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Everything posted by Xenomata

  1. Man I don't even know who to vote for. Voting for anyone except the most popular characters feels like a lost cause (or memes, can't forget memes), and it's not even like I care about most of the popular characters in the first place. The only one I did care about was Marth, and he's currently one of the most powerful units in all of existence, so there goes that plan.
  2. I don't wanna try and think about every single refine, just the ones I'm interested in. If the others are great, then great! But that has yet to be seen, so... Myrrh's Spooky Breath: Make it dual-phase and give it a less strict trigger condition like regular Myrrh's weapon, and that already fixes a good majority of Spooky Myrrh's issues. I can't predict what other effects they would want to give Myrrh. Maybe they'll give her enemy follow-up denial since that's not an effect that can be granted by most Fighter skills. An Atk/Def boost seems very much on the table (or Atk/Def penalty for the enemy, whichever works best). Legendary Lucina's Thogn: Change from Melee targets to a Blow effect. If you really wanna continue crippling Melee enemies, give her a melee-only sweep effect. I wonder if they'd want to give her some sort of extra damage boost like what Swift Mulagir got? Draconic Rage will most likely drop the requirement of comparing nearby allies to nearby enemies and just make it a flat boost as long as someone is near the Corrins. If any other effects are added... nah, they wouldn't do that. Maybe update the Atk/Spd boost to a full Atk/Spd/Def/Res boost. As to what would benefit both Corrins, a spectrum boost is definitely on the table (perhaps with a Foes HP above 75% requirement) and maybe the disabling of enemy special acceleration and Guard effects? Adding on Dragon's Wrath would be an awesome addition. What would also really be nice would be if they also got NFU. I know one of the Corrins already has NFU by default, but it would still open up the B slot for even more skills.
  3. Hm... gotta be honest, I've never really been a fan of the design of the Gullinbursti, and even if the predictable happened I kinda hoped they would be dropped... lo and behold... Reginn's weapon automatically charges Seidhr Shell on turn 4. That might open up some unique double burst strats if taken good advantage of. Cross Spur Atk is interesting... or at least would be more interesting if such an effect wasn't already on a number of units already. Certainly would be good to stack it on them though, Duo Peony would be granting Atk +11 with it. Oh hi Disarm Trap, been a while. Hm... gotta be honest, Fafnir doesn't look... interesting isn't the right word, he certainly looks strong. But... there's not really anything here thats not already been done with other units. I suppose the fact that all those effects are on a unit with Canto 2 through Turn 4 is nifty, but... hm... Also dangit, all I want is Rouse Spd/Res 4 for Laevatein. Is that so much to ask for? Lyre is the demote as predicted. Weapon looks neat... I'd say Kaze has the better version of the weapon with Flashing Blade 4 built into it (slightly more Atk/Spd and Slaying effect), but I'm sure Lyre will be running marathons around Kaze with her base stats alone. Otherwise there's not a lot interesting here. I guess Atk/Spd Catch 3 is neat to have for inheriting Atk/Spd Catch 4 and one other full passive line, but that novelty is niche if it isn't the demote skill. (Ugh my New Year Fjorm looks worse and worse with every new Green Bow flier...) ASPush4 conflicts with Sun-Twin Wing, but otherwise solid kit with a solid and mean weapon. Duo effect is even meaner though. God, imagine that triggering on all 7 ally units in a Rival Domains battle... Another unit first being introduced as a Tempest Trial reward...? ...I mean they're all strong units, but it's not like I'm particularly interested in any of them.
  4. Yes Flora will still have her default weapon and skills learned when she is obtained as a Forma unit, but unless you've already got a full set of ideal passives/assist/special skills on her I wouldn't worry too hard about her weapon. She'll much prefer the debuff to enemy Atk/Res more anyway. If you wanted to get a dragon-effective weapon, I would get Splashy Bucket over Maiougi/slasher, because the disabling of adaptive damage is overall much more useful than Hardy Bearing, which very few dragons would be able to take advantage of skills like Desperation or Vantage anyway. Courtly Mask is actually a very good alternative to consider. The pseudo Guard Bearing effect can lower a lot of incoming damage. I don't personally consider the loss in power worth it to consider Kitty Paddle. Though it may theoretically make Flora a great counter to incoming mages, her performance against all other units will falter without any other effects to lean on (and just overall worse damage) Personally I do not think Close Counter and Near Save work together that well. What can make a Near Save or Far Save unit threatening is the sheer amount of stats they get when being attacked at the intended range, and some of that comes from their A passive (Close or Distant Counter 4, Stance 3 skills, Bond and Unity skills, among others). So to answer the question, I would prefer Far Save on Flora plus an accompanying A passive, Mirror Stance 3 being a good pick.
  5. ...so... Lyre is probably gonna be the demote unit, based solely on that fact.
