which I think helped make this the quickest run of a map I've been able to do with animations on. And featured this time is the debut of Adrift Camilla! Seriously, all it took was one refine and she became an absolute menace, though I'm sure the debuffing help she got from Walhart was appreciated as well. Walhart has been the cover boy of all my most recent Abyssal clear videos. Maybe I should look into making some custom thumbnails just to give my other units some time in the spotlight...
  13. From Mystery of the Emblem, the bride of the Hero-King herself is generally a dangerous foe to attack head-on, but especially so with Cavalry and Armored allies; watch out for Faithful Loyalty's Vantage effects, as well as the buff-stealing effect of Wing-Lifted Spear. Caeda is known to use her charms to recruit many an enemy to the cause of her beloved. Just how many of the units under her command started under the command of someone else...? Map (Infernal and higher) (header image and enemy details to come later)
  14. Sounds like the big battle for most people was getting Hegemon out of the running for being on the banner, and the battle has been won. That's cool, I was hoping she would get knocked out even if I wasn't directly supporting DuoAzura. Meanwhile Byleth made it through as well, so when combined with Ninja Corrin and Thorr the upcoming banner will be just peachy for Green Whoever wins wins. It'll be interesting to see how the rest of this goes... Who, the little shit who caused the utter collapse of a country because science? Yeah, don't think I'm gonna care about missing her this banner.
  15. ALOLA POKEMON IN POKEMON GO! neat. SOME MORE STUFF IN MASTER SEX THAT YOU ALREADY KNEW ABOUT BECAUSE DATAMINES! kay. CAFE MIX STUFF! don't care. UNITE STUFF! pass. CATCH SHAYMIN IN BRILLIANT DIAMON SHINING PEARL! I already caught shaymin in Legends, I don't need another one from a game I stopped playing within a week of release. DAYBREAK! Okay actually looks pretty neat. Hope it makes catching some of those baby pokemon a little easier. HISUI ANIMATED SERIES! I do actually like the shorts they've been putting out, looking forward to seeing this. And who can forget Gen 9? Looks fairly open, I feel like even the towns and cities feel bigger because of such. ...the player characters... no. The starters? Cute grass kitty, fire crocodile thing that honestly looks like an apple, and a duck with a hat. Can't wait to see which one they ruin, which one looks cool, and while one will be furry bait! ...I wanted news about a possible PMD Explorers DX, so this direct was kind of a let down for me.
  16. ...well... it's not another 4* Blue unit, so... I guess that's something. Seliph is somewhat valued as being able to access two potent Prf refine weapons (regular Tyrfing's Miracle/AtkDefBond effect, Divine Tyrfing's Atk-Def boosts/Tome damage reduction/guaranteed follow-up attack) and being able to easily hit 5* +10 merge compared to his dad, plus having the HP to provide Sudden Panic/Infantry Pulse support without a need to actually invest directly into HP, so he would definitely appreciate the +2 all stat boost. While the art does look good, I will agree with Tybrosion in that it... is Resplendent Marth... they couldn't pick any other kingdoms for him to rep? I hear the dream fairies have yet to have any male reps...
  17. So... a Counter-Vantage superunit ala Brave Marth, whose additional damage comes from their Special triggers? I feel that kind of runs into the problem where Caeda does not have access to a special that adds on enough damage to make the effects potent enough to KO in one hit. She would need far higher Atk to bridge the gap between her offenses and the opponents defenses before she could reliably get specials to guarantee a kill, that or a Prf special that doesn't reach to add even 15 damage without being a major overkill trigger like Glimmer can. She has 62-65 Atk with only Wing-Lifted Spear equipped. Less important, but Special Spiral 1 is not what you mean. SS1 only triggers if the unit initiates combat, it's Special Spiral 2 that enables SS to trigger on both phases.
  18. As much as I have... opinions on Byleth, it remains true I don't have him, so I guess I'll be backing him. Sorry LegSigurd seekers, but I'm a collector before I am a competitive player.