  6. I'm not too convinced that the right is Fafnir, since I think his hair is just a tad different, but they also have been making at least one Heroes OC be in the new year banners, so that probably is just a different artists take on Fafnir's hair. No comment on the left. Clearly a Laguz, but I don't know enough about Laguz characters to make any guesses. Only other comment to make: is probably-Fafnir holding a rose? Is he being a romantic?
  7. It's Christmas, I have Feh Pass thanks to Nowi and Ishtar, and... eh I really only needed the two reasons, may as well take advantage of the Feh-Pass-Sparking while I can. In doing so, I also got... Gatekeeper. Neat, still waiting on a solid defensive asset, but in any other scenario +Atk -Spd would not be bad. Yuri. Pretty much just C Duel Infantry fodder. Seiros. Hm... 3 copies of her manual and I still don't know what to do with this skill... 4* Special Takumi. So... not a bad haul, and I still got LegF!Byleth. The best part is that I didn't have to summon more than 40 times to completely exhaust my pity rate. Always sucks when I still have a relatively notable pity rate and I still have to summon using orbs...
  8. And thus was she the 100th 5* unit to gain her 10th merge... Presenting the newly garbed Thunder Goddess, Ishtar. That is 100 units that I have summoned directly for, summoned completely on accident, built up from their 4* and Grail origins, or summoned thanks to becoming 4* Special Summons later on, all at least 11 times, though some units certainly have been summoned more than that (...I still have Leanne manuals...) ...hm... that's a lot of 5* +10 units, and yet for some reason I feel immature wanting to celebrate that number...
  9. Yes... YES!!! The PERFECT PLACE to show the might of Wolf Berg! I may have forgotten about the fact that Walhart and Nina both have Solo skills, so their stats were not quite as high as they could have been, but they both operated beautifully. Wolf Berg is seriously good. Atk/Def -7 is a pretty big debuff for how simple it is to inflict, and that enabled so many kills. Byleth wasn't even able to do as much damage as I thought she would have otherwise. Walhart is back in the game! Nina is a Ninja Yumi user, and that worked beautifully with the Wolf Berg debuff. I had a feeling Alfonse would be needed for this one, even if just to absorb blows rather than get kills. Fortunately it was relatively easy to minimize the number of melee enemies once the battle entered the upper right corner. LegAzura is and will always be a powerful dancer.
  10. With her Professorial Guide to change her method of attack with every blow, and the Goddess Bearer skill to bless her in several deadly ways, Female Byleth has arrived and is ready for battle! Maps (with Reinforcement spawns): Units (Abyssal stats)
  11. I'm sorry what? The solution to a problem I observe is not to shove everyone out of the way to do it instead. I have a life. I don't dedicate my entirety of it to this one gacha game, or at least not enough to be the announcer for new stuff happening (unless it's been a day and nobody has mentioned it yet, or weapon refinery updates). Hell I was out Christmas shopping when the trailer dropped, I'm not going to stop everything in a random Bath & Body Works so I can make a new forum thread. And no, I'm not neutral. But I also know when my opinion isn't wanted. Pretty much never, let's face facts. I don't even know why I bother anymore. If you want to bring this discussion to PMs then fine, but I'm not going to apologize for not being private about calling it out. A public discussion forum is still public, with people who all have different ways of reacting to the same news. I'm not saying you can't share your opinion, I'm saying you need to be mindful of how you present your opinion in regards to the topic. Because otherwise you are coloring their reactions and opinions with your own before they even have a chance to know what the topic is. The first post can have all the related info in it, THEN you can make a whole new post about how IntSys can suck on pennies or whatever. And it was NOT done out of malice of any kind. Maybe I chose bad words, but I don't have any reason to think "THIS PERSON should not be making new hero threads," hell I don't even remember if we have ever talked outside of this one instance. (feels hard to be petty or host a personal attack toward someone who I barely know) I would have these same issues if it were a highly active and wise person or a mod saying the exact things you said. I will apologize for any hurt caused, because that was not what I was trying to do. Again, if you want to talk about this in PMs then fine I'll keep talking about it in PMs, I won't bring it up publicly again. I'll take a strike or warning or whatever as well, if so necessitated. ...and no I'm not happy. I'm not out to suppress opinion, and that's exactly how you reacted.
  12. ...EST? Aw damnit all to hell, I shoulda subbed when Ryoma was available... I don't use Est. Never have, barely even look at her Spring alt anymore. The Triangle Attack effect isn't something I try to activate either. She may as well be dead weight to me these days... ugh, guess that's another Resplendent I didn't want added to the pile...
  13. Wait... the writer is in Foldan though... Guess we gotta summon Author of Legends of Chivalry: [insert name here]!
  14. I don't say it's a perfect feature. I only barely understand why Legend/Mythic banners would only be sparkable to subscribers, and frankly that reason is flimsy as hell. But I'm not dismissing problems with the feature: I'm "dismissing" people who want to scream about what a scam it is without giving a coherent reason why. What separates them from people like you or @Ice Dragon is that you are able to show you understand the problems at hand. They, the people I'm "dismissing" at least, show knowledge equal to internet trolls.
  15. ...I'm sorry, but the entirely wrong person made this thread. I do not feel like you should let personal feelings be the first thing others see when opening a thread like this, especially blatantly negative ones. Leave them out, or at the very least put them BELOW the video. Anyway, what am I looking at... Professorial Guide is an alternate version of LegM!Byleth's Professorial Text that disables Special Acceleration and Guard effects being utilized by the foe (minus any stat checks) for herself and nearby allies. Goddess Bearer granting all those effects is great for an offensive unit, can make for some annoying strategies involving that Guidance effect. Windsweep/Watersweep can very easily be slotted in and run just as well. Missing Sublime Heaven is a little lame, but not that big a deal. Overall LegF!Byleth is looking to be a supercharged Ishtar... which kinda makes her upcoming Resplendent form a little awkward. Unfortunately, points must be taken off Professorial Guide for only PROJECTING a Gambit instead of actually BEING a Gambit. The other colors... Red is solid (LegLillina is great, Brave Marth is honestly broken if done right, Lif is... there), Blue is the focus color and has good other units, Greens units are all solid, and Colorless is all solid as well. A solid banner overall. Now, as for the Feh Pass-only sparking... I don't know what the big deal is for you people. It's by no means required of you to subscribe to Feh Pass and then buy 160 orbs just to spark for a unit on the banner. If you already spend money on the game, chances are you were gonna inevitably get the focus unit anyway. If you don't spend money on the game, then it's not like the banner is overall worse for you to summon on; you can still randomly summon any of the units on the banner. Does it kinda suck that it's only for subscribers, yes, and I speak as someone who only subs because of Resplendent Heroes. But does it ruin the game... however you say it ruins the game? No, you're just being crazy.
  16. That... is actually a fair point, literally the EASIEST Duo heroes to do, there's at least one Cain/Abel archtype per game, and yet nothing...
  17. It's not the slow enemies I'm concerned about though, it's the fast ones who would prevent her from getting any kind of follow-up attack by virtue of being as fast as her, if not faster. Two hits of Desperation and two hits of Brave are indeed not at all different, I never held that in dispute (could have worded my argument better on reflection though) As the original point was though, her default A/R Far Trace doesn't help her outspeed the enemy at all. If she wants to 2-hit the enemy before they can hit once (which at +10+5 with just her base kit minus C Feud and with ASsolo SS she has 82 Atk, two hits of that plus a special trigger it seems likely she can get the kill), then the Atk debuff does nothing. Even overspeeding the enemy would be better than an Atk debuff that didn't do anything outside of Heavy Blade builds. Fair.
  18. My main concern there is that even at +10+5 and with her entire base kit triggered, she hits 58 Spd on colored foes and 62 Spd on Colorless foes. Throw in A/S Solo SS and it goes up to 64/68, but even still I don't know if that would be enough for the Desperation effect to remain effective compared to the Brave effect when going against fast foes. Ishtar for instance, who will soon be a relevant example at +10+20 and post Resplendent boost, will have 60 Spd with just her base stats and refined Mjolnir triggered on EP (assuming she is alone), and she still has her A/B/SS slots to boost her Spd further. Most melee units with Spd-based EP sets will also be very likely to outspeed Lysithea completely. I dunno, maybe I'm missing something, but if the goal for her is to 2 hit her enemies, then I would much rather build her Spd up to get the Brave effect instead of the Desperation effect. Something like... Festive Yule Log (+6 Spd) Ruptured Sky Atk/Spd Catch 4 (+9 with both effects triggered) Lull Spd/Res (effective +3 Spd and disables enemy Spd buffs) C Feud (+4 Spd on colorless foes) Phantom Spd SS (+10 effective Spd when performing Spd checks) And assuming she has a superasset in Spd (which seems likely if they are building her up to be a Spd-checking nuke), at +10+5 she will have 77 effective Spd against colored enemies and 81 on colorless enemies, and the foe will lose their Spd buffs in the process. The only wrench in the above build would be that Phantom Spd does not work with Festive Yule Log.