  19. Wait what it is currently almost 3am what sleeping pills did intern-kun chug to make him wake up and remember to make this video public? Caeda herself... huh, it would take making her a Legendary Hero to finally give her a lance and ergo her original Wing Spear, wouldn't it... Wing-Lifted Spear coming with Atk+3, Canto 2, Armor/Cavalry effectiveness, Spectrum +5 Blow/Unity, and even buff stealing is all good for a weapon. Moonbow and Atk/Def Rein are not new. Distant Salv- wait what the fuck is this Distant Storm nonsense... I still think Distant/Close Force would have been better names that didn't place pointless naming differences on skills that didn't need them. Well anyway, instant upgrade for most units who run Distant Counter in the A slot. I'm sure at least a few of them can even mitigate the post-combat HP penalty... Faithful Loyalty grants Vantage against Armor/Cav units, neutralizes any follow-up negating effects the enemy has, and then grants Caeda a Vantage buff for 1 turn. Overall looks solid, and really at this point I think we desperately need to start adding some "remove all buffs from target and allies within 2 spaces" before the meta becomes stacking as many bonus effects on a single unit as possible... Caeda as a whole will be menacing to any Armor and Cavalry foes who dare try to target her. How much Atk she will have is currently not known, but I do wonder if she'll have enough total Atk to make the effective damage be worth a damn to the right Armored units, especially considering two of them have Svallin Shield built into their weapons... As for the other colors, Red looks a little bleh (one Mythic unit who we already know is a prime candidate for getting the remix treatment, one mythic who is literally free otherwise, and Malice... PASS), Blue has Caeda and some other grubs (nothing against LegFae or Nott, but I think Caeda would be the focus of Blue overall), green looks alright (Triandra and LegEdelgard are good, Astrid is alright if you want a support unit), and colorless could be better, but the units are all still good so nothing to complain about there (plus Ascended hero for anyone who has yet to get Ascended Laegjarn) Overall... dealing with Caeda probably won't be that annoying as long as I attack first, since unlike LegClaude she doesn't have a massive damage reduction effect (and a Vantage effect that relies on certain move types, which can easily be worked around), having her would be neat to utterly decimate all those annoying Saveball teams, and the rest of the banner is alright I guess.
  20. I don't think I've shown my Aether Raids teams in their most current forms yet... eh sure why not, I kinda wanna see what people have to say about them. Keep in mind that I do not enter Vault of Heaven and do not care, I just wanna play the game the way I want (and since I'm not even playing the game in these cases, I kinda just leave my Dark/Anima teams to do whatever with the best tools I have) Light Astra
  21. I feel like that itself is enough reason to put a merge on her. Hell she can hit 39-41 Spd with the right sacred seals, and 39-41 is pretty alright all things considered. Sure most speed-focused units are going to double her, but they were gonna double most units anyway, and she still prevents follow-ups on most units. Yeah it'll probably be best to wait and see for now...
  22. Looking for some Asc.Idunn input. ~My current Idunn is +Def -Spd. I have the ability to merge her to remove the flaw, understanding her spd is pretty good for a slow Save armor, but does her fodder seem good enough to forego the merge and save it for someone else? To be clear, this would only be for the future; my only currently planned Near Save unit is Santa Ephraim, but I would prefer sacking Dedue to him instead. ~What would be her best Ascended stat for general use? There's merit to pretty much all of her stats in most scenarios. To be clear because I know it will come up: I have no plans to change any of my existing AR teams. Asc.Idunn does not have a place on any of them as she is now.
  23. @Faellin You can always consider the original versions of Vyland and Basilio's weapons, the Deck Swabber and Huge Fan off Pirate Darros and Wedding Hinata. If you have no plans to merge either of them up, they will only cost 100 grails if not one of the free copies we could get from their original TTs. If you have a spare Summer Caspar lying around, Victorfish+ is able to steal any Def bonuses the enemy may have (adds the total Def bonus on foe to units Def, while inflicting penalty on foe's Def equal to their Def bonus), while having a similar effect to the Deck Swabber/Unbound Axe all as long as the enemies HP is over 75%. The bad part is that Victorfish adds +5 to your Def and inflicts -5 on the foe, rather than being an Atk/Def debuff on the enemy, meaning Mustafa's mixed bulk will suffer.
  24. Well primarily "I thought manga Kiran was a boy from that one comic where he literally ripped his robe thing from the chest and he had a MAN CHEST" and also the very distinct presence of boobs where there were none before, plus the thing Mercate said that you quoted, and also you said pretty much what was on my mind, and you know what while we're here is Kiran implied to comb "her" hair back while it's under the hood, but she didn't have a chance to and now it just covers the whole right eye? I feel like hair that is fresh from bed head should not be so convenient? Not saying this comic would have worked better if it were a different Kiran, I do not think any other Kiran would have garnered the same reaction, but I would like to ask for a follow-up where Kiran explains why "she" is suddenly so attractive.
  25. I feel like one of the "luck modifiers" for me when summoning off a New Heroes banner is first going through the story and Forging Bonds maps first and getting to know the heroes better before summoning them. I have every doubt that that makes a difference to be honest, but when I'm summoning +Def -Spd Ascended Idunn, who has a very good feel going on in her story, in the first session, I'll gladly keep doing it.
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