  19. I wonder if we'll get an Ice and Flame movie to go along with the end of this series of Tempest Trials? It is technically a major story arc, even if it was delegated to Tempest Trials, that brought back and introduced characters who may have an impact on later stories. ...I also wonder if anyone will remember that oh right, the Tempest exists. Where's Marth when you need her...? As to the Sacred Seals, Spur is eh, Darting Breath is great. If you wanted to run a Spd based tank like Nowi: Eternal Youth but was iffy on giving up the A slot that could run a skill like Kestrel Stance 3, now that isn't such a worry anymore. Personally would have preferred Warding Breath for my LegTiki (to give her special acceleration and Res at the same time), but no harm done
  20. I'll be honest, when I saw the video thumbnail I thought Lute was Bernadetta and was about to be pretty mad. Wasn't looking hard enough... Mirabilis is... not a unit I would look forward to summoning. Being herself but free to take whatever blessing she wants (and also has a slightly less strict trigger area) and minus the Def/Res debuff just isn't interesting to me. It's also kinda disappointing that this is the path they chose for all the dream fairies: basically the same unit but only buffing/debuffing Atk. Artur exists. So does Manuela. ...what? I'm not particularly attached to either of them. Manuela is sexy I guess? Big woop, half the female cast of this game falls under that category. Lysithea and Lute are interesting. If the difference in Spd between her and the enemy is less than 9 she gets Desperation, but if it is 10 or more then it becomes a Brave effect... which kinda begs to question why they gave her A/R Far Trace and not S/R Far Trace, hell A/S Far Trace would have been fine too, but whatever. She seems like she will have the Brave effect triggered a lot more often than the Desperation effect. Her duo effect is also neat. It could be paired with the new Rouse Atk/Spd 4 and give Lysithea an easy +12 Atk/Spd that is also immune to being Panicked, if C Feud wasn't considered important to a player. Ignatz exists. So that's 3 units I have no opinions on, 1 unit I'm not interested in at all, and the duo unit. Hm... not exactly a great Christmas for me this year... Maybe I'll just do a single spark, get Lysithea, and call it a day...
  21. Figured we should take discussion of the Christmas banner to a more public thread now that it is officially revealed. This month's Tempest Trials unit is Ignatz: Snowscape Artist.
  22. Ah shit, and she comes after Nowi, who I was gonna resub for anyway. If Nowi didn't do it for me, that Ishtar certainly does (plus if I happen to not get any merges on my +9 merge units before her release, Ishtar will by default be my 100th 5* +10 unit...!) Still don't know what the deal is with those bigass shoulder pads...
  23. Oof... that'd certainly be incentive for someone heavily invested in FEH to upgrade their phone. 1. Because I like Fire Emblem, yet I don't want to boot up an entire FE game if I want to play Fire Emblem, especially since all past FE games are pretty much done and will never be updated again. 2. I'm a collector, so obviously I want to have as many units as possible. More importantly to me though, I want to 5* +10 merge all the characters that I like enough to give that treatment (or happen to be given 11 copies of), and to that extent I've been fairly successful (as of writing my total number of 5* +10 units is 99) 3. Yes, the game is a chore. Yes it is a bother to have to do so many freaking things every single week just to maintain resources and orbs. And yes I have easily spent thousands on this game (in USD). And yes I will keep playing. But... 4. I am not bothered by the prospect of not being able to play anymore when the inevitable server shutdown happens. To be totally honest, I'm not a person who cares about how much I spend on a game. Might not be a good thing to admit, but if I'm having fun with my money spent, great. But when the game servers are shut down, I'm probably not going to think too much about it. Good times were had, but now it's over and all I'll have to remember them by were old pngs of my units (which to be honest I'll probably make some sort of photo album of my units when the servers finally do shut down, just so I remember what I was able to build) I've quit for like a month before, back when Brave Ike got his refine and totally broke the game for me as a result. I did eventually come back, with the idea of not using Bike more than necessary, and now he's not even the most strongest tank in the game anymore. And I've spent money on games before only to get bored and uninstall. FEH at least has the difference of being something I'm invested in, but I won't miss it when it does die off.
  24. Okay so while the mode is alright, I'm kind of the opinion that FE really just doesn't work in a direct PvP setting especially in a mode where almost every team I've battled so far runs either Brave Eirika, Yuri, or both, but not my point. My one major complaint... this mode takes too freaking long. One needs to win 50 battles to accumulate enough Favor points for every single reward, and that's assuming you win. 30 seconds across 10 separate moves at maximum per turn, assuming overtime isn't taken, and then all the little animations that play means the first round alone can take 3 minutes at minimum. Sure things go faster as time goes on, but not by a whole lot. About 10 minutes per match I've clocked so far... I guess the rewards are good yes, all it took was one PvE wins to get 400 Divine Dews, but... that just feels too long for a battle to take, especially when Abyssal Hero Battles can take 5 to 6 if you leave battle animations on. And this is probably something I'll just have to live with, because this isn't a design flaw with the mode or a meta filled with broken units... it's just a mode that feels like it takes too long in a phoneapp gacha game.
